Hard Rider (A Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Romance)

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Hard Rider (A Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Romance) Page 34

by Wild, Nikki

After her conversation with Jesse, Maddy had drifted off to sleep… But I wasn’t going to find rest quite as easily. I spent the entire night talking with Jesse, discussing the past, and figuring out what all of this meant for our future.

  “Maisey, I get it,” he’d said, his voice a low whisper as we sat by the window in Maddy’s hospital room. “I don’t hold it against you. We’ve all made choices we regretted later.”

  “Did you?” I asked. “What do you regret?”

  “Me? Well, for starters, I regret not coming after you on prom night. I saw your note to your dad. I knew where you went. I could have driven down to the bus station and found you… But I didn’t. I let myself get angry. I let you go, and I’ve regretted it ever since. Now I know why.”

  “I should have told you the truth,” I said. “I was scared, so I ran.”

  “I guess all three of us are good at running,” he winked.

  “I can’t believe you’re joking about all of this,” I said. He reached over and grabbed my hand, his warmth comforting me like a blanket.

  “What else can I do? All we’ve got is now, Maisey. We can’t change the past, so why spend time being angry about it? And, I don’t know if you noticed, but it needs to be said - you’ve given me the greatest gift of my life, the most important gift I could ever receive. I’m proud to be Maddy’s father, she’s a wonderful kid. You’ve done a great job of raising her, Maisey,” he said, my heart melting in my chest at his words. “You should be proud of that. And you did it all alone, Maise. That’s amazing.”

  “You’re amazing,” I said, smiling up at him. “I’m so lucky to have you in our lives, Jesse.”

  “I’m the lucky one,” he said, leaning over to kiss me. His lips were so gentle, so warm, so loving, so fucking perfect that tears began streaming down my face.

  “Why are you crying? You aren’t going to run away again, are you?”

  Laughter bubbled up from under my tears, and I shook my head.

  “No, Jesse, never again.”

  “Good. Cause if you try it again, I’m gonna have to tackle you.”


  7 months later

  “Oh, my God, I’m so excited, I’m gonna piss my pants!” Eddie cried, throwing his scarf over his shoulders.

  “Eddie!” I tried to scold him, but I couldn’t stop laughing. Maddy jumped up and down at my side, and the three of us stood huddled on the sidelines in what was easily the most exciting moment of all of our lives.

  Jesse had made it to the Superbowl and for the last several hours we’d been cheering them on as they played against Arizona in the Superdome in New Orleans. Jesse chartered a jet for the three of us and we’d been living it up in the Big Easy all weekend. The only sad part is that I didn’t get to spend much time with him over the last few days. He had to travel with the team and they were practicing and training every minute leading up to the game!

  We’d all spent the last two weeks counting the days till we stepped on that plane, and we’d had the time of our lives. I couldn’t remember ever being this happy, and it amazed me that my crazy life could lead to this even crazier moment.

  Jesse had been right about Maddy’s illness. The doctors had performed a bonafide miracle. Once she was properly diagnosed, they were able to schedule a surgery almost immediately. A month in the hospital and one little pill to take every day and her symptoms had disappeared completely. As she recovered, Maddy spent more and more time walking the hospital floors and getting to know the other girls who had come here for treatment under Jesse’s charitable program. She had a gentle grace about her, and it wasn’t long before she was friends with every patient and nurse in the building.

  Maybe she would go into medicine someday… Just like me… The world was her oyster and it was all thanks to Jesse.

  I’d spent years imagining what would happen if the truth came out, and I’d never imagined it turning out this wonderful. I counted my blessings every day of my life, and I did everything I could to make it up to both of them. Maddy had finally come around after a week or so, and once she realized that Jesse was here to stay, she saw it for the blessing that it was. We’d finally bonded together like a real family.

  And here we were as if we’d always been like this.

  I held my breath as the last play of the game unfolded before our eyes.

  We were down by three points but well out of field goal range, and there were just seconds left in the game. Jesse had just called their last time out with time for one final play.

