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by Andrew Roberts


  Napoleon on Waterloo comes from Field, Waterloo p. 22 Napoleon’s Maxim comes from ed. Chandler, Military Maxims p. 109 1. Rapp, Memoirs p. 13 2. ed. Roncière, Letters to Marie-Louise p. 281 3. AN 286 AP3 dossier 32 4. ed. Noailles, Count Molé p. 213 5. BNF Micr D.71/86 Le Moniteur 21/3/1815 6. Rapp, Memoirs p. 4 7. ed. Cottin, Souvenirs de Roustam, p. xxxv 8. BNF Micr D.71/86 9. ed. Schlumberger, Lettres p. 245 10. CN28 no. 21696 p. 20 11. CN28 no. 21711 p. 29 12. Gallaher, ‘Davout and Napoleon’ p. 7 13. CN28 no. 21896 p. 177 14. SHD GR16/C21 and SHD GR 15.C/39 15. ed. Latimer, Talks p. 187 16. CN28 no 21987 p. 241 17. Marshall-Cornwall, Marshal Masséna p. 259 18. Jourquin, Dictionnaire des Marechaux pp. 70–71 19. SHD GR6.YD/1, ed. Butler, Baron Thiébault II p. 420, Macirone, Interesting Facts pp. 146–8 20. Chandler, On the Napoleonic Wars p. 112 21. ed. Stiegler, Récits de guerre p. 307 22. Hobhouse, Substance of Some Letters pp. 116–17 23. Hobhouse, Substance of Some Letters p. 118 24. CN28 nos. 21813, 21948 pp. 102, 214 25. Mudford, An Historical Account p. 193 26. CN28 no. 21761 p. 66 27. CN28 no. 21876 p. 162 28. Branda, Le prix de la gloire p. 73 29. Charvet, Literary History p. 57 30. Cockburn, Buonaparte’s Voyage p. 72 31. Beslay, Souvenirs p. 50, Hobhouse, Substance of Some Letters pp. 88, 122–4, McPhee, Social History p. 88, CN28 nos. 21743 and 21753 pp. 51, 60 32. CN28 no. 21769 p. 76 33. Hobhouse, Substance of Some Letters p. 160 34. Hobhouse, Substance of Some Letters p. 126 35. CN28 no. 21713 p. 29 36. Hobhouse, Substance of Some Letters p. 87 37. ed. Palmstierna, Dearest Louise p. 226 38. Hobhouse, Substance of Some Letters p. 18 39. Hobhouse, Substance of Some Letters p. 18 40. Bluche, Le plébiscite p. 36 n. 109, ed. Fontana, Benjamin Constant pp. 11–13, eds. Dwyer and McPhee, The French Revolution and Napoleon p. 199 41. Daly, Inside Napoleonic France p. 257, ed. Rowe, Collaboration and Resistance p. 29 42. Lavalette, Memoirs p. 150 43. Emsley, Napoleon p. 116, Daly, Inside Napoleonic France p. 258 44. Alexander, Bonapartism and Revolutionary Tradition p. 284 45. ed. Noailles, Count Molé p. 225 46. Hobhouse, Substance of Some Letters p. 189 47. ed. Butler, Baron Thiébault II p. 420 48. BNF Micr D.71/86, CN28 no. 21997 p. 246 49. Le Moniteur 2/6/1815 50. Hobhouse, Substance of Some Letters pp. 190–94, Williams, A Narrative p. 160 51. Williams, A Narrative p. 166 52. CN28 no. 22030 p. 265 53. CN28 no. 22030 p. 265 54. Thornton, Napoleon after Waterloo p. 56 55. CN28 no. 21733 p. 44 56. Cockburn, Buonaparte’s Voyage pp. 45–6 57. CN28 no. 22052 p. 281 58. Davies, Wellington’s Wars p. 226 59. CN28 no. 21999 p. 249 60. Houssaye, 1815 III p. 48 61. Chandler, Campaigns of Napoleon p. 1040 62. Muir, Tactics and the Experience of Battle p. 147 63. Hayman, Soult p. 227 64. Field, Waterloo p. 29 65. Rose, Napoleon I p. 88 66. Gardner, Quatre