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by Andrew Roberts

  10. CONSUL

  The Talleyrand quote is from Bergeron, France Under Napoleon p. 106 Napoleon to Fouché is from CG4 no. 9195 p. 386 1. eds. Tulard and Garros, Itinéraire p. 141, Forrest, Napoleon p. 124 2. CN30 p. 306 3. ed. Gaudin, Mémoires p. 45 4. ed. Gaudin, Mémoires p. 45 5. CN6 pp. 6–8 6. Collins, Napoleon and His Parliaments p. 10 7. Rudé, Revolutionary Europe p. 226 8. Rose, Napoleon I pp. 231–2 9. Boulay, Boulay p. 116, Rudé, Revolutionary Europe p. 227 10. Rose, Napoleon I p. 232 11. Brown, Ending the Revolution p. 301, Carpenter, Refugees p. 188, Lyons, France Under the Directory pp. 233–4 12. CG2 nos. 4766 and 4767 pp. 1091–2, November 15, 1799 13. Bourrienne, Memoirs I p. 315 14. Thody, French Caesarism p. 36 15. Roederer, Bonaparte me disait p. 60 16. CG3 pp. 1237–47, eds. Laven and Riall, Napoleon’s Legacy p. 2 17. CN32 p. 84 18. ed. Arnold, Documentary Survey pp. 34–5, Forrest, Napoleon p. 170 19. France, Constitution de la République Française p. 16 20. Rose, Napoleon I p. 229 21. Gildea, Children of the Revolution p. 28 22. Ellis, Napoleon p. 2 23. Rose, Napoleon I p. 231 24. ed. Arnold, Documentary Survey pp. 24–33 25. Broers, Europe under Napoleon p. 51 26. CG2 no. 4817 p. 1115, December 25, 1799 27. Rodger, War of the Second Coalition p. 275 28. CG2 no. 4772 pp. 1094–5, November 24, 1799 29. Ségur, Memoirs p. 152 30. Emsley, Napoleon p. 117 31. Broers, Napoleonic Empire in Italy pp. 23ff 32. Mollien, Mémoires I p. 314 33. Hicks, ‘Late 18th Century’ passim 34. Bertaud, La France p. 38, Horne, Age of Napoleon p. 20, Markham, Napoleon p. 80 35. Cobban, Modern France II p. 13, ed. Arnold, Documentary Survey p. 23 36. ed. Rowe, Collaboration and Resistance p. 21, Forrest, Napoleon p. 132, Jordan, Napoleon and the Revolution p. 5, Gildea, Children of the Revolution p. 28 37. eds. Kafker and Laux, Napoleon and His Times p. 59 38. eds. Kafker and Laux, Napoleon and His Times p. 61 39. eds. Kafker and Laux, Napoleon and His Times p. 63 40. Lyons, France Under the Directory p. 234 41. CN10 no. 8922 p. 674, Emsley, Gendarmes and the State p. 60 42. Emsley, Gendarmes and the State pp. 54–7, Brown, ‘From Organic Society’ p. 693 43. ed. Dwyer, Napoleon and Europe p. 6, Forrest, Napoleon pp. 133, 150 44. Brown, Ending the Revolution p. 303 45. CG7 no. 14006 p. 60, January 11, 1807 46. Tomiche, Napoléon Écrivain pp. 208–12, Forrest, ‘Propaganda and the Legitimation of Power’ p. 428 47. Carpenter, Refugees p. xxiii 48. eds. Carpenter and Mansel, The French Émigrés in Europe p. 193, Lewis, France p. 234 49. McPhee, Social History of France p. 86 50. Brown, Ending the Revolution pp. 264–5 51. CG2 no. 4825 p. 1121, December 29, 1799 52. Holtman, Napoleonic Propaganda p. 44, Forrest, Napoleon p. 133 53. ed. Arnold, Documentary Survey pp. 37–8 54. ed. Orwicz, Art Criticism p. 23 n. 4 55. Montholon, Captivity II p. 88 56. Bertaud, Napoleon p. 78 57. ed. Orwicz, Art Criticism p. 