Zero Sphere: A Space Opera Thriller

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Zero Sphere: A Space Opera Thriller Page 3

by Jedaiah Ramnarine

  When that time comes, you better be ready.

  2049, On Route to The Red Planet

  Why is she smiling at me like that! Stop it woman! It melts me, can’t you see? I don’t want that right now. I’ve shoved that aside. Only one person could’ve done that for me. You’re not him.

  “I know why you’re going to Mars.”

  Do you now?

  “Yes, I do.”

  I didn’t say that out loud… How?

  “It’s not just for an occupational calling.”

  “Maybe.” Deny it.

  She continues smiling. She knows I’m holding back and she’s still smiling. I feel naked. I can’t bullshit her.

  “Xeilya?” She offers me her hand – “Will you come with me?”

  Am I supposed to reach back and take it?


  I do anyway. Her grip is soft yet firm and gentle. She leads me away from the other passengers to the captain’s quarters at the edge in the north. The captain looks back at her and nods. He moves away, like he was bound by some spell. Astraea slides her fingers on the controls.

  Is no one else seeing this?

  “Look Xeilya, tell me what you see.”

  She directs me to the view outside. The view of space. I used to be able to see it all the time. Whenever I closed my eyes, whenever I dreamed, but now, I don’t know. Am I staring at the perception of just a human’s vision? Nothing more than stringed data. What happened to my creative joy? All the guns, bullets and bloodshed. The politicians, the sick-minded priests and gurus, the uneducated, dumb society. Everything, how did it take such a toll? What happened to us?

  “Space.” I flatly told her.

  What are you expecting? More?

  I feel like I disappointed her. Maybe she expected more, yet that warm smile never leaves her face. How can you be so kind to me?

  “Would you care to know what I see?”

  “Be my guest.”

  She breathes in a calm, soothing breath then releases with a solemn sigh – “Endless stars, gases, comets, planets, spirals, galaxies – all doing the same thing.”

  Those eyes make contact with me again.

  I am naked


  She looks back outside.

  Good, now I have my armor once more

  “Each universe is composed of seven different belts and yet our physical forms only reside on one. Endless in its expanse, the universe itself is just a body of Creation. Waxing and waning, a constant flux of creating. It goes all the way from the giant macrocosm to the tiniest microcosm. Everything – creating.”

  And her eyes shoot right back for me again with that too-kind of a smile. Her soft hands gently hold both of mines encouragingly. Normally I’d be fighting any other stranger off. Not with her. She reminded me of him.

  “When you get to Mars, it’ll be time to let go of the old and create the destiny you always wanted.”

  I’m speechless. Seriously, what can I even say? I stand there peering out. Her words wrapping themselves around me like ribbons of bliss. And now, space suddenly doesn’t seem like a black void of nothingness. I’m starting to remember those times. What we were, what we did. The plans we wanted for our future and our future generations? All those ideals… I want it back.

  “Astraea?” I look around for her.

  What? Where did she go? She’s gone! Vanished? Yes, yes, vanished! Maybe she went to the restroom or something. I’ll find out later. For now, I’m going to enjoy this. I haven’t felt this in so long. I have to wonder though – I think this was always coming. All my life, sooner or later, this was bound to happen because of causality. This is my destiny. It was only a matter of time before I woke up again.

  Seven, I’ll see you soon.

  I’m done sleeping.

  2049, Arrival

  Hours later and the thought of her just leaving like that still disturbs me. She disappeared. I couldn’t find her. I asked the captain, I asked the crew – and it all came up to nothing and ‘who?’ It’s as if she hadn’t even been here in the first place.


  There she is. That red rock-a-shimmerin’ out here in the black cold: Mars. An eerie wind crawls about my body and I suddenly feel a sense of satisfaction. The trip, oh bloody hell, it was long, I won’t deny that – but now… now I can say it was all worth it. Even if everything went to shit, what I’m feeling right now overtakes any deep seeded pessimism.

  I want to see you so badly Seven. So much I have to tell you, so much you have to tell me. You once told me of an idealized society. Is it still possible? Can we do that up here at last?

  Utopia, so many idiots scoff at the idea. Like hamsters running on their pathetic wheel, they never thought any better, but we sure as heck did. Our aspirations were high, no doubt. We knew bettering our world wouldn’t come from one giant plan. It would be those careful steps.

  And me coming here, is one of them. So you better be there when I come knocking on your door. I know you were never one who cared for surprises, but I like them and you’re going like this one. No, you’ll love it babe.

  “Attention Crew, we are about to begin our descent into Mars.”

  His voice sounded so formulaic. I wonder how many times he’s been out here doing these trips? Can’t say it’s like the easiest thing going to and fro between two planets.

  The descent into Mars is flattering. Our ship gently lowers herself into the atmosphere. There’s no rockets, so we’re not swirling around like if we’re the first manned craft to make it here. These are routine flights. The landing is typical – steady and careful. On the way down, I see the Martian clouds and that promotes an aura of new feelings.

  Everything here is different.

