The Trouble With Eden

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The Trouble With Eden Page 15

by Leslie Pike


  Another morning. I pad around the cottage in my sloppy pajamas, doing my morning rituals. Coffee, yesterday’s mail and a piece of fruit. Today’s banana is too ripe, and like my love affair, it’s past its sell date.

  I realize everything I do I relate to the breakup. That’s disturbing. Always checking the condition my condition is in.

  I pass the mirror, and look at my reflection. Pathetic, Bliss. I look like I’m ill. Get a grip.

  There’s a knock on the door. Before I open it, I look through the peephole. Nicki! I swing it open.

  “You look like hell,” she says.

  “I know. Hi. Come in, I’ve missed you.”

  Nicki enters, and walks to the coffee pot. She helps herself.

  “So what’s up, cookie? How are you doing?”

  “I’m ok. I’m coming to grips. How are you?”

  Nicki bites her bottom lip, and widens her eyes in excitement. “What? What happened?” I say.

  She slowly raises her left hand to reveal the most beautiful diamond ring I’ve ever seen. I’m shocked.

  “What?!!! Are you engaged?”

  She screams her response. “YES!!!”

  I’m in a stupor, but I realize how thrilled I am for her. What a whirlwind she and Jack are in. But they’re happy, and completely enamored with each other. They’re in love, I’m sure. She doesn’t make stupid decisions about anything. And although it’s fast, I think it’s real.

  I wrap her in an embrace. I can feel my eyes welling with tears. Tears of joy, and tears of sorrow.

  “I’m so happy for you. Jack’s a wonderful man. And he’s getting an exceptional woman. Oh my God, Nicki!”

  We part, and she sees my tears. Now she gets teary.

  “Fuck me. I didn’t want to make you sad.”

  “No. These are happy tears.”

  She knows me better.

  “Really. They’re 90% happy, and only 10% sad,” I say, unconvincingly.

  “Bliss, don’t be like this. I think things are going to work themselves out. You two will be back together. Steven and Jack …”

  I stop her right there.

  “No. I don’t even want to go there. Let’s not pretend this is a fixable problem. I want to talk about you. This is spectacular news.”

  I wipe my eyes, and take her hands.

  “When’s the wedding? And how did he propose? And what are you going to wear? I have a million questions.”

  She laughs. “Ok, let me tell you the whole thing.”

  An hour later, I’m up to speed on the wedding, the romance and the proposal.

  Jack did an amazing job. He proposed to her at night, in their cottage, which had been staged to look like an enchanted garden. Twinkling tiny white lights highlighted every tree and blossom that filled the entire place.

  In one day, the Set Decorators from the film, had transformed Jack’s bedroom into the centerpiece, the nucleus of the garden. Real flowers spilled from every corner, as if they had grown there naturally. The bed was made to look like a raised hill with a blanket of fragrant gardenias. Vines and blossoms intertwined and reached up to the ceiling, and through the doorways.

  When Nicki walked into the cottage, a path wound from the entry to the bedroom. Jack led her to the gardenias, and they sat atop the hill. A weeping tree, that hung over the hill, was dotted with spectacular white orchids that had been wired to the branches. Jack reached up, and plucked one from the tree. Inside, Nicki found her ring.

  When she was telling me about it, I was in awe. Her face lit up, just thinking about the scene, and so did mine.

  “Wow! Just wow. That’s the most romantic proposal I’ve ever heard.”

  “I forgot to tell you. He had this ethereal music playing. As if we were in a magical world.

  I’ll never forget it. Every time I get mad at him in the future, I’m going to remember when he proposed.”

  We talk about the fact that they want to marry soon. The logistics of planning a quick wedding are mind boggling. For anybody else it would be impossible. For a movie star, it’s just another day. But she wants me to help her shop for her dress, and I’m excited about that.

  “One more thing. Will you be my Maid of Honor?”

  “Yes! Of course I will. What an honor.”

  “Good. It’s going to be awesome. Ok, I’ve got to run. We’re going to look at locations today. I’ll call you later, and we’ll decide when to go shopping.”

