Love, Never-Ending_Flash Me Photos Portfolio 1

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Love, Never-Ending_Flash Me Photos Portfolio 1 Page 27

by Michele Notaro

  I was on my side propped up on my hand, looking at my boyfriends. Jax was asleep next to me in the middle of the bed, lying on his back, and Symon was on Jax’s other side with his head on Jax’s stomach, hugging his waist. But he was awake and staring right at me. He smiled a little at me, so I ran the back of my fingers over his cheek and he closed his eyes.

  He whispered, “I love you, Tanner.”

  I smiled. “I love you too, my angel.”

  He opened his eyes and looked into mine. “I was scared last night that you might not feel the same way about me.”

  I cupped his cheek and ran my thumb back and forth over his skin. “Why would you think that?”

  He shrugged a little against Jax. “I knew you cared about me, but I also know that you’ve been in love with Jax basically your whole life, so I was afraid there wasn’t room for me.”

  “It’s not like there’s a cap on love, angel. I love Jax more than I ever have, and my love for you is just as strong. I don’t have a limited amount of love to give. It just grows as needed, and it grows every day for both of you.” I shrugged. “It grows as needed.”

  He smiled a little, then snorted. “Grows as needed.” He grinned, so I pushed his shoulder.

  “Shut it. You know what I mean.”

  “I do.” He was trying not to laugh, so he had a big goofy grin on his face.

  “Anyway, I love you both.”

  His gaze softened a little. “I love you both too.”

  “You two are buckets of sap, and I’m trying to sleep here,” Jax muttered. “I love you both too, in case you were wondering. Now kiss or whatever it is you were going to do over top of me. I’ll just lay here and watch.” Despite his words, he closed his eyes.

  Symon chuckled. “You’re supposed to be sleeping.”

  “How can anyone sleep with you two chattering away?”

  I snorted. “You can sleep through anything.”

  “Obviously, that’s not true.” He opened one eye and tried to glare at me, but he ended up smiling and squeezing his eyes shut. “What’s a guy gotta do to get some shut eye around here?”

  “Buy me a pet pig, and I’ll try to make that happen.”

  I snickered at Symon. “Did you ask the landlord yet?”

  He frowned. “She still hasn’t made a decision.”

  “Guys. Sleep.” Jax lightly pushed our shoulders. “Go back to sleep, you oafs.”

  “Maybe if you didn’t take up the whole bed, Tan and I could get comfortable enough to sleep.” Symon shot me a cute grin.

  Jax started to sit up. “Hey, if you don’t want me in your bed, I’ll just get up and—”

  “Don’t. Even. Think. About. It.” Symon put his hands on Jax’s shoulders and pushed him back down. “This is our bed, not mine. And you’re not allowed to leave.”

  Jax looked amused. “Are you trapping me here forever?”

  Symon looked at me with a straight face as he said, “Tan, go get the steel chains from the closet. They should be strong enough to hold him down.” Jax and I burst out laughing, and Symon chuckled before kissing Jax’s lips, then leaning over to pull me into a long kiss. “Will you take a shower with me, teddy bear?”

  “Mmhm.” I brushed my nose along his cute freckled one.

  “Hey, aren’t you forgetting someone?” Jax put his hands behind his head as he looked up at us.

  Sy and I exchanged a look, then both bent down to kiss Jax at the same time. I loved sharing a kiss with both of them at the same time.

  Symon whispered, “We’d never forget you, Romeo. I just figured we’d have to carry you there to get you out of bed.”

  Jax chuckled, then kissed Sy, then both of us again. Eventually we made it into the bathroom and showered together. Showering with all three of us was not an easy task, but we managed by swapping places in the tub. One day, we’d have to buy a house that had a shower big enough to fit us comfortably.

  We got ready for the day, and I made my men some breakfast—or more like lunch by the time we ate—and now we were in the car. The welcome home party for my brother was this afternoon, and I was nervous as shit about bringing my guys to this party. I’d called my aunt earlier in the week to let her know what was going on, and she was very encouraging about it. I was so grateful that at least one person in my family was okay and supportive of me. I had never been so grateful for a person in my life.

