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Hard Rider (A Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Romance)

Page 43

by Wild, Nikki

  “Yes,” I said, flashing my own fake smile as I pulled my stepsister closer, wrapping her up in my arm. “My wife and I are looking to spend a few nights here.”

  Tanya gave me a look, but didn’t budge. I returned her glare with one that pleaded with her to just go with it. When she sighed, I assumed she got the hint.

  “I see,” he said, tapping a few keystrokes into the computer. “Normally our guests book in advance, but I believe we have a few rooms available.”

  I felt Tanya’s arms snake around my waist as the man behind the front desk continued his typing. Just like that, she’d gone from cold to hot again. What was her deal?

  “Make sure it’s a big room, baby,” she whispered just loud enough for the concierge to hear. “I don’t want to spend our honeymoon cramped in some tiny little suite.”

  The way she looked up at me had my heart thumping. She’d made her eyes real big and was looking up at me through those thick, flirty lashes. I felt her fingers running up along my side.

  Now I understood. This wasn’t real. This was payback. A chance to make me squirm.

  Bitch, I thought, even if I couldn’t help but smile. Two could play at this game.

  “Honeymooning, hm?” the man asked, a knowing smile creeping across his lips. “We just so happen to have our honeymoon suite available—and I can even throw in a discount for you, Mr. and Mrs.—?”

  “Thompson,” I said quickly. I had an English teacher named Thompson once. “Honeymooners. That’s us.”

  “Mr. and Mrs. Thompson,” the man repeated, typing it into his computer. I casually glanced down at his nametag.

  “We really appreciate this, Jerry.”

  “Oh, no trouble at all. Always happy to help out a pair of newlyweds.”

  We’d packed light, though Jerry was kind enough to offer us some assistance in the form of another staff member, which we politely refused. I had planned on having a talk with Tanya on the way up to the room, and having a nosy bellhop standing in the elevator wasn’t exactly going to make the conversation flow.

  The thought of the kiss still burned through my brain, the way her lips felt against mine, how warm and soft they felt as they gave way against one another. I could feel my pulse quickening again just from the thought of it.

  “The honeymoon suite, and I saved you some money,” Tanya said as the elevator doors closed.

  “Yeah, but now we’re probably stuck with some heart shaped bathtub and pink wallpaper,” I replied.

  “Sounds like you know the place. Do you take all the girls here?”

  “Not all of them,” I said coolly.

  I glanced over at her as we ascended. She was standing against one of the walls, her eyes trained on the digital display that flashed with every floor’s number as we passed them. We were near the top, just before the more expensive suites—the ones you had to pay top-dollar for. I’d never actually been to the honeymoon suite—mostly because I’d never been on my honeymoon. It seemed almost to imply something just from the very idea—it felt like a show of commitment. Maybe her little performance down in the lobby had saved us a few dollars, but now I was starting to think maybe I should have forced the issue and went with a normal room.

  The elevator chirped when we reached our floor, its heavy, brass-plated doors sliding away to reveal a hallway with a few doors leading off to the side. Ours—of course—was at the very end and was promised to be the biggest on the floor. I guess I couldn’t be too upset about this. After what had happened these last few days, a little luxury sounded nice.

  “Think they’ve got room service?” Tanya asked, and I couldn’t help but make a face.

  “Of course they do, and we can order whatever we want.”

  “Seriously? You’re actually going to let me order what I want?”

  “What? Of course I am. You’re a grown-ass woman.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Sorry. Must’ve forgot with the way you’ve been treating me lately...”

  I slid the keycard into the electronic lock on the door, watching the light shift from red to green before turning the knob and pushing it open.

  The suite certainly did not disappoint. It was far from the gaudy image I had in my head. A small living area greeted us as we entered our temporary home-away-from-home. A large modern-looking couch and two matching arm chairs sat huddled around a low dark wooden coffee table, set with a perfect view of a forty-two inch plasma-screen television.

