The Trouble With Eden

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The Trouble With Eden Page 6

by Leslie Pike

  She goes for my pants zipper, while I’m kicking off my shoes. I lift her dress over her head, revealing her extremely erotic black lingerie. But it’s off in a matter of seconds. This is no time to admire anything other than her body.

  “Come here baby.”

  I bring her close to me and begin to taste every part of her. She smells so good. Her hair, her neck, between her breasts. And she’s making the most arousing sound. Heavenly.

  I just want to be inside her. I pick her up and take her to the bed. We move in a tangle of arms and legs. Me on top, her on top, like an erotic dance. She stops me just as I’m about to enter her.


  She puts her hand on my chest, to make sure I stay on my back. Her torso hovers slightly above me, balancing on her palms. She glides her entire body over mine, up and back, rubbing her breasts and pussy over my body. And then she moves down.

  Jesus. I’m as hard as I’ve ever been. Oh God.

  She stops just as her mouth reaches my cock. She looks at me and smiles. Pure sensuality.

  She spreads my legs, and kneels between them. She begins with her hands and fingers. It’s effective. She does this thing where she moves her fingers in a fan like motion, one finger after another, as she opens and closes her grip. Up and down, from tip to base and slowly. Slowly, and as if touching it was a new pleasure.

  She uses her hand to brush the head against the outline of her lips.

  Oh that’s good.

  “I like the taste of you.”

  She doesn’t forget my balls. Her other hand cups and massages them gently. Then she moves her mouth to my sack and sucks each testicle.

  Son of a bitch.

  She raises her head until her lips are barely touching my cock, and just teases the tip with her tongue. This is better than any dream. Her mouth plays with the head and her full lips wrap around the top of my shaft. I want to jam it into her mouth.


  I feel like I’m on a magical mystery tour of sexual desire. Every land I visit is my new favorite. His cock was made for my mouth, a perfectly designed coupling.

  I take him all the way, and that’s saying a lot. I didn’t realize I had such a big mouth. Licking, sucking, running my tongue about the tip, savoring the journey. It’s pleasure for us both.

  It’s in no way a job.

  But I want to feel him inside of me, in whatever way he chooses. I look up at his face, and he somehow understands.

  He sits up, flips me over and kneels behind me. I support myself on my forearms. He puts his hand on my ass, grabs his cock and guides it like a divining rod, until he finds the sweet spot. He rubs the tip against my lips, and gently works to part them. My wetness invites him in. He enters me from behind.

  I am aware of nothing else. Nothing but this sensation, and the mastery of his rhythm.

  For the next two hours we quench every thirst. He is … Once again I find it hard to describe because what he is, is so unique. He’s untamed in his lovemaking and at the same time controlled.

  He is mindful of my needs, and yet a glutton for his own pleasure. He doesn’t slight either of us.

  And there’s a smell that rises and settles on the sheets. Our sweat, my perfume and the sweet unmistakable scent that comes when pussy meets cock. There’s nothing like it. Nothing.

  Sounds, smells, sights, raw and uncontrived. All music for lovemaking our bodies have scored.

  I come multiple times, and more miraculously so does he. Few men have this ability. We’ve turned on this sexual spigot and we’re drenched. It feels like rain from heaven. We fall asleep, completely spent of energy and reserve. And sore, we’re both actually sore.

  Morning comes too soon. I’m entangled in his arms and legs. His right arm wraps around my waist, and holds me close. I can see the beauty of his Phoenix Rising tattoo. It starts on his back, wings spread, and ascends over his shoulder. The long feathered tail curves around to his right side. I study the details.

  His skin feels so soft against the rocklike underlying muscles. As I stretch out of my sleep, he wakes.

  “Good morning.”

  “Good morning, Bliss.”

  He reaches over and tweaks my nipple. His touch sends chills through my body.

  “We’re not finished. Are you still sore?”

  “It hurts so good.” I laugh.

  But we’re interrupted by the sound of his cell going off, followed closely by mine.

