by Steve Turner
Shipbuilder magazine, ♣
shipping lines
Blacks as exclusive
music agents, ♣
professional bands for, ♣
ships, music on, ♣
shipwreck, possibility of, ♣
Slater, Hilda, ♣, ♦
Smith, Captain, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠, †
responsibility, ♣
Smith, Edward, ♣, ♦, ♥
Smith, James Clinch, ♣, ♦
Smith, William A., ♣
“Songe d’Automne,” ♣
South Africa, Brailey’s
battalion sent to, ♣
South Pole, ♣
dock, ♣
dredging of channel, ♣
Titanic departure, ♣, ♦
as White Star
departure, ♣
Southport Guardian, ♣
Spa, Belgium, ♣, ♦
memorial plans in, ♣
Speers, Jim, ♣
spiritualism, ♣
Squire, William Henry, ♣
Stap, Henry, ♣
Stap, Sarah, ♣, ♦
“Star Spangled Banner,” ♣
Stead, W. T., ♣, ♦, ♥
Hymns That Have
Helped Me, ♣
Steamboat Inspection
Service, ♣
Steinhilber, Teresa, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠
Stenson, Patrick, ♣
Stent, Frederick, ♣, ♦
Stevens, George, ♣
Stires, Ernest, ♣
stoker, theft of life jacket, ♣
Strachan, James, ♣, ♦
Strad magazine, ♣, ♦, ♥
Stradivarius, “Red
Diamond,” ♣
Strand Hotel, New York
Times use of, ♣
Strathclyde, Lord, ♣
Straus, Ida, ♣
Straus, Isidor, ♣
suction theory of Hawke/
Olympic collision cause, ♣
suffragettes, ♣
Sullivan, Arthur, ♣, ♦
survivors of Titanic, arrival
in NYC, ♣
Taft, William Howard, ♣, ♦
Taggia, la Coeur Immacule
de Marie, ♣
The Tales of Hoffman, ♣
The Tapestry Book
(Candee), ♣
Tas, Pieter, ♣
Taylor, Clara, ♣, ♦
need for compensation, ♣
relief funds received, ♣
Taylor, Emily, ♣, ♦
Taylor, Frederick, ♣
Taylor, George, ♣, ♦
Taylor, Herbert, ♣, ♦.
See also Taylor, Percy
Taylor, Martin, ♣, ♦
Taylor, Percy Cornelius, ♣, ♦
arrival on Titanic, ♣
body lost at sea, ♣
church connection, ♣
estate value, ♣
family lives after loss, ♣
and music after
collision, ♣
travel to Titanic, ♣
teahouses, ♣
Terbit, Jon Law Hume, ♣
Terbit, Thomas, ♣
Thayer, Jack, ♣, ♦
Theatre Royal, ♣
Theosophical Society, ♣n ♦
Thomas, Judge, court
decision on insurance for
musicians, ♣
Thomson dock, ♣
Times, list of latest
shipwrecks, ♣
Tipperary, Ireland, ♣
tips, band income from, ♣, ♦
Titanic, ♣
Bride’s account of ship’s
band playing, ♣
bulkhead compartment
flooding, ♣
cargo, ♣
change in date of
maiden voyage, ♣
church service on, ♣
departure from
Southampton, ♣, ♦
description of sinking, ♣
design, ♣
development of
legend, ♣
E Deck recognition of
danger, ♣
early reports on, ♣
expectations for
musicians, ♣
flooding, ♣
Hartley as bandleader, ♣
Hurd’s story about
band, ♣
iceberg collision, ♣
impact of Hawke/
Olympic collision, ♣
launching, ♣
machinery crashing, ♣
music planning for, ♣
musicians’ low profile, ♣
musicians’ uniforms, ♣
order registered, ♣
passengers on, ♣, ♦
passengers opinions of
orchestra, ♣
passengers transfer to, ♣
reasons for sinking, ♣
responsibility for loss, ♣
sea trials, ♣, ♦
skeleton crew, ♣
stop in Cherbourg,
France, ♣
White Star booklet
featuring, ♣
Titanic (movie), ♣, ♦, ♥n ♠
Titanic memorial
postcards, ♣
Titanic Relief Fund, ♣, ♦