Bras p. 127 67. Macbride, With Napoleon at Waterloo p. 182 68. ed. Kerry, First Napoleon p. 117 69. Field, Waterloo p. 31 70. ed. Latimer, Talks p. 189 71. ed. Chandler, Military Maxims p. 150 72. ed. Chandler, Military Maxims p. 128 73. Fantin des Odoards, Journal p. 431 74. Albermarle, Fifty Years II p. 21, Quarterly Review July 1875 p. 225, Forrest, Napoleon p. 308 75. CG7 no. 15797 p. 862 76. Adkin, Waterloo Companion p. 79 77. Albermarle, Fifty Years II p. 23 78. Pétiet, Souvenirs Militaires pp. 195–6 79. ed. Kerry, First Napoleon p. 125 80. ed. Kerry, First Napoleon p. 120 81. Forsyth, History of the Captivity I p. 140 82. Germain, Drouët d’Erlon pp. 175–6, Field, Waterloo p. 32, D’Erlon, Vie militaire p. 96 83. D’Erlon, Vie militaire, pp. 96–7 84. Balcombe, To Befriend p. 117 85. D’Erlon, Vie militaire pp. 96–7, ed. Maricourt, Général Noguès p. 270 86. Field, Waterloo p. 33, Macbride, With Napoleon at Waterloo p. 183 87. Saint-Denis, Napoleon from the Tuileries to St Helena p. 113 88. Mauduit, Les derniers jours II p. 231 89. ed. Latimer, Talks p. 143 90. Gardner, Quatre Bras p. 37 n. 18 91. SHD GR15/C5/18 June 1815 92. Hayman, Soult p. 228, Houssaye 1815 III pp. 244ff 93. ed. Girod de l’Ain, Vie militaire pp. 278–9 94. Macbride, With Napoleon at Waterloo p. 183 95. Gardner, Quatre Bras p. 222 96. Adkin, Waterloo Companion p. 79 97. Gardner, Quatre Bras p. 236 n. 148, Albermarle, Fifty Years p. 21, Quarterly Review July 1875 p. 225 98. SHD GR15/C5/18 June 1815, Houssaye, 1815 III pp. 191–2, Hayman, Soult p. 230 99. Field, Waterloo p. 43 100. SHD GR15/C5/18 June 1815 101. ed. Jennings, Croker Papers I p. 340 102. Bonaparte, Jérôme, Mémoires et Correspondance VII p. 95, Boudon, Le roi Jérôme p. 442 103. ed. Lévi, Mémoires du Capitaine Duthilt pp. 391ff 104. ed. Chandler, Military Maxims p. 187 105. Linck, Napoleon’s Generals p. 62 106. Davies, Wellington’s Wars p. 239 107. Roberts, Waterloo pp. 126–8 108. ed. Kerry, First Napoleon p. 126 109. ed. Kerry, First Napoleon pp. 126, 129 110. ed. Kerry, First Napoleon p. 129 111. ed. Latimer, Talks p. 189 112. D’Erlon, Vie militaire pp. 96–8 113. ed. Brett-James, Hundred Days p. 139 114. Ropes, Campaign of Waterloo p. 337 115. Levasseur, Souvenirs Militaires pp. 303–4 116. Fuller, Decisive Battles p. 204 117. Williams, A Narrative p. 184 118. Smith, ‘General Petit’s Account’ 119. ed. Kerry, First Napoleon p. 131 120. Macbride, With Napoleon at Waterloo pp. 184–5 121. Smith, Data Book, p. 539 122. ed. Latimer, Talks p. 187, Lancesseur, L’Enigme de Waterloo p. 146