9 58. Popkin, The Right-Wing Press in France pp. 170–71 59. ed. Noailles, Count Molé p. 190 60. Holtman, Napoleonic Revolution p. 165 61. Rosen, Napoleon’s Opera-Glass p. 74 62. CG12 no. 31894 p. 1181, October 11, 1812 63. Forrest, Napoleon p. 137, Whitcomb ‘Napoleon’s Prefects’ p. 1101 64. Godechot, Les Instititions p. 590 65. ed. Walter, Las Cases p. xv, eds. Laven and Riall, Napoleon’s Legacy p. 4 66. eds. Dwyer and Forrest, Napoleon and His Empire p. 4, Hicks, ‘The Napoleonic “Police”’ p. 3 67. Woloch, The New Regime p. 430 68. ed. Charles, Victor Marie du Pont p. 37 69. Ramon, Banque de France p. 19, Lefebvre, Napoleon p. 77 70. Bruce, Napoleon and Josephine p. 310 71. Carnavalet Portraits 229 Bonaparte, Ier Consul 72. ed. Lewis, Journals and Correspondence of Miss Berry II pp. 163–5 73. Holland, Foreign Reminiscences pp. 213–14 74. D’Abrantès, At the Court p. 74 75. D’Abrantès, At the Court p. 252 76. Carnavalet Portraits 229 77. Baldet, La vie quotidienne p. 34 78. CG3 no. 5639 p. 386, September 7, 1800 79. Roederer, Autour de Bonaparte p. 22 80. ed. Latimer, Talks p. 83 81. CG3 no. 5110 p. 148, March 16, 1800


  Napoleon to the other consuls comes from CG3 no. 5330 p. 254, May 18, 1800 Napoleon’s Caesar’s Wars comes from Rose, Napoleon I p. 187 1. CG3 no. 4903 pp. 55–6, January 25, 1800 2. Dumas, Memoirs II p. 107 3. eds. Tulard and Garros, Itinéraire p. 153 4. ed. Summerville, Exploits of the Baron de Marbot p. 39 5. CG3 no. 5198 p. 189, April 25, 1800 6. CG3 no. 5310 p. 245, May 15, 1800 7. CG3 no. 5375 p. 275, May 27, 1800 8. CG3 no. 5350 p. 262, May 19, 1800 9. Uffindell, Napoleon’s Chicken Marengo p. 28 10. CG3 no. 5341 p. 258, May 19, 1800 11. Uffindell, Napoleon’s Chicken Marengo p. 19 12. CG3 no. 5343 p. 259, May 19, 1800 13. Uffindell, Napoleon’s Chicken Marengo p. 31 14. ed. North, Napoleon on Elba p. 62 15. Uffindell, Napoleon’s Chicken Marengo p. 31 16. CG3 no. 5366 p. 272, May 24, 1800 17. CG3 no. 5398 p. 283, June 4, 1800 18. Pierpont Morgan Library MA 6939 19. Smith, Data Book p. 185 20. ed. Latimer, Talks p. 81 21. Gachot, Siège de Gênes passim 22. Masson, Napoléon et les femmes p. 84 23. CG3 no. 5432 p. 300, June 9, 1800 24. ed. Bingham, Selection I pp. 307–8 25. CG2 no. 4633 p. 1032, July 21, 1799 26. CG3 no. 5434 p. 301, June 10, 1799, Smith, Data Book p. 186 27. CG3 no. 5295 p. 238, May 14, 1800 28. Petit, Marengo p. 45 29. Petit, Marengo p. 45 30. Wood, ‘Forgotten Sword’ p. 79 31. Smith, Data Book pp. 186–7 32. Petit, Marengo p. 46 33. Petit, Marengo p. 27 34. Rouart, Napoléon ou la destinée pp. 127–8 35. Petit, Marengo p. 26 36. Petit, Marengo p. 26 37. Petit, Marengo p. 26 38. ed. Summerville, Exploits of Baron de Marbot p. 50 39. Rose, Napoleon I p. 258, ed. Chandler, Military Maxims p. 156 40. Crowdy, Incomparable pp. 94–7 41. eds. Bertaud et al., Napoléon p. 184 42. Smith, Data Book p. 187 43. D’Abrantès, At the Court p. 74 44. CG3 nos. 5553 and 5743 p. 351, July 22, 1800, p. 435, November 4, 1800 45. Smith, Data Book p. 187 46. Innocenti, ‘Souls Not Wanting’ p. 78 47. Hobhouse, Recollections I p. 181 n. 1 48. Rovigo, Mémoires VIII pp. 96–7 49. CG3 no. 5435 p. 301, June 15, 1800 50. Crowdy, Incomparable pp. 94–7, Petit, Marengo p. 47 51. Johnson, Napoleon’s Cavalry p. 28 52. Rose, Napoleon I p. 259 53. Dumas, Memoirs II p. 102 54. Simms, Europe p. 159 55. CG3 no. 5461 p. 313, June 21, 1800 56. Hibbert, Napoleon p. 120