  As Jesse ran over and conferred with the coach, Maddy reached up and squeezed my hand.

  “Make a wish, baby,” I whispered in her ear.

  “I already did!” she said. I laughed and pulled her and Eddie close as we all held hands and watched Jesse run back to the huddle for a few seconds before the teams went into formation.

  Jesse took the ball from the center and rolled out right. I could feel the energy coming off his body. I knew his arm would find its target, that was where his true talent lay. He found his wide receiver and the pass was the most perfect spiral I’d ever seen. The crowd fell silent as the ball danced through the air, pirouetting gracefully until it landed square in the wide receiver’s chest. He secured it with his huge hands and turned and ran for the end zone.

  The defenders launched their bodies at him in complete desperation, but he eluded their attempts like a skilled escape artist. He slid through the human barricades like a snake, sidestepping and dancing around them, leaving them fumbling through the air in his wake.

  “Oh lord! Oh lord! Oh oh oh!” Eddie cried, jumping up and down beside me.

  “Go go go!” Maddy yelled. My eyes traveled over to Jesse and my heart swelled when I saw the complete joy on his face as he watched the wide receiver travel safely into the end zone, throwing the ball down as the crowd erupted in joy and confetti and balloons began raining down around us. Jesse pumped his arms in the air in victory and tears sprang to my eyes. I reached down and pulled Maddy up into my arms, spinning her around as we laughed together.

  “Let’s go!” I said, setting her on her feet and running onto the field. Eddie followed us and we pushed our way through the ecstatic crowd and colorful streamers. Hundreds of people surrounded the raised platform that Jesse and his teammates now stood on. We ran up on it and he threw his arms around us, kissing me hard on the lips and then turned to Maddy, picking her up and spinning her in the air. Laughter peeled from them as they beamed at each other.

  “Look at that trophy!” Maddy said. He handed it to her and she held it up with both hands.

  A reporter stepped forward and put a microphone in his face.

  “Congratulations on your win! What are you going to do now, Colorado?” the reporter asked.

  “I’m going to marry the woman of my dreams,” he said, catching my eye and winking. I gasped as he pulled me close and grabbed my hand. I heard Eddie squeal beside me as he pulled a small black box from his pants and handed it to Jesse.

  My eyes widened as I watched Jesse kneel on one knee in front of me.

  He opened the box and my mouth dropped open when I saw the sparkling ring that lay inside. The diamond was the size of a small mountain.

  “Maisey, will you make me the happiest man in the world? Will you please marry me?” Jesse asked, his voice booming through the loud speakers, echoing through the arena, love beaming from his eyes. Love for me.

  “Oh my God,” I said, the forty thousand people in the arena with us disappearing, the roar of the crowd turning to a whisper as I looked into the eyes of the love of my life. My heart swelled in my chest as my body began buzzing from the sweetest joy I’d ever known.

  I’d spent my whole life running from him. Running from the fear of the unknown.

  And all along, I’d been running the entirely wrong direction.

  It was time I changed course.

  “Yes,” I cried, “yes!”

  He slid the ring on my finger and swept me off my feet, kissing m
e with breathless passion. Slowly, the reality that we were being watched by thousands of adoring, cheering fans dawned on us and he set me down.

  “What are you going to do after you get married?” another reporter asked.

  “Maddy?” he said, pulling her up into his arms. “What are we going to do, babe?”

  They smiled at each other and yelled into the microphone together.

  “We’re going to Disneyland!”

  You’ve ALMOST made it! There are more surprises in store for you. Are you ready to find out what sexy bestselling stories I’ve included in this ebook? TURN THE PAGE!

  -Nikki xoxoxo

  Surprise 2? THE FLAME by Nikki Wild and Evelyn Graves


  I was wreathed in shadows and searching for my sunflower. The one woman in all the world who shared my soul—who was destined to be mine.