  “Great. And tell Jack how happy I am for him and you.”

  I walk her to the door, and we give each other one last hug. I close the door behind her and all the joy I felt for her disappears. Not away from her, but from me. Not that I’m unhappy for her good fortune, or jealous, but it’s just that it highlights what it is that’s missing for me.

  I’m so tired of feeling sad. I’m tired of crying. And I’m tired of being hurt to my core. I’m going to do something about it. Something drastic, but effective. I look in the mirror again. The ill girl is gone.

  In her place is the new me. I need a little TLC.

  I’m taking the bull by the horns. Or maybe the balls. I reach for my cell, and press one name.

  “Hello, Finn.”

  One conversation later, I’m dressing to meet Finn for lunch. Yeah, lunch.

  Lucky for me, he’s not working today.

  We meet at the Highlands Inn, in Carmel. It’s a beautiful iconic spot, that’s been at the top of travelers lists for decades. No wonder. Where it sits on the tip of The Monterey coast, showcases the wild Pacific and the Cyprus groves atop the cliffs.

  As I walk into the dining room, I see Finn. He’s at a window table, and he stands. He looks good, his hair grown longer for his role. He has his typical three day stubble, and his blue eyes sparkle with a mischievous glance. I think this is exactly what I need. I walk up to the table, and he welcomes me with a hug. He has no idea he’s about to get lucky.

  “Hello, darlin’.”

  “Hello, Finn. Thanks for agreeing to meet me.”

  “You know I’m always available for you, Bliss.”

  We sit, and I watch as the waiter approaches.

  “Would you like a drink?” Finn asks.

  “No. I want to be clear headed today.”

  Finn looks slightly intrigued.

  The waiter stops at our table.

  “I’ll have a hot tea.”

  “I’m fine with my coffee,” Finn says.

  “I’ll give you some time to decide on your lunch choices.”

  He leaves, and Finn and I are alone.

  “What’s new pussycat?”

  He hasn’t called me that for years. Two months ago that name would have turned my stomach. But things have changed.

  I’m so romantically over Finn, that I can see the good in him again. The veil of my anger and hurt has lifted.

  I’m sure being with Steven was the catalyst for that change of heart. At least some good came out of that relationship.

  I have forgiven him completely for his philandering ways. We were so young. Being around Finn on set, reminds me of what I like about the man. He’s not a man you’d want to marry, or even have as a boyfriend. He’s either friend or fuck material. Today he’ll be both.

  “I need to be distracted.”

  “Anythin’ to do with our Steven?”

  “Everything to do with him. It’s over, and I’m feeling beat up. Today I’m going to get out of my head, and rebel against the sadness a little bit.”

  “Well, you know what the quickest form of rebellion is, don’t you?” he says smiling. I smile right back.

  “Yes. I do.”

  I put on a thick Irish accent. “Would you like to be comfortin’ me then?”

  He takes my hand, and opens my palm. He traces the shape of a heart, with his index finger. It sends chills down my spine.

  “I never stopped wanting that. But make sure you know what you’re doin’ Bliss. I don’t want you to regret this tomorrow. I don’t
want this to affect our relationship. And I don’t want this to affect my other relationships. I’m in a good place, finally. I like these people. They’ve been good to me. I don’t want to fuck things up. But havin’ said that, I’d love to fuck you. Of course I would.”

  He smiles.

  “Listen Finn. What happens here will stay between us.

  There’s no reason for anyone to know. I’m so tired of everyone knowing my business. I expect you to be the gentleman I know you are. I know exactly what I’m doing. It’s not revenge or a ploy. It’s simply this, I need some comforting. I know you’re very good at that.”

  He smiles widely.

  “In that case, I’ve got somethin’ new to show you. Come here.”

  He reaches out, and pulls my chair to him, in one powerful movement. It brings up memories of his physical strength, and slightly domineering sexuality. He looks around, then takes his hands and unbuttons his jeans. Now I look around.

  I can tell he’s taking his cock out. Oh Jesus. It’s making me a little nervous. But I can’t look away.

  “Look, luv.” His eyes flash down toward his cock.

