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by Chandra Ryan

  Extreme Circumstances

  Chandra Ryan

  Universal Defiance, Book Three

  Julian hadn’t wanted to become a genetically enhanced soldier. His father, the colonel, expected it. But when he sees his commanding officer for his first mission, he admits there might be some perks. Commander Gates is a wet dream wrapped up in a standard-issue military uniform.

  He knows better than to screw around with an officer though. The last thing he wants is the complication of a relationship. But when the mission goes sideways and soldiers start dying, he realizes sex might be the best way to simplify things, especially given the scorching encounters Gates provides. A relationship though? They’ll have to survive the mission before they can worry about that.

  Inside Scoop: Gates and Julian share some super-hot male/male action on a planet where gruesome monsters deal out grisly death.

  A Romantica® sci-fi erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave

  Extreme Circumstances

  Chandra Ryan

  Chapter One

  Julian took a deep breath as the shuttle’s thrusters pushed against the asphalt of the planet’s surface. His heart raced and his stomach cramped with nerves but he refused to let them show. He was a modified soldier now—a super-soldier. His DNA had been reprogrammed to make him faster, stronger and smarter. And super-soldiers didn’t show fear.

  The shuttle shuddered as it hit a patch of turbulence and he had to clench his hands to keep them from grabbing at his safety restraints. Apparently braver hadn’t been included in his package though. He would just have to continue faking that particular attribute.

  He took another breath and closed his eyes against the tingling of weightlessness that fluttered in the pit of his stomach. The sensation was a lot like being on a ride at an amusement park. Only with an off chance he might die. And if not during transport, the mission itself could always finish him off.

  A grimace tightened his face at the thought. He was making this worse than what it really was. He forced his muscles to relax as the shuttle broke free of the planet’s atmosphere. When he opened his eyes again, only the vast blackness of space was visible on the other side of the window portals. But after a few seconds he started seeing the pinpricks of light given off by distant stars.

  “You doin’ okay, rookie?” Commander Gates’ voice filled his helmet and made him frown. He liked the man. What was there not to like? The guy was all muscle in a uniform. He was the stuff of Julian’s late-night fantasies. But as much as he liked Gates, Julian hated the fucking nickname Gates had given him. He might be new to the team but he wasn’t a rookie. He’d served his time before the military put him in the modified soldier program. But he knew better than to complain about it. That’d be the quickest way to ensure it stuck with him for the rest of his military career.

  “Doin’ great, Commander.”

  “It’s your first mission as a super. No one’s going to think any less of you if you’re a little edgy.”

  Sure they wouldn’t. He smirked to himself at the thought. People loved finding reasons to think less of him. They’d been doing it his entire life. Hell, he could probably make a drinking game of it. With his luck, Julian would end up throwing up after his first shot and making everyone else a winner though.

  Still, accepting it happened and encouraging it were two completely different things. He’d be damned if he handed them fodder on a silver platter. “With all due respect, I knew what I was signing up for, sir.”

  And that was the bitch of it. He had known what he’d been signing up for. Modified soldiers were assigned the most dangerous missions. It was why they had to be super. And his father had made it clear that anything less than super wouldn’t be tolerated in his house.

  One of the other men laughed. “Did you hear that, men? He knew what he was signing up for.”

  Damn. It. Could he do nothing right? “What? You think I didn’t read the fine print?” When people were laughing at him, he kept them laughing but deflected the punch line. Geek survival 101. “I read every single word. Well, except where it said I’d be getting an injection in the ass three times a week for the rest of my life. I missed that.” Actually the military didn’t mention the metabolism-regulating injections anywhere in the contracts the soldiers signed. Nobody knew about them until after the procedure had been completed and it was too late to object. That was what made it funny. They’d all been through the exact same experience. “They were happy to educate me on that though.”

  “Bend over and grab the bed. First order every super gets.” The soldier’s voice boomed through the helmet around bursts of laughter. It set Julian at ease. Now the men were officially laughing with him. He’d just started becoming a member of their group. He sat back and sighed at his success.

  “But that’s why we’re on this mission, isn’t it?” Gates asked. “So we won’t have to get those fucking shots anymore.”

  “Damn straight,” echoed through Julian’s helmet.

  Some scientist somewhere had developed a way to fix the soldiers. And the military had held this mission, Covert Defenders, out like a carrot. As soon as they completed it they’d be put on the short list for the procedure. No more shots. And with every modified soldier clamoring for the procedure, the short list looked awfully good. Yeah, Julian had jumped at the carrot.

  “And all we have to do is move some stasis chambers from point A to point B. Sounds a little too good to be true.” Julian had just been talking to himself. He hadn’t meant the rest of the group to hear him. But he’d forgotten about the sensitive microphone inside the helmet for a second.

  “Huh. Would you look at that cynicism? I take it back. The rookie might actually have some clue as to what he signed up for.” And with that, he’d officially been accepted. He might be fresh to the team but he wasn’t some starry-eyed noob. Now he just had to shake the nickname and he’d be golden.