  Napoleon to Chaptal comes from Chaptal, Souvenirs pp. 236–7 Napoleon on St Helena comes from Montholon, Récit I p. 401 1. Chaptal, Souvenirs pp. 236–7 2. CG1 no. 980 pp. 620–21, October 8, 1796 3. Cobban, Modern France II p. 30 4. ed. Crook, Revolutionary France p. 124 5. ed. Hanoteau, Napoleon in Russia p. 392 6. Woloch, New Regime p. 431 7. Pigeard, L’Armée p. 182 8. ed. Latimer, Talks p. 272 9. Antommarchi, Last Days II p. 118, ed. Latimer, Talks p. 270 10. Chaptal, Souvenirs pp. 236–7 11. Bertrand, Cahiers I p. 84, ed. Walter, Las Cases p. x, ed. Latimer, Talks pp. 273, 276 12. ed. Latimer, Talks p. 273 13. ed. Latimer, Talks p. 280 14. ed. Latimer, Talks p. 280 15. Bertrand, Cahiers I p. 120 16. Rudé, Revolutionary Europe p. 237, Roederer, Autour de Bonaparte p. 18 17. Roederer, Autour de Bonaparte p. 16 18. Gibbon, Decline and Fall Bk I ch. 2 19. Bertrand, Cahiers I p. 182 20. O’Meara, Napoleon in Exile II p. 139 21. Rose, Personality of Napoleon p. 125 22. CN21 no. 17478 p. 566 23. Roederer, Bonaparte me disait p. 87 24. CG3 no. 6359 p. 72 25. Anonymous, The Concordat p. 2 26. Cobban, Modern France II p. 31 27. Rose, Napoleon I p. 281 28. Rose, Personality of Napoleon p. 130 29. Tulard, Napoleon p. 142, Ségur, Memoirs p. 78, CG3 no. 6882 p. 966, May 2, 1802 30. Mansel, Louis XVIII p. 235, Pelet, Napoleon in Council p. 235 31. ed. Bingham, Selection II p. 4 32. Daly, Inside Napoleonic France p. 250 33. ed. Baldick, Memoirs of Chateaubriand p. 207 34. Rudé, Revolutionary Europe p. 232 35. Bausset, Private Memoirs p. 405 36. ed. Bredin, Code Civil p. 4, ed. Schwartz, Code Napoleon p. 106 37. ed. Schwartz, Code Napoleon p. 109 n. 44 38. ed. Schwartz, Code Napoleon p. 105 39. ed. Schwartz, Code Napoleon p. 49, eds. Laven and Riall, Napoleon’s Legacy p. 3 40. ed. Schwartz, Code Napoleon p. 104 41. Rudé, Revolutionary Europe p. 233 42. Holtman, Napoleonic Revolution p. 98 43. ed. Crook, Revolutionary France p. 102 44. ed. Crook, Revolutionary France p. 102 45. Horne, Age of Napoleon p. 32 46. Gourgaud, Journal I pp. 390–91, Thody, French Caesarism p. 39 47. Rudé, Revolutionary Europe p. 236 48. Emsley, Napoleon p. 117 49. McPhee, Social History of France p. 83 50. eds. Dwyer and McPhee, The French Revolution and Napoleon p. 166 51. eds. Kafker and Laux, Napoleon and His Times p. 220 52. Rowe, ‘Between Empire and Home Tow
