
Home > Other > ExtremeCircumstances > Page 7
ExtremeCircumstances Page 7

by Chandra Ryan

  The night passed slowly and every noise seemed amplified. Even once-benign noises like the croak of a distant frog seemed slightly terrifying on this planet. He’d bet his next three rotations that those little, innocent-sounding amphibians had been modified in some shape or manner. It seemed as though everything on this planet had been.

  But even the croaks of the frogs weren’t as bad as the occasional snapping of a twig or shuffling of a dry leaf. Those noises served to remind Julian of the mission and kept his senses heightened. It was almost time for them to be relieved by the next watch, though, when he finally picked out a large life form moving through the trees.

  Homer had given them tranquilizer darts to use on the hostiles but for one brief moment Julian contemplated using lethal force. It would feel good to watch the creature go down and writhe in pain. But it wouldn’t get their questions answered. And right now they needed answers more than they needed vengeance. At least that was what he told himself when he reached for his tranquilizer gun instead of his laser firearm.

  A low whistle streaked through the night as his dart flew at the hostile. The target grunted when it hit and then began searching the jungle. It wouldn’t matter. He would be out for the count in a matter of seconds. The two hostiles that jumped out of the jungle at the noise, however, were a concern. They were fast and now that he had given up his position the remaining hostiles lunged toward Julian.

  Several more whistles streamed through the air before Julian felt the sting of a dart. Shit. “I’m hit.” The two hostiles crashed into him. The weight of their bodies pinned him to the ground and he expected to feel their hands wrap around his throat. He might still be conscious but the sedative prevented him from defending himself. He was paralyzed but he was cognizant of his own impending death. His heart raced, which only helped the tranquilizer spread through his body at a record pace. And his breathing came in shallow gasps. He couldn’t fill his lungs adequately. He couldn’t compensate for the combination of the assailants’ weight and the drugs. Black spots danced in front of his eyes. Maybe he would suffocate before the hostiles could tear him apart. That would be a blessing.

  He closed his eyes as he breathed out his last breath. Sharp knives raked down the inside of his arm and tore the material of his uniform as the oppressive hand of death closed in around him. But then the weight lifted and he could breathe again.

  “You okay down there?”

  “Not really.” He coughed as he forced air into his burning lungs. “But I am better now than a few seconds ago.” He sat up but the sudden change in position made his head swim and his stomach cramp.

  “Lie back, man. You’ve got enough sedatives pumping through your system right now to knock out a rhino.”

  “And yet I’m still awake.” Just barely. But he would take that right now since it meant he was also alive.

  “He’s about as smart as a rhino as well.”

  He needed to keep talking if he had any chance of staying conscious. “Rhinos were smart.” He wasn’t sure where he’d heard it but he was fairly certain he had.

  “Sure they were.” Strong hands lifted him up and then gripped him around the waist to support him as he stood. His stomach rebelled against the movement, causing him to dry heave in response. “I’m sure it was their intelligence that caused them to go extinct.”

  “We’ve got everybody. Let’s get the fuck out of here before they start waking up.”

  Julian looked up to see the remaining three soldiers each had a hostile restrained and thrown over his shoulder. “What are they?” His voice was thick and the words slow.

  Haddisher steadied Julian as he wobbled before answering. “Looks like more of the reptile men. Only these seem more advanced than the first one we encountered.”

  That they were dressed in primitive clothing and could set traps with weapons went a long way to proving Haddisher’s assessment.

  “We’ll know more once we get them back to camp though,” one of the other men said. Impatience was clear in his tone and the tense lines of his body.

  Haddisher nodded and the ripple of movement made Julian heave again. “Yeah. You guys had better go on ahead of us. I’m going to set an easy pace for the rhino here. Make sure that he doesn’t puke on me.”

  Julian would’ve laughed if it didn’t take all of his concentration to keep his knees from buckling. “Sorry, man.”