  Gallagher had come home three days ago, but I hadn’t seen him yet. He’d asked us not to come meet him when he got off the plane. He’d only wanted our father there, though I had no idea why. I’d talked to him on the phone every day since he got back, and every day, he just said that he’d see me at the party. He was being weird and distant, and I didn’t understand why. It was pissing me off, mostly because I missed the bastard, but also because I was worried that he wouldn’t be accepting of Jax, Symon, and I being together. My brother knew I was bi, he’d known that Jax and I were together back in the day, but he’d never really said anything about it. I still didn’t know if he’d been ignoring it because he hated that I was with a man, or if that was just how he was. My younger brother had always been a lot more open with his life, so I really didn’t know how to take Gallagher’s behavior.

  Jax and Symon kept telling me that I needed to relax, that maybe he was just having a hard time adjusting. That was something I should’ve understood, but I couldn’t help but think that Gallagher had the same opinion of me as my father. I hoped to god I was wrong.

  Symon grabbed my hands, stilling them. “It’s going to be okay.”

  I gripped his hand. “I hope so.”

  Sy tightened his hold on my hands without looking away from the road. “It will be. Even if everything goes to shit at the party, just know that Jax and I are here for you, okay?”

  “I know.”

  Jax leaned forward in his seat and put his hand on my shoulder. “And after the party, no matter what happens, you’re coming home with Sy and me. While we’re at the party, we’ll be by your side the entire time. You’re not alone in this, Tanner.”

  I took a deep breath. “You’re right.”

  “Of course, I am.” I looked over my shoulder to see Jax shooting me a cocky grin.

  I huffed out a small laugh and shook my head. Their words and comfort were helping ease my nerves a little, although I knew I’d be anxious no matter what they did. We just needed to get this over with so I could take my guys home and hold them all night long.

  Sy parked the car down the street from Aunt Sara’s house, so we got out and headed toward the house. Jax had the bowl of macaroni salad he’d made in one hand, but he grabbed my arm and stopped me from walking. I turned and looked at him questioningly. He sent me one of his sweet smiles that he usually reserved for Symon, though he sent them my way occasionally. He stepped closer to me and kissed the corner of my mouth, then moved his hand down to squeeze my hand. “It’s going to be okay, baby. Symon and I are here for you no matter what happens.”

  I searched his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. His green eyes held so much love in them that I had no choice but to believe him. I nodded and before I had a chance to step away, Symon grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me down to kiss my cheek and whisper, “He’s right, big guy.”

  I smiled at that, then quickly pecked his lips and leaned over to press a little peck to Jax’s. “Okay, let’s do this thing.”

  Symon smiled and Jax squeezed my hand one last time before releasing me so I could lead the way down the sidewalk. When we got to my aunt’s front door and I knocked, Jax and Sy stood right behind me since the porch was small. I felt Jax lean into my back and a moment later, his hot breath tickled my neck as he whispered, “Does your aunt still make shitty crab dip?”

  I chuckled and Sy said, “What?”

  Jax bent his head behind me and whispered, “Tan’s Aunt Sara made the worst crap dip for Tanner’s sixteenth birthday party. Everyone that ate some got sick. People were vomiting everywhere.”

/>   “Note to self: do not eat the crab dip,” Symon said.

  I laughed a little harder and looked over my shoulder. “That’s probably good advice.” When I turned back, Aunt Sara was standing in the doorway with a big smile on her face. “Hey, Aunt Sara!”

  “Hi, sweetheart,” she said, pulling me in for a hug. “It’s been way too long since you stopped by.” She pulled back from the hug and smiled at me. “Now introduce me to those boys of yours.”

  I smiled back and reached to pull Symon forward. “This is Symon. Sy, my Aunt Sara.” I reached back with my other hand and pulled Jax forward. “And I’m sure you remember Jax.”

  “Of course, I remember JJ! It’s good to see you again, honey.”

  “It’s good to see you, too, Aunt Sara.”

  I smiled at the fact that Jax called her Aunt Sara.

  She pulled him into a hug, then released him and pulled Symon into a little hug. “It’s nice to meet you, Symon. I’ve heard so many wonderful things about you.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, too.” Symon’s voice was quiet, but he smiled at me as she released him.