  Past the living room rose a short set of steps leading up to a raised platform, upon which sat a massive California king-sized bed made up immaculately with what looked like the utmost care. Just past the bed, a door lead into what I could only assume was the bathroom.

  Tanya let out a squeal of delight as she threw her bag down on the couch and rushed over to examine the bed. I turned my gaze toward the massive plasma-screen TV, imagining what channels I could get while we stayed.

  “Oh, my God!” I heard my sister scream happily from somewhere behind me, turning back around just in time to see her exiting the bathroom with a look of pure joy lighting up her beautiful face. “They have a Jacuzzi in here!”

  Before I could even say a word, Tanya’s shirt was coming off. My eyes opened wide, my face beginning to flush as she began shuffling out of her jeans until she was left in just her lacy red thong and a perfectly fitted matching bra.

  “Tanya!” I said, trying to at least appear somewhat scandalized by the thought of my naked stepsister. Though after the last few days, I couldn’t deny that I’d been yearning to see exactly this, ever since that first night she’d spent at my house.

  “C’mon, Gunner! You and I both need to relax after the couple of days we’ve been having,” she said, turning around as she began undoing her bra, letting it fall to the ground as she disappeared from view. “Besides, aren’t you on vacation?” she shouted.

  Despite my protests, I followed after her into the bathroom, removing my shirt and dropping it where Tanya had left her own clothes. She was right, of course. After the time we’d been having, a little relaxation would probably do us some good.

  As I turned the corner into the bathroom, I got my first look at the Jacuzzi, relief flooding over me as I saw that it was separated in the center into a sort of “his-and-hers” setup. At least there’d be one thing between me and my very naked stepsister.

  Though as soon as I set eyes on her, I wasn’t sure anything could keep me from putting my hands all over her.

  When I entered the room, Tanya turned toward me, giving me my first look at her gorgeous breasts. They were young and perky, but full, the kind of breasts you’d kill to have your hands on, with soft, rose-colored nipples. I turned my head away a moment too late, certain that she’s caught me staring.

  “What’s wrong? A lap dance is one thing, but seeing me naked crosses the line?” she asked, a chuckle rising from her full lips as she stepped into the swirling waters of the hot-tub. “We’re a little too far beyond the Pale now, Gunner, don’t you think?”

  “I guess,” I said, nervously undoing the button on my pants before I too stripped down to nothing. I stepped out of the crumbled jeans and slowly dipped myself into my side of the Jacuzzi’s hot, turbulent waters. I lowered my body all the way down to my chest, closing my eyes as I felt the massaging jets begin their work on my tense back muscles. For a long time, the two of us sat in silence, letting the rushing water fill the silence between us.

  “Do you think he knows where we are?” Tanya asked, sinking down almost all the way to her chin in the bubbles and warm water.

  “I made sure nobody can find us,” I said, resting my arms on the walls of the hot tub. “And I paid cash downstairs. We hole up here for a few weeks, let the detectives do their job, and everything’s going to be fine.”

  I wanted to believe my own words… To relax and just enjoy a little break from work and worry and this psychopath… So why the fuck did I have the feeling that I’d missed something?

  Tanya was quiet for a
moment as she settled in. But that damn pensive look never left her face. She curled her toes on the rim of the tub.

  “What if he goes after someone else?”

  “Just let the detectives do their job.”

  Tanya actually looked a little scared. “I mean it, Gunner,” she said, splashing some water at me from her side of the tub. “We should at least make sure this guy doesn’t hurt anyone. I’ve got friends back at that club. What is this psycho goes back there? Someone needs to warn them.”

  “All right,” I relented, holding my hands up to stave off the bulk of her splashing. “I’ll talk with the detective. Just keep your water on your side and for tonight at least, relax.”

  “Thank you,” she said, giving me a strained smile. I could tell she had more thoughts running through her head than she probably knew what to do with—one of which I could actually do something about.

  It was going to hurt. But Tanya had questions. And I had the answers. It wasn’t right to keep them from her. Not when there was a chance that...

  I couldn’t entertain the thought for more than a second. She’s going to be fine. You’re going to be fine.

