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by Dick Armey

  3“They’re Astroturf (fake grass roots) events . . .”: Paul Krugman, “Tea Parties Forever,” New York Times, April 13, 2009, A21.

  4“This [Tea Party] initiative is funded by the high end . . .”: KTVU interview with Nancy Pelosi, April 15, 2009,

  5“Dick Armey’s group is out there . . .”: Press gaggle by Press Secretary Robert Gibbs,

  6“. . . things that you could not do before”: Gerald Seib, “In Crisis, Opportunity for Obama,” Wall Street Journal, November 21, 2008, A2.

  7“It is now evident,” they argued, “that an ugly campaign . . .”: Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer, “ ‘Un-American’ Attacks Can’t Derail Health Care Debate,” USA Today, August 10, 2009.

  8“I’m not afraid of August”: Press conference with Nancy Pelosi, July 23, 2009,

  9CNN’s Anderson Cooper opted for dirty jokes: “Cable Anchors, Guests Use Tea Parties as Platform for Frat House Humor,”

  10managed to say the words teabag and teabagger: “Rachel Maddow’s Disgusting Homoerotic Tea Party ‘News’ Report,”

  11“helped create the teabaggers . . .”: Jonathan Alter, The Promise: President Obama, Year One (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2010).

  12“They’re carrying swastikas and symbols like that . . .”: Interview with Nancy Pelosi,

  13“. . . our own right-wing domestic terrorists . . .”:

  14“. . . we value our liberties . . .”: Peter Hamby, “Axelrod Suggests ‘Tea Party’ Movement Is ‘Unhealthy,’ ” April 19, 2009,

  15“. . . that picture of him in the Post today . . .”: President Bill Clinton, “The Tragedy of Oklahoma City 15 Years Later,” April 16, 2010,

  16“This is about hating a black man . . .”: Keith Olbermann interview with Janeane Garofalo, Countdown, April 16, 2009,

  17“. . . an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity . . .”: Brian Williams, interview with President Jimmy Carter, NBC Nightly News, September 15, 2009,

  18“The public is outraged about the president’s policies . . .”: “Statement of Project 21 Fellow Deneen Borelli on Allegations of Racism Against Critics of Obama Policies,” September 16, 2009,

  19“Personally, I’m not a fan of this movement”: David Brooks, “The Tea Party Teens,” New York Times, January 5, 2010, A21.

  20“There is an argument floating . . .”: David Brooks, “No U-Turns,” New York Times, March 29, 2007.

  21“. . . tactics of the New Left”: David Brooks, “The Wal-Mart Hippies,” New York Times, March 5, 2010, A27.

  22“. . . evil is introduced into society by corrupt elites and rotten authority structures”:

  23“People of the same trade seldom meet together . . .”: Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations,

  24“Normal, nonideological people are less concerned . . .”: Brooks, “No U-Turns.”

  25“Now I’m not a true Republican . . .”: Amy Gardner, “Republicans in Utah Direct Anger at Former Party Favorite Bennett,” Washington Post, May 1, 2010,

  26“a proposal for time travel . . .”: Michael Gerson, “Doers vs. Undoers,”, February 26, 2010,

  27“. . . conservatism has been reduced to sound bites”: Steven F. Hayward, “Is Conservatism Brain-Dead?” Washington Post, October 4, 2009.

  28“opposition to Barack Obama and the Democratic Congress has sparked a resurgence . . .”: Brink Lindsey, “Right Is Wrong,” Reason magazine, August 2010.

  29these informal networks take advantage of what philosopher Michael Polanyi: Personal Knowledge: Towards a Post-critical philosophy” (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1958).

  30“It seems that Greenspan, Bernanke, Fannie, Freddie . . .”: David Boaz, “What Caused Atlas Shrugged Sales to Soar?”

  31As Saul Alinsky teaches, “change comes from power . . .”: Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals: A Practical Primer for Realistic Radicals (New York: Random House, 1971; New York: Vintage Books, 1989), 113.

  32“. . . Democrats have vilified the ‘tea party’ . . .”: Neil Munro, “The Tea Party: Do Not Boil,” National Journal, April 24, 2010.

  33Hank Sheinkopf, a Democratic political consultant”: Ibid.

  34views of the “Tea Party” (48 percent): “Tea Party 48% Obama 44%,” Rasmussen Reports,

  1“We won’t get a public option . . .”: Fred Barbash, “Robert Reich Calls for March on Washington in Support of Public Option,”, August 18, 2009,

  2Sophia Elena, a video blogger:

  3“. . . it had received a bomb threat”: Teddy Davis, “There’s a ‘Big Ol T.E.A. Party’ Coming to Washington,” September 11, 2009,

  4“Everyone was in great spirits . . .”: E-mail submitted to FreedomWorks “Why I Marched” initiative.

  5“I loved seeing people of all ages marching . . .”: E-mail submitted to FreedomWorks “Why I Marched” initiative.

  6250,000 strong:

  7“FreedomWorks held a Capitol Hill demonstration yesterday . . .”: “Democratic Memo: 9/12 Project Might Draw Two Million People to D.C. Tomorrow,” September 11, 2009,

  8“I was stunned by the number of people . . .”: E-mail submitted to FreedomWorks “Why I Marched” initiative.

  9“as many as one million people . . .”: David Gardner, “A Million March to U.S. Capitol to Protest Against ‘Obama the Socialist,’ ” London Daily Mail, September 14, 2009,

  10“. . . their dc demonstration attracted 30,000 people”:

  11“Authorities in the District . . .”: Emma Brown, James Hohmann, and Perry Bacon Jr., “Lashing Out at the Capitol,” Washington Post, September 13, 2009.