n’ p. 643 53. ed. Crook, Revolutionary France p. 124 54. ed. Latimer, Talks p. 86 55. ed. Crook, Revolutionary France p. 164 56. ed. Crook, Revolutionary France p. 165 57. ed. Boudon, Napoléon et les lycées p. 382 58. ed. Lentz et al., Quand Napoléon p. 411, Rose, Personality of Napoleon p. 141, Cobban, Modern France II p. 34 59. ed. Lentz et al., Quand Napoléon p. 410 60. ed. Boudon, Napoléon et les lycées p. 381 61. ed. Noailles, Count Molé p. 63 62. ed. Arnold, Documentary Survey p. 260 63. ed. Noailles, Count Molé p. 72 64. ed. Bourdon, Napoleon au conseil d’état p. 18 65. Rudé, Revolutionary Europe p. 231 66. Rose, Personality of Napoleon p. 136 67. AN 29Ap/75 p. 141 68. Chaptal, Souvenirs p. 328 69. Rose, Personality of Napoleon p. 136 70. Pelet, Napoleon in Council p. 14 71. Chaptal, Souvenirs p. 56 72. Lanzac, Paris sous Napoleon II p. 92 73. ed. Noailles, Count Molé p. 79 74. Pelet, Napoleon in Council pp. 7–8 75. Chaptal, Souvenirs p. 333 76. Rose, Personality of Napoleon p. 136 77. CN32 p. 84

  13. PLOTS

  Talleyrand on Napoleon comes from Bell, First Total War p. 234 Napoleon to Jourdan comes from CG3 no. 591, p. 513 1. CG3 no. 5476 p. 319, June 29, 1800 2. CG3 no. 5462 p. 314, June 22, 1800 3. Moorehead, Dancing p. 287 4. CG3 no. 5896 p. 505, January 9, 1801 5. Nester, Art of Diplomacy p. 121 6. ed. Bingham, Selection I p. 334 7. Sparrow, Secret Service pp. 221–2 8. Rapp, Memoirs p. 21 9. Thiry, La machine infernale p. 167, Moniteur 29/12/1800 10. Rose, Napoleon I p. 304, Rapp, Memoirs p. 21 11. Sparrow, Secret Service p. 219 12. Rose, Napoleon I p. 303 13. ed. Bingham, Selection I p. 325 14. Sparrow, Secret Service p. 217 15. Sparrow, Secret Service pp. 219–21 16. Sparrow, Secret Service p. 222 17. Rose, Napoleon I p. 304, Roederer, Bonaparte me disait pp. 65–70 18. Thibaudeau, Bonaparte and the Consulate p. 75 19. ed. Bingham, Selection I p. 331 20. Thibaudeau, Bonaparte and the Consulate p. 75 21. Bonaparte, Confidential Correspondence II p. 23 22. CG4 no. 9450 p. 978, December 17, 1804 23. Brown, Ending the Revolution p. 326, eds. Dwyer and Forrest, Napoleon and His Empire p. 83 24. Rose, Personality of Napoleon p. 124 25. Balcombe, To Befriend p. 177 26. Rovigo, Mémoires I p. 364 27. Davies, Vanished Kingdoms p. 510 28. D’Abrantès, At the Court p. 211 29. Brown, Ending the Revolution p. 347 30. ed. Bingham, Selection I p. 341 31. ed. Charles, Victor Marie du Pont pp. 27–8 32. ed. Charles, Victor Marie du Pont p. 28 33. Horne, Age of Napoleon p. 55 34. Rose, Napoleon I pp. 263, 310 35. ed. Wilson, A Diary p. 37 36. ed. Bingham, Selection I p. 350 37. ed. Haythornthwaite, Final Verdict p. 294 38. CG3 no. 6233 p. 664, April 24, 1801 39. The Times 3/10/1801 40. Ragsdale, Détente p. 105 41. ed. Malmesbury, Series of Letters II p. 11 42. Authority, Preliminary Articles passim 43. Rose, Napoleon I p. 315 44. ed. Sadler, Diary I p. 105 45. Barnett, Bonaparte p. 78 46. Branda, Napoléon et ses hommes p. 147 47. ed. Fleischmann, Mémoires p. 490, Mowat, Diplomacy of Napoleon p. 103 48. eds. Dwyer and Forrest, Napoleon and His Empire p. 2 49. Philip Mansel in TLS 23/11/2001 p. 18 50. ed. Bingham, Selection I p. 373 51. Stark, ‘Society: Friend or Enemy’ p. 120, James, The Black Jacobins p. 8, ed. Bingham, Selection I p. 373, Zamoyski, Holy Madness p. 124, ed. Nesbitt, Toussaint L’Ouverture p. xiii 52. Dubois, Colony of Citizens pp. 121, 214 53. Branda and Lentz, Napoléon, l’esclavage p. 49, CG3 no. 6647 p. 853, November 18, 1801 54. CG2 no. 4486 p. 975, June 25, 1799, Ott, Haitian Revolution p. 139 55. ed. Bingham, Selection I p. 375 56. Ott, Haitian Revolution p. 147 57. Ott, Haitian Revolution p. 147 58. Ott, Haitian Revolution p. 146 59. James, Black Jacobins p. 269, Boudon, Les habits neuf p. 36, Dumas, Memoirs I p. 64, Branda and Lentz, Napoléon, l’esclavage p. 112, Stark, ‘Society: Friend or Enemy’ p. 120 60. Herold, The Mind of Napoleon p. 5 61. CG3 no. 6627 p. 841, October 31, 1801 62. Tulard, Dictionnaire amoureux p. 204 63. Edinburgh Review No. XIII pp. 244–6 64. Ott, Haitian Revolution pp. 178–9, Dubois, Colony of Citizens p. 403, ed. Bingham, Selection II p. 5 65. Ott, Haitian Revolution p. 159 66. Tulard, Dictionnaire amoureux p. 205 67. CG3 no. 7317 p. 1168, November 27, 1802 68. D’Abrantès, At the Court p. 224 69. eds. Ambrose and Martin, Many Faces pp. 241–2, Rose, Napoleon I p. 363 70. ed. Nesbitt, Toussaint L’Ouverture pp. vii–xxv 71. ed. Latimer, Talks p. 112 72. ed. Hanoteau, With Napoleon in Russia p. 305

  14. AMIENS

  Napoleon to Roederer comes from Roederer, Bonaparte me disait p. 81 Napoleon to Eugène comes from CG5 no. 10224 p. 386, June 7, 1805 1. ed. Latimer, Talks p. 258 2. Lentz, Le Grand Consultat pp. 264–8, Fraser, Venus of Empire p. 103 3. CG3 no. 5942 p. 528, January 19, 1801 4. ed. Tulard, Cambacérès: lettres inédites II pp. 19–20 5. Connelly, Napoleon’s Satellite Kingdoms p. 2 6. ed. Chatel de Brancion, Cambacérès I p. 7 7. Rose, Napoleon I pp. 319–20 8. Villefosse and Bouissounouse, Scourge of the Eagle passim 9. TLS 4/8/1972 p. 912 10. CG3 no. 6827 p. 939, March 22, 1802 11. Buhl MSS 110 Box 1 fol. 2 p. 19 12. Grainger, Amiens Truce p. 211 13. Jenkins, French Navy p. 241 14. Burrows, French Exile Journalism p. 121 15. CG3 no. 6632 p. 845, November 2, 1801 16. ed. Foster, The Two Duchesses p. 173 17. ed. Lewis, Extracts II p. 186, Alger, ‘British Visitors’ p. 254 18. Horne, Age of Napoleon p. 22 19. Alger, ‘British Visitors’ pp. 740–41 20. BL Add. MS 51799 ff. 54–5 21. ed. North, Napoleon on Elba p. 49, Lockhart, Napoleon I pp. 264–5 22. Rose, Napoleon I p. 321 23. Daly, Inside Napoleonic France p. 251, ed. Arnold, Documentary Survey p. 136 24. ed. Rowe, Collaboration and Resistance pp. 22–5, eds. Kafker and Laux, Napoleon and His Times p. 65 25. Holland, Foreign Reminiscences p. 194 26. CG3 no. 6948 p. 998, June 19, 1802 27. CG3 no. 6366 p. 729, June 16, 1801 28. CG3 no. 6892 p. 970, May 15, 1802 29. CG3 no. 6983 p. 1014, July 3, 1802 30. Rose, Napoleon I p. 389 31. eds. Lewis and Lucas, Beyond the Terror p. 238 32. Rose, Napoleon I pp. 324–5 33. CG3 no. 7142 pp. 1089–90, September 5, 1802 34. Grab, ‘The Geopolitical Transformation’ pp. 21–22 35. CG3 no. 