Jewels for Vishnu (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove)

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Jewels for Vishnu (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove) Page 17

by Roland Graeme

  “Yes, aren’t they? It’s a fine clear evening. What a shame we had the pool drained today so that the maintenance crew can come and give it a good cleaning tomorrow,” Kaustav said. “I’d forgotten about it until Renesh reminded me earlier. We could have all gone for a nice relaxing after-dinner dip.”

  Renesh had a mischievous look on his face when he caught Corey’s eye.

  Corey almost blurted out, Yeah, I can imagine what goes on in the pool, sometimes—during and especially after these nude swims Renesh has told me about! But he caught himself in time and merely said, “I imagine the pool feels good on a hot day or night.”

  “Yes, it does. Well, you must come over for a swim some other time, and soon. We’ll give you a rain check.”

  Renesh seemed puzzled by Kaustav’s remark. “What is a rain check? Is that another one of those peculiar American slang expressions?”

  “I’ll let Corey explain it to you,” Kaustav said.

  But when Corey tried his best to explain, his efforts resulted only in confusion worse confounded.

  “I’m afraid I still don’t understand,” Renesh admitted. “What does the weather have to do with whether or not a vendor has a certain item in stock—unless we are talking about some sort of an agricultural product?”

  “Never mind, Renesh,” Corey said. “You’re a good-looking guy. You don’t need to be so logical.”

  Kaustav laughed boisterously at this witticism, although Renesh still looked a bit puzzled.

  Kaustav had Renesh accompany them to the study so that the houseboy could admire the maquettes before Corey removed them from the statue and packed them up again. Then both Kaustav and Renesh walked him to his car.

  “Thank you guys again for dinner,” Corey told them.

  “It was our pleasure. You must come again,” Kaustav insisted.

  “You’ll spoil me.”

  “That might be a pleasure, too.”

  During his drive home, Corey mulled over that last remark of Kaustav’s. Kaustav, he told himself, was just being polite—and flirtatious, in that jocular way that gay men had with one another as they became better acquainted. It didn’t necessarily mean anything. It certainly didn’t mean that Kaustav Thevar was interested in him, romantically—or even sexually, which Corey would have been quite willing to settle for.

  Still, he thought as he steered the Triumph through the nighttime traffic, a guy could always dream.

  Chapter Nine:

  Too Much, Too Soon

  One evening a few nights later, Corey was working at home when he took a much-needed break from his labors at his work bench and gave Joey a call.

  “Are you free this weekend, Joey? Can we get together?”

  “Sure, man.”

  “Which will be better for you, Friday or Saturday night?”

  “Friday, I guess.”

  “Good. I’ll take you out somewhere to dinner, or we can stay in and I’ll make us dinner.”

  “Can you cook?”

  “Of course I can.”

  “Yeah, but can you cook Italian?” Joey sounded dubious.

  “You’ll see,” Corey boasted. “If Italian’s what you want, Italian you shall have. And listen. Why don’t you plan on spending the night with me, here at my place?”

  “Okay, as long as you don’t mind me having to get up in the morning to go to the gym.”

  “I tend to be a pretty early riser on weekends, myself.”

  “All right. I’ll see you on Friday, then.”

  Corey feverishly looked up various recipes for Italian dishes on the Internet, and then, having decided to keep it simple so there’d be less likelihood of screwing up, he went grocery shopping. He began cooking the moment he arrived home from work on Friday, taking time out only to shower, change, and set the table.

  Joey arrived, punctually, bearing two large bottles of wine.

  “This is pretty decent Chianti,” he announced after greeting Corey with a kiss. “I figured something we end up eating or drinking tonight ought to be authentically Italian.”

  “Go ahead and be as cynical as you want, because I just checked on how things are going in the kitchen a minute ago, and I flatter myself I’m doing okay so far. You might be pleasantly surprised.”

  Joey sniffed the air. “Something does smell good,” he conceded.

  “And something sure looks good. Namely, you. Come on, sit down and relax.”

