Wild Hearts (Rock Goddess Reverse Harem Book 2)

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Wild Hearts (Rock Goddess Reverse Harem Book 2) Page 9

by Romy Lockhart

  “I’m just warming you up,” he tells me, as the tip of his cock rubs against my pussy. “You need to take more if you’re going to take my cock in here.”

  I feel him use his other hand to guide his cock into my pussy. I feel instantly full, with his probing fingers penetrating my ass and his thick shaft buried inside of me. He pushes in a third finger, drips in more lube and keeps working to open me up. I gasp as his dick starts to thrust a little harder. It all feels so good. He pulls his dick out suddenly and I bite down on my lip as his fingers move out of my ass.

  I turn and watch him slick lubricant all over his cock before he positions the tip at my tight hole. It feels impossibly big as he starts to inch inside, dripping more lube as he goes. Pleasure and pain unite until I get used to him inside there. He puts his lube covered hand on my hip as he gives a final thrust and his hips bump into my cheeks.

  “That’s all of me.” It’s barely a whisper. He’s close to coming before he even starts to move. I swear, I can feel his dick throbbing in me. His other hand reaches around to stroke my pussy as he starts to move, slowly. Sparks of intense pleasure burst through me as he rocks into me, stroking and thrusting. He moans, and I gasp as he starts to speed up his movements. It’s almost too much to take. I cry out as I come from his frenzied stroking, just as he slams into me one last time.

  He gasps as he pulls out. “Fuck. Eden, are you okay?”

  “I’m fine,” I breathe out as I try to get up and collapse on the bed. My body feels like liquid now. I shake when I try to get up. Holy hell. This is what it is to be fucked into oblivion. “More than fine.”

  Nick disappears into what looks like a bathroom. He was pretty much covered in lube, so I don’t blame him. I want to wipe the sticky stuff from my hip and my ass, but it’ll have to wait until I can move again. I hear water running. I close my eyes.

  I hear him walk back into the room and the mattress creaks as he sits. “You look like you’re going to pass out.”

  He sounds kind of worried. I open my eyes and smile. “I am, but in a good way, Nick.”

  I pull his arm and he lays down next to me, looking into my eyes.

  “I’d do anything for you, Eden. You know that, right?”

  “I know.”

  He kisses me softly. I realise how much I needed this, how much I needed him, when I fall asleep next to him on top of the covers. The last thing I feel before I drift off is his arms wrapping around me, pulling me into his warmth.


  It’s darker in the room when I wake up, Nick’s arms still wrapped around me. He’s already awake and he put sheets over our naked bodies at some point.

  “How long did I sleep?”

  “Um, I think two hours.”

  “I didn’t think I was that tired.”

  “Maybe you’re hungry. We should order some food.”

  I don’t feel hungry, at least not yet. I shake my head. “Not right now.”

  “Are you okay?” He sounds worried again.

  “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” It sounds like a lie. Ugh. I don’t think I can hide what I’m thinking from him. Considering how many problems I seem to be collecting right now, I don’t see how it couldn’t be a mood-killer.

  Why can’t I just enjoy this week with him? Oh, because Logan’s dead, and Asher’s going to be pissed when I try to start seeing Eli. What else? Oh, yeah, my best friend is on a downward spiral I don’t know how to fix. I don’t even know where to start.

  The lightness he gave me, the rest, is sucked up by those worries. I sigh inwardly and try to think of something less depressing to talk about. Somehow, ‘Hey, where’d you get that lamp?’ hardly seems like a worthy distraction topic.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” He senses my mood change instantly. He’s not going to let this go. If he was willing to I suppose he wouldn’t really love me. He cares too much to drop it.

  This feels so familiar. Every time Hunter did something to hurt me, I’d go out with Skyler to get away from him. Every single time, Nick knew something was wrong when he saw me. He always tried to talk to me about it, and it was after the first time that I spilled out my heart to him that I knew I had feelings for him. He cared if I was hurting. It didn’t matter if I wasn’t his woman, he didn’t want to see me upset. He’d never tried to tell me to ditch Hunter. He just listened to why I was hurting and tried to help. It felt like everything I was missing with Hunter was right there with Nick. It was why I’d kissed him after the break-up.