  Napoleon to Marie Louise comes from ed. Roncière, Letters to Marie-Louise p. 60 Napoleon on Themistocles comes from ed. Frayling, Napoleon Wrote Fiction p. 37 1. ed. Lecestre, Lettres inédites II pp. 357–8 2. ed. Haythornthwaite, Final Verdict p. 191 3. SHD GR17.C/193 4. ed. Latimer, Talks p. 2 5. Hobhouse, Substance of Some Letters p. 240 6. Montholon, History of the Captivity I p. 4 7. CN28 no. 22062 p. 299 8. Villepin, Les cent jours p. 450 9. Williams, A Narrative pp. 189–91 10. Hobhouse, Substance of Some Letters p. 244, Unger, Lafayette p. 345 11. Cockburn, Buonaparte’s Voyage p. 25 12. CN28 no. 22061 p. 293, Le Moniteur 21/6/1815, BNF Micr D.71/86 13. ed. Calmettes, Général Thiébault V pp. 373–4 14. Montholon, History of the Captivity I p. 7 15. CN28 no. 22063 p. 299, BNF Micr D.71/86, Le Moniteur 23/6/1815 16. ed. Latimer, Talks p. 3, Lavalette, Memoirs p. 172 17. Lavalette, Memoirs p. 171 18. BNF Micr D.71/86, Le Moniteur 24/6/1815 19. ed. Jennings, Croker Papers I p. 62 20. Rovigo, Mémoires VIII pp. 175–6 21. ed. Jennings, Croker Papers I p. 328 22. ed. Latimer, Talks p. 264 23. ed. Jennings, Croker Papers I p. 68 24. ed. Latimer, Talks p. 12 n. 2 25. Markham, ‘Napoleon’s Last Hours’ p. 39 26. Cockburn, Buonaparte’s Voyage p. 48 27. Markham, ‘Napoleon’s Last Hours’ p. 42 28. Maitland, Surrender of Napoleon pp. 175–6, Bodleian MS Curzon d.2 passim 29. CN28 no. 22066 p. 301 30. Sherwig, Guineas and Gunpowder pp. 345, 368 31. Rovigo, Mémoires IV p. 161 32. The Times 15 July 1830 33. Smith, Data Book pp. 535–60 34. Markham, ‘Napoleon’s Last Hours’ p. 47 35. ed. Jones, In Napoleon’s Shadow pp. 285–6 36. Markham, ‘Napoleon’s Last Hours’ p. 48, Home, Memoirs of an Aristocrat p. 212 37. Maitland, Surrender of Napoleon p. 77 38. Home, Memoirs of an Aristocrat p. 227 39. Markham, ‘The Emperor at Work’ p. 587 40. Maitland, Surrender of Napoleon p. 85 41. Maitland, Surrender of Napoleon p. 98 42. ed. Londonderry, Memoirs and Correspondence X p. 415 43. Maitland, Surrender of Napoleon p. 107 44. Maitland, Surrender of Napoleon p. 118 45. Maitland, Surrender of Napoleon p. 137 46. ed. Latimer, Talks p. 25, Maitland, Surrender of Napoleon p. 130 47. Maitland, Surrender of Napoleon p. 141 48. Maitland, Surrender of Napoleon p. 154 49. Maitland, Surrender of Napoleon p. 173 50. Cockburn, Buonaparte’s Voyage pp. 15–16, ed. Kemble, St Helena pp. 7–8, Balcombe, To Befriend pp. 12, 80, Martineau, Napoleon’s St Helena p. 40 51. Maitland, Surrender of Napoleon p. 189, Cockburn, Buonaparte’s Voyage p. 15 52. Martineau, Napoleon’s St Helena p. 51 53. Cockburn, Buonaparte’s Voyage pp. 17–18 54. Cockburn, Buonaparte’s Voyage passim, Latimer, Talks pp. 29–31 55. Cockburn, Buonaparte’s Voyage p. 60 56. ed. Latimer, Talks p. 29, Cockburn, Buonaparte’s Voyage p. 40 57. Palmer, Napoleon and Marie Louise p. 201 58. ed. Latimer, Talks p. 31 59. Martineau, Napoleon’s St Helena p. 1, ed. Latimer, Talks p. 33 60. Blackburn, The Emperor’s Last Island p. 5 61. Tulard, Dictionnaire amoureux p. 505 62. Martineau, Napoleon’s St Helena p. 11 63. ed. Wilson, Diary of St Helena p. 13 64. Interview with Michel Dancoisne-Martineau at Longwood 4/5/2013 65. Martineau, Napoleon’s St Helena p. 37 66. Tyrwhitt MSS Osborn fc112 no. 22 67. Ba