  Julian leaned back in his seat and savored the victory. He was still flying through space on his way to a mission that scared the shit out of him but he was no longer the outsider. That was some measure of victory and he’d take it.

  The other men continued to talk. Their voices filled his helmet and gave him some insight into each team member. But he didn’t add anything to the conversations. He’d learned long ago to quit while he was ahead in social situations.

  Instead he closed his eyes and let chatter lull him to sleep. He was woken some time later by a gentle pat on his knee. “We’re here, soldier. Time to earn your keep.” Gates stood in front of him as Julian quickly came awake. And that was a sight he didn’t mind waking up to. The man’s powerful thighs were at eye level and it was all Julian could do not to lick his lips at the temptation. “The air is breathable,” Gates continued. Apparently the man had no clue as to what was going on in Julian’s head. Thank god. “No need for the helmet.”

  Grateful for the diversion, he took off his helmet and stashed it under his chair for the return trip before unfastening the safety restraints. He stood and stretched as soon as he’d freed himself. It felt good to have the blood flowing through his legs again but the world seemed a little wobbly after the long shuttle ride. “So where are these stasis chambers?”

  “This is where the fun begins.” Gates pulled a digital reader out of one of the pockets in his cargo pants and began flipping through screens. When he finally got to the one he wanted, he held it out to Julian. “This is where we are.” He touched a spot on the map and then trailed his fingertip along the terrain until he almost reached the furthermost edge of the reader. “And this is where the stasis chambers are. They’re all sealed up in a secured compound.”

  “Shit. That’s going to take a week to hike.”

that’s best-case scenario.” Gates powered down the reader and slipped it back into his pocket. “Best-case scenarios never happen. At least, not for us.” He handed a backpack to Julian and then smiled. “I’m guessing it’ll take us closer to two weeks. Hope you remembered to wear your comfy shoes.”

  He looked down at his feet and grimaced. Sure, his military-issue boots were the most comfortable ones he owned but nothing could make him look forward to a two-week hike through inhospitable land. And he’d bet the land was as inhospitable as it got. Otherwise they would’ve landed closer to the goal.

  He looped his arms through the backpack’s straps and then went outside to join the rest of the team. There were twenty of them in the group. Twenty of the military’s finest standing in a pasture on one of the most primitive planets Julian had ever set foot on. They wouldn’t have looked more out of place had they been dropped in the middle of the national opera on opening night.

  “Are we ready, men?” Gates stood in front of them, waiting for a reply.

  “Yes sir.” The answer rang through the air and Julian’s voice added to the chorus.

  “All that stands between us and a return trip home is this planet. I say we show it who’s boss.” Gates turned and walked off in the direction of the compound. Julian had no doubts as to who the boss was in this situation. Every inch of Gates rippled with authority. And his men seemed content to follow without reservation. Julian watched as they fell into line without comment or challenge. To get a group of testosterone-filled super-soldiers to follow took more than raw power. It took fierce loyalty. Loyalty that had to be earned.

  Julian fell in behind the others and took the last spot in their line. He didn’t mind being last. He actually preferred it. Yes, he had to keep an eye out for any hostiles following them or trying to sneak up on them but it also put space between him and Gates. He needed that to keep his body in check.

  As time went by, though, he began to wonder if this world had any hostiles to throw at them. It appeared to be completely deserted. So much so that he started to find the march tedious. He was almost relieved when they made it to the jungle. Tromping through the thick undergrowth might be difficult but at least the scenery changed and the large canopy blocked out most of the sun’s rays. Still, even with the cover the day couldn’t be considered chilly by any measure of the word. By the time they found a small clearing and stopped for the night they were all hot and sweaty. But it was better than being sunburned as well. And the muggy, stale air gave the men something to bitch about as they set up camp and found firewood.

  It was important to have something other than teammates to complain about. It kept the men from picking on each other. Julian could support anything that kept the peace on a mission but he remained silent and focused on his work instead of joining the other men in their venting. He was too exhausted from the day of hiking to waste energy bellyaching.

  “The rookie did pretty good keeping up today.” The group funnyman, Hicks, seemed to want to include him regardless of his silence. “Not even one, ‘Are we there yet?’ or ‘I’m tired.’”

  Julian rolled his eyes and then smiled. If they insisted on calling him rookie, he could indulge in the role for a moment or two. “Okay. I’ll give you one. I’ve gotta pee.” He made his voice high and petulant as he shifted his weight from one leg to the other. “That better?”

  Hicks laughed. “That depends. You expecting me to hold your dick for you?” One of Hicks’ eyebrows rose sharply.

  “You wish,” Julian said with a wink. “Holding my cock would be the highlight of your day.” He heard the men chuckle as he walked into the jungle to find a place to relieve himself.

  “If you see the commander out there, tell him he’s needed back at camp.”

  “You can’t have my dick so you’ll settle for anyone’s now?” Julian shot back.

  “Ha. Ha. Ha.”

  Julian shook his head at the parting words as he trekked farther into the jungle. He didn’t think Hicks was actually into men. He didn’t get that vibe from him. And that was why he had no problems kidding around with him. If there were any chance Hicks would take him seriously, Julian wouldn’t have thrown out the invitation. Fucking someone he worked with made everything a little too complicated for his comfort. Though Hicks might provide him some relief from his fantasies about the commander.

