Grace After the Storm

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Grace After the Storm Page 7

by Sandy Sinnett

  “Well? Come on… spill! What did he say?” Laci’s overly anxious tone caused him to shake his head, no doubt in frustration. I know I drive him crazy. I have a tendency to get a little worked up at times… it’s what I do. His face was serious, but it wasn’t one that gave her that ‘bad feeling’ in her gut, so she held out hope.

  “I think you should sit down – this could be painful.” Mitch’s voice was solemn.

  Laci immediately prepared herself to go on the defensive, as was her normal stance when she knew she was right about something. She decided against his suggestion to sit and instead, began to pace back and forth. “No, I won’t sit down. Ugh! I knew it! I knew he’d hate the idea – all because it came from me. If it were his idea, he would have signed the papers sight unseen! But nooooo, ‘rain-lovin’-Laci’ is ‘cuckoo for cocoa puffs’, so naturally it’s a bad idea.” Her voice raised a notch with each syllable.

  Mitch walked in front of her, then gently grabbed her shoulders in hopes to stop her incessant ranting. It worked… a little. “Slow down, Darlin’. If you’ll give me a minute, I’ll finish. Besides… I was just joking about it being painful. He’s going to fly up here to see the estate as soon as we get home. He’s not fully on board per se, but he’s intrigued, and that’s saying a lot for Brad.” Mitch’s voice was steady and calm, making an immediate impact on her frantic state.

  Laci’s eyes burst open. “Really? He liked the idea?”

  “I’d say ‘like’ is a bit of a stretch… but I think he’ll get there. I’m not totally convinced either, you know. We have to consider every factor here before we sign anything and I need Brad’s approval. I won’t go forward without it, Lace. For now, let’s just say we’re both giving it careful consideration,” he smiled, and she leapt into his arms hugging him tight. “Are you sure you heard me right? That doesn’t mean yes,” Mitch laughed.

  “What I heard, my love, was opportunity.”

  “Now that is the Laci that I remember… always the optimist. What would I do without you?”

  “You’d be miserable, of course.”

  “That I would, Darlin’. That I would. Now what do you say we go inside and share this little plan with Hannah? She still has to buy into it.”

  “Something tells me she will,” Laci smiled.

  5 – Clouds of Hope

  Mitch and Laci walked back inside and found Hannah in the kitchen washing dishes, a mild scent of lavender stirring in the air. She lifted up her head from the basin of soapy bubbles.

  “What’s up you two? Heading out already?”

  “Not yet. Actually, we were hoping to talk to you before we leave. Do you have a minute?” Laci asked, giving her a wink.

  Hannah smiled, “Of course. Let me dry my hands and we can sit over there at that little bistro table.”

  They walked over to the other side of the kitchen and sat down at the table. The table was perfectly positioned by a big window that overlooked what Laci guessed to be Hannah’s vegetable garden; remnants of last year’s crop now brown and lying dead on the ground. Hannah pulled up a chair and sat down.

  “Now, what’s going on?” Hannah asked.

  Mitch looked at Laci and smiled, knowing that she would want to share the news.

  “Hannah, Mitch and I talked last night and we have an idea, but you have to promise to keep an open mind.”

  “Okay, I’ll bite. What’s your idea?” Hannah’s curiosity was definitely piqued.

  “What would you think about selling the estate to Mitch and me, and Mitch’s brother? It would become a subsidiary company of Crystal Creek Winery. We wouldn’t change the name, and although we would own the rights to both the bed and breakfast and the winery, you would still be involved with managing the property until you are in a position to buy it back. If you want.”

  Hannah didn’t reply for what seemed like an eternity. She lowered her head and her eyes remained fixed on the table – lost in thought.

  Laci began to worry. Surely she knows this is the best option for her. She needs this… Brad needs it too. It has to work out, Lord. Please let her say yes!

  Finally, Hannah lifted her head. “So, let me get this straight… you want to buy the estate, and keep me on as an employee; a manager. Then what? Are you going to stay up here and help me?”

