Sunrise: Movie Star, Fake Relationship Romance (Chasing The Sun Duet Book 1)

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Sunrise: Movie Star, Fake Relationship Romance (Chasing The Sun Duet Book 1) Page 2

by Kaci Rose

  So I swooped in and took her home. I laid her on the couch fully clothed, shoes still on, and left not even two minutes later. But they don't report on that because it won't make a good story. That won't get them clicks.

  I finally look up at my manager, whose face is blank.

  "If the movie wasn't finished, they would have recast you. That's what the director said since he's friends with Matt," Wren, my manager, says.

  "This is bullshit. Nothing happened. I called you stone-cold sober last night and told you what happened. Hell, I haven't had a drink in weeks, and I can't remember the last time I got drunk. At least a year ago?"

  "You know that, and I know that, but no one else will believe it because this is what they are reporting with photos," Wren says.

  "Cassie can back my story. And who is this source?" I ask.

  "It doesn't matter. Matt knows she didn't sleep with you, but it's what it looks like. You know an image is all that matters in this town. It now looks like his wife is cheating on him, and it will take months to bury this story. The source doesn't matter. They make up a source most of the time to print whatever story they want," he says.

  "So what was I supposed to do? Let the guy take her home and rape her? Actually let her cheat on him?" My stomach roils at the idea.

  Wren buries his face in his hands. "No, you did the right thing morally, but maybe next time, call her husband or call her a cab and just stick her in it alone or get a friend to pick her up. Anything other than leaving with her. Assuming there is a next time, which there won't be for a few weeks. And that leads me to the next topic." He stops and looks at me.

  I instantly know I'm not going to like what he has to say.

  "Just tell me," I say and dig into my breakfast. No point in letting good food go to waste.

  "I think you need to get out of Hollywood and away from the press a bit. Let this cool down. We can say you went to get some help and bring you back as a changed man. Let me work on getting you your next gig while you lay low," he says.

  "What do you mean lay low?" I want more details before I agree to anything, though I don't think he's asking my permission here.

  "I booked you two weeks at the Sunrise Inn in a small town in North Carolina. I rented the whole place out, so you won't be bothered. Plus, it's the off-season, and they are signing NDAs, so no press. It's a small island, right on the beach. I know you have been tired of the playboy image. So go there, relax, and just be Kade. Find out who he is again, not just Kade Markson, mega movie star."

  "You already booked the place?" I ask.

  "Yes, and it cost a pretty penny. The inn owner was hesitant to agree, so I offered to pay double her nightly rates on every room and pay her employees their wages for two weeks to keep them at home. She has just a few people staying to clean and cook so you will still be taken care of," Wren assures me.

  I have to admit I like the idea of a change of pace by getting out of Los Angeles. My grandma lived in North Carolina, and growing up, I remember visiting. Things just moved slower, and people were nicer, more caring. I asked my mom about it, and she said that's just how the South was.

  I think Wren is right. Some good old Southern hospitality might be just what I need right now to recharge and relax.

  "When do I leave?" I sigh.

  "Two days, but you are under house arrest until then. I'll fly out with you to make sure the paperwork and payments are taken care of," he says.

  "You mean you're going to personally escort me to my jail cell on the beach." I roll my eyes, and he laughs.

  "Something like that. Now just relax, start packing, and remember, don't leave the house. I will email your flight info and pick you up. See you then." He doesn't even bother to turn around as he walks out the door.

  Great, I'm a prisoner in my own home and soon to be one at the beach. I start to wonder not for the first time if this is even worth it anymore. I haven't been happy, but this is all I know. It's not like I can go get a normal job. I've been acting since I was in school, so I have no real-life skills.

  I was smart with my money and saved most of it. Even the house I live in is small compared to the other actors in town. But it's just me. I didn't need or want a huge mansion. I wanted to save that money.

  Well, I have just over two weeks to figure out my next steps because I don't think I'll be coming back to Hollywood.

  Wren wasn't kidding. He didn't leave my side until we got on the plane, then I didn't see much of him as he flirted with one of the flight attendants. I'm pretty sure they had some bathroom fun judging from his face when he sits back down next to me.

  "I got the airport info so I can make sure everything is lined up." He tries to play it off, but we both know, yet I don't care enough to ask him.

  I may have left the playboy lifestyle behind, but he certainly hasn't, and I don't think he will any time soon. Even so, he is a good guy, and I trust him, which is more than I can say about most people who are around me on a daily basis.

  As we land in Wilmington, North Carolina, Wren deals with getting me a rental car, then gets a text and his whole face lights up.