  I lean over, and take a peek. Oh my God. His beautiful cock is pierced with multiple bead rings stretching from the underside of the base of the shaft, up to below the head.

  “What the hell, Finn! What’s that?”

  “It’s a ladder, darlin’. A Jacob’s ladder.”

  “Oh my God.” I laugh nervously, in anticipation.

  “It enhances stimulation. For you. Want to climb my ladder?”

  “Why don’t you go get us a room?”

  He puts his cock away, and picks his jacket up, to cover his erection. He stands, then leaves to book a room.

  While he’s at the desk, I’m taking out some cash for our bill. I don’t want to linger at the table, and I don’t want to just get up and leave with an unpaid tab. That’s all I need, to be followed by the waiter for dining and dashing.

  As I look for the right bills, my thoughts are racing. My libido is being poked by my good sense. Is this really a good idea? Oh no. Have I started something I’ll regret? Probably. Is this going to make things uncomfortable for us both in the future? Definitely. And finally, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME?

  That I can’t answer.

  I’m having second thoughts. Things that should have been more thoroughly considered before I asked a man to have sex with me. I don’t know whether to call myself a cock tease or a moron. Stupid or just a woman who hasn’t looked before leaping.

  Any way I phrase it, I don’t sound too smart. But suddenly I know without a shadow of a doubt, I don’t want to do this.

  Why, I’m not so sure about. Something in me says stop. I always listen to my emotional radar.

  I look up, to find Finn walking toward the elevator. He motions me to follow. Oh shit, shit, shitsky. I can’t yell my objections across the dining room. I get up.

  As I’m walking toward him, I see a couple in golf attire come and stand by him. Now someone else will be riding up with us. Fuck me. I have got to stop this before we get on that elevator.

  I walk up, just as the elevator doors open. Finn greets me with a knowing smile. He holds his jacket in front of him. And he’s holding the doors, so that I can join the couple inside.

  “Why don’t we let them take this one?” I motion to the couple.

  Finn steps back, and lets the doors close. His face wears a question, one he doesn’t want answered.

  “Why did we do that?”

  I take his hand.

  “Finn, can you forgive me if I tell you I’m having doubts? Not just doubts. I can’t do this.”

  He looks perturbed. I don’t blame him.

  “Are you sure about that, darlin’?” but there’s no smile.

  “Yes. I’m so sorry. I should never have started this. I’m not over Steven, and this isn’t the way to heal.”

  “Was it the ladder then?”

  I laugh a little, and so does he.

  “No. the ladder was quite appealing. I’m sure it’s something the ladies love. Forgive me Finn. It’s just me.”

  “Well then love, once again you’ve left me with my dick in my hands. You sure there’s nothing I can do or say to change your mind? We could be havin’ a good time. You know I’m right. I know exactly how to be healin’ you.”

  “I’m sure about it. Thank you for understanding. It won’t happen again.”

  He adjusts his cock, which is still hard and uncomfortable in his zipped pants.

  “Now what will I do with this?” he winks at me.

  “You’ll think of something. I saw a pretty barmaid back in the dining room.”

  He looks back, scanning the room. But just quickly, as if I wouldn’t see it.

  “Darlin,’ no one compares to you.”

  I give his hand a quick squeeze, then turn to go.

  “Goodbye, Finn. I’m so sorry. Thank you for understanding.”

  And I’m out of there. I’m sure he’s watching as I go. But just for a moment. He’s probably hunting the barmaid by the time I reach the entry. Somehow that makes me feel better. And something deep inside me says “Whew.”


  It’s taken two days to plan and set up our mouse trap. Correction.

  Rat trap. The sound man, Ed, doesn’t ask too many questions of Jack. It’s as if he’s asked every day to secretly record a film stars confessions.

  I have no doubt he’ll keep this to himself. The guy would love to work on the next film, and if Jack says it’s so, then it’ll happen. This could be a favor that effects Ed’s entire working life.

  That’s a great thing, if the actor is a good guy. If he’s a prick, not so much. Good or bad, actors wield the power when they reach Jack’s status.