lcombe, To Befriend pp. 34, 135 68. Balcombe, To Befriend pp. 42–3 69. Balcombe, To Befriend pp. 43–4 70. Balcombe, To Befriend p. 55 71. Balcombe, To Befriend p. 56 72. Balcombe, To Befriend pp. 83–5, 166 73. Bodleian MS Curzon e1. p. 12, ed. Kemble, St Helena p. 2, Giles, Napoleon Bonaparte p. 111 74. Montholon, Journal secret p. 8 75. Vernon, Early Recollections p. 168 76. Rosebery, Last Phase p. 62 77. Martineau, Napoleon’s St Helena p. 22 78. Brunyee, Napoleon’s Britons p. 81 79. ed. Latimer, Talks p. 142 80. ed. Latimer, Talks p. 191 81. ed. Park, Napoleon in Captivity p. 36 82. ed. Latimer, Talks p. 221 83. ed. Latimer, Talks p. 145 84. ed. Latimer, Talks p. 259 85. ed. Latimer, Talks p. 245 86. Forsyth, History of the Captivity I p. 137 87. BL Add. MS 56088 fols. 89–90 88. BL Add. MS 56088 fols. 97ff 89. BL Add. MS 56088 fol. 101 90. Martineau, Napoleon’s St Helena pp. 55–6 91. Albermarle, Fifty Years II p. 103 92. Rosebery, Last Phase p. 68 93. Martineau, Napoleon’s St Helena p. 17, BL Add. MS 80775 fol. 143, 20202 fol. 42, Balcombe, To Befriend p. 115 94. BL Lowe Papers 20202 fol. 20 95. Unwin, Terrible Exile pp. 184–5, Forsyth, History of the Captivity III pp. 224–5 96. Balcombe, To Befriend p. 188 97. ed. Haythornthwaite, Final Verdict p. 199 98. ed. Walter, Las Cases p. viii 99. ed. Latimer, Talks pp. 240–42 100. Branda, Le prix de la gloire p. 77 101. Forrest, Napoleon p. 304 102. Balcombe, To Befriend pp. 67–9 103. ed. Park, Napoleon in Captivity pp. 149, 153–5 104. ed. Park, Napoleon in Captivity p. 161 105. ed. Park, Napoleon in Captivity pp. 166–7 106. ed. Arnold, Documentary Survey p. 138 107. Bertrand, Cahiers II p. 344 108. Tulard, Napoleon: The Myth of the Saviour p. 346, ed. Woloch, Revolution and the Meanings of Freedom p. 36 109. ed. Haythornthwaite, Final Verdict p. 286 110. Rouart, Napoléon ou la destinée p. 9 111. ed. Latimer, Talks p. 208 112. ed. Haythornthwaite, Final Verdict p. 301 113. ed. Latimer, Talks pp. 207, 210, 218 114. Grouchy, Doubts of the Authenticity pp. 3–4 115. Martineau, Napoleon’s St Helena p. 39 116. ed. Haythornthwaite, Final Verdict p. 197 117. Martineau, Napoleon’s St Helena p. 49 118. Healey, Literary Culture p. 82 119. ed. Wilson, Diary of St Helena p. 7 120. ed. Wilson, Diary of St Helena pp. 29, 31–2, Bodleian MS Curzon e.1. p. 17, O’Meara, Napoleon in Exile I pp. 284–6 121. ed. Wilson, Diary of St Helena p. 50 122. Balcombe, To Befriend p. 163 123. Balcombe, To Befriend p. 182, ed. Wilson, Diary of St Helena p. 103 124. BL Lowe Papers 20156 fol. 2 125. BL Lowe Papers 20156 passim 126. Bertrand, Cahiers I p. 118, AN 390/AP/32 127. Jackson, Notes and Reminiscences p. 153 128. Forrest, Napoleon p. 309, ed. Latimer, Talks pp. 258–60 129. ed. Latimer, Talks p. 276, Constant, Memoirs of Constant I p. 162 130. CN31 p. 579, Browning, Napoleon pp. 283–4 131. Griffin, ‘Philosophy, Cato and Roman Suicide’ p. 1 132. ed. Bingham, Selection I p. 392 133. CN32 p. 70 134. ed. Latimer, Talks p. 245 135. ed. Wilson, Diary of St Helena p. 152 136. ed. Latimer, Talks p. 265 137. ed. Latimer, Talks