  "Man, that flight attendant has a two-day layover here and wants me to meet her at her place." He slams a folder to my chest and hands me the car keys.

  "Everything is in that folder. They should have the NDAs signed for you when you get there, and everything has been paid for. You might not be getting laid, but I'm about to be all weekend. Call if there are any problems," he says and is gone before it all sinks in.

  The asshole abandoned me. People are starting to recognize me, so I quickly make my way to the rental car to think for a moment. I could ditch the beach and take a road trip. It would serve him right for abandoning me like this.

  I like that idea, but when I looked this Sunrise Inn up online, I found a beautiful place right on the beach. Something about it draws me in, so I figure I should at least give it a try.

  My drive to the small town of Seaview is full of back roads and amazing views. I pull over a few times to snap some pictures and just take in the moment. I'm already later than what Wren told the inn I'd be there, but hey, it's his fault, so I just take my time.

  When I pull up to the inn, my first thought is the photos online didn't do it justice. The place looks like a mix of a modern inn and a throwback to the old resorts from the 1950s. The white clapboard exterior is clean, and the landscaping is well taken care of.

  I grab a bag and toss it over my shoulder as I head into the lobby. The lobby isn't as big or as grand as some of the hotels I've stayed at, but it does have a view of the ocean that would leave most people breathless.

  Only that's not what takes my breath away. No, the girl at the check-in counter steals my attention with her blond hair and sweet as sin green eyes. She smiles as she reads her book, and I can't look away. Not even when a door to my right slams.

  "Girl, you will never believe who I saw at the farmers' market. Fucking Jasper is back. I threw a kiwi at his face and... OH. MY. GOD. Kade is here. I thought he'd be checked in by now!" The girl who came barging in gasps.

  I thought they signed NDAs and weren't allowed to tell people I'm here? Great, the word is already out. So much for a quiet stay. I drop my bag to the ground still unable to pull my eyes away from the girl at the counter.

  This causes the girl at the desk to look up, and the moment our eyes meet, I don't care if the whole town knows I'm here because I'm not going anywhere.

  Chapter 3


  Kade will be here today. That is the first thought that pops into my head the moment I open my eyes. A famous movie star will be staying at the Sunrise Inn today.

  Mom and Dad, I know you are enjoying this, and you will have a front row seat to it all. I hope I make you proud.

  My nerves have been on edge since I got the call about Kade staying here. Brynn banned me from handling anything breakable after the fifth plate I dropped because my mind was elsewhere.

  We spent mos
t of yesterday afternoon and evening cleaning every inch of the Sunrise Suite at least three times. I went over it, Brynn went over it, and then Bertha went behind both of us. This continued through all the main rooms of the inn as well. The staff gave each room a sprucing up, just in case Kade has guests or wants a different room for any reason.

  I drag myself out of bed even though my alarm doesn't go off for another hour. It's still dark outside, so I'm shocked to find Brynn in my kitchen with coffee in her hands.

  "Couldn't sleep either?" she asks.

  "Nope. Did you get any sleep?"

  She shrugs. "Enough to get me through."

  That is code for about two hours of sleep. That girl is crazy. I'd be dead on my feet with only two hours, but give her some coffee, and she's good to go. I pour myself a cup, then we head out to the back porch and sit on the wicker couch facing the beach.

  Neither of us says a word as we drink our coffee and watch the sunrise. This porch is our haven. It's one of the smaller ones on the property, and while it is open for guests, its tucked-away location means few actually find it. I remember many mornings out here with my parents just like these, watching the storms roll in, sunrises, or watching the sky turn colors as the sun sets on the other side of the island. This is also a prime spot to watch the fireworks shot off by the town throughout the summer.

  As the sun crests over the Atlantic Ocean, all my worries seem to come to a head with it.

  "What if I fail at this?" I whisper.

  If I fail, it doesn't just affect me and the Sunrise Inn. It affects Brynn and the Sunset Inn and all the tourism of Hummingbird Island. Our inns bring in a lot of tourism for the town of Seaview and the whole island, and while other smaller bed and breakfasts exist on the island, everyone would still feel the impact.

  Brynn scoots close to me and wraps her arms around me.

  "We sink or swim together, and I just have a gut feeling we are going to fly with this one. The town would help any way they could if they knew, and if he treats you like shit, you know they will have your back." She rests her head on my shoulder, and I rest my head on hers.

  "I know. It's just there is no middle ground for this. It either goes great and helps the island, or it goes bad, and everyone suffers. Even if they have my back, they will still blame me if it goes bad, no matter what."

