Flaming Hearts (Beyond Reality Book 2)

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Flaming Hearts (Beyond Reality Book 2) Page 12

by Stoker, Susan

  Becky squeezed Sam’s hand and nodded. She was right. She had to look out for herself and all she had to do was get through the next week of the show and she’d be done with show business for good.

  “Thanks for coming today, Sam. It was great to meet you, and I’m so glad you’re happy.”

  The two women hugged each other briefly. Becky watched as Alex seemed to know exactly when Sam was done talking to her because he came over and grabbed her hand. They laughed together and walked around the set saying hello to the camera operators they’d met while in Australia. Becky watched as both Sam and Alex gave Kina a big hug. Sam hadn’t been lying, she and Kina were friends. Becky shook off the embarrassment she felt knowing Kina had told the other woman all about what was happening on the set. Oh well, the whole world would know it sooner rather than later, she had to get over it.

  Lying in bed, Becky reflected on the day’s visit with Sam and Alex. Sam’s talk with her helped immensely. It gave her some of her self-esteem back and Becky felt stronger. While she wasn’t glad Sam had gone through what she did in Australia, it was nice to know she wasn’t alone. Becky was done with the crap the men were giving her and she was done with Marissa. She’d do what she wanted, what she had to do to be done with the show and see if she could work things out with Dean. She knew he wanted to be with her, he’d told her repeatedly, and Becky knew she wanted him back. When she talked to him tonight she’d tell him she’d stay here in Arizona after the show was over. She wanted to give them a chance.

  After waiting what seemed to be forever, Becky finally felt the vibration of the disposable phone Dean had given her and eagerly answered it. Expecting to hear Dean, she was surprised to hear a different voice.

  “Becky? This is Steve.”

  Becky sucked in a breath. Why was Steve calling her? It couldn’t be good. “Oh my God, is Dean all right?”

  Steve was quick to reassure her, “Yes, he’s fine. I’m sorry. Jeez, I didn’t think. I didn’t mean to frighten you.”

  Becky breathed a sigh of relief. She knew she liked Dean, but she didn’t realize how much until she thought Steve was calling to tell her he’d been hurt or worse. She tried to control her adrenaline rush and asked, “What’s up?”

  “Dean asked me to call. You know he works in security, right?” At Becky’s affirmative response he continued, “Well he’s going to be out on a job for about four days. He won’t be able to contact you as he’ll be going up into the mountains around Fresno and won’t have any cell service. He wanted to let you know how sorry he was that he couldn’t tell you himself. It was a sudden thing and he had to leave right away.”

  “Is everything all right?” Becky asked.

  “It will be,” Steve told her. “I can’t give you any specific details, but there’s a woman who’s being stalked and her stalker found where she’d been staying and attacked her. She left town as soon as she could but she’s still scared that he’ll find her again. Dean was called in to make sure the house she’s staying at in the mountains has adequate security and that no one can break in, or if they do get near her, she has time to call for help.”

  Becky felt bad. Steve sounded almost sad for her.

  “It’s okay, Steve,” she told him brightly. “I’m glad he’s going to help that woman. She has to be so frightened. Four days isn’t that long and I’ll be finishing up this show anyway. If you talk to him, tell him I’m fine and I’ll see him when he gets back.”

  Steve knew Becky wasn’t as fine as she was trying to let on, but he also knew if he called her on it, her pride would be hurt.

  “Becky, I’ve told you this before, but if you need anything please don’t hesitate to contact me or Jonathan. Even though Dean is out of town, we’re still here. Did Dean give you my number? You have it, right?”

  “Thanks, Steve, I have it.” Becky didn’t tell him she wasn’t planning on having any need to call him. What could go wrong in four days? Yes, the show was awful, but there wasn’t anything that Steve or Jonathan or even Dean could do about it. She’d just have to hang in there, like she’d been doing, until the end of the show and then see if there was anything between her and Dean in the “real world.” She was excited about that prospect, just dreading getting through to the end of the show.