  Still. I needed to tell her.

  I took a deep breath. “Do you think we can talk about—you know...” I said, trying to come up with a better way of saying it without it and failing miserably. I looked over at her and winced. “The kiss?”

  Chapter 14


  My heart hammered. My lips burned. Finally, my stepbrother was ready to talk about our kiss—the one I couldn’t get out of my head.

  But then Gunner opened his mouth, and what came out was nothing good.

  “I’m sorry,” he told me. “It was a mistake. You were vulnerable, and I took advantage of you...”

  I settled back against my side of the divided tub and stared at the ceiling, grinding my teeth so hard I couldn’t even hear my stepbrother’s voice. My hand skirted the edge of the bucket of ice on the partition between us, the one with a bottle of champagne inside it. The bucket was starting to sweat from the heat of our bathwater, and soon enough the ice would be all but a memory… And nobody likes warm champagne.

  I looked at my stepbrother. He was still rambling on, making excuses. Trying to be the big damn hero.

  Maybe that was what he needed. But what I needed was him. I’d known it from the moment I’d first seen his face again. I needed his touch. I needed his kiss… And though I’d never experienced anything quiet like it before, I knew I needed his dick pressing up hard and deep inside me.

  To make that happen, Gunner was going to need to feed that hero complex of his. Maybe I’d have to play the villain.

  I grabbed the champagne bottle out of the bucket, and with a hard tug, popped the cork. Gunner went silent as I put the bottle to my lips, chugging as much of it as I could, sweet suds spilling down my chin and jaw.

  A little spark lit up inside me when I saw him eyeing me from his side of the tub. He’d stopped talking and just stared, lips parted and just a little wet. His tongue darted across them and he sucked the lower one in between his teeth as I wiped my mouth with the back of my wrist and slammed the champagne bottle back into the bucket between us.

  “No more games, Gunner,” I told him, grasping the sides of the tub. Then I hauled myself over the divider and into his side, sinking into the bubbles. “There’s something between us. And I think I know what it is. I think I know how we can get past it. Besides, I’ve beaten death twice this week and I don’t want to die a virgin.”

  Gunner sat up and stiffened, his jaw trembling, aching to spit out a coherent strand of words. I could already see it in his eyes—that battle between desire and responsibility. Responsibility to me. To society. To himself. To the family that shattered when my mom died, and that had become irreparable when Gunner left us.

  We weren’t a family anymore. We never would be again. Not like we used to be. And where there had once been familial affection between us, there was something different now: a dark, seething passion that was more akin to hate than love.

  I swept my knees forward, positioning my hips against his and putting my naked body right in his lap. I felt the tops of his thighs clench against me and his manhood throb.

  “All this frustration, Gunner. All this pain. It’s got me so worked up. My head spins whenever I look at you.” I lowered against his shaft, and with an expert sway of my hips, brought him to full attention. He grunted and pressed up, his dick nestled neatly between my pussy lips. “I think you feel the same way.”

  “Tanya,” he began, but whatever protest he’d been trying to make died on his lips the second he felt my tongue.

  I ran the tip of it up his earlobe before taking his flesh between my teeth. Just one little nibble filled his cock with blood so warm I could feel it despite the heat of the tub. I never stopped moving my hips, grinding and writhing slow and steady. His prick pressed into my entrance, millimeters away from impaling me. From taking me from virgin to… Something else.

  My nipples hardened when he put his hands on my ass. He was shaking. I whispered, “We need to get this out of our systems...”

  I threw my head back as Gunner dug his nails into me and let out the lowest, sexiest growl I’d ever heard. He was past the point of no return. He needed something to satisfy the lust inside him. It would either be me, or his hand. I needed to make sure it was me.

  “Fuck me, Gunner,” I moaned. He had the perfect view of my tits now—gleaming and soaked and right in his face. “Give me everything you’ve got.”