  "So what? Remember that summer Jasper's dad tried to add sushi to the menu and gave everyone food poisoning? We all bounced back. Or the year that Sid kept dumping the fish guts in the harbor, attracting sharks, and no one could swim there all summer?"

  I laugh. Sid is one of our resident fishermen. He brings in fresh fish for the restaurants in town, and he even sells fillets to tourists who want to cook it themselves. But he did learn his lesson.

  "I'm going to go check the Sunrise Suite," I say as I stand.

  "Lin, we just finished cleaning it from top to bottom less than twelve hours ago," Brynn whines.

  "What if we left a window open, and a bird flew in and made a mess? What if someone broke into it? What if a window broke and a raccoon made a home in the bed?" A million more scenarios run through my head, and while Brynn tries to shake it off, I can see the concern in her face too.

  "Okay, let's go check on it, then you are making me breakfast before I head to the farmers' market," she says and follows me upstairs.

  We both take a deep breath and look at each other before opening the door to the Sunrise Suite. Thankfully, everything is right where we left it, including the folded towel in the shape of a Bertha made on the bed to welcome him.

  "Breakfast," Brynn says with a smile on her face. I think she feels the same relief I am. We can do this.

  Kade is late, but it's not like I have anything better to do than wait on him. I'm resisting the urge to go check on the Sunrise Suite again, but knowing Kade will be here any time, I don't want him to find the front desk empty. So I'm sitting at the desk reading a romance book Brynn just finished, and I'm so into it that I don't hear anything around me until the side door to the lobby slams.

  The only person to do that would be Brynn, so I finish the paragraph I'm reading and take my time to mark my spot on my tablet before looking up at her. This doesn't stop her from talking, though.

  "Girl, you will never believe who I saw at the farmers' market! Fucking Jasper is back."

  She is still in love with Jasper, her ex, even if she won't admit it. They had plans after high school, and after a little hiccup, he followed the plans, and she didn't. Then our parents died, and neither of us could leave, even if we wanted to. Which we don't. We both love it here and intend to raise our families and take our last breath here. We have it planned out in detail.

  She continues her story, not even waiting on my response. "I threw a kiwi at his face, and... OH. MY. GOD. Kade is here. I thought he'd be checked in by now!" She gasps.

  My eyes snap to the front door, and I find Kade Markson staring at me. The heat in his gaze has me frozen in my place. I can feel every spot his sparkling blue eyes roam over me, and I suddenly wish the counter wasn't blocking me so I could feel that gaze on my lower parts.

  His jeans hug his hips perfectly and show off his muscular thighs. His T-shirt stretches across his broad shoulders and displays his California tan and his well-built muscles. Muscles that I'm sure will do well to hold me against the wall as...

  No. I need to stop these thoughts. The Hollywood playboy isn't interested in me, and if he is, it's just to add another notch to his bedpost and not for anything serious. I can't let myself go down that road. As sexy as he is, I won't be just another girl, even if it will be a cool story to tell tourists one day.

  My eyes make their way back to his, and the air is sucked out of the room. Everything fades away, and time stands still. This has to be the Kade Markson effect everyone talks about. Just being in the same room with him is supposed to be intoxicating if what Brynn said is true. That's all this is.

  I shake my head and paste on my best smile.

  "Welcome to Sunrise Inn on Hummingbird Island, North Carolina's best-kept secret. If you give me just a moment, I have the paperwork Wren wanted."

  At the mention of his manager, his eyes go stone cold.

  "Well, Wren abandoned me in the airport, though I shouldn't be surprised. Also, I thought you signed an NDA, which means no telling your friends about me." He waves his hand in Brynn's direction without looking at her. Brynn starts making faces at him, which he either doesn't see or chooses to ignore. I have to bite back a laugh so as not to draw attention to her.

  "No one is supposed to know I'm here. If I can't trust you to do that, there will be... consequences," he says with a bit more enjoyment than I think there should be in his voice.

  Why does the word consequences bring images of him pulling me over his knee and spanking me? Why does that turn me on?

  My smile falters just a moment before I paste it right back on at the end of his little rant. That seems to set him off kilter as his face softens a bit, and there is an unsure look in his eyes too.

  When he takes a break, it's my turn, and in my best Southern hospitality voice my momma taught me, I say to him, "Hello, I'm Lin, owner of the Sunrise Inn. This is Brynn, owner of the Sunset Inn next door. We run the inns together, and she has not only helped me get ready for your visit, but she has also signed your nondisclosure agreement. She will be feeding you dinner every night, so it might not be in your best interest to make her mad. She's also my best friend, so it's also in your best interest to treat us both with the same respect you want us to treat you with."

  I level him with my best I'm not fucking around look as I keep the smile on my face.


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