  Becky thanked Steve again. “Thanks, Steve, I appreciate you calling and letting me know about Dean. I think there’s only about a week left on the show and then I’m free!”

  “When you’re ‘free’,” Steve said with a laugh, “Let Dean pick you up and bring you here. We’ll have a huge party!”

  Becky laughed and agreed. They said goodnight to each other and hung up. So much for her relaxing phone call from Dean. She mentally shrugged and snuggled down into the covers to try to catch some sleep so she could make it through the next few days.

  Chapter Twelve

  As the show was coming to an end, Marissa and the other contestants seemed to get more and more intense, if that was even possible. Becky supposed if she was really interested in any of the men, she’d probably feel the same way. She’d feel pressure at the ceremonies to choose the right guy and if she liked more than one she’d want Marissa to choose the men she liked to stay. But because she didn’t care one whit about any of the men, or who Marissa wanted to continue on, it was torture.

  Marissa had started coming to her again before the ceremonies to try to tell her who she should choose to stay. She wanted all of her choices to stay, even though she didn’t get one hundred percent of the say. In the beginning, Becky would just do what she wanted, but some of the men that were left weren’t very nice, at all. In fact, Becky knew if she met any of the men in a bar or anywhere else, they’d probably scare her. Generally they were big, and they were pretty mean. Oh, they were nice to Marissa for sure, but when Marissa wasn’t looking they were downright rude, talking about how Becky was an ugly cow and most likely frigid to boot and how they couldn’t wait to ‘tap’ Marissa.

  They never did it in front of the cameras, but their comments to Becky as she walked by them were getting worse and worse and downright scary. Derek actually threatened her the other day. They’d been walking past each other in the hallway and he’d stopped her and told her that if she didn’t continue to choose him, if Marissa didn’t, that she’d regret it.

  Becky had tried to talk to Eddie and even the other producers, but they didn’t want to hear it. Eddie had practically patted her on the head and said it was all a part of the show. And the other producers wouldn’t even take the time to talk to her. Eddie was more concerned that his big investor—Dean—hadn’t shown up for the last few days. He’d been told he was away on business, but he didn’t believe it and was scrambling to try to figure out what he’d done wrong. Every day he’d grill Jonathan about his “friend” and if he’d be coming back for the show’s finale.

  Becky didn’t dare tell Jonathan or Dean about the threats. She figured she’d just deal with them herself and she’d be sure to never be alone with any of the men who were left on the show. Dean wouldn’t be able to do anything, even if he were here for her to talk to. She knew enough about his personality to know it’d be a bad idea to tell him. He was protective of her, as was his dad and even Jonathan, and that made her want to keep this from them. If they did something or said something to any of the men they could get in real trouble. The last thing Becky wanted was to be the cause of trouble for anyone she cared for. Yes, she finally admitted she cared for Dean and his family.

  On one of the last days where there were individual dates, Becky had unfortunately “won” a date with Derek. The producers were no longer having Marissa and Becky go on double dates, but letting them go out with the remaining men by themselves. Becky sat in her room before she was supposed to leave on her date with Derek and fingered the phone. Oh, how she wished she could talk to Dean. It’d been a long couple of days and she was kinda scared to go out with Derek. She knew there’d be a camera there, so it wouldn’t be like they were truly alone, but she
knew Derek didn’t like her and she didn’t like him in return. It would be very awkward, if nothing else. They had to go out to dinner, and then they were supposed to come back to the house and watch a movie in the TV room.

  Becky considered calling Steve for a pre-date pep talk, but then decided that would be ridiculous. She couldn’t call her sorta boyfriend’s dad before she went on a date with another man. She again reminded herself there was nothing Steve could do and she returned the phone under her pillow. She took a deep breath and walked out of the room. Ready or not, it was time for her date.

