Jewels for Vishnu (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove)

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Jewels for Vishnu (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove) Page 28

by Roland Graeme

  “Get that fucking thing in me,” he demanded.

  “As you wish.”

  Kaustav had coated his latex-sheathed dick generously with the lubricant. He reached down, cupped Corey’s butt cheeks in his palms, and spread them as far apart as he could. Then he moved their bodies still closer together, until Corey felt what he had been longing for—the head of Kaustav’s cock brushing over the light dusting of blond hair that grew between his buttocks. The tip of the penis slid down deeper in his cleft, and when it touched the entrance to his anus, Corey jumped in spite of himself at the contact.

  “Take it easy, my love. I’ll be gentle,” Kaustav promised.

  He let Corey’s weight rest on his thighs as he guided his cock to the tiny, puckered opening. To Corey’s relief, it stretched readily to admit Kaustav’s cockhead. Often, the first moment of insertion cost him some discomfort. But tonight, his ass seemed frantic to receive the gift of Kaustav’s cock. The big, bulky knob suddenly popped inside, and the anal ring snapped shut around the top of the shaft of the invading manhood. Corey gasped as the familiar feeling of being penetrated shot through his body, to be replaced almost at once by a pulsating, hotly arousing sense of intense pleasure. He forced himself to lie still until he was sure that he had every inch of Kaustav’s cock inside him.

  “Don’t be gentle. Take my ass!” he insisted.

  Kaustav pushed his shaft into Corey. It entered quickly, but then it struck against a bend in Corey’s rectum. The angle wasn’t quite right, and Corey could feel the cockhead striking the wall of his ass. Kaustav pushed again, and this time Corey’s ass yielded to the onslaught. Corey writhed in ecstasy as he suddenly felt the full length of that cock slide into him, filling him completely.

  “Ah!” he exulted. “Ah, God!”

  “You wanted to get fucked,” Kaustav reminded him. “And now you’re going to be!”

  “Yeah! Fuck me, Kaustav! Oh, fuck me hard!”

  “Your ass is mine.”

  “All yours.”

  “I’m really going to enjoy using this hot little hole.”

  “Start using it. Start fucking me. Start fucking me, and don’t stop.”

  “As you wish,” the ever polite Kaustav replied.

  Kaustav had risen up on his haunches a bit, driving his meat further into Corey’s hole, and then he had sunk back again, relieving the pressure somewhat. He repeated the movement. Corey slid one trembling arm out from beneath his head and laid it over his eyes. He wanted to shut out the sight of Kaustav on top of him for a moment, as stimulating as it was, so that he could concentrate on the sensations inside his ass.

  “Are you enjoying yourself?” Kaustav asked.

  “You know I am. It’s almost too good. I don’t want to come too soon.”

  “Shall we try another position?”


  Kaustav sat up, forcing his cock in even deeper. He seized the tube of lubricant and applied some to both of his palms, rubbing them together. Then he wrapped both hands around Corey’s cock, jacking him off. As he did so, he leaned forward, tilting Corey’s pelvis upward and crushing Corey’s cock between their bodies. Kaustav got up on the balls of his feet and flexed his knees, using his weight to push himself farther into Corey’s upraised ass. And, all the while, he kept his hands pressed in between their bodies, griping and stroking Corey’s prick. Grunting, Kaustav began to jackhammer his dick downward, drilling it in and out of Corey’s ass.

  Kaustav fucked him like that until Corey thought his asshole was going to melt around the other man’s cock, so hotly did his anus respond to the plowing.

  Corey cried out, doubled his legs up, and planted the soles of his feet flat on Kaustav’s chest as the other man fell on top of him, slamming his cock furiously in and out of Corey’s hole, fucking him brutally now. Each lunge his body made forced a convulsive answer from Corey’s flesh, forced Corey’s cock up into the vise-tight grip of Kaustav’s fists, and sent blinding, white-hot flashes of pain across Corey’s retinas. But surging up from far beneath the pain, spreading out under it, bubbling up into Corey’s consciousness like so much hot lava saturating a volcanic landscape, gushed burst upon burst of pure pleasure! Wild joy lashed through his entire body.