  The orange trails in the sky makes me feel renewed.

  The thinness of the air welcomes me to breathe again.

  The distant sun promises she won’t stifle me.

  I’m led out of the ship like the rest of the passengers. No one really questions anything. We scan our IDs at the port station. There, I had the chance to see the difference in the space port compared to Earth’s. Mars had this kind of, simplicity to it. It just never felt complicated. The way things looked and the shades of everything kept the detail to only a necessity and not ever for display.

  “Excuse me Miss?” One of the port’s security check guys called me out. Could he have picked a better time? Seriously, I’m trying to take in Mars here, come on!

  “What?” I respond flatly. I really wasn’t in the mood to speak with him. Time right now’s dedicated to being with this red jewel I landed on

  “We need you to come with us.”

  I see two more other security guys come to greet me. Great. What the heck do they want?


  Not much of a point arguing right now. I’ll go with them and figure this out. The two grunts lead me to a nearby office just a few feet away from the desk I got called out on. Maybe a mistake. Maybe a mix up of some sorts. Doesn’t matter, I’ll find out soon… Oh, son of a bitch! Are you kidding me?

  “Hello Xeilya.” John greets me with a slick smile

  “What are you doing here?”

  I don’t know why I’m asking that. I know what’s going on without him muttering as much as a word

  “Your promotion of course.”


  “You weren’t going to run off from it, were you?”

  “I have some things to take care of before I deal with the EDF.”

  “I’m sure you do, but it’ll have to wait. Come with us.”

  “What is this? An arrest?”

  “Not at all. It’s the service you signed up for.”

  Couldn’t help but scoff at him and shake my head. I trusted you John, now, this is how you repay me?


  John leads the way to another room hooked into this one. What is this? Like a complex of hidden rooms everywhere! Whatever, just show me what it
is you need to show me then get out of my way. I didn’t come here for you.

  This new room’s dark and cold. I don’t like it. There are men standing in a circular formation around a planetary map, holographic of course to match the latest Martian tech.

  John gets the attention of an older man in that formation. The kind in a suit and tie, white-haired and snob nosed. He narrowly views me with a cold face to mirror the feel of the heartless room. John signals his hand to call me over.

  “I want to know what’s going on here and I want to know right now!” They hear the annoyance in my tone.

  And that catches their attention. Now everybody’s looking at me. Not only John and his superior but the other men peer over. I didn’t notice all their uniforms before. It’s EDF alright.

  “Xeilya Sphere.” The old man announces my name with proudness. I wonder why – “Congratulations on your promotion.”

  “I didn’t ask to be promoted.”

  “Well…” The old man moved away from the others to face me boldly. The rest of his boys were paying close attention - “We didn’t ask you to become The Valkyrie either, but you went ahead and served your planet well. All those terrorists and criminal machinations you put down? I’d say, you’re quite the hero. Eastwater’s Incident comes to my mind.”

  "I'm not your poster girl. I never was. You can tell your propaganda boys to invent another hero for the people."

  He ignores me, then looks over to John and nods. John takes over for him - “You weren’t accepted for Martian colonization because of your academic achievements or even your affiliations with defensive networks. Xeilya, you were handpicked for Mars by us.”

  “You set this whole thing up, didn’t you?”

  “A necessary evil. That show you put on a couple months ago was certainly impressive. The people up here need people of your caliber at the backbone of this colony.”

  Necessary evil? Give me a break, more like convenient.

  “Look at this.” John presses some buttons on a nearby keyboard. The planetary map transforms into a surface map with a red, circular point of interest that started pulsing. I look around the room out of sheer paranoia. Everybody’s paying absolute attention to it. What’s going on here?

  “What am I looking at?” I have my assumptions but not answers

  “We discovered these structures three days ago. It’s a series of interconnected bases, dormant on and beneath the Martian surface.”

  “American? Russian?”

  “No. We’ve already done our research. We established contact with all earth governments. None of these structures have anything to do with them.”

  I look at John with a face that’s telling him ‘I need more’

  “Let me repeat myself in different words. These bases were not created by anyone on Earth.”

  My gut tightens up – “What exactly are you proposing?”

  John peers over to the room, as if he were searching for some kind of acknowledgement or the safety ‘to go’

  “These bases were created a very, very long time ago. It predates all of our history. All of it! As a matter of fact, it changes our history. Whoever put those buildings there came here a long time ago.”

  His gaze grows adamantly, as if he couldn’t believe those words were coming from his mouth

  “Xeilya, these bases are extraterrestrial.”

  Now, I have no words. Only interest. Only curiosity

  “As you can see…” The old man broke my awe, “This is why you’re needed officially.”

  I need a smoke…

  2049, The Valkyrie’s Seven

  “You’re going after him, aren’t you?”

  John should know better than to be asking me about Seven

  “Of course.” I announce boldly – “Don’t you get in my way.”

  “I’m not, but there’s something you should know about him.”


  “Mister Sphere is involved in the discovery.”