  Dinner was awkward. Neither of them wanted to be there and they weren’t sure what to say to each other. Derek was only interested in winning the stupid show and didn’t even try to engage Becky in any meaningful conversation. The only thing he wanted to know about was Marissa and if she was going to choose him to stay at the next ceremony.

  After dinner they came back to the house and sat on the couch, on opposite sides, watching a movie. Becky had seen it before and Derek didn’t seem remotely interested in what was happening on the screen.

  At one point Eddie walked into the room and interrupted them, asking to speak with Derek. They left the room and Derek came back in about five minutes later. He sat very close to Becky and put his arm on the back of the sofa behind her.

  Becky was freaking out. What the hell? Derek hadn’t shown any affection toward her the entire show, and now, after speaking with Eddie he was suddenly pretending this was a real date? What a joke. Eddie had to have put him up to it.

  “What are you doing?” she asked him sharply when he actually had the nerve to put his arm around her shoulder.

  “What does it look like, baby?” he asked while winking at the camera that was in the room.

  Becky whipped around to see that yes, there was a camera there. The red light blinked at her mockingly, letting her know they were being filmed. She stood up and moved over to the lone chair in the room.

  “I don’t know you well enough for you to be touching me like that, Derek,” she said, knowing she sounded prudish. But seriously? He wanted to pretend to like her now when the entire show he’d been a jerk to her and had actually threatened her the other day? No.

  Derek pouted and they both continued to watch the movie. Not long after Eddie left he asked Becky if she was watching the movie. When she shook her head he suggested they call it a night. Becky was all for ending the farce of the date early and settling down, alone, in her bed. She wanted to dream about Dean and hoped that maybe he’d get home early and might call.

  Derek offered to walk her to her room. She knew it was just because the cameras were following them. When they got there, she opened her door and when she turned around, Derek was standing right there. He grabbed her in a hug and forced his lips down on hers.

  Becky tried to push him away, but he was too strong. He had one hand around the back of her neck, holding her lips to his and the other was like a vice around her waist. He brutally dug his fingers into her side and squeezed. It hurt. Becky tried to break his hold, but he was too strong.

  He walked them backwards into her room through the open door. Becky continued to struggle, albeit futilely. Derek’s mouth was wet and disgusting, and he was hurting her with the force of both his kiss and his grip on her body.

  He finally lifted his head from hers to turn around and grab the door. He blocked Becky’s view of the camera, but she heard him say, “I think I’ll take it alone from here,” in a suggestive tone and he shut the door.

  Becky was furious and a little scared. He’d done that on purpose; made it look like they were going to make out in her room, or worse!

  When Derek turned back around from the now-closed door she shoved him as hard as she could. Surprisingly, he let go of her, but quickly recovered and shoved her back, hard. Becky went flying and landed hard on her butt on the floor.

  Derek came at her again and Becky tried to crab walk backward to keep away from him. She wasn’t fast enough and he viciously grabbed her arm and hauled her upright.

  Becky was shocked. Although Derek was kind of scary she’d never thought he’d turn violent with her. What the hell was he doing?

  She was freaked because she was alone in her room with a man who’d just forced a kiss on her, lied to the camera, held her tight enough to leave bruises, and shoved her across the room. She had to get him out of there.

  “Let go of me,” Becky said through clenched teeth, trying to wrench her arm out of his grasp.

  “No way,” Derek hissed. “You owe me,” and he threw her around so she landed on her bed.

  Becky knew this was quickly getting out of hand. She had no idea what Derek thought she owed him, but she knew she had to do something, fast.

  She scrambled across to the other side of the bed before Derek could get a hold of her again. She was not going to be raped.

  “You asshole,” she hissed. “You won’t get away with this.” Becky looked around the room for her options. She didn’t see anything she could use as a weapon. She didn’t have her handy baseball bat on the set. She always kept one in her room back home at her apartment. She figured the attached bathroom was her best option at this point.

  She knew there was a lock on the door and if she could reach it, then she should be okay, at least theoretically. Of course, Derek could always break the door down, but she didn’t think he’d go that far. She feigned left and when Derek fell for it and reached for her, she ran to the right and toward the bathroom.