  “Fuck me!” Corey screamed.

  “I am! I am!” Kaustav shouted right back at him.

  “Harder, oh harder,” Corey begged, his voice suddenly failing him and trailing off into a stream of gurgling noises, deep in his throat, as Kaustav took him at his word and, incredibly, did indeed fuck him harder than he had up until now. His cock pounded into the depths of Corey’s ass like a pile driver!

  Corey couldn’t take it any longer. He could feel himself beginning to come. Semen splashed all over his body and face in hot bursts as Kaustav’s skilled hands stroked his penis and brought him off. At the same time, Corey felt not only thrusting in and out of him but helpless shuddering. Kaustav was coming, too! Coming in his ass!

  “In me,” Corey moaned. “Oh, come in my ass!”

  On Kaustav’s next down stroke, Corey tightened his ass around Kaustav’s cock to keep it trapped inside. He wanted Kaustav to stay there inside him forever.

  Kaustav had let go of Corey’s cum-covered cock. Corey now allowed his legs to slip under Kaustav’s armpits. Their bodies, slick with the cum Corey had sprayed all over his own belly and chest, slid about against each other freely as the two men crushed their hot, sweaty nakedness together as tightly as possible, as though wrestling, and Kaustav’s mouth found and sucked on one of Corey’s erect nipples. Corey rubbed his heels over the broad expanse of Kaustav’s sleek brown back. His raised legs had begun to ache from the strain of having been in the same position for so long. Sweat was running off both men’s bodies, wetting the sheets beneath them.

  “Don’t take your cock out of me until you have to,” Corey pleaded. “Not until it goes soft.”

  “It isn’t going soft. How can it, with that ass of yours working around it like that?”

  Corey continued to flex his anal muscles. “If I keep doing this, do you think you can stay hard and fuck me again?”

  Kaustav groaned. “You’re going to wear me out.”

  “I’m going to try. I’m curious to find out just how much you can take before you admit defeat.”

  “Is that a challenge?”


  “I never back down from a challenge.”

  “Then you’d better get comfortable. You’re going to be in for a long, hard ride,” Corey warned. He rotated his hips, the action screwing his butt tightly against his lover’s groin and making Kaustav’s dick swell and expand anew within his firm anal embrace. “Oh yeah,” Corey whispered. “Yeah! I can feel it getting good and hard again, deep inside my hot ass. I don’t think either of us is going to get much sleep tonight, big guy. Not for a long while, anyway!”

  Kaustav let out a groan of mock despair. “Vishnu, give me strength!” he prayed out loud. “This hot-assed American man is trying to sex me to death!”

  “Amen,” Corey responded.

  Chapter Sixteen:

  The Remover of Obstacles

  “So tell me, buddy,” Kevin demanded. “How does it feel to be a rich man’s plaything?”

  “Shut the fuck up,” Corey retorted. But Corey had a grin on his face.

  “No, seriously. What’s it like to be a boytoy? And have a man for a lover who can give you anything you want?”

  “My relationship with Kaustav isn’t like that.”

  “But it’s getting there,” Kevin said gleefully. “Or it would be there already if the two of you would ever stop having sex long enough to do anything else.”

  “For your information, we don’t spend all of our time together in bed. We went to the opening of a show at an art gallery one night and had dinner afterward.”

  “At Vercusi’s?”

  “Yeah, at Vercusi’s. What of it? And another night, we went to see a movie, and after that we ate in a cheap little diner whe
re truck drivers and cab drivers hang out. And we had just as much fun there as we did at the expensive place.”

  “You sound so defensive.”

  “Do I? Maybe it’s because this town is full of hustlers, and they don’t all hang out on street corners or work for escort services. I have no intention of becoming one of them. Any time two men are in a relationship and one of them makes more money than the other, it can get awkward. I almost wish Kaustav didn’t have a dime more or less than I do. Then we’d be on an equal footing.”

  Kevin looked at Corey quizzically. “But Kaustav doesn’t flaunt his money or hold it over you, does he?”

  “No, he doesn’t. The problem is mostly inside my own head. I guess it’s other people’s possible perception of me that I’m worried about. I’m not going to let Kaustav keep me. Even if he’d offer to, which he hasn’t.”