  “Nothing for you to apologize for. It was my dart that hit you.” With Haddisher’s arm wrapped around his waist and his hand gripping Julian tightly, they started the walk back to camp.

  Each step was tortuously slow and the night refused to stop spinning around him. He finally took off his night-vision visor because the black void caused less strain on his eyes and helped him relax. Haddisher was leading the way anyway. As long as he could guide them around any potential obstacles they’d be all right.

  When the lights of the camp came into view he nearly sighed in relief. He needed to crawl into his tent and sleep off the rest of the tranquilizer dose. And some bandages for his arm would probably be a good idea. The wet stickiness of his blood had seeped through what was left of his uniform sleeve and made the material adhere to his skin. It didn’t hurt as bad as he thought it should but wasn’t exactly a comfortable feeling. But even though it was only mildly painful it still needed to be looked at.

  The camp was buzzing with action as they entered. So much so that it took a moment for anyone to notice their return. Not that he could blame them. With three hostages to secure, everybody was busy. After Haddisher guided him over to a fallen branch, Julian gratefully sat down on it and took a deep breath. “Thanks. There’s no way I could’ve done that hike on my own.”

  Haddisher nodded. “You’re on our team. You don’t get to do things on your own anymore. Might as well get used to it. I’ve gotta go report in but I’ll send Homer this way.”

  Julian nodded absently before leaning back on a tree trunk and closing his eyes. Now that they were safely back at camp and the adrenaline was starting to disappear from his system it was getting harder for him to ignore the pull of the tranquilizer. He just felt so wonderfully relaxed and fuzzy right now.

  But a sharp jab woke him from the light sleep he’d apparently slipped into some time later. “Good morning to you too.” His voice was still rough but his words were no longer slow. That had to be an improvement.

  “Still night. Just gave you something to counteract the sedative.”

  Julian opened one eye just a crack so he could see Homer. “Guess it’d be asking too much to just let me sleep it off.”

  “Well, it certainly is now.” Homer grabbed another syringe from his bag. “But in my defense, I didn’t think you’d want to wake up with a stiff neck and back from sleeping propped up against a tree.”

  The world around him was already starting to come into a sharper focus. Whatever was in the shot seemed to be doing its job. “Probably right.” He went to stretch but was stopped by the throbbing ache in his arm. “Fuck.”

  “Yep. I’d say that pretty much sums things up.” Homer gave him the second shot and then cut what remained of his sleeve away. “I know how vain you infantry soldiers can be but if you’re that determined to show off your biceps I can give you a couple of suggestions that might be less painful.”

  Julian couldn’t help but laugh at the man’s joke. “I’ll keep that in mind next time.”

  “Please do.” Homer sprayed something on Julian’s wound that made it burn like a son of a bitch. He gritted his teeth against the pain but a hiss still managed to escape him. “Quit being such a baby.”

  The comment should’ve been irritating but the medic had kept his tone soft enough that Julian recognized it as an attempt to lighten the moment. “I apologize if my injury is inconvenient.”

  “Apology accepted.” Homer spread a thin layer of biological glue over some of the deeper cuts and pressed the skin together before wrapping Julian’s bicep in sterile gauze. “Keep it dry and no scratch

  “Yes sir.”

  “I’ll check it again tomorrow.”

  “I’ll try not to get into any new scrapes between now and then.”

  “Sure you will. That’s what they all say. Go get some sleep.”

  Julian chuckled before he stood and made his way to his tent. It was dark and quiet inside the shelter. And an exhaustion that had nothing to do with the sedative swept through his entire being. This mission was taking a toll. Endless days hiking though hostile territory and nights spent trying to find a sleeping position that somehow avoided rocks had him on edge.

  Two more days. That was all they needed. Two more days and they’d reach the compound. It probably had beds. Or cots at the very least. He didn’t care. He’d sleep on anything that got him off the ground at this point. Hell, if one of the men stumbled upon hammocks strung up in the trees he’d give that a shot.