  Where she’d planted herself was not any kind of place for a flower of her beauty. This was toxic soil. If she put down roots here, it would taint her all the way through.^pI couldn’t let her stay. Whether she liked it or not, I was here to rescue her. To save her from this hell. These poisonous shadows.

  I liked seeing her again. It had been so long. Though I didn’t like seeing her this way. Yes, she looked at home in the spotlight. But it was all a performance. An act. Deep down, I knew who she really was.

  The painfully shy girl who used to steal her mom’s bridal magazines and hide them under her pillows like she was making a wish… As if the Tooth Fairy would be replaced by the Husband Fairy, coming in the night bearing diamonds and a white dress.

  I’d thought that was simple. Cute. Where was that girl now? Surely, not up there on that stage wearing next to nothing, pulsing in time to the lights and sounds.

  God. She was worth writing a poem over. I had a little notebook in my coat pocket, once I carried with me everywhere. It helped organize my thoughts, filter out the voices. Mother’s voice. And Father’s.

  Fire fixes everything, I’d hear him say. And then my fingers would be burning, itching, yearning to strike a match and let it drop. Let those flames do what they did best. Let them consume.

  That’s the way these men were looking at her now. Like they wanted to consume her. Devour her whole.

  I thought of a verse. An incomparable verse, and not my own.

  Like a fiend in a cloud

  With howling woe,

  After night I do croud,

  And with night will go...

  Blake—William—he was perfection. The ultimate idol, truly worthy of worship. A better god than the one my mother had believed in had ever turned out to be. But the honeyed glow of his words darkened when I realized I was getting hard. Again.

  That was bad of me. Unclean. I hammered it down with my fist when no one was looking and tore my eyes away from the goddess I adored. From that bastion of purity trapped in Sodom’s embrace...

  Where my gaze fell next brought me pause. Then calamity. Then pure, blind rage. Anger so thick it might as well have been smoke choking the life out of me, burning my lungs.

  What the fuck is she doing here?

  I watched her from the darkness. Saw her move. Saw her gyrate. She called herself a “dancer,” as all these lost women did, but I knew what she was. She was basking in the hellfire glow of her sin. And I’d seen her before, though it took me a moment to realize where.

  And then my stomach turned. I didn’t understand. How could she be here, with that siren’s call of her hips? How could she be standing in front of me, looking straight at me, and have no idea who I was?

  I shook with fear and rage. How could she be alive, when not so very long ago, I’d killed her?

  Chapter 1


  “Keep it down!” I hissed, balls-deep in the most succulent cunt I’d had in weeks. I’d always loved fucking screamers, but having this chick—Brandy, I think her name was—waking up the entire firehouse would have killed my boner like nothing else.

  Let’s be honest—it wasn’t the idea of my fellow firefighters knowing I was plowing some gorgeous chick on the break room table that bothered me so much. I’d end up bragging about it in a few hours over breakfast to a score of whoops and “atta-boys” from my firehouse brothers. Waking up the fire chief was a whole other matter. It would have done no favors for my continued employment.

  “Fuck!” she moaned “Gunner, it feels so good!” She squirmed her hips as I teased at her clit with my thumb, the rest of my hand resting on her pubic mound to keep her somewhat in one place.

  “Quiet!” I said, glancing toward the door that led out into the hallway, dreading that a silhouette might just cross by while this loudmouth was screaming about how thick my cock was.

  And if it wasn’t her mouth that got me in trouble, it was going to be this sweet pussy. I was trying to hold back, trying to keep my cum in my balls until I could pull out and let her gulp it all down, but the way she was moving had me in a tight spot. This girl was a handful.

  Brandy bit down on her wrist, making some effort to keep quiet while I fucked her brains out—for all the good it did. Every few seconds her back would arch up and she’d let out a moan that could wake up the entire neighborhood.

  Enough is enough, I thought, pulling out of her just long enough to rip her panties from around her ankles and shove the lacy silk right into her mouth, reducing those screams to muffled moans. I smiled at my own ingenuity before getting back to business, my fingers still tirelessly teasing her throbbing nub.