  “He can keep me,” Kevin suggested. “Tell him I’d be willing to turn gay for pay—at least for a guy like him, and for the right price.”

  “Oh, I’m sure he’ll want to rush to take advantage of your generous offer. You forget that Kaustav already has one houseboy, who is perfectly respectable and well-behaved. He hardly needs another. And especially not a slut who’d be willing to swing both ways, for money.”

  “People have been known to do all sorts of things for money.”

  “You’d be surprised at some of things they’d be willing to do for love, too.”

  “Huh? Such as?”

  “Kaustav and I have been trying out some of those sexual positions you see on ancient Indian temple carvings,” Corey boasted. “It’s kind of like yoga, only you get to shoot your load at the end.”

  “Corey, you are kidding me, aren’t you?”

  “Maybe. Maybe not.”

  Corey was now spending quite a lot of time at Kaustav’s house, to the extent that, at Kaustav’s urging, he had moved a few changes of clothes into one of the closets in Kaustav’s dressing room and had purchased a duplicate set of personal toiletries to keep in the bathroom adjourning the master bedroom. As for the official guest bedroom, with its collection of porcelain birds, it went neglected. Corey had yet to try out the bed in that room. He and Kaustav slept together in Kaustav’s bed whenever Corey spent the night. And the truth was they didn’t need to consult photos of temple carvings for inspiration. Their own libidos were keeping both men not only active but inventive.

  Corey supposed that he and Kaustav had crossed some line and become lovers. The two of them had never discussed the nature of their relationship to any great extent. Perhaps words weren’t necessary. Their relationship had evolved, steadily gaining in intimacy. A telling point was that Kaustav certainly seemed to think of them as a couple. He wanted Corey to accompany him to social engagements whenever possible so that he could introduce Corey to his friends.

  When he drove to Kaustav’s place one Friday evening, Corey noticed that the BMW wasn’t parked in front of the house, as it usually was. And when Kaustav himself opened the door and let him in, the house seemed unusually quiet.

  “Where’s Renesh?” Corey asked after returning Kaustav’s kiss. “Don’t tell me that the most efficient houseboy in all of California is slacking off, for once?”

  Kaustav chuckled. “Hardly. The fact it, I let him have the night off. He has a date.”

  “Renesh? A date? With whom?”

  “Someone I believe you’re acquainted with. The Rashis’ son, Surya.”

  “Surya? No kidding? I didn’t know he was gay.”

  “I believe Surya is one of those young men who identifies himself as bisexual. Although Renesh has every intention of trying to tip the balance in his favor, so to speak. They’re going to the movies.”

  “And after the movie?”

  “The possibility was raised of Renesh inviting Surya back here for a swim and perhaps to spend the night. Should that happen, I expect a full report from Renesh on any and all subsequent activities, in due course.”

  Corey shook his head. “Looks like our little boy is growing up. Fast.” He looked at Kaustav, trying to read the other man’s expression. “And how do you feel about that?”

  “About the possibility of Renesh finding himself a lover? I’d feel fine about it. Provided, of course, the man was suitable.”

  “Oh, of course. We’re going to have to ask Surya whether his intentions toward our boy are honorable. But what about the possibility of you losing Renesh as a sex partner?”

  “That’s bound to happen sooner or later. Isn’t there a tradition in the gay community of older men initiating and mentoring younger men? But if the older man is wise, he knows when it’s time to step aside and cut his younger lover loose, so he can fend for himself. It always helps the transition if the older man has been lucky enough to have found a wonderful lover his own age.” Kaustav smiled. “Why all these questions?”

  “Just curious, I guess. And I think you and I are at the stage where we might want to set a few ground rules. About third partners in our relationship, for example. I have to admit there was a time when I entertained fantasies of getting you and Renesh in the sack with me at the same time.”

  “And now?”

  “Let’s just say I’ve put that possibility on the back burner for now. I’m too preoccupied with what I’ve got cooking on the front burner”

  “As am I. We can always move it to the front burner at some later time, should we so choose. Agreed?”