  It became so natural to spill my heart out to him. This time, I don’t know. I’m not sure I should be discussing this with him, but I don’t want to lie about how I’m feeling either. It feels wrong. If I love him, I shouldn’t lie to him. I have to tell him.

  “Our arrangement might be changing soon,” I say, watching his expression carefully. I know Asher might try to cover up hurt feelings, but Nick is always so open. It feels like I’m taking advantage of his nature somehow, just by bringing this up. “Maybe I shouldn’t be saying this. Forget…”

  “Changing how?” He sounds as relaxed as always.

  “I met another guy I might be developing feelings for,” I say, not sure why I’m downplaying it. There will be others, but I suppose Eli is the only one who asked me out. Blake is just a crush right now, regardless of what might become of that later.

  “Another one?” He smiles. “You’re a dark horse, Eden.”

  “It doesn’t bother you?” I can’t believe I’m asking.

  “As long as he isn’t an asshole jerk like Logan, it doesn’t bother me.” He means every word. He sits up and pulls me into his arms, so I’m lying with my head on his shoulder, my back against his chest.

  I feel my skin heat at the mention of Logan. Don’t go there, Eden. His disappearance is a problem for another day. Don’t let it ruin the mood. I try to forget about it, but it’s still lingering in the back of my mind. The choice I had to make was bad enough. I’m going to be worried over the potential repercussions until he’s found. I realise Nick is waiting for me to speak, so I force my thoughts back to Eli.

  “He’s nothing like Logan.” Some people just think he’s a sick, twisted murderer. That’s all. Ugh. They’re wrong. I know it. I will get to the truth, but that’s for later.

  “How does Asher feel about it?”

  “I haven’t told him yet.” And he won’t like it. He doesn’t like Elias at all. What the hell am I thinking? I can’t risk losing him just because I might be falling for a hot sheriff. I don’t tell Nick any of that, but he seems to work out I’m worried just by watching my face.

  “Yeah, Asher seems like he might be a little bit uptight,” Nick tells me. “Why don’t you let me work on him?”

  “Um, what?” I raise my eyebrows.

  He laughs. “I didn’t mean that the way it sounded. At least, not completely.”

  “Then what did you mean?”

  “I just meant I could talk to him. It might clear the air, or whatever.” He starts to massage my shoulders. “We should probably at least get to know each other a little. If we’re both going to be with you permanently.”

  He makes it sound so sensible. Nervous butterflies start fluttering low down in my stomach. What he’s suggesting could make things easier for us all, or it could blow up in our faces. “Nick, why do you really want to talk to him?”

  He grins. “What makes you ask?”

  “You made everything you just said there sound dirty.”

  “You don’t think it’s a good idea for us to talk about being with you? Maybe we’d come to some sort of arrangement,” he says, his voice low and husky. “Maybe some night, we could both be with you at the same time.”

  Holy freaking hell. “Excuse me?”

  He starts to kiss my neck before he answers me. I can feel him smiling, I don’t need to see it. He’s pleased with himself right now, I can tell.

  “What? You don’t like the thought of having two cocks at your command all at once?” His hand lowers to my
pussy and strokes. “Think how incredible it would feel,” he starts to whisper, “to have his dick fill you here.” He thrusts two fingers inside, making me gasp. He moves them in and out slowly as he lands a soft kiss on my shoulder. “While I’m getting into position.” He slides his other arm lower at my back, stroking my ass. “To fill you from behind.” He fingers my lubricated hole, and I turn, seeing the haze of desire in his eyes as his husky voice whispers, “Think how amazing it would feel to have us both strive to satisfy you at once. How hard you would come pressed between us.”

  “Oh, Nick.” He knew how to sell a girl a fantasy, that was for sure.