  Her indistinct screams grew louder against the makeshift gag and those gorgeous, round hips of hers started to buck against every thrust. I couldn’t help but grin as I watched the makings of an earth-shattering orgasm play across her face, her entire body writhing and flailing against my steady grip on her.

  “That’s it,” I said, driving my thick cock harder into her, eagerly shoving her over the edge and into a warm, welcoming oblivion. “Good girl. I know what a little slut like you needs.”

  Brandy looked up into my eyes, nodding as she threw her head back, digging her nails into my skin as before she swooned backward. Her chest heaved and she let out a soft, plaintive whimper with every exhale. Her body glistened with sweat, a soft silver sheen of moonlight from the open windows making her skin glow in the darkness of the station’s break room.

  I looked at her for a moment, watching the dazed expression on her face and admiring my handwork. But I was far from done.

  I climbed up on top of the table, straddling her chest as she looked up at me, my dick resting against the valley between her soft tits. She smiled around the gag, pushing her breasts around my wet dick as I started to move it back and forward between them.

  Prior experience gave me more than enough confidence that the table could hold the two of us—even while we were fucking like animals. Hell, the damn thing never even made a noise the entire time I fucked those pretty little tits. I could feel my balls starting to tighten and my shaft swelling as it filled with cum, building up pressure before it all came gushing out onto her chest. There’s nothing better than the way a girl looks with my cum dripping off of her like a pearl necklace.

  I could hear moaning even louder around the wadded up panties in her mouth. She’d managed to get a hand down between her thighs and she was jilling herself off in earnest, her chest working hard as I felt my climax barreling toward me. I wasn’t about to remove those panties. I figured if she had anything important to say, it could wait until after I finished.

  My cock spasmed hard, and I threw my head back as a wave of pleasure shot up from my swollen erection. I closed my eyes as I basked in the brief glory of my own orgasm. My cum burst out of the tip in thick, white ropes across her chest, my hips still working back and forth as I came, drenching her in my lust.

  I let out a slow groan as I ruined those pretty tits. I couldn’t help loving the way they bounced as my body moved on top of hers, her pert little nipples stiffening in the cold air around her. It was almost a
full minute before I tear my gaze away from that cum-covered perfection to look into those pretty brown eyes of hers. I could see it. She’d driven herself back over the cliff again, a massive orgasm rolling through her like a freight train. I gazed into those eyes and I smiled…

  Just in time to see them roll back into her head as she went limp.

  “Brandy?” I asked, keeping my voice low as I turned her face toward me, only to have it fall back where it had been. I gently slapped my hand against her cheek, hoping that she’d just zoned out from her orgasm, but when she didn’t stir I started to panic.

  Fuck, I thought, climbing off of her chest before I pulled her panties out of her mouth, tossing them aside as I put two fingers against the vein in her neck to feel for a pulse. I could feel her heart beating. It was like a hummingbird’s wings—fast and frantic.

  Holy. Fucking. Shit. What the fuck happened?

  I put my ear close to her mouth, hoping to at least hear and feel her breath against my skin.


  “Help!” I cried, hurriedly pulling my pants on as I pushed open the door to the hallway. “Somebody, help! Get the fuckin’ pads!”

  I screamed as loud as I could until the sounds of rushing firemen echoed down the hall toward me. Two of my guys had stumbled out of our more official sleeping quarters and were making their way to the break room. I moved out of the door as four more firemen followed.

  They crowded around her in only a matter of seconds, checking her pulse just like I’d done. Within an instant I watched a bare-chested fireman straddling her, ready to start compressions if necessary. Someone else started shouting for our in-house defibrillator. The thought crossed my mind that I might have actually fucked her to death—until I remembered how stupid that sounded.

  “Shit, Gunner. The fuck did you do, man?”

  My lips felt numb. My face flushed. “I don’t know, I just fucked her.!”


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