  “We made some macaroni salad,” Jax said, holding the bowl out.

  Aunt Sara took the bowl with a smile, then smirked at me before turning around and waving us through the door. “Come on in, guys. You’re the first ones here. My husband is hiding from me in the basement, but I’m sure he’ll be up here soon. Drinks are in the cooler out on the back porch. Would you boys mind taking a dish out with you and putting it on the table for me?”

  “No problem.”

  My boyfriends followed me into the kitchen, and we spent the next ten minutes walking back and forth, carrying everything out for my aunt. Once the food was set, we grabbed beers and sat down at a table in the back yard.

  “You doing alright, big guy?” Sy asked as he opened his can.

  “I’m okay. Just a little anxious to see my brother.”

  “Wiley’s still coming, right?” Jax opened my beer for me before passing it over.

  “As far as I know. He told me he would text me if anything changed and he hasn’t, so I’m guessing that he’ll be here. He wants to see Gallagher, too.” I took a big sip of my beer.

  “Speak of the devil,” Sy whispered.

  I looked behind myself and saw my younger brother walking toward our table, so I stood up and pulled him into a hug.

  “Hey, big bro. Gallagher isn’t here yet?”

  “Nope.” I pulled a chair out and waved for him to sit. When I went to grab him a beer, I saw Jax already getting one out of the cooler, so I sat beside my brother. “Have you seen him yet?”

  “No, he wouldn’t let me come by.”

  “Me either.”

  Wiley leaned forward. “Hey, Symon.”


  Jax walked back and opened a beer for Wiley before passing it over. “Hey, Wiley.”

  “Thanks, Jax. Nice to see you guys. How’s the headboard working out?”

  “It’s perfect,” Sy answered. Wiley had dropped off the headboard a couple of weeks ago, and it really was perfect. What my brother had done was impressive. Jax and I had split the cost, much to Sy’s grumbling, although he’d been extremely grateful. Jax and I had wanted to do something nice since we were always at Sy’s house and he’d been the one to buy the big bed in the first place.

  We chatted for a few minutes before I finally caught a glimpse of my older brother walking through the back door. He stopped on the deck, looking around, and when he spotted me, I waved. He walked in our direction, so I stood and stepped around my group so I could pull Gallagher into a big hug.

  He hugged me back with a fierceness I didn’t expect but was more than welcome. I’d been afraid that he’d pull away from me—because of my boyfriends—so I was relieved that he didn’t.

  “I’ve missed you, Tan,” Gallagher muttered into my shoulder as he held me a little tighter.

  Tears pricked my eyes at that. “I missed you too, Galley. I’m happy you made it home.”

  “Me too.” He slapped my back a couple times, then pulled away to grab Wiley into a hug. “Good to see you, baby bro.”

  I smiled and wiped my eyes—no, I wasn’t crying—then I looked over at Symon and Jax. Both their eyes were on me, so I sent them a smile and waved them over. When they walked over, Gallagher and Wiley separated, and Galley sent Jax a wary smile. “Hey, JJ.” My brother surprised me by grabbing Jax into a quick hug. From the look on Jax’s face, it’d surprised him, too.

  “It’s good to see you, Galley.” Jax smiled, then looked at me.

  I cleared my throat and grabbed Symon’s hand, pulling him closer to me. “This is our other boyfriend, Symon.”

  Symon held up his free hand in a little wave. “Nice to meet you.”

  Gallagher smiled and held out his hand to shake. “Likewise.”

  Symon shook his hand and his shoulders released a little tension. When they let go, I put my arm around Symon’s shoulders and kissed his temple. He looked a little surprised by my actions, but he leaned into me and smiled softly. I glanced at my brother to gauge his reaction, and he smiled back at me. I guess I was worried about nothing.


  He looked at me with a raised brow.

  “Thanks.” I hoped he knew what I was thanking him for because I didn’t want to say thank you for not being a dick about me being with two guys out loud.

  He walked over and punched my shoulder. “After… everything that happened, I just want you to be happy.” He immediately turned away to talk to Wiley again. It was no surprise that he didn’t want to talk about anything emotional; he’d always been like that.