  She slammed the door behind her and locked it just as Derek reached the doorknob. He tried it and she could tell he was furious it was locked.

  “Open the damn door,” he hissed at her, obviously trying to be quiet so everyone else in the house didn’t hear him.

  Becky didn’t answer him, only backed away toward the opposite wall. Like hell she was opening the door. Did he think she was stupid? There was a window in the bathroom, but it was too small for her to climb out of, and besides she was on the second floor. Not to mention she wasn’t exactly a ninja and able to land on her feet if she did manage to get out of the stupid thing.

  She held her breath, waiting to see what Derek would do. Her heart was beating a million miles an hour and she could feel the adrenaline coursing through her. When Becky heard nothing for ten minutes, she tried to relax. She didn’t know if Derek had left or not, he could be trying to wait her out on the other side, but she wasn’t leaving this room and the security it offered.

  She thought longingly about the phone that was tucked away under her pillow. Damn. She’d give anything to have that phone right now so she could call someone. She knew Dean wasn’t around, but Steve had said she could call him any time for any reason. This certainly would be a time for her to call him. But there was no way she was leaving the sanctuary of the bathroom. It was amazing what a little wooden door could do to make her feel safe, even if it was only an illusion.

  She slid down the wall across from the door to the floor, her knees shaking from the adrenaline rush and reaction to her fright, and put her arms around her knees. She put her head down sideways, resting it on her knees, keeping the door in her sight, just in case. She stayed like that for the rest of the night.

  * * *

  When the morning came Becky almost didn’t know what to do. She so badly wanted to talk to Dean, or Jonathan, or even Steve, but what would they be able to do for her now? Nothing. They weren’t here. They weren’t in charge of this stupid show. She was stuck, complaining to them wouldn’t solve anything, and certainly telling Eddie wouldn’t work. She tried to shake some sense into herself. She was an adult woman who could handle this on her own. She didn’t need any help.

  She thought back to the night before how it wasn’t until after Eddie had talked to Derek that he’d come up with the idea to walk her to her room. It was obvious Eddie had given the suggestion to Derek. If Becky had been raped it would’ve been as much Eddie’s fault as it was Derek’s. She truly felt that way.
/>   Becky felt sick. She was outnumbered and had no allies on this show. None. She was done. She had a black and blue mark on her arm where Derek had grabbed her, her tailbone was sore after landing on it where he’d shoved her. She also had bruising around her waist from where Derek had held her to him as he pushed them through her bedroom door in front of the camera. Becky knew she’d been lucky and it was time to end this farce. Dean wasn’t home from wherever he was, but she couldn’t wait any longer.

  She cautiously opened the bathroom door and peeked out. The bedroom was empty. Nothing seemed out of place, but Becky wasn’t taking any chances. The first thing she checked was the phone, it was still there. She grabbed it and the rest of her things and put them in her suitcase. She went back into the bathroom with her bag and locked the door and took a quick shower. She had to be ready. She’d be leaving the show today, and she knew just how she’d do it. She had to do it while the cameras were rolling so no one could say or do anything. If she did it in “public,” then she’d be all right, she reasoned with herself. Once she got off this show she could start her life again. Hopefully with Dean.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Later that afternoon was another ceremony. The five men who were left stood in their spots. Both Becky and Marissa were supposed to choose two to stay. Marissa, of course, came to her before the ceremony and informed her of who she was supposed to vote to keep.

  Becky didn’t say anything. She just let Marissa think she was going along with what she wanted. Whatever. Becky was so done with Marissa and the stupid show. She actually couldn’t believe Marissa still had the nerve to try to tell her who she should choose to keep. After everything that had happened so far and everything that had been said between the two of them, it was completely ridiculous.

  Finally, it was time. Robert had a dramatic speech about how the end was nearing and how everyone was on pins and needles to see who’d be staying this time and who’d be going home.


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