  Mitch scooted his chair up and the little metal feet screeched as they slid across the old wood floor. “Look Hannah, we’re not promising to buy it yet, although Laci likes to think it’s a ‘done deal’,” he looked at Laci and shook his head, smiling. “And no, we can’t stay here to run it with our family in North Carolina, but my brother can. He wants to fly up in the next week or two and check out your entire operation, your inventory, and make an assessment on whether he thinks the property would be a good investment for us.”

  “So your brother makes the final decision?” Hannah asked.

  “No, it’s both of us, and I think it’s a good idea, but I won’t do it without his approval. I’ll review your numbers, and he can review the operations to tell me if this is a viable business,” Mitch added.

  “It’s viable – but I know you can’t take my word for it. Unfortunately, running this business has become the one thing I never wanted it to become… a job. I had no idea what it would take to keep this place running. I am simply lost.” Defeat reflected in Hannah’s eyes.

  Laci took Hannah by the hand. “We want to help you save your family’s estate – for you and your grandmother. It will work, I know it.”

  “I guess the logical thing would be to take some time and think this through – make sure it feels right – but the truth is, I don’t have the luxury of time. I’d like to try it. Tell your brother to book his flight,” she said in a firm voice.

  “Are you sure? You might be wise to take the time and talk it over with your grandmother, make sure she is comfortable with this,” Mitch asked.

  Hannah’s head slowly shook from side to side, “I am losing this place regardless of who buys it. I have no other recourse. With your offer I can still be a part of it, and I don’t feel like I’m losing it to a complete stranger. It may sound odd, but I feel like I’ve known you both for ages. You seem more like… like family.” Hannah’s voice was sad, but also hopeful in a way.

  “Well then, it looks like we may have a promising future ahead. Laci and I need to run into town and visit the realtor, then grab a few things before we pack. You should go tell your grandmother. At the very least, that will give you a few minutes to make sure you’re at peace with your decision.” Mitch stood up and looked down at the floor. A fresh scratch was now visible, obviously made from the leg of his chair. “I think I scratched your floor, Hannah. I’m so sorry. I’m happy to fix it if you want.”

  She laughed. “That little scar is the last thing I’m worried about, trust me. Besides, it adds character right? And, if this little plan of yours works out, it will become your problem soon,” Hannah smiled and walked out of the room.

  Mitch and Laci remained in the kitchen for a minute longer after Hannah left.

  “Do you think she’s making the right decision?” Laci asked.

  “Hard to tell. Right now she believes it’s the only decision she has left, and she’s probably right. Not easy to read that one – none of you women ever are though,” Mitch laughed.

  “Hey, I take offense to that statement, mister. I am not hard to read, you just have to learn the language, my love.” They walked toward the door to leave.

  “Oh… is that all? Well, if you’d settle on one language that would be fine. You may not know this Darlin’, but you tend to be multi-lingual,” he said in fun.

  “Yep… it’s all part of my master plan to keep the excitement and mystery in our marriage, don’t you know?”

  “Emphasis on mystery…,” he added, sarcastically.

  “Hey now!” Laci laughed and slapped his arm playfully.

  Mitch pulled her into his arms, and after brushing a curl from her face, leaned down and kissed h
er gently.

  Later, their shopping and packing done, it was time to say goodbye to their new friend and potential business partner, and get back on the road.

  “I’m going downstairs to pull the car around, Lace. Don’t carry anything down, do you hear me? I’ll be back up to get the suitcases.” Mitch was always protective of Laci, but even more so now since losing the baby.

  “I know, I know,” she replied. Laci took a quick look around the room to make sure they didn’t miss anything, then headed downstairs. When she got to the foyer, she looked through the front screen door to find Hannah and her grandmother sitting outside on the front porch and walked out to join them.

  “Hi ladies. It’s almost time for us to go and I wanted to say goodbye,” Laci said.

  “Scoot your chair over here, Laci. I can’t see you, Sweetheart,” Lois replied.

  Laci moved her chair near Lois, immediately taking in the strong aroma of her perfume. She was dressed to the ‘nines’ again, in Lois fashion anyway. Lois placed her hand on Laci’s knee and patted it gently.