  Before I’d even finished the sentence, Gunner lunged. He grabbed the sides of my face, his fingers weaving through the wet tendrils of my hair. He crushed my lips with his, stealing my breath and giving me life all at once. My nerves sparked and sizzled. My pussy ached and pulsed. Everything in me—my body, my heart, my soul—was ready for Gunner’s big, thick cock.

  “No,” he whispered.

  I stared, certain I’d heard him wrong. “ No what?”

  But then Gunner stood, cradling me in his arms.

  “I’m not gonna fuck you, Tanya.”

  He made quick strides toward one of the bedrooms and lowered me onto the bed. I was still dripping wet from the tub, but all I could think about was what the fuck I’d done wrong.

  It was obvious my stepbrother wanted me. Needed me. So why wouldn’t he go for it? Why wouldn’t he take the plunge?

  “Oh!” I breathed, eyes rolling back. Gunner had shoved my legs apart and stuffed his face between them to lap at my clit.

  Fiery bursts of pleasure jetted through me, singing everything they touched. I bucked into Gunner’s face, so eager for more. He knew exactly what to do, how to stoke the fire inside of me. Figures that a firefighter wouldn’t only know how to put out a fire, but how to start one, too.

  “Gunner!” I licked my lips, looking down at him, reveling in the image of his tongue flicking between my folds. “Fuck!”

  My stepbrother was eating me out. There was no hotter sight in all the world.

  Gunner lifted my calves over his shoulders, making way for one of his finger to push into my hole. It was easy, given how wet he was making me, but still so surreal. I’d never had anyone inside me before. Not even a vibrator. I closed my eyes and moaned when he stroked my inner walls in search of my sweet spot.

  “More,” I groaned. I grabbed fistfuls of his hair and pulled. “God, Gunner. I thought you weren’t gonna fuck me?”

  “I’m not,” he said, voice muffled against my cunt. Then he lifted up onto his hands and crawled on top of me, that gorgeous body of his in full view. “I’m gonna make love to you, baby. Nice and slow.”

  He took my hands in his, lifting my arms above my head. I looked up into his face, confused.

  This wasn’t what I wanted. I wanted to get Gunner out of my mind. I wanted to slam my pussy down on his cock so hard it hurt us both. And I wanted that pain to take away the agony of losing him all those years ago. I wanted to use him
to get over my heartache. To make all that rage inside me go away.

  As he lowered his lips to mine and kissed me, I felt his dick slide toward my core, and some part of me just knew that maybe this wasn’t what I’d wanted, but it was sure as hell exactly what I needed.

  I arched off the bed as Gunner pushed his dick into me, spreading my channel wide. I whimpered, lost for words as he stretched me. My God, he was so big! So thick! The single finger he’d slipped inside me was nothing in comparison, and I felt woefully unprepared to accept his girth.

  But then he nuzzled me, released my hands, and whispered in my ear, “Hang on tight, baby.” And when I grabbed onto his shoulders, he finished thrusting inside me, and my nails drew blood from his skin.

  First there was pain, a sharp plume that rained down little throbs of anguish onto my quivering body. In a moment, every one of those embers turned into a passionate flame, consuming me with the greatest bliss I’d ever known.

  I buried my face in Gunner’s shoulder. “Holy fuck,” I whispered.

  My stepbrother bit back a snarl of ecstasy. “I’m inclined to agree.”

  He held me under one thigh as he thrust into me again, spreading me wider with each push. I basked in the sensation, letting it envelop me, letting it dance across my spine. Gunner took one of my nipples into his mouth and bit down just enough to make me yelp, then laved the nubbin with his tongue, swirling and sucking until I was raising my hips in time to meet his and urging him to fuck me more, more, more.

  My stepbrother was in so deep I could taste him. I knew I would never get enough, knew that his flavor would haunt me until the day I died. All I had wanted was to forget Gunner Cole, but now, with his dick buried to the hilt inside of me, I knew I never would.

  His thumb on my clit ignited that stretched-too-thin feeling in my belly, the one I always got whenever I was about to cum. Gunner touched me even better than I touched myself, caressing and rubbing, flicking and tapping, pulling out all the stops.


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