  “Can I help you with anything in the kitchen?”

  “No. Whether I succeed or whether I fuck up, I plan on taking all of the credit, or the blame, myself. Wait. I’ll get you the corkscrew and the glasses. You can open the wine.”

  Dinner, to Corey’s relief, was a success. He served an antipasto, followed by eggplant parmesan with a side dish of pasta and vegetables. Carrying the Italian theme through to the end, there was even spumoni, admittedly store bought, for dessert. Joey, after making token protests about his need to watch his weight, ate everything that was offered to him and seemed to enjoy it.

  “All right, you’re a decent cook,” he conceded as they retreated to the living room with refilled glasses of wine.

  “Only decent?” Corey asked.

  “Okay, more than decent. You don’t need to start fishing for compliments. You have other talents.”

  “Let’s have some more of this wine,” Corey suggested, “and eventually I’ll demonstrate a few of them for you. Or rather, on you.”

  As they killed the bottle of wine, they sat on Corey’s sofa and watched some mixed-martial-arts matches on TV. The sight of the muscular, nearly nude men locked together in various wrestling holds when they weren’t punching and kicking one another was decidedly arousing. Joey and Corey made out a little as they viewed the program and commented on the matches, touching each other through their clothes.

  “Fuck,” Joey exclaimed. “I’m getting drunk—and watching this shit is starting to get me turned-on.”

  “Good. I want you turned-on.”

  “I bet those guys spring boners while they’re wrestling together like that,” Joey said, referring to the two half-naked athletes who were battling at close quarters on the screen at the moment. “And then they probably fuck each other in the locker room afterward.”

  “It must be exciting to fight a guy and then fuck him,” Corey theorized, buying into Joey’s fantasy.

  “But I’m a lover, man, not a fighter. I just want to fuck you.”

  “Go right ahead.” Corey, too, had consumed enough of the Chianti to shed what few inhibitions he possessed.

  “Kiss me,” Joey pleaded.

  “You bet.”

  Impulsively, Corey threw himself on top of Joey’s big body, and they began necking and petting, like two horny teenagers discovering gay sex for the very first time. But Corey was no inexperienced virgin. He knew what he liked to do with another man, and he wasn’t shy about asking for what he wanted.

  “Let’s get our clothes off,” he suggested.

  They stripped, tossing their clothes onto the floor, and then resumed their foreplay on the sofa, nude.

  Corey guided Joey’s hands down to his ass, silently inviting him to play with the mounds. Joey’s fingers squeezed his buttocks, parted them, kneaded them, and explored the lightly blond-haired valley that lay between them.

  “You want to get fucked tonight, buddy?” Joey whispered.


  “Well, I’m the man to do it.”

  “I bet you are. But finger-fuck me a little first, to get me in the mood. Loosen me up a bit. That always gets my asshole good and hot for a cock.”

  “Yeah, man. A little ass play, that’s just what I want. Come on, let’s take this into the bedroom.”

  Corey grabbed the remote control and turned off the TV, then led Joey into his bedroom.

  There was a frustrating delay while Joey fumbled for the tube of lubricant that Corey kept in the drawer of the nightstand, and used it to slick up the blunt-tipped fingers of his right hand. But
then his powerful grip was separating Corey’s ass cheeks again, and the cool, sticky fingers probed gently at the puckered rim of muscle that guarded the entrance to his craving anal canal.

  “You can do it harder,” Corey invited. “You can get a little rough with me. I like to have my ass played with. I like to be finger-fucked.”

  “Oh yeah, that’s a hot, tight ass,” Joey exulted as he probed deeper and harder.

  Corey writhed about passionately within Joey’s embrace while first one fingertip, then two, violated his body. The lubricated digits eased their way through his tight ring of sphincter defense, then began to massage the extra-sensitive inner anal lining with highly arousing circular and thrusting and stretching motions. As a preview of coming attractions, the finger-fucking was extremely exciting.

  “Fuck! Oh, fuck!” Corey gasped. “Work it, baby. Work that horny ass.”