  “Anyway, speaking of burners and things cooking, you’ll be relieved to know that Renesh put dinner in the oven for us before he left. It should be ready soon. Come on. Let’s go into the kitchen and open a bottle of wine.”

  “What’s for dinner?” Corey inquired as he followed Kaustav to the kitchen. “Another example of exotic, authentic Tamil cuisine?”

  “Oh, dear. I’m afraid not. It’s meat loaf with mushroom-and-onion gravy, and baked potatoes. And I thought I’d open a can of peas as a side dish. Is that all right?”

  “It sounds great.”

  “We can always serve the baked potatoes with sour cream and curry powder, instead of sour cream and chives, if that will help to jack up the exoticism quotient.”

  “As a matter of fact, I may try them that way. It might be tasty. But wait a minute. You’re planning to eat a dish made from ground beef?”

  “Not exactly. This particular meat loaf is made from ground venison. Have you ever had it that way?”

  “No, never. Talk about exotic! I can’t wait to find out what it tastes like.”

  “While we’re waiting for dinner, I have something to show you.” Kaustav indicated a cardboard shipping box set on the kitchen countertop. It was open, and Corey saw that it was packed full of small square pasteboard boxes. There were probably a couple of dozen of them, he estimated. Kaustav took one out and handed it to him.

  “What’s this?” Corey asked.

  “A product I’m thinking of investing in.”

  “I’ve got to hand it to you, Kaustav. You seem to have a finger in every pie.”

  “Is that one of your American slang expressions?”


  “I prefer to think of it as developing a diversified portfolio.”

  “Whatever. So what is this I’ve got here in my hand?”

  “A sex cream.”

  “You’re kidding.”

  “Not at all. It’s an all-purpose sex cream, which can be used for massage as well as for lubrication. It’s edible, latex-condom compatible, and made entirely from natural ingredients. Secret ingredients, of course,” Kaustav added with a smile, “handed down by Hindu sages throughout the centuries.”

  “Kaustav, here in the States we have another slang expression for such things. We call it peddling snake oil.”

  “I assure you, this is a high-end product.”

  “Next you’ll be telling me it’s also an aphrodisiac.”

  “It very well may be, but of course we can’t advertise it as such.�

  Corey examined the box. The pasteboard was bright blue, with pictures of Hindu temple carvings depicting smiling deities, rendered in bluish-gray tones on the top and sides. The deities were embracing but hadn’t progressed to more explicit couplings yet. Remembering his recent conversation with Kevin, Corey had to smile, too. He opened the box, which contained a flat round jar in the same color scheme. He read the printed blurb on the side of the jar.

  Vishnu the Preserver spiritual massage cream. An enthralling sensual experience. A recipe inherited from the ages, when artisans created not only immortal sculptures and architecture but skillful blends of natural fragrances and oils. Designed to transport your mind and to enhance the mood of the moment. This was followed, in smaller print, by the somewhat more prosaic statement For sale in India only.

  “Okay, Kaustav, I have to admit it. This is some spiel.”

  “That’s not the final packaging. It may need to be fine-tuned for foreign markets.”

  “Have you actually used this stuff?”

  “Not yet. But that’s why I’ve acquired these samples. So I can get some idea of what it’s like, for myself. It’s been thoroughly tested for safety, of course. But not on animals, in case you were wondering. And speaking of testing, I thought we might try it out ourselves, later on tonight.”

  “Oh, you did, did you?”

  “Naturally, I couldn’t in all conscience endorse a product such as this unless I’ve used it myself.”

  “Well, I’m game if you are. My mind could use some transporting, and I wouldn’t mind being enthralled.”

  “Excellent. I’ll put one of these in the bedroom. Remind me to give you a few to take home with you, to hand out to your friends. That is, assuming the trial run is successful,” Kaustav added with a laugh.

  “Yeah. If it’s unsuccessful and we both break out into some sort of a weird rash, then all bets are off.”

  “It might be interesting trying to explain the problem to emergency-room personnel.”

  Corey grunted. “Well, if I end up going to the hospital tonight, at least it’s going to be on a full stomach. Dinner smells delicious. How soon before it’s ready?”


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