Season Four: French Kissing, Book 4

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Season Four: French Kissing, Book 4 Page 24

by Harper Bliss

  “What are you most worried about?” Aurore had used this very question to snap Solange out of the thoughts that spun in her head a few times since they’d started sleeping together.

  Every time, it made Solange wonder. What was she worried about, anyway? Steph’s scorn? Dominique’s flabbergasted face? She barely knew anyone else at this wedding. When she had agreed to come as Aurore’s plus one, she had easily been able to ignore these thoughts, because it was Aurore who had asked her, and how could she say no to Aurore? How could she not want to go anywhere with her now that she had shown Solange what she’d been missing in her life all this time? Solange would follow Aurore to the ends of the earth. She had said so, in those very words, when Aurore had brought it up.

  “Why don’t you come with me to Claire and Margot’s wedding?” Aurore had been lying naked in bed with her.

  “Because it will be crawling with socialists,” was Solange’s instinctive reply.

  “The president will be there.” Aurore had dragged that delightful finger of hers over the sensitive skin of Solange’s belly. Never before had Solange been more surprised by the power of one single fingertip.

  “I’ll go with you wherever you want me to.” Solange’s voice had just taken over, without checking in with her brain. “I’ll follow you to the ends of the earth.”

  But now here she sat, a bunch of nerves barrelling through her. It had been so easy to agree, just like it had become so easy to fall into bed with Aurore—it hadn’t taken much after that first time. Actually, since that time Solange had been unable to control herself and had kissed Aurore on the lips so unstoppably. That was when she had sealed her fate. Now she couldn’t get enough of her. She could have used the excuse of work, but by god, she just wanted to be near Aurore. Feel that frisson of excitement in the air that was always there when they were together. Let it build and build. And only then give in.

  The fact that she would have to come out to the likes of Stéphanie had occurred to her, but had been so easily brushed off, because why would Solange feel any trepidation at all about how good, how utterly exquisite really, she had been feeling? She’d have to face Steph’s scorn at some point. She might as well get it over with.

  “Let’s just go,” Solange said.

  Aurore nodded, got out of the car first, then offered Solange her hand. Solange eagerly grabbed hold of it, not intending to let go anytime soon.

  Nerves coiled into a tight ball in her stomach as they walked into the sunlit garden of the chateau where the ceremony would take place. Solange kept her eyes peeled for Dominique, but chances were she would arrive just in the nick of time, what with having to deal with a security detail.

  “Zoya and Camille are over there,” Aurore said.

  Solange braced herself and let Aurore lead the way, pretty much the way she’d been doing since that first night they had slept together.

  She witnessed how Camille made eyes at Aurore. Zoya, on the other hand, greeted Solange with a hug so warm, it felt as though they’d been friends forever.

  “You remember Solange,” Aurore said.

  Camille glanced at their clasped hands. “How could I forget,” she said, and kissed Solange on the cheek. “I’m sorry, but, um, did I miss something?” she asked.

  “Clearly you did, darling.” Zoya threw an arm around her partner. “But isn’t it wonderful?”

  “Um, yes, of course,” Camille stammered. “I’m just a bit… shocked, I guess.”

  “I hear you got your work problem solved,” Solange said to Camille. “Good for you. Thank you for setting an example. It’s important.”

  Simple straightforwardness had been Solange’s ally in her professional life for such a long time. It was about time she started deploying it in her personal life as well. Because it didn’t matter what anyone—not even the president—thought about her being at this wedding with Aurore. All that mattered was how, in a few short weeks, Aurore had made her feel more like a woman than she had in decades, maybe ever. Besides, these were all progressive women. They were meant to be accepting of things like this. What had Aurore called it again? Sexual fluidity. They must be used to it. They had even welcomed Dominique into their circle. Solange was merely following in her footsteps.

  “It’s a relief,” Camille said. “That bastard will never work again.”