7174 pp. 1105–6, September 23, 1802 36. Bertrand, Cahiers I p. 93 37. Rose, Napoleon I p. 392 38. TLS 3/2/2012 p. 4 39. Atteridge, Marshal Ney pp. 71–2 40. Horne, Age of Napoleon p. 21 41. Cobban, Modern France II pp. 49–52 42. Chaptal, Souvenirs p. 132 43. Cobban, Modern France II p. 49 44. Cobban, Modern France II p. 51 45. Burrows, French Exile Journalism p. 109 46. Pelet, Napoleon in Council p. 308, CG3 no. 6749 pp. 899–900, February 2, 1802 47. Pelet, Napoleon in Council p. 308 48. Burrows, French Exile Journalism pp. 110–11 49. PRO FO 27/66 28 August 1802 50. Darnton, The Devil in the Holy Water pp. 43–5 51. CG3 no. 5490 p. 326, July 4, 1800, Englund, Napoleon pp. 258–9 52. Bryant, ‘Graphic Warriors’ p. 17 53. Champfleury, Histoire de la caricature IV pp. 247–397, Buhl MSS 110 Box 1 fol. 3 frontispiece 54. Ashton, English Caricature passim 55. Plumptre, Narrative, p. 245 56. Yale Center, ‘Nelson and Anti-Napoleon Verse’ passim 57. Moniteur of 8/8/1802, 9/10/1802, 6/11/1802, 1/1/1803, 9/1/1803, 28/2/1803, 3/3/1803 58. Burrows, French Exile Journalism p. 117 59. CG3 no. 6294 p. 988, June 1, 1802, CG4 no. 7503 p. 62, March 3, 1805 60. eds. Carpenter and Mansel, French Émigrés p. 56, Ashton, English Caricature I p. 174, Welschinger, La censure p. 86, Peltier, Trial of John Peltier p. xviii 61. Welschinger, La censure p. 143 62. CG4 no. 7425 p. 30, January 15, 1803 63. CG3, no. 7173 pp. 1104–5, September 22, 1802 64. CG3 no. 7386 p. 1199, December 28, 1802 65. Grainger, Amiens Truce p. 210 66. Pelet, Napoleon in Council p. 35 67. Thibaudeau, Bonaparte and the Consulate p. 119 68. Cobban, Modern France II p. 41 69. Aubry, St Helena p. 214 70. ed. Bingham, Selection II p. 5 71. ed. Bingham, Selection II p. 6 72. Wilson, War, Society and State p. 25 73. Mowat, Diplomacy of Napoleon pp. 108–9 74. CG4 no. 7515 p. 68, March 11, 1803 75. ed. Browning, England and Napoleon p. 116 76. Madelin, Consulate and the Empire p. 182 77. Rovigo, Mémoires II p. 457 78. ed. Browning, England and Napoleon p. 116 79. Alison, History of Europe V p. 109 80. ed. Browning, England and Napoleon p. ix 81. CG4 no. 7521 p. 74, March 13, 1803 82. CG4 no. 7516 p. 69, March 11, 1803 83. CG4 no. 7573 p. 100, April 14, 1803 84. CG4 no. 7629 p. 127, May 10, 1803 85. ed. Bingham, Selection II pp. 11–12 86. Brooks’s Club Betting Book 87. Hozier, Invasions of England p. 312 88. ed. Malmesbury, Diaries IV p. 253 89. ed. Malmesbury, Diaries IV p. 258 90. CG4 nos. 7778, 7793 p. 193, July 3, 1803, p. 200, July 7, 1803 91. ed. Arnold, Documentary Survey p. 175 92. CG4 no. 7
683 p. 151, May 29, 1803 93. Simms, Europe p. 159 94. Barbé-Marbois, History of Louisiana pp. 270–75 95. Rose, Napoleon I p. 372 96. DeConde, This Affair of Louisiana p. 162 97. DeConde, This Affair of Louisiana p. 166 98. TLS 20/2/2004 p. 10 99. Ziegler, Sixth Great Power p. 71, Mowat, Diplomacy of Napoleon p. 142 n. 1 100. DeConde, This Affair of Louisiana p. 173


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