  He changed into a clean shirt and then lay down on his sleeping bag. But as he rolled onto his back he let out a deep sigh as a rock dug into his spine. And of course his arm chose that moment to start itching. He almost wished Homer hadn’t given him that first shot. He could use a sedative to help him sleep tonight.

  The flap to his tent was brushed back and he could see Gates’ definition outlined against the dim light of the campfire. He’d assumed that Gates would be spending most of his night interrogating the hostiles they’d brought back and seeing him here was a bit of a surprise. His dick seemed to recover quicker than the rest of him though. It hardened at the sight of the other man. Apparently it had something other than sedatives in mind.

  “You doing okay?” Gates entered his tent and then sat on the floor next to him.

  “I’ll live. How are you feeling?” They’d had one hell of a day, that was for sure.

  “Turns out Homer was right. I’m already feeling better.”

  “And the hostiles we brought back?”

  “They’re secure. Baker is trying to adapt our translators to their language.”

  So that was why Gates wasn’t with them. “How long does he think it’ll take?”

  The white of Gates’ teeth glinted for a second as he smiled. “Why? You got plans for the evening?”

  He hadn’t but at Gates’ suggestion all kinds of thoughts popped into his head. “One can hope.” He smiled back up at Gates.

  Gates laughed at the statement. “Look at you. Shot by your own men, attacked by hostiles and you think the medic cleared you for these ‘plans’ of yours?”

  “Shot with a sedative,” he pointed out. “And they landed on me more than attacked me.”

  “Not according to Homer.”

  “Homer can blow me.”

  “I don’t think you’re his type.”

  Julian suppressed a moan as Gates’ hand started to caress his thigh through the material of his cargo pants. “I didn’t mean—”

  “It was a joke, Julian. You need to relax.” As Gates cupped Julian’s balls, though, Julian only became tenser. Granted, it was a wonderfully charged kind of tension.

  “If you’re trying to get me to relax, you’re failing.” He closed his eyes with a sigh of pleasure as Gates squeezed his balls lightly.

  Gates leaned over and nuzzled Julian’s neck. “Give it time.”

  Time? Julian was already painfully hard. And the tickle of Gates’ stubble against his skin only served to make him harder. But even with the blood quickly deserting his brain he knew time would be scarce. “They’re going to be looking for you any second now.”

  “The last thing they want is me staring over their shoulders, asking if the translator is ready for the millionth time.”

  His heart pounded against his ribs and his breath caught in his throat as Gates undid the button to Julian’s pants. The emotional strain of the day had left his control shaky to say the least. And now, with the endorphins and the stimulant Homer had given him both flooding his system, he needed release so badly he hurt with it.

  He moaned as Gates slipped his hand down Julian’s pants and then wrapped his long fingers around his cock. Gates’ hold was firm and his calluses made Julian shiver with hunger as they slid across the sensitive skin. It was so intense he had to bite down on his bottom lip to keep from calling out.

  “Feeling better?” Gates continued to stroke Julian’s dick as he asked the question.

  As if Gates even had to ask. Julian was willing to bet every muscle in his body was tense, begging for climax. “Give it time.” Julian’s voice might have been husky with desire but the teasing undertone couldn’t be missed. And it wasn’t. Gates chuckled softly as he swiped the tip of his thumb over the head of Julian’s dick.

  “You sound as if you’re feeling better.”

  Julian squeezed his eyes shut tighter as Gates started stroking him faster. “Dear god.” He couldn’t be certain if the words were a plea or a prayer and he really wasn’t in the position to examine them right now. Every atom of his being was hurtling toward completion. Each touch of Gates’ skin against his brought him closer to the edge but he couldn’t fall over. And, damn, he really needed to fall right now.

  “Open your eyes, Jules.”

  Julian complied with the command. And as soon as he saw the fierce hunger and passion in Gates’ expression he tumbled over the edge of his climax. He surrendered to the waves of pleasure that rolled through him. They were so intense he couldn’t have fought them even if he wanted. And right now fighting was the last thing on his mind. He only sought the peace and relaxation that would come after the orgasm.