  “Let’s just answer and get it over with. I’ve got to be available to the Director. We’ll pick up where we left off. Hold that thought,” he says, and kisses me quickly.

  We reach for our phones.

  “Hello?” I say.

  “I’ve heard that sleepy voice before. Are you still in bed darlin’?” Bad timing Finn.

  “Yeah I am. What’s up?”


  “That’s none of your business.”

  I can hear Steven talking in the background. He’s deep into some movie business. I hear the name Albie, and an expletive, so I’m assuming it’s the Director he’s talking with.

  “Listen Bliss, I’m takin’ you up on your offer. Da needs a day trip.

  Could we be visitin’ you today?”

  Shit. Me and my bright ideas. But no matter how inconvenient this is, I’ll never say no to Carl.

  “Ok. That would be fine, but it’ll have to be this afternoon. How about two o’clock?”

  “Two is good. Just let me know where you are. Da’s going to be happy. And Bliss, thank you.”

  “I’ll text you my address and the gate code.”

  “Cheers then, get back to your issue at hand, whoever he may be.” He laughs at his own joke.

  I just disconnect.

  Steven’s still talking with Albie, so I go to my closet for my wrap. I love this white cotton sarong that hangs low, knotted on my hips. I throw on a soft peach colored short loose top, and get started with the coffee.

  Steven puts down his cell.

  “Well here we go. Albie wants to see me to go over tomorrow’s shoot. One of the actors broke his leg, so that’s the first fuck up.” He starts putting on the clothes he wore last night.

  “I’ve got to go babe.”

  “That’s alright. I’ve just learned I’m going to have guests this afternoon. And I can’t say no. It’s a long story that I’ll tell you at another time.”

  He crosses to me, and takes me in his arms.

  “I don’t want to leave you. If it was up to me we’d lock ourselves in here.”

  I’m feeling the same way. Everything else seems to be falling away.

  “It’s new to me. I don’t really know how it works,” I say.

  “It’s new to me too. But we’ll figure it out. What I know for sure is I don’t want you to be with anybody else. No other men. You’re for me now. And you’ll get the same. There’ll be no other women. “

  “Good. That’s the only way I want it. But in full disclosure, I have to tell you my ex-husband and his father are coming to see me today. There’s nothing at all between us, but his family has been kind to me when I was completely alone. They’ll always be part of my life.” I say it with conviction, because it’s the truth.

  “If you tell me there’s nothing between you I believe it. I don’t think you’re the kind of woman who would choose to lie. There’s no reason for it. We can go slow or just jump in Bliss. I’m not sure we even have a choice.”

  “Ok. Let’s jump.”

  Steven leaves to rejoin the real world, and I call Nicki while I change the sheets. I put her on speaker.

  “Hello,” she says


  “What’s happening? I haven’t heard from you since yesterday afternoon. Your date must have been good.”

  “Nicki, you have no idea.”

  “Reeeealy,” she stretches the word out for emphasis.

  “In the history of dates, it was the most perfect.”

  She laughs.

I guess it’s a given that you’re seeing each other again?”

  “You could say that. It’s moving fast.”

  “I would caution you about that, but I know you. You’re the most cautious logical woman I know. If you think it’s right, then it probably is. So go for it.”

  This is one of the things I like best about Nicki. She doesn’t just blindly regurgitate advice that’s expected. Her opinions are based on what she knows to be fact, what she’s observed to be true. She pays attention and she’s supportive. It’s a blueprint for a best friend.

  “And guess what? Finn and his father are coming here for a visit today.”

  “Are you kidding me? What about Steven? How’s he going to handle that?”

  “It’s already handled. I just told him the truth. I’ve got nothing I feel the need to hide. And he’s very secure, he knows he’s got nothing to worry about.”

  “Good thinking. But wait till he gets a load of Finn. He may reconsider.”

  “I don’t think so. Nicki, I think this one may be the real deal.”

  “I hope so, Bliss.”