  As if a door were opened by the wayward thought, a fantasy scene involving Gates flittered through his head. There was no doubt as to who would top. And though Julian didn’t usually do submissive, he could easily imagine himself under the other man. Or sucking Gates off. Damn, he’d practically been in the position earlier. If he’d leaned forward or if Gates had been naked…

  When he’d gone a little farther into the underbrush a splashing noise pulled him out of the fantasy. It didn’t seem to fit in with the landscape around him. And anything that didn’t fit needed to be investigated. He freed his weapon from his waistband and followed the sound. After just a few minutes he broke out of the brush and stumbled into a small clearing. The full moon and a star-filled sky illuminated the area now that their light wasn’t being filtered through a thick canopy. In front of him a river emptied into a shallow pond via a waterfall. The scenery would’ve been beautiful if he’d given it more than a glance. Unfortunately a glance was all he could spare it when he found the source of the splashing.

  He lowered his weapon almost instinctually as he spotted Gates standing naked on a shelf of rocks with his head tipped back under the waterfall. That image would’ve been enough to jack off to for weeks. But it didn’t end there. Gates had his hand wrapped around his cock in a tight fist. The cords of muscles that ran up his forearm bunched each time his hand glided over his hard dick. And water ran over Gates’ head and down his smooth shoulders before flowing over his flat abs. It was a fucking wet dream happening right in front of him and, try as he might, there was no way he could look away.

  Julian moaned with appreciation as he watched Gates swirl the pad of his thumb over the swollen head of his cock. He probably shouldn’t but Julian just couldn’t stop himself from imagining it was his tongue that ran over the sensitive skin.

  He licked his lips as he imagined the weight of Gates’ cock on his tongue. He could almost taste the salty tang of his pre-come. All he’d have to do is say something. Anything. And Gates would know he was there watching him. But even if Gates were interested, Julian didn’t do members of his team. It made everything more complicated, he reminded himself. And he most certainly didn’t want the difficulties that came with screwing his commander. But there was nothing complicated about watching.

  Gates’ hand stopped and Julian’s heart froze. Unless, of course, he got caught watching. The warm desire that hummed in the pit of his stomach suddenly felt heavy as dread began to seep into his blood. Julian’s eyes rose slowly over the man’s body until he reached Gates’ face. Sure enough, Gates was staring at him with an inquisitive look. “Can I help you with something?”

  That was a loaded question. One that had him thinking about sucking Gates off again. As the image popped into his head, Julian felt his face heat with a blush. “Um… No. I’m sorry. I just heard the noise and came to investigate.” Julian stumbled on his own feet as he tried to back up into the brush once more.

  Gates took his hand off his cock but his rigid erection still stood front and center. “Well, this is certainly awkward.” The faint smile on Gates’ face made the statement light—almost a joke.

  But Julian couldn’t bring himself to smile back. Nothing about this was light to him. Horny and embarrassed didn’t make for a good combination. Especially not when hiking through a hot-as-hell jungle for the foreseeable future with a man he couldn’t stop staring at. A man he couldn’t keep staring at. Not in that way. He had to focus. If things were ever going to be normal he had to get through this moment with Gates. “Nah, it’s not awkward.” Julian hoped the lie sounded believable.

  “Like hell it’s not. You’re
practically tripping over yourself trying to escape.”

  Okay, so maybe he wasn’t as good a liar as he’d thought. But he hoped he’d be able to keep the real source of his embarrassment a secret from Gates. The last thing he needed was for his commander to know he’d been checking him out. “I’m sorry, sir. I was just a little startled. That’s all.”

  “You and me both.” Gates sat down on the rock shelf before sliding into the pond. “I was just trying to work off some stress before the fun starts again tomorrow.” It made sense but Gates’ voice sounded a little unsure. It was as if he was nervous about what tomorrow might bring. And for the first time Julian wondered if he wasn’t the only one on this mission faking it. Instead of making him concerned, though, the thought comforted him. He might not be alone. And if the commander was nervous, Julian might just be closer to normal that he originally suspected.

  “I get it. It’s only been one day and I’m already antsy as hell. Every valley we hike through could be an ambush and every hill we crest could be a trap.”

  Gates stood in the chest-deep water and studied him for a moment. “I’m glad you’re aware of the risks. Missions on unfamiliar planets always carry an inherent danger. A little fear is a smart thing. But you can’t let your fears get the better of you. You were chosen for this mission because you’re the best.”

  It sounded rehearsed enough that Julian wondered how often Gates told himself the same words of comfort. “Back at ya, Commander.” Julian winked at Gates. If life with his perfectionistic father had given him nothing else, it was the ability to read people and situations. Which turned out to be a pretty useful talent at times.

  Gates’ rich laugher swelled through Julian and warmed him to his toes. “I see what you did there. Turned my words back on me.”

  “Knew you were a smart one,” Julian said with a smile of his own.


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