  For a while, Jack was talking about filming the trap, but I didn’t want to do that. First of all, it’s too elaborate. Secondly, it’s another thing that could go wrong. And lastly, if the audio isn’t enough proof, then I’m done. Bliss will have to either come to the right conclusion with this, or I’m walking. I’ve gone beyond reason to prove my innocence.

  Yesterday the trailer was miked, and all cords expertly hidden.

  Caprice will never be able to detect she’s being recorded. I have no guilt about doing this, about invading her private conversations. She lost that privilege when she came inside my home.

  I only wish, when it’s done, I could let her know we did it. I’d love to do that. But it can’t happen. There can be no lawsuits because of what we’re about to do.

  Jack’s vulnerable, Ed’s vulnerable and so am I. Even Albie could potentially be dragged into this. No, I’m not going to risk that, for any of us.

  My only goal is to have the proof, and let Bliss listen to it. The rest is up to her.

  We’ve told KikiCoco to say whatever it takes to get Caprice talking. If they have to say something derogatory about Bliss, or me, do it. Get her thinking they’re on the same side.

  And KikiCoco are enjoying every minute of the con. We’re all partners in crime. Jack, me, the girls and even Nicki. She’s anxious to get the truth revealed, so that her friend is happy again. It’s frustrating to her that Bliss won’t even listen to anything she or Jack have to say in my defense.

  Yeah, it’s frustrating to me too. I’m in love with one stubborn woman.

  It’s important that Caprice thinks there’s no chance of myself or Jack overhearing her conversation. So, to that end, we’ve made sure to set up Caprice’s makeup and hair call for when we’re on camera.

  We’ll be shooting a scene, far from the trailer, when it goes down. We won’t know what we have, if anything, till the sound man hands us the disc, and we play it. We’ve told the girls if they come to our set, not to come running up to us, excitedly telling us what they learned. Caprice is always watching, and would smell a rat.

  Its five minutes to three. Caprice was scheduled for a two o’clock appointment with Kiki, and at three she sees Coco. Jack
and I are seven miles away, filming at the first set. We can only hope things are playing out in our favor.

  I’m sitting in Jack’s trailer, just talking with him and Nicki while we wait for our shot. Today Finn and Jack are filming one of the most dramatic scenes in the movie.

  Jack’s character finds his brother beaten by the bad guys, and near death, on the side of the road.

  It’s raining, and his brother’s blood runs down his face, and onto Jack’s hands as he holds him. It’ll be a good close-up, and a great scene for them both, as Jack begs his brother to hold on.

  The rain machine is ready on set, and it’s a good thing, because it’s actually 75 degrees out.

  There’s a knock on the door.

  “Yes?” says Jack.

  “It’s Finn.”

  “Come in, lad.”

  In walks Finn, dressed and in full makeup. He looks like he’s had the shit beat out of him. Good makeup job. He’s got a closed left eye, bruises, and a fat lip. There’s dried blood everywhere.

  “Afternoon everyone.”

  “Oh God, Finn!” Nicki says.

  “Don’t you love it? I think I’m goin’ to use this look for my Christmas card this year.”

  “Are we that close?” says Jack.

  “Yeah. Albie said we’ve got about half an hour.”

  “That looks good. Man, you’re a mess,” I say, laughing.

  Finn walks to the mirror, and gazes at his face.

  “There’s a looker of an extra by the honey wagons. Think I’ll go fetch her, show her my boo boos.”

  “Only Finn could look like that, and go hunting pussy. Confidence, boy. Wonderful confidence,” says Jack.

  I’m laughing.

  “It has nothing to do with confidence. They just like that bad boy Irish look he gives them,” I say.

  I imitate how Finn stands and looks at a woman.

  He stands with his feet slightly spread, and he tips his chin down, then looks up at them with a white toothed smile. I wouldn’t be surprised if the wind machine showed up.

  Jack finds this very funny, and he does his version. He’s better than I am at the imitation.

  Finn takes our ribbing well. He can’t help but laugh, and with that makeup on, he looks like Quasimodo when he laughs. One side of his bottom lip swollen and disfigured.


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