  For the rest of the morning I catch up on the things I’ve been neglecting for two days. Then I dress, and get out my iPad to write. I’ve got two hours till Finn and Carl arrive, and I’m feeling inspired.

  It pisses me off that I have to put aside writing to clean my house or cook a meal. I wonder if I could ever raise children or care for a husband in the traditional sense. I’d be angry every day. I think that kind of life requires a devotion I haven’t experienced. Never say never though.

  That’s how it is with me. I almost always feel like writing. That’s especially true when I’m sure that what I’m writing is good. Then I can hardly stop myself from doing it twenty four hours a day. Steven’s the first distraction that wiped writing from my mind.

  This setting is usually ideal for being alone with my thoughts. But today I’m finding concentration a fleeting notion.

  I begin a sentence, and it evaporates in a fog of sexual and emotional memory. Steven, it’s all about Steven.

  I put my iPad down.

  Ten minutes to two. I’ll sit outside on the patio, and make sure Finn and Carl spot the right cottage.

  It’s a picture postcard day. The sea is a deep sapphire blue, with whitecaps everywhere. As I walk out, I notice the group of people gathered on Steven’s patio. It seems like everyone’s talking at once.

  I see Steven and Jack talking with a man I assume is Albie. There’s a petite older woman standing there too. I have no idea who she is, but she holds the attention of the men when she speaks.

  As I watch, the door to the cottage next to me opens. I recognize the face. I’ve seen it a countless times famously in films, and infamously in the National Enquirer.

  Caprice Avanti, the Italian sex symbol. I didn’t know she was in this movie. Hmmm, the plot thickens.

  She looks directly at me.

  “Ciao, Bella.” She waves her hello with a fluidity that must have come from years of practice. Red carpets, premiers, appearances. It reminds me of the iconic film clip of Marilyn Monroe waving to the troops.

  She’s sexy, there’s no doubt about that. I can see it from here. I wave back. “Hi, neighbor.”

  She makes her way to my patio, and doesn’t wait for an invitation to sit down next to me.

  “I’m Caprice. Who are you darling?”

  “I’m Bliss. Bliss Novak.”

  She leans back in her chair, and closes her eyes to the sun. She stretches her legs and arms, arching her back. The skin on her face and chest is smooth and flawless, like porcelain. Her mouth is pouty.

  Her breasts are large and soft, and the stuff of men’s wet dreams. They swell out of her low necked pink cashmere sweater, begging to be motor boated.

  “A beautiful name, for a beautiful woman. I think we should be friends right away Bliss. We’re already neighbors. And we’ve got to stick together, against all the men on set who will try to get their dicks in our pants.”

  I bet she’d do or say anything. I’m sure being a star has afforded her carte blanche in the naughty behavior department.

  “Oh I’m not part of the crew. I live here year around.”

  She looks surprised.

  “Darling, you’re so attractive I just assumed. Well, let’s be friends anyway. I will need someone to complain to when the Director pisses me off.”

  “Ok, let’s.”

  I’m not sure what I just agreed to, or if I got myself into something I’ll end up regretting. She just kind of bowled me over with her personality.

  Out of the corner of my eye I see Steven approach.

  “Hello, ladies.”

  Caprice jumps up, and throws her arms around his neck.

  “Stefan! I missed you, darling.”

  I can see how uncomfortable this makes him. I’ve only known him for two days, and I know this isn’t his style. She either doesn’t know him very well, or she doesn’t give a damn what he likes. I think it’s the latter.

  I raise an eyebrow as he looks my way. It’s kind of funny. But I’ll have to hear what their history is. Maybe she’s just this way with every man.

  He untangles himself from her grip. He looks to me.

  “I see you’ve met Caprice.”

  She doesn’t give me a chance to answer.

  “Of course. We’ve already decided to become friends,” she says.

  He looks slightly annoyed.

  “Bliss, I want to introduce you to a few people. Do you have a minute?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “I’m coming too. I want to talk with that prick Jack,.” Says Caprice. I have no idea why she thinks Jack is a prick, and I don’t think Steven does either. But neither one of us asks her to explain.