  Just as his body relaxed and the bite of restlessness began to recede, Gates took his hand off Julian’s dick and leaned away from him. He understood why Gates made the move. Julian was a mess. But it was the opposite of what Julian wanted. Julian wanted to draw Gates closer and return the favor. Bring Gates to climax just as the man had for him. But it didn’t look as though that was going to happen.

  “And are you relaxed now?” Gates turned away from him briefly but when he turned back he held a clean shirt in his hands. A clean-ish shirt at least. It was certainly cleaner than the one Julian currently had on.

  Julian sat up and stripped the soiled shirt off and then wiped it over his stomach to mop up the come before taking the other one from Gates. “Don’t suppose you could use a little relaxation too?” He winked as he threw the suggestion out there.

  Gates sighed heavily before running his fingers through his short hair. “That would be amazing. But—”

  Julian didn’t need him to finish the sentence. “Duty calls.”

  “She’s a bitch.”

  “But you love her anyway,” Julian teased. This was their life. They’d chosen it. And even when they hated it they wouldn’t have it any other way.

  “Yep.” Gates lifted a finger to his mouth and licked away the remnants of Julian’s essence before smiling. “But you owe me one.”

  “Feel free to collect anytime you want.” It was an open invitation and Julian didn’t give those. But as he lay back down he realized he meant it. Gates would be welcome in his tent anytime he wanted to stop by. It should probably freak him out a little but he quickly rationalized the absence of nerves by their remote assignment. It wasn’t as though Gates was going to walk in on Julian with some other guy. For as long as they were on this shithole of a planet their relationship was going to have to be monogamous in nature. Might as well take advantage of it.

  “In that case, I’ll see you later.” Gates leaned over and left a demanding kiss on Julian’s lips. “I’m glad you’re okay.” They were the last words he said before leaving Julian’s tent. And as Julian drifted off to sleep they made him smile. It seemed as if only moments had passed since Julian had said those exact words to him. Yet so much had happened. But even injured, hot and exhausted, Julian had to admit that things weren’t that bad. At least they hadn’t lost any more men.

  They still had fifteen men and now they had three hostages. Maybe the tide was finally starting to turn on this m

  Chapter Six

  Gates stared at the man, if one could call it that, bound in front of him. He’d been interrogating and negotiating with him for over an hour now. Gates was exhausted and his wrist throbbed angrily but they were finally making progress. He wouldn’t let some aches and pains stop him now.

  “You can have your people search our shuttle. There are no explosives. The only weapons we have are ones built for self-defense.”

  The man shook his head. “Not explosives. Death.”

  This had been the sticking point in the negotiations. The last team of soldiers had brought something to the planet that this species didn’t like. Something they called only “Death”. Gates wanted to reassure them that his team had a completely different mission but until he could figure out what this “Death” exactly was they were at a stalemate. “There is no Death on the shuttle either.”

  “The Warriors lie. That is the warning Creator gave us.” The computerized monotone of the words was eerie when overlaid with the angry hisses and grunts of his language.

  “I don’t lie. And I haven’t brought death to any of your men. Not even after your people have killed two of mine.” The burning in the pit of his stomach intensified, causing the words to come out almost in a growl. His entire body tensed with anger as he pictured the two men who’d been killed by this race. His men. Ones he’d sworn to protect.

  “We do not take responsibility for the first. He was killed by a Beta. They are no more than animals.”

  “But the second. That was an act of intelligence and strategy.”

  The man’s mouth stretched into what Gates could only imagine was a smile of pride. “Yes. We claim that kill.”

  Gates took a deep breath and fought against the need to lash out against the man. He wanted to. He probably never wanted anything more. But he had a job to do. And that was bigger than his need for retribution. “So who is the bringer of death and who is the victim here?”


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