  “I knew it.” Solange instantly recognised Steph’s voice coming from behind her. She slapped Solange on the shoulders as though they were old pals. “Fancy seeing you here, Madam Chief of Staff.” She had a huge grin plastered across her face.

  To her surprise, Solange had no problem facing it. She just held on to Aurore’s hand a little tighter and straightened her spine. “It was an invitation I couldn’t refuse.”

  “You could have told me beforehand,” Dominique said.

  “As you well know, Madam President, I’m not in the habit of discussing my private life at work.”

  “I’ll be back,” Steph said. “I have not said the last word about this, but I have about a dozen people I have to say hello to.” She winked at Solange. “Good for you,” she added and disappeared into the thickening crowd.

  Dominique bumped her shoulder against Solange’s amicably. “Ignore everything Stéphanie says to try to get under your skin.” She trained her gaze on Solange. “I’m happy for you.”

  “I should probably have said something, but it’s all so new and… overwhelming.” Solange looked down at her feet.

  “It’s hardly a surprise, Solange,” Dominique said.

  “Madam President.” Aurore turned to them. “May I ask when you will return to my show? My ratings tripled that night. Speaking requests have doubled. For a member of the MLR, you have a very golden touch.”

  “Not nearly as golden as yours, I would say.” Dominique looked them both over.

  “I think it’s about to start,” Camille said.

  They walked to their seats and Solange exhaled because, in truth, the worst was over now. And she was attending her first same-sex wedding. Not the only first for her these days but, as she caressed the palm of Aurore’s hand, she knew she was ready for more.


  “Weddings get me every time.” Aurore blew her nose. “I don’t know why. No offence to the brides or anyone here who is married, but it’s just not an institution I believe in,” she whispered in Solange’s ear.

  “This is not the place to discuss the institution of marriage,” Solange whispered back. “Especially not with all that blubber on your face.”

  “You’re probably right, but, um, tell me, in your personal view, is marriage the cornerstone of our society?”

  “Shhh,” Solange replied.

  Aurore dabbed another tear from the corner of her eye, then looked at the brides again. They looked gorgeous. They were both dressed in cream-coloured suits and it was, no matter her stance on marriage, a delightful sight to behold. Two women in love like that, making this commitment.

  Aurore squeezed Solange’s knee. She was glad she hadn’t had to come on her own. Aurore was used to attending all manner of events alone, but weddings were always so awkward, because they seemed to be invented for the sole purpose of reminding her what she was missing. To remind her that, if she didn’t start falling for a more suitable type of woman soon, she would remain single for the rest of her days. Perhaps sexually satisfied and with plenty of loving friendships in her life, but alone nonetheless. She glanced at Solange from the corner of her eye. Somewhere along the way, Aurore had fallen for her. She thought she knew Solange felt the same way about her, but she also knew that many short-lived relationships started this way. A frenzy. A bunch of promises that couldn’t yet hold real value. Only time could tell whether this would work.

  She skated her hand upward a little on Solange’s leg, knowing full well it would tick her off. But just feeling the curve of Solange’s thigh against her palm was enough to make Aurore frisky these days—that was what falling in love did to your system.

redictably, Solange swatted her hand away. Then it was time to rise and applaud the happy couple.

  Solange held out her hand. “Give me a handkerchief, will you?”

  Aurore handed her one with a snigger. “I always knew even MLR hard-liners had a soft spot.” She kissed Solange on the cheek. “When the crowd disperses, follow me. I’ve been to this place before. I’d like to talk to you in private for a minute.”

  Solange nodded, then turned to answer a question Dominique had asked. Camille pulled Aurore aside.

  “Do you remember that conversation we had in the Bois de Boulogne a few weeks ago?” she asked.

  “As a matter of fact, I do.”

  “Are you sure this is a good idea?” Camille whispered, keeping an eye on Solange.

  “Is anyone ever sure of anything?” Aurore replied.

  “I just don’t want you to get hurt again, Aurore.”

  “Neither do I, but that doesn’t mean leaps of faith are no longer required.”