  He kisses me, and his sexy words run riot through my head as he moves to fill my ass with his fully engorged cock once more, this time on top while I face him. His fingers stroke my pussy slowly, rhythmically, as he rocks into me gently. Intense pleasure fills me at the thought of having both of my men inside of me at once. I can’t hold back the orgasm that bursts through me. I come on his fingers, gasping his name.

  He gazes down at me. “You’re so beautiful. Even more so when you come. What were you thinking of Eden?”

  I sigh, as his thrusts become harder. He’s close, I can feel it building. I lock eyes and bite down on my lip before I finally admit, “I was wishing Asher was here too.”

  His groan of release is followed by a grin that I know won’t die now that I’ve admitted it.

  “You’re as wild as I am, Eden. I knew it.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Maybe I should have asked Diana for the key. I’d suspected he wouldn’t lock his doors. Small towns tend to be lax on that kind of thing. It’s easy enough to break in regardless. I go through the back door and walk through the house from the kitchen, wondering why it smells so fucking bad in here.

  The overpowering perfume isn’t Eden’s, not that I thought it could be. She’s not been here that much. He’s been at her place instead. I see the underwear on the bannister and I know it’s not Eden’s. It’s far too girly, too sweet. Pastel colours and floral patterns.

  His sister. Diana had mentioned she’d left. This doesn’t look like leaving. I search the rest of the house more cautiously. In spite of the stamp she’s left on the place, I don’t find a sister lurking. It wouldn’t surprise me if the vampire woman had lied. Not one little bit.

  I go back into the kitchen and wait there, in the dark. As much as I hate complications, they’re always better managed when I plan ahead for their existence. So that’s what I do. I wait back here, to give myself time to react appropriately no matter who walks through the front door. I’ll draw my gun when I’m sure it’s him. I’ll wait for a close-range angle to take my shot. One bullet, straight to the head. The heart would do it too, but I want to be sure.

  My headache doesn’t start to kick in until I’ve been waiting for almost an hour. That dull throbbing is just the beginning. I can ignore it. It won’t start to really hurt for a while. It won’t disable me right away, but I need to be careful and ready to react if it does. I can’t go running back to Diana if I’m about to pass out. She’s pissed at me now, beyond reason.

  “Shit,” I murmur, getting up and heading along the hallway to the stairs. I go up to the bathroom I found in my earlier search. Pawing through the medicine cabinet I find painkillers and breathe out a sigh of relief as I close the door.

  I sit on the edge of the bath to swallow a couple down. Put the rest in my pocket and rub at my temples to try and ease the tension. It’s brighter in here than the other rooms. Moonlight is pouring in through the window. My eyes are tired when I lift my head and stare into the mirror above the sink. I look sick, worn-out. Heart-broken.

  The fire I want to see in my gaze just isn’t there. I could lie to myself and say I haven’t given up hope. That I’m not already dead inside. I’m here at this asshole’s house to get rid of my competition for Eden’s heart, after all. I’m not ready to quit fighting for her, but she did already choose him over me. I should take that as it is, accept defeat and walk away. I want to, but I can’t. Whether I’m stuck in denial over her rejection or not, I can’t walk away from her.

  The woman stole my heart the first day I met her. She’s been holding it in her hand ever since. I know she loves me. It’s all that matters.

  The sound of the front door being unlocked draws my attention. I get to my feet and draw my gun, moving into position behind the bathroom door. I listen intently. The door is opened and locked again. I hear a sigh too quiet to determine the sex of the person who breathed it. When I hear footsteps, there’s no tell-tale clacking of heels. He’s home.

  I didn’t plan to be upstairs when he got here. I know there’s a good chance he’ll hear me if I move down the stairs. It’ll give him warning that someone is here. I’ll lose the element of surprise. On the other hand, my headache is beginning to pulse. Waves of pain are on the way. I won’t know how debilitating they’re going to be until they hit. I don’t have a lot of time.

  I leave the bathroom quietly. He hasn’t turned on the hallway light. I edge down the stairs as silently as I can. A few of the floorboards creak. He doesn’t come rushing out of the kitchen. I can hear now it’s where he is. He’s crashing around with pots and pans in there. The light is on, the door is ajar. I wince as the sounds make my headache worse. I have to get this done, now.