  “My Jules told me what you are trying to do for her and I think it’s a wonderful idea. I agree with her – you and Mitch are special. She’s hard-headed though, and it might take her awhile to come around. Giving up her reign on this place won’t be easy.”

  Laci smiled, then looked over at Hannah and raised her eyebrow.

  “Grandma, I’m right here. You don’t have to speak for me,” Hannah said in an extra-loud voice.

  “I know you’re right there. Don’t patronize me. She needs to know how grateful we are and you need to be more appreciative.”

  “Alright, Grandma… I will be more appreciative.” Hannah rolled her eyes, then smiled, nodding her head up and down.

  Laci had already grown so fond of Lois – she was a breath of fresh air and made her laugh. She realized then how much she was going to miss both of them, even though they’d only known each other a couple of days.

  “I’m glad we could help, Lois. It’s been so nice meeting you both and getting to know you. I’ll be anxious to come back and visit again soon. Next time we’ll bring the kids.”

  “Oh that would be lovely, dear.” Lois took in a big breath and coughed hard, wiping her mouth with a handkerchief – a fancy letter ‘L’ embroidered on one corner. When she pulled the cloth away from her mouth, Laci noticed a small smear of blood left behind and looked at Hannah with concern.

  “You okay, Grandma? Do you need some water?”

  Lois coughed again, but this time not as hard. “I’m fine, dear. Water might be nice though.”

  Hannah bounced her head in the direction of the house, “Laci, would you want to help me bring out a few glasses of ice water?”

  “Umm… oh, sure.” Laci picked up Hannah’s subtle clue and followed her inside.

  They walked inside and gathered some glasses, filling them with ice water. Hannah was quiet at first, then pulled a tray down from the cabinet, and placed the glasses on top.

  “She’s dying, Laci. She falls more often being blind; the last one broke her back in two places. Now her digestive system is out of control and she can barely go to the bathroom by herself. The cough is new though, and getting worse. I don’t know what to do.” Hannah broke down and Laci pulled her into her arms to provide some comfort the best she could.

  “Hannah, your grandmother is a strong lady even though she may not always seem like it. I’m sure she’ll bounce back from this and have many years left. Get her to the doctor and try not to worry, okay?”

  “Laci? I hate to bring this up, but I don’t have any other place to live once you all buy the estate. If we have to leave, I don’t know if she’ll survive it.”

  “Why on earth would you leave the estate? If we buy your business, you do NOT have to move out. Do you hear me? We would never do that to you.”

  “Are you sure we can stay? What if Mitch’s brother doesn’t agree? What then?”

  “Hannah, Sweetie. Don’t worry. Brad is a lot of things, but he has a heart. At least… I’m pretty sure he does.” Laci had a rough start with Brad, and she once questioned that fact herself, but she was sure it was there. Somewhere…

  “Wait… you said his brother’s name is Brad? Brad Young? And they’ve always lived in… North Carolina?” Hannah stuttered, connecting the lines in her head.

  “Yes, Brad Young, same as Mitch. Both from Crystal Creek, North Carolina. Why?”

  Hannah’s face turned ashen and she seemed a little disoriented for a minute, as if she’d just seen a ghost. She thought to herself, surely he’s not the same one… the same Brad Young I knew in North Carolina. That’s not possible… it’s been eight years! It can’t be the same Brad that broke my heart. God don’t let it be him, please!

  Laci waved her hand in front of Hannah’s face. “Hannah, what’s wrong? Are you okay?”

  “I… umm… I’m fine. It’s nothing. I’m just worried about my grandmother, that’s all. I wanted to make sure I got Brad’s name right for the paperwork.”

  Hannah wasn’t making any sense, and Laci was pretty sure she wasn’t being truthful in her reply, but she did have a lot going on right now. They walked back out to the porch and gave Lois a glass of water.

  Mitch finished loading the car and came up on the porch to say goodbye. “Are you ready, Laci? It’s about that time,” he said.

  “I know. I’m ready.” Laci walked over to Lois and gave her a hug. “Take care of yourself, Lois. It’s been an honor meeting you. You have a beautiful granddaughter.”