  “Come on, darling.” Zoya tugged at Camille’s hand. “I want to introduce you to a few of my brand new colleagues.”

  Aurore watched them head off, then looked at Solange, waiting to catch her glance and signal that it was time to follow her.

  Aurore might get hurt again, but hadn’t every time she had gotten hurt, been worth it a little bit in the end? At least for a little while? Maybe this was her life. Serial happiness. Or maybe it wasn’t. Aurore had no idea how to do things differently. She had fallen for this woman. What was she going to do? Ignore her feelings? That wasn’t even an option.

  Solange finally looked up from her conversation and their gazes met.

  Aurore nodded her head in the direction of the adjoining old stables building. She set off and didn’t look back until she reached the spot she had in mind. A few seconds later Solange arrived.

  “What did you want to talk to me about?” Solange asked.

  “It wasn’t so much a chat I had in mind.” She grinned.

  “You lured me here under false pretences.”

  “Like that time you asked me to come over to yours to go over my interview questions, you mean? Only to jump me a few minutes later?”

  “I didn’t jump you.” Solange kissed Aurore on the side of her neck.

  “How are you holding up?” Aurore asked while shivers of desire ran up her spine.

  “Better than that blubbering mess of a woman next to me.” Solange kissed her on the mouth and pressed Aurore with her back against the wall. “Let’s see what I can possibly do to make things better for this poor creature.”

  She kissed Aurore’s neck again, her hand already slipping between Aurore’s legs. Aurore glanced at her from between her lashes and, for a split second, wondered who this stranger was who had ended up in her bed and, only a few days ago, had been too insecure to touch Aurore like this. It was as though a transformation had taken place in front of her very eyes. Solange had grabbed the opportunity that Aurore had given her to take things slowly with both hands, but she had progressed gradually nonetheless. Pushing Aurore against this wall right now was definitely the pinnacle of her progression so far.

  “Let me help you with your nervous energy as well,” Aurore whispered, and wriggled her hand between their bodies to unbutton Solange’s trousers.

  Solange grinned at her and slipped her hand under the waistband of Aurore’s trousers in response.

  “This is no way to behave at someone’s wedding,” she said.

  “Why not?” Aurore leaned forward and kissed her lips. “Why should the brides have all the fun?” She manoeuvred a finger inside Solange’s panties and circled it around her clit.

  Solange bit her bottom lip, looked Aurore in the eye, and gave back what she was getting.

  Aurore closed her eyes and relished the touch of Solange’s finger. Maybe this woman would make all the difference in the outcome of their affair. A quickie behind a stable wall at a wedding might not mean much in the grand scheme of things but, for Aurore in that moment, it revealed a glimpse of what the future might bring.


  Since becoming president, Dominique was no longer able to let her hair down at an event like this. Claire might be one of Steph’s best friends, but Dominique would not be staying at her wedding party until the small hours of the morning. She gave herself one more hour of polite nods and, if she was unlucky, at least one more incoherent conversation with Claire’s inebriated uncle Raymond.

  “Isn’t it a beautiful thing?” Nadia had sidled up to her. She nodded at Solange and Aurore slow dancing on the dancefloor.

  “It’s beautiful, I agree, but also slightly bewildering,” Dominique said.

  Nadia cleared her throat. “I hear congratulations are in order for you and Steph as well.” Nadia gave her a warm smile. “Steph told me. I’m so happy for you.”

  “Thank you.” Dominique smiled back.

  “I honestly never thought I’d see the day that Stéphanie Mathis would tie the knot,” Nadia said. “Only someone like you could have made her change her mind about so many things.”

  “We’re not married yet,” Dominique joked.

  “Have you set a date?” Nadia asked.

  Dominique shook her head. “I haven’t even told my father yet. He’s still digesting that radio interview I did with Aurore.”

  From the corner of her eye, Dominique saw Steph approach. She sported an exaggeratedly apologetic smile.

  “I had to tell Nadia,” she said. “What with her powers of deduction, she probably read it off my face.”