A. Hume vs. Mary
Costin, ♣
distribution, ♣
The Titanic Tragedy: God
Speaks to the Nations
(White), ♣
Trafalgar Dock,
rebuildng, ♣
transatlantic crossing,
speed, ♣
Trianon Lyrique (Paris), ♣
Trocadero Orchestra (New
York), ♣
Unitarians, ♣
United Press Agency, ♣
U. S. Senate Investigation
Committee, ♣, ♦
Vallance, Fred, ♣
Van Anda, Carr, ♣, ♦
Van Dyke, Henry, ♣
Vasco Akeroyd Symphony
Orchestra, ♣, ♦
Vaughan, Edmund, ♣
Vaughn, Robert, ♣
La Veuve Joyeuse, ♣
Victoria, Queen of
England, ♣
funeral procession, ♣
Hartley’s on Titanic, ♣, ♦
Hartley’s on
Titanic, need for
authentication, ♣
and Hume liability, ♣
Lancaster tribute to
Hartley, ♣, ♦, ♥
rented by Hume, ♣, ♦
Voigt, Eric, ♣
Volturne, ice damage, ♣
Von Lier, Simon, ♣, ♦
Vossische Zeitung, ♣
Wagner, Richard, ♣
Wall, Max, ♣
Walthamstow, Clarendon
Road, ♣
Ward, Cherry, ♣
Ward, Christopher, ♣
Ward, Jackie. See also
Costin, Johnann Law
death, ♣
Ward, John, ♣
Wardingly, Syd, ♣
Ware, Florence, ♣
Washington, Booker T., ♣
Watts, Issac, ♣
Web sites, ♣
Wesley, John, in Colne, ♣
West Bromwich, ♣
Western civilization, codes
of behavior, ♣
Western Daily Mercury, ♣, ♦
Wheeler, Caroline, ♣
Wheeler, Cornelius, ♣
Wheeler, Edward, ♣
Wheelton, Edward, ♣
“When You Kiss an Italian
Girl,” ♣
Whitcomb, Ian, ♣
White, Alma, The Titanic
Tragedy: God Speaks to the
Nations, ♣
White, George, ♣
white minority in
Jamaica, ♣
White Star Building
(Liverpool), ♣
White Star Line, ♣, ♦, ♥
condemnation by
Grant, ♣
dock, ♣
emphasis on luxury, ♣
employment ties with
musicians cut, ♣
music book, ♣
music repertoire, ♣
payment for return of
Hartley’s body, ♣
song book, ♣
White Star Orchestra, ♣
White-Thompson, Canon, ♣
Whytock, “Gen,” ♣
Wilcox, Herbert, ♣
Wildman, James
Lascelles, ♣
Wingate, Harold, ♣
Winternitz, Sigmund, ♣, ♦
wireless equipment,
requirement for, ♣
Witney Gazette, ♣
Wolff, Gustav, ♣
women in mock military
maneuvers, ♣
Women’s Bill, ♣
Women’s Freedom
League, ♣
Wood, Henry, ♣, ♦
Wood, John, ♣, ♦
Woodward, George, ♣.
See also Woodward, John
Woodward, Herbert, ♣
Woodward, John Wesley, ♣, ♦
arrival on Titanic, ♣
body lost at sea, ♣
on Caronia, ♣
as “Cello Man,” ♣
church connection, ♣
estate value, ♣
family lives after loss, ♣
house in Headington, ♣
last activities before
departure, ♣
memorial, ♣
memorial plans for, ♣
in New York, ♣
on Olympic, ♣
physical appearance, ♣
plan for music after
collision, ♣
solos, ♣
travel to Titanic, ♣
Woodward, Joseph, ♣
Woodward, Martha, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠
need for compensation, ♣
relief funds received, ♣
Woodward, Thomas, ♣, ♦
Woolner, Hugh, ♣
Worcester Evening Gazette, ♣
Workmen’s Compensation
Bill of 1906, ♦
musicians not covered by, ♣
World War I, ♦
World Wildlife
Foundation, ♣
Worthington, Thomas, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠
The Wreck of the Titanic, ♣
Wright, Orville, ♣
Wright, Wilbur, ♣
Yeats, William Butler, ♣
Young, Eleanor, ♣
“You’ve Got Me
Hypnotized,” ♣