  “That’s a sweet hole.”

  Corey panted hoarsely for breath as Joey slipped his other hand between their bodies and seized his prick and frigged it. The firm strokes on his hard-on made Corey’s ass muscles twitch and contract in involuntary reaction, pinching the fingertips that Joey had shoved inside his asshole. Joey worked his right hand harder, masturbating Corey at the same time, until the blond man felt a hot flush of arousal spread all over his body and he could no longer tell which sensations were the result of Joey’s fist around his prick and which came from the hand that was digging ever deeper into his fiery manhole.

  “Don’t fuck me with your fist, Joey,” Corey warned. “Fuck me with your cock! Come on, shove that big stud cock of yours up my ass. All the way up it, fucker! I want you to really slam it to me tonight. I want it bad. Fuck me!”

  Getting a condom on the big stud cock in question, and coating it with a swipe of the lubricant, was the work of a moment. Joey applied some more of the lubricant to Corey’s anal pucker as well. Then they quickly assumed a position in which Corey lay sprawled out flat on his belly on the bed, with his ass raised up off the mattress in eager anticipation and his legs spread wide. Joey lay at full length on top of Corey’s back, gripping his dick in one fist to guide it between the muscular ass cheeks, which he held open with his other hand.

  “Ready?” Joey asked.

  “Yeah! Get it in me!”

  Corey forced his body not to tense up and resist when the thick, rounded cockhead pressed against his hole and began to slide through it. He was rewarded by the burning sensation he craved as the massive head of Joey’s potent young prick pushed its way inside him, opening him up. The head was followed by the shaft, until Corey’s butt was plugged by every inch of Joey’s dick.

  “Oh yeah, oh yeah,” Corey chanted. “That’s the way I want it!”

  “Feel good?”

  “It feels great.”

  There was just enough friction to make Corey’s own stiff penis quiver and dribble in empathy. The rumpled sheets on the bed under him were already damp in spots from his dripping pre-cum.

  “Fuck me, oh fuck me,” Corey pleaded as Joey took him.

  “Don’t come yet,” Joey warned him. “I want you to screw me, too. I want us to flip-flop. I want you to fuck me every bit as hard as I’m fucking you now.”

  “Yes, sir. Whatever you say!”

  They did indeed take turns possessing one another anally, until they were both so excited that they couldn’t prolong the session. They finished up by stripping the rubbers from their dicks and masturbating together, ejaculating simultaneously, spraying their semen onto their own bodies and each other’s. Breathing hard, the two men rested.

  They took turns using the shower. Corey let Joey go first, while he turned out the lights in the living room. Finally, relaxed by his own stint under the warm spray, and smelling of soap, Corey joined Joey in the bed.

  “I forgot to thank you for dinner,” Joey said as Corey pulled the covers up over them both.

  “You’re welcome.”

  “I also forgot to thank you for the fuck. That was really hot.”

  “You’re more than welcome. And any time you’d like seconds, just let me know. Are you ready to have the light out?”


  Corey reached out and switched off the small bedside lamp, plunging the bedroom into darkness.

  “Now it’s my turn,” he said, moving in closer to Joey’s warm, naked body. “Thank you for coming on over here tonight and spending the night. I don’t often have an overnight guest, you know. Lately, so many guys seem to just want to have sex and then rush off.”

  “Not me. Not when I’m with a guy I really like, like you. I prefer to take my time.”

  “So you like me, huh?”

  “I thought that was pretty obvious from the way I was behaving a little while ago,” Joey said. “I’d hate to think I’d get that turned-on, and let myself go and act so wild, with some dude I didn’t like.”

  Emboldened by Joey’s declaration, Corey slipped one arm around his waist and hugged him tight. “This is nice, Joey, having you here, being in bed with you.”

  “Yeah, it is.”



  “Do you like this apartment?”

  “It’s great. And it sure beats my place. It’s really quiet here at night, for one thing. If I was home right now, I’d be hearing the customers coming and going in the Greek place downstairs, all night long.”