  “I don’t mind that you told Nadia.” Dominique grabbed Steph’s hand.

  “I was just saying that only a woman like Dominique could ever sway you into becoming the marrying kind,” Nadia said.

  “You started the trend. None of us were married before Juliette asked you. Now it seems to be contagious. Who will be next? Solange and Aurore?” Steph said.

  “If you’d said that yesterday, I would have had a good chuckle,” Dominique said. “But after what I’ve seen today, it might very well happen.”

  “And maybe I’ll be Solange’s bridesmaid,” Steph said with a giggle.

  “Now you’re pushing it again.” Dominique drew Steph close to her. “I will be Solange’s one and only bridesmaid, of course.”

  “I wonder who Steph’s will be.” Nadia made eyes at Steph. “Surely it can’t be one of your bosses. Besides, they’ve been each others’ bridesmaids already.”

  “What do you say, babe?” Steph put her head on Dominique’s shoulder. “Do you approve of Nadia as my bridesmaid?”

  “Wholeheartedly.” Dominique smiled at Nadia. She knew how much she meant to Steph. She glanced at Solange on the dance floor again. “Do you know what I would do next if I weren’t president?”

  “Kick off your shoes and burst into an outrageous boogie,” Steph said.

  “Not far off, actually.” She glanced at Steph. “I would ask Solange if she would dance to the next song with me.”

  Steph straightened her spine. “You should definitely do that, regardless of being president.”

  “It would give people like you too much glee,” Dominique replied.

  “Claire runs a PR agency and is an incorrigible control freak,” Nadia said. “You can trust her when she says no pictures of this wedding will be posted on Instagram.”

  “You can never be sure of these things.” Dominique had learned that particular lesson the hard way a few times already.

  “You’re at a wedding,” Steph said and held up the hand that held her engagement ring. “We are engaged. Do something out of the ordinary to celebrate. Dance with your chief of staff.”

  “Only if you promise not to take any pictures of it.”

  “I won’t have time for that.” Steph offered her hand to Nadia. “Nadz, my future bridesmaid, will you dance with me?”

  Dominique shook her head, then followed them onto the dance floor.

  She tapped Aurore on the shoulder. “Do
you mind if I steal Solange for a minute?”

  “I wouldn’t dream of minding, Madam President.” Aurore winked at her, then kissed Solange on the cheek and let go of her.

  “This is a bit strange,” Solange said when Dominique put a hand on her shoulder.

  “We’re colleagues and, I’d like to think, also friends, Solange. Why not dance together at a wedding?” Dominique tried to get them to move in a steady rhythm, but Solange’s limbs appeared to have gone all wooden.

  “Because people will talk. They always do,” Solange said.

  “Well, they can talk all they want.” She paused. “Stéphanie and I are getting married. That should drown out any rumours about my chief of staff.”

  Solange’s eyes grew wide. “You’re—what?”

  “She asked me to marry her. I said yes.” Saying the words out loud—for the first time—filled Dominique with a warm glow. Telling Solange first automatically made her a friend, Dominique concluded.

  “Mon dieu.” Solange held on a little tighter.

  “People usually offer congratulations,” Dominique joked.

  “Yes, of course, congratulations,” Solange stammered.

  “Thank you.” She leaned back to get a good look at Solange’s face. “Are you that surprised?”

  For the first time since they had started dancing together, Solange smiled. “No, of course not. Steph is good for you. Even I can see that.”

  “Knowing her, she’ll probably try to get the next dance with you. Feel free to ignore her request.”

  Solange chuckled. “You know what? I’ll happily dance with your fiancée. I might even ask her myself.”

  “That’s the spirit.” Dominique leaned forward again. “I’m very happy for you too, by the way,” she said. “Aurore is a wonderful woman.”

  “Thank you. I had some trouble seeing it at first, but she’s nothing short of spectacular.” A satisfied grin appeared on her lips.

  Steph and Nadia passed by them on the dance floor.

  “Steph,” Solange said. “Save the next dance for me.”


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