  Now elaborate

  “He published a short story, hidden in misdirection that acted as a sort of prediction device three months ago. The reader wouldn’t identify it immediately but eventually they’ll get it.”

  “You’re saying that book spoke about the discovery of these Martian bases.”


  “Could’ve been just a lucky guess.”

  I could tell John wasn’t falling for it – “Nice one. We both know of Seven’s psychic capabilities. We’ve been monitoring him for a while back on earth. That’s why we chose him to come up here for colonization as Chief of Creative Development for Martian Societal Culture. Though it’s just a public veil. The truth is, Seven knows more than what he’s sharing.”

  “I doubt it.” Look away and play it off

  “I’m sure you do. You’re quite protective of him, even though you should be looking over him for EDF interests.”

  Okay, that’s it. Grab his balls and squeeze them mercilessly

  “Xeilya! What are you…”

  “I don’t ever want you to speak to me about Seven again. You hear me?”

  “I do! I do!”

  “And if you ever do it again, I’m taking your balls.” Now release and let him think clearly – “Now, give me his location. I know you have it.”

  John couldn’t breathe properly for a few moments. I’m sure some of the other EDF saw our little encounter. I mean, we’re in the middle of the HQ after all. One thing I know, without a doubt in my mind is that none of these men know what they’re dealing with. Only Seven knows, so no, I won’t take the chance and let them get their way with him. If they can even manage to do that.

  John passes me a small, finger-sized holographic datapad containing their file on Seven.

  “He stays in the outer boundaries of the colonies. If you’re going there, you’ll need a suit and a ride.”

  “I’m not riding with you or anyone else. Spooking him out is unwise. I know you have to have some personal transports around.”

  He gives me this kind of transparent ID card

  “What the heck is this?”

  “It’s the keys to your new bike.”

  You’re telling me this is a freaking vehicle key up here? Typical ‘modern’ bullshit.

  “EDF sponsored for your acceptance to the mission. I uploaded the GPS to the datapad I gave you. The garage is downstairs. Once you get there, there should be some atmosphere suits. You’ll need one to get to the boundaries.”


  John looked quite worried. I knew I had to reassure him – “Look…” My tone allured him over – “If you really want the real deal on Seven, then I need you and everybody else to trust him to me. When you guys get that close, he gets spooked. Makes it harder for me to deal with him.”

  “If you say so. Keep in mind you have a day to get that sorted out, then we’re suiting up for the bases tomorrow.”

  “You don’t have to tell me twice. I’ll see you then.”

  When I got to the hangar, I was honestly impressed. The tech didn’t look half bad. The suits were comfortable, slick and form fitting, and the helmet wasn’t bulky. More like a simple visor.

  A rather pleasing difference from the vacant-detailed expectancy I gathered earlier, especially when I got to ‘the bike’.

  It had a body type similar to an old v-rod Harley, only more stretched, completely black and instead of wheels – it had exhaust vents. I really liked it. It was slick, and getting on that baby made me feel badass. The designated name’s EDF-HB-012, but I think I’ll call her ‘Raven’ – Yeah, ‘Raven’. Oh man, I love it already.

  Alright Seven, I’m on the way.

  Once I checked out at the patrol zone and set sails to find Seven in the border dune, I had the chance to look back and see it all. Mars is a strangely satisfying place. Colonies weren’t perfect, but everything, the way it was being established proved there’d be a possibility this society would make it.

  We could finally achiev
e the society we wanted.

  Raven’s an enjoyable ride. She’s responsive, quick and agile. Her computer systems don’t annoy me. I love her technology. The simulated computer voice reminds me of that show, forgot the name – the one that had the slick black muscle car that talked. Difference is, I had a hover bike on another freaking planet. Fair trade if you ask me.

  ‘Nearing Colony Outpost Z15’

  Roger that girl.

  I park the bike silently behind his home. I didn’t want him to hear me coming. I got off the bike and walked to the front door. There won’t be a knock. I have access to slice every home up here. EDF sponsorship has its benefits.

  I slice open the door and slowly waltz my way in. There’s music. Calming, chill, ambient music, forcing me to drop the thick cladded armor I walked in with.

  This is typical him.

  I look around, left and right. His home’s filled with practically nothing. No pictures, just pure minimalist needs kept spic and span. Shades of light reflections on the walls from technology glowing in the lightless dark.

  Where the heck is he?

  “Hello Ianna.” That voice stops me in my tracks. Like a feline caught stealing a rat, I turn around and there he is, arms folded; waiting for me.

  “Thought I’d surprise you.” I tell him

  “How can you do that when I sense you miles away?”

  He walks over dauntless. Nobody’s unafraid of me, except him

  “You’re late.”

  “I’m late?”

  “They held you up I’m guessing.”

  “I didn’t come here for them. I came here for you.”

  “I know.”

  He holds my hands gently and plants a tender kiss on them. My armor’s already slipping off my shoulders. His eyes studies my hands. I know he sees what I’ve been through. Seven, tell me… does it matter to you?


  I am relaxed


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