  We walk to Steven’s cottage and I feel all eyes on me. Welcoming faces anticipating our introduction. Jack speaks first.

  “Hi, Bliss.”

  He leans in for a peck on the cheek. I think Steven’s talked with him about me. I’m sure of it by his expression.

  “Hi, Jack. Nice to see you again.”

  Steven puts a hand behind my back.

  “Bliss this is Albie, our Director.”

  Albie puts his hand out, and we shake.

  “Beautiful girl. Exquisite. Where did this guy find you?”

  “Thank you. We sort of found each other at the gym,” I say.

  He looks at Steven. “Nice work. Are there any good looking men for me there?”

  “I’m sure you could find a few body builders there, Albie.”

  Abbie claps his hands together imitating Eddie Murphy’s character in another film. “Hercules, Hercules!!”

  Everyone laughs.

  Then Steven turns to the woman I saw earlier.

  “This is Renee Barnes. The finest DP in the business.”

  She extends her hands to me, and clasps mine in hers. She makes eye contact and I feel a warmth from her.

  “Hi. Pleased to meet you, Bliss.”


  Caprice stands to the side, I think slightly miffed at what she considers a snub. At least that’s what her face says.

  “Where’s my drink, people?”

  There’s no time for an answer before we hear the sound of Finn’s Harley approaching. Everyone’s attention shifts to the road.

  Finn on a motorcycle is something to behold. Although I feel nothing for him sexually, he looks like the poster boy for every woman’s “bad boy” fantasy.

  It’s as if we’re watching a movie scene where the sexy hero moves in slow motion across the screen, with music playing in the background.

  Hair blowing, pouting lips and a heavy two day growth of beard on a well-defined jawline. It’s almost a cliché.

  And he has those blue eyes that all the girls love. His jacket is open, to show the rippling abs beneath his T shirt. It all comes together to paint an impressive image.

  I notice there’s no Carl to be seen. I wave, and Finn spot
s me. I point to my cottage, and he pulls the bike over and stops.

  “I’m sorry, I’ve got to greet my guest. It was lovely meeting you all,” I say.

  Each person says their goodbye except for Caprice. She’s got her eyes on Finn. I picture a cheetah when it spots its prey. I almost laugh. Please, go for it. You two would be a good match.

  Albie is practically drooling at the sight of his dream man, so out of his reach. And there’s a question on his face. About what I don’t know.

  Steven is taking in what he may consider his competition. But he would be so wrong. I lean in to his ear.

  “I should be home by six.”

  He gives me a kiss goodbye.

  “I’ll call you.”


  “Have a good time.”

  He says it perfectly naturally and without sarcasm. But I know better. Somehow I know him already.


  Sons of Anarchy poser.

  And where’s the father? I thought that was the whole purpose of the visit.

  I’m not the jealous type. I’m confident, and like confidence in the women I’m with. I’m either interested or not. They’re either interested or not. I wouldn’t be with someone who thought it was a shrewd move to try and make me jealous.

  But she’s doing it without trying.

  This Finn is too aware of himself, and not in a good way. He seems like the kind of guy who would take a lot of selfies. I can just picture him holding his cell at arm’s length, trying different poses. On the other hand I haven’t actually met him. Maybe he’s a solid guy.

  I watch the two of them walk into Bliss’ cottage.

  “You know who that is?” Albie’s voice interrupts my imaginings.

  “It’s Bliss’ ex-husband.”

  “It’s Colin, from the film “Fire Men.”

  Albie reenacts Finn’s famous line of dialogue, complete with an Irish accent.

  “Give me your hand darlin,’ I’ll take it from there.”

  “Never heard of it,” I say.

  I have, but I’ll be damned if I’ll admit to that.

  “What? He was fantastic in that film. He’s actually a really good actor. I wondered what happened to him.”

  “Come on Albie, he couldn’t have been that good if we never saw him again.”


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