  I get to the bottom of the stairs and dart along the hallway to the partially open kitchen door. He’s crouched at an open cabinet, pulling items out onto the counter. I push the door open and he jumps up at the loud creak it makes.

  “Sasha! I thought you’d…” He turns, and his mouth drops open.

  I smile, getting my aim right. He’s standing frozen in front of me, no clue what to do. Fucking pathetic. Eden deserves better.

  “Logan,” he says, shaking his head slightly as his gaze drifts to my gun. “What are you doing here?”

  Getting ready to kill a defenceless man. Shit, why does my conscience decide to climb out now and start shitting on my plan? I take the safety off. Usually I’d shoot within seconds of pulling it. Right now, the gun is on target, silencer in place, and refusing to be fired.

  “Stay right where you are,” I order.

  He raises an eyebrow. “What’s this about?”

  It’s about you being the one Eden chose over me. Fuck! I’ve killed six people before now, this shouldn’t be so hard. There’s a difference, Logan. Every last one of them deserved it. This creep? I’m not so sure. I wish I’d dug up worse dirt on him than the book. I need something heinous enough to make me pull this trigger.

  “I think you know.” I’m stalling, but I don’t know what else to do. The first wave of pain hits and I tense my body, gritting my teeth.

  He sighs. “If this is about Eden, I’ve done nothing to hurt her.”

  Anger rages through me, cutting through the pain. It’s not enough to pull the trigger, but I’m getting there.

  “Nothing?” I laugh. “You don’t deserve a woman like Eden.”

  “Maybe no-one does, but it’s up to her who she chooses to let into her life.” He sounds like he’s picking his words carefully. This man is fucking slime. Why the hell can’t she see that?

  “She’s mine,” I tell him, feeling my anger spike when I see how my words alter his expression.

  He doesn’t speak again, but I can see the pity in his eyes now. My finger tightens on the trigger. It’s almost enough.

  “Her heart belongs to me.” I know it, and I feel it when I say the words out loud.

  “Put the gun down.”

  The room brightens suddenly, and it’s starting to spin. Asher’s words almost make me drop my arm. I fight the urge to do what he’s asking. I came here for a reason. If I don’t follow through I’ve lost Eden. For good.

  “If you do this, she’ll never love you.” His voice rings through my head.

  He’s right. She understood when I shot the man who tried to hurt her. She would never understand this. Nev
er. I start to laugh uncontrollably. I’m fighting to get air into my lungs for a few seconds, but I still keep the gun trained on him. In spite of his efforts to talk me around, he’s still too afraid to move, too gutless to take action. When I get a hold of myself, my resolve has hardened.

  “She’s never going to find out.” I pull the trigger and watch him fall.

  My head is still pounding, but at least my guilty conscience has shut the hell up. The painful brightness has left the room. I lean over him. Blood is spilling out of the wound in his head. It’s time for the second part of my plan. I remove the silencer, holster the gun and pick up the spade I left by the back door. What Eden doesn’t know can’t hurt her.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  My phone is ringing, and I don’t know where I dropped it. Nick groans and pulls a pillow over his head as I get up and start to look for it. He’s really not a morning person, and one quick glance at the alarm clock tells me it’s way too early for him. Six A.M. does seem kind of early for a call, I guess.

  I don’t waste time wondering who it could be. I pick my T-shirt and panties off the floor and make my way through to the living room of Nick’s huge apartment. I know Nick dropped my bag somewhere in this room. The sound gets closer as I retrace our steps and move towards the couch. The bag is behind the couch. I unzip the side compartment and pull out my phone.

  The call is from my manager. My finger hovers over ‘end call’ before I sigh and pick up.

  “Hi, Amy.”

  “Eden, you didn’t tell me you were back in L.A.” She sounds reproachful.

  “I just got here,” I say. “I was going to call you later.”

  How the hell did she find out so quickly? I remember the airport and grimace. Someone must have gotten a picture. It was probably all over the internet by now.


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