  “Thank you, dear. Yes, she’s a real ‘jewel’, as I like to say.” Lois smiled but her face was tired and Laci could tell she was drained.

  Laci turned to Hannah. “I will call you soon, okay? We’ll keep in touch, I promise. Try not to worry about anything. Once Brad gets here and sees how wonderful you are and how beautiful this place is, he will want to buy it as much as we do. I know it.”

  “Thanks. I hope you’re right,” Hannah replied, uncertainty heavy in her voice.

  Mitch walked over to join them. “Hannah, it was a pleasure meeting you. I’ll have our lawyer contact the broker’s office to start drawing up papers for our bid. Laci was right – I think we were meant to cross paths.”

  Laci winked. “I usually am, he just hasn’t figured it out yet.”

  Hannah laughed at her comment and hugged them goodbye. “Thank you, Laci – for everything. I’m so grateful to you both.” Tear tracks stained her cheeks.

  “It was meant to be, that’s all. God’s perfect timing. Good luck, and call me if you need me, okay?” Laci hugged her again and whispered, “Give Brad a chance, okay? I’ve got a good feeling that it will all work out.” They climbed in the car and Laci rolled down the window.

  “I will. Be careful driving. Those clouds are getting pretty dark and I heard that there were some heavy storms brewing up north,” Hannah replied.

  “Oh good! That’s what I like to hear!”

  “Huh?” Hannah asked, a look of confusion on her face.

  Laci smiled. “Those clouds are full of liquid hope, my dear. Rain brings good things, didn’t you know? It brought us to you! It’s something that I’ve believed since I was a little girl. Probably sounds silly, huh?”

  “Well, I never really cared for rain much, but you have fun with that,” Hannah laughed.

  They waved goodbye and slowly pulled away. Hannah watched them from the porch until they were out of sight.

  Laci sighed. “I’m going to miss her. Do you think she’ll be okay?”

  “I’m sure she’ll be fine. Once Brad gives me his review, and if things look good, we’ll make an offer. After it’s accepted, I think she’ll feel much better. I have a good feeling about this, surprisingly enough,” Mitch replied.

  “It’s about time you came around to my idea. I’ve thought that since the day we arrived.”

  “I know, I know. I’m not sure why I ever doubt you,” he laughed. “So, let’s head to the beach for a
couple of days, then we’ll be nice and rested for our flight back on Saturday.”

  “Can we make one pit-stop first?” she asked.

  “Sure. Where’s that?”

  “Back to Andréa’s for a cup of her coffee!”

  Mitch took Laci’s hand and laughed. “Anything for you, Darlin’.”


  A few days later, Mitch and Laci were standing in their designated line, waiting to board their flight home. The scent of Mitch’s cologne wafted through the air and made Laci smile. She looked at him and her heart swelled with pride. He looked exceptionally handsome, wearing his blue jeans and white button-down shirt, and his beautiful brown eyes seemed to smile as he looked at her. Then she realized he was smiling at her.

  “What?” Laci giggled.

  “I don’t think I’ll ever fly again without thinking about the day we met, you standing in your line, staring over at me.”

  “Wait… you knew I was staring at you?” Laci was shocked. He never told me that before!

  “Of course I did. I’m pretty sure you smiled at me too. You were kind of hard to miss, Darlin’.”

  “Wow. I… I had no idea. Why didn’t you ever tell me?”

  “Once I realized my seat was right next to yours, I didn’t see the need. And, the rest is ‘history’, as they say,” he added.

  Laci wrapped her arms around his waist and looked in his eyes. “Actually, the rest is still to come. I love you, my Creepy-Stalker-Crawdad-Fan.”

  He still took her breath away and stirred the deepest part of her soul, and right then, she asked God to never let her lose that feeling again.

  “I know. I love you too,” he said, and kissed her softly.

  Their trip to visit the rain was filled with healing, renewal, and the hope of a new partnership with Hannah. Laci was a bit anxious though – afraid that it would take more than a little rain to show Hannah the way. One thing was certain though, Laci was better and felt like herself again. She smiled and thought to herself, something good is about to happen here.


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