  “I’ve been thinking, Joey.”

  “About what?”

  “Your living arrangement. You’re not too happy with where you’re living now, are you?”

  Joey shrugged. “It’s a dump, but it’ll do until I can afford something better.”

  “Maybe you wouldn’t have to wait for that. What I was thinking was, maybe you’d like to move in here with me. You could kick in your share of the rent, the same amount you’re paying now or maybe a little less, but I’d go on paying the utilities. That way, you’d already be ahead. Financially speaking.” Corey waited for Joey to say something, and when he didn’t, he went on, somewhat hurriedly. “I know this isn’t a very big place for two people to share. If we decide we feel crowded, we can start looking for a bigger place, together. What do you think?”

  “It’s nice of you to offer, Corey, but—”

  I should’ve heard that “but” coming, loud and clear, Corey thought as Joey hesitated. “But what?” he coached.

  “It might get a little awkward, wouldn’t it, if one of us wanted to bring a guy home with him. You know, a trick.”

  “Well, I was kind of hoping there wouldn’t be too much of that.” Feebly, Corey tried to keep his tone light and jocular. “You know, I was flattering myself that I’d be keeping you pretty busy all by myself, in your spare time.”

  “I don’t think I’m ready to be pinned down to just one guy.”

  “Perfectly understandable. Whatever arrangement we came up with, it could be as informal, I mean as open, as we decided it should be.”

  “Well, you’ll have to give me some time to think about it.”

  Corey knew that this meant no. “Sure. As much time as you need. There’s no need to make a snap decision or rush into anything. Think of it as a standing offer.” He was babbling on, he realized, to cover up his disappointment, and he checked himself. “If you change your mind, just let me know.”

  Joey twisted around in Corey’s embrace, to face him, and peered at him in the darkness, rather searchingly. “You’re pissed.”


  “You’re mad, because I didn’t jump at the chance to move in with you.”

  “No, not at all. It was only a suggestion.”

  “You’re a great guy, Corey, and I know a lot of guys would jump at the chance if they were given it. But me—I’m just not quite ready for anything like that.”


  “It’s not like I’m ungrateful. Like I said, I’m just not ready.”


  “It’s got nothing to do with you.” />
  “Let’s drop it for now, okay?”

  “Now I feel bad.”

  “No need to.”

  “You are pissed.”

  “Okay, maybe I’m a little disappointed. You see, I kind of let my imagination run away from me. I was entertaining my own private fantasy, inside my head, and I forgot that you might have something to say about it. But there’s no harm done.” Corey gave Joey a good-night peck on the cheek, then snuggled closer against him under the covers. “Come on, let’s get some sleep.”

  Chapter Ten:

  A Farewell Dinner

  Corey confided in Kevin the next time they got together. He knew that Kevin would tease him, but he didn’t care. He had to talk to somebody, and at least with Kevin he didn’t have to censor himself.

  “So what you’re telling me, Corey, is that sweet, sexy little Joey isn’t going to be the great love of your life, after all?”

  “You don’t have to rub it in.”

  “Sorry. The two you of you are still going to be fuck buddies, though, aren’t you?”

  “I suppose so. For as long as it lasts. Until he finds somebody else he likes better than me.”

  “Then I don’t see how you’re any worse off than you were before.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “Meaning what?”

  “Meaning, you seem to have this idea that we gay men obsess about sex twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.”

  “Don’t you?”

  “Give me a break. I’d like to have more in my life than work and a good time in bed for an hour or two every now and then. What the hell am I supposed to do with the rest of my time?”

  “So you want a lover.”

  “Well, that’d be one way of filling the void.”

  “Okay. Look on the positive side. If Joey isn’t ready to make a commitment, then that leaves you free to reel in the big fish.”

  “You mean Kaustav?”

  “Who else?”

  “I haven’t hooked him, let alone started to reel him in, as you so delicately put it. I think Kaustav likes me as a person. But I don’t think he’s interested in me sexually.”


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