pp. 201–3 138. Balcombe, To Befriend p. 154 139. Balcombe, To Befriend p. 182 140. Richardson, The Apocalypse of Napoleon p. 223, Weider and Hapgood, Murder of Napoleon pp. 175–6, ed. Jones, Napoleon: An Intimate Account p. 425, Forrest, Napoleon p. 310 141. Hobhouse, Recollections I p. 185 142. BL Lowe Papers 20156 fols. 30ff 143. Henry, Trifles from My Portfolio II p. 5 144. Bruce, Napoleon and Josephine p. 500, Fraser, Venus of Empire, p. 250, Hibbert, Napoleon: His Wives and Women p. 331 145. ed. Noailles, Count Molé p. 124 146. Richardson, The Apocalypse of Napoleon p. 229 147. Bodleian MS Curzon e1. pp. 2–3 148. Bodleian MS Curzon c.2. pp.1–2 149. My thanks for Drs Guy O’Keeffe and Michael Crumplin 150. Richardson, Napoleon’s Death p. 166, Henry, Trifles from My Portfolio II p. 10 151. NYPL Napoleon I folder 3 152. Henry, Trifles from My Portfolio II p. 10 153. Henry, Trifles from My Portfolio II p. 10 154. ed. Latimer, Talks p. 139 155. eds. Chevallier et al., Sainte-Hélène p. 70 156. Henry, Trifles from My Portfolio II p. 5, Masson, Napoleon at St Helena p. 246 157. Masson, Napoleon at St Helena p. 247 158. Masson, Napoleon at St Helena p. 248 159. Masson, Napoleon at St Helena p. 248 160. BL Lowe Papers 20157 fol. 3 Arnott 161. BL Lowe Papers 20157 fol. 3 162. AN 400AP/5 163. ed. Jonge, Napoleon’s Last Will p. 78 164. ed. Jonge, Napoleon’s Last Will p. 36 165. ed. Jonge, Napoleon’s Last Will p. 46 166. ed. Jonge, Napoleon’s Last Will p. 36 167. ed. Jonge, Napoleon’s Last Will p. 46 168. ed. Jonge, Napoleon’s Last Will p. 36 169. Richardson, Napoleon’s Death p. 163 170. ed. Marchand, Précis des Guerres de César p. 3 171. ed. Marchand, Précis des Guerres de César p. 15, Richardson, Napoleon’s Death pp. 163–4, Antommarchi, Last Days of Napoleon II p. 152 172. ed. Marchand, Précis des Guerres de César p. 14 173. Albermarle, Fifty Years II p. 105 174. Henry, Trifles from My Portfolio II p. 7, Richardson, Napoleon’s Death p. 164, Antommarchi, Last Days of Napoleon II p. 105 175. Henry, Trifles from My Portfolio II p. 11 176. Henry, Trifles from My Portfolio II p. 11 177. Balcombe, To Befriend p. 116 178. BNF NAF 25548



  The bibliography of works on Napoleon is notoriously immense. More books have been published with his name in the title than there have been days since his death. The complete list of books consulted for this work can de found on, but for reasons of space only those I have quoted are in this bibliography. All books were published in London or Paris unless otherwise stated.

  The Correspondance Générale, published by the Fondation Napoléon since 2004, will comprise all the 33,000 letters signed by Napoleon. It is a publishing undertaking as monumental as it is invaluable, a landmark in Napoleonic scholarship. These are the volumes cited in the Notes as ‘CG’ with the volume number following:

  I ed. Lentz, Thierry, Les Apprentissages 1784–1797 2004

  II ed. Lentz, Thierry, La Campagne d’Égypte