  12“probably well more than 850,000 in the crowd”: Charlie Martin, “March on Washington: How Big Was the Crowd?” Pajamas Media, September 14, 2009.

  13“We overheard people talking . . .”: E-mail submitted to FreedomWorks “Why I Marched” initiative.

  14“I will be fifty-one years old . . .”: E-mail submitted to FreedomWorks “Why I Marched” initiative.

  15“The huge, polite, focused crowd was like a fresh wind . . .”: E-mail submitted to FreedomWorks “Why I Marched” initiative.

  1“Both parties seem to be . . .”: Janet Hook, “New York Race at Epicenter of a GOP Mutiny,”
Los Angeles Times, October 27, 2009.

  2“This is not a good year . . .”: This and all other quotes regarding the poll are from “CNN Poll: Anti-incumbent Fever at Record High,”, February 24, 2010.

  3“. . . public servants end-of-job counseling . . .”: Grandma’s Not Shovel-Ready: Signs from 9/12 and the Tea Parties of 2009 (Wilmington, Del.: Let Freedom Ring Publishing, 2010).

  4“. . . channel this tidal shift in American public opinion . . .”: Mark Tapscott, “Tea Party Leaders are Wasting Opportunity to Replace Congress,” Washingon Examiner, September 3, 2009.

  5“sign up for your local political party . . .”: Erick Erickson, “Put Down the Protest Signs and Pick Up the Campaign Signs,”, September 2, 2009,

  6“Would you guys knock off an incumbent Republican . . .”: Chris Matthews, interview with Matt Kibbe, Hardball, MSNBC December 10, 2009.

  7In 1912, the Progressive Party was formed: James Chace, 1912: Wilson, Roosevelt, Taft & Debs—The Election That Changed the Country (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2004), 168.

  8thirteen U.S. House members in office: Amos R. E. Pinchot and Helene Maxwell Hooker, History of the Progressive Party, 1912–1916 (New York: New York University Press, 1958).

  9“The Year of the Woman”:

  10700,000 donating members:

  11“. . . the face of power in America”: Andrea Seabrook, “Powerful PAC: EMILY’s List Turns 25,” Morning Edition, NPR, April 30, 2010.

  12“companies that have been awarded taxpayers’ money . . .”: “TARP Recipients Paid Out $114 Million for Politicking Last Year,”, February 4, 2009,

  13“Even in the best economic times . . .”: Ibid.

  14“The taxpayers are a vast group . . .”: Mancur Olson, The Logic of Collective Action: Public Goods and the Theory of Groups, rev. ed. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1971/1965), 165–66.

  15“The small-government candidate in the Republican Party . . .”: Adam Nagourney and Jeremy W. Peters, “GOP Moderate, Pressed by Right, Abandons Race,” New York Times, November 1, 2009, A1.

  16“Dede is more liberal than the Democrat”: Janet Hook, “New York Race at Epicenter of a GOP Mutiny,” Los Angeles Times, October 27, 2009.

  17She was in third place: Daily Kos / Research 2000 NY-23 Poll,

  18blaming the “hate and lies and the deceitfulness”: Michelle Breidenbach, “Dede Scozzafava Says ‘Hate, Lies’ Wore Her Down,”,

  19“. . . I am writing to let you know . . .”:

  20“Ms. Scozzafava fit the model of candidate . . .”: Nagourney and Peters, “GOP Moderate, Pressed by Right.”

  1“I mean, when you have parents asking neighbors . . .”: Matt Clemente, e-mail message to Adam Brandon, April 12, 2010.

  2“In 2010 all politics are national”: Rachel Martin, interview with Rick Barber, Good Morning America, January 24, 2010,

  3“Florida will be one of the clearest tests . . .”: E. J. Dionne Jr., “A Florida Test for the GOP,” Washington Post, May 14, 2009.

  4“an inspiring leader for the next generation . . .”: “Former U.S. House Majority Leader Dick Armey Endorses Marco Rubio for U.S. Senate,” July 14, 2009,

  5“It is a damn outrage”: David Brooks, Meet the Press, May 9, 2010.

  1“Pick the target, freeze it . . .”: Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals: A Practical Primer for Realistic Radicals (New York: Random House, 1971; New York: Vintage Books, 1989), 130.

  2Hayek’s weighty notion: “spontaneous order”: F. A. Hayek, The Constitution of Liberty (1960; repr., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1978).

  3“Which of these systems . . .”: F. A. Hayek, The Use of Knowledge in Society in Individualism and Economic Order (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1948, 1980), 79.

  4“I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences . . .”: Thomas Jefferson to Archibald Stuart, 23 December 1791. The Thomas Jefferson Papers, Series 1: General Correspondence, 1651–1827, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

  5“We can’t give people a choice . . .”: Personal recollection of Dick Armey.

  1“I don’t expect politicians to solve anybody’s problems . . .”: Jann Wenner interview with Bob Dylan, “The Modern Times of Bob Dylan: A Legend Comes to Grips with His Iconic Status,” Rolling Stone, September 7, 2006.

  2“Our own selves”: Ibid.

  3“No, these are my people, Americans”: Brent Baker, “White NBC Reporter Confronts Black Man at Tea Party Rally: ‘Have You Ever Felt Uncomfortable?’ ”, April 16, 2010.




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