  I took a deep breath and watched his back. I guess seeing me get hurt made him change his tune. At least one good thing came out of that shitstorm.

  My boyfriends and my brothers hung out for the rest of the party. Gallagher kept getting pulled away, but he came back over every time. I couldn’t believe his easy acceptance of Jax and Symon in my life. He never really commented on it; he only asked a couple questions, like how long we’d been together and general things like that. We made plans to have my brothers and Jax’s brother—not his sister since he was still mad at her—over soon, along with Joel and his daughter, Eva.

  I was looking forward to it.

  The only down side to the party was the fact that my father wouldn’t even look at me. He completely ignored my existence, except one time when I saw him glaring in my direction. My brothers noticed and refused to talk to him. They even went so far as to tell me that they would do Thanksgiving and Christmas with me, no matter where it was. If our father continued acting the way he did, we planned on going to Jax’s parents’ house for the holidays in the fall. Symon said he’d bring his mom—who Jax and I still hadn’t met—along so the three of us could celebrate together. Together.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  We were lying in a heap on my bed, completely sated and breathless. No one said anything, we just lay there kissing exposed skin and running fingertips over each other. But I started getting uncomfortable when both of their cum started drying and pulling on my chest hair. After a few seconds, I decided I needed to get all the cum off myself, so I kissed Tanner’s shoulder, then kissed Symon’s cheek and got up to go into the bathroom. I splashed myself with some soap and water, grabbed a towel and cleaned my chest and stomach off, then I found a clean washcloth and ran it under hot water. I heard what sounded like giggles coming from the bedroom, but I couldn’t really hear what was going on, so I shrugged it off.

  I turned off the water and walked back into the bedroom with the washcloth. As soon as I stepped inside, I froze and stared at the two men on the bed. Symon was on his back, kind of curled up and wiggling all over the place, while Tanner hovered over top of him, placing open-mouthed kisses all over him and poking his sides with his fingers. They were both cracking up laughing, and Symon was squirming and giggling like crazy, trying to push Tanne
r off him. I couldn’t help but smile at the sight. It was so nice to see Symon letting his guard down and feeling comfortable here, and it was equally as nice to see Tanner goofing off and letting his walls down, too. Both of them typically seemed to guard themselves, especially out in public. So seeing them act so free together was just fucking amazing. And beautiful, really.

  Symon squealed and yelled, “Jax! Save me! Please!”

  I chuckled. “I don’t know if I can take him, pumpkin.”

  Tanner laughed, that deep, full laugh of his that always did funny things to my stomach.

  Symon yelled, “You have to try!” He was cracking up. “Please, get him off me!”

  I laughed again and walked closer, dropping the washcloth on the nightstand. They were both wiggling so much on the bed, I didn’t know how to get in there. But Tanner suddenly moved so his whole side was right in front of me. I remembered that he used to be ticklish, so instead of trying to push him over, I tickled his side. Tanner squirmed and yelled and tried to cover himself from me, but that gave Symon the opening he needed and before I knew it, Sy flipped Tanner onto his back and climbed over him.

  “Help me,” Symon laughed out as he tried to catch Tanner’s arms.

  I chuckled and climbed on the bed. I kneeled by Tanner’s head, and Sy and I pulled his arms up, then pinned them on either side of his head.

  “No fair!” Tanner yelled. “You can’t gang up on me!” All three of us were laughing and out of breath.

  Symon leaned down so his face was close to Tanner’s. “We can do whatever we want with you. You’re ours.”

  Tanner chuckled. “Is that right?”

  Symon looked up at me, then back at Tanner. “Abso-fucking-lutely.” Then he leaned down and kissed Tanner so hard that Tanner went limp under us. I scooted around so I could lie beside them and when I leaned in, Symon moved over to allow me to kiss them both at the same time. It took a second to figure out the right angle, but once we did, I sighed. Kissing them both just felt right.

  When we broke the kiss, I ran my fingers through Tanner’s hair and looked him in the eyes. “Symon’s right, Tan, you’re ours. You always were. I’m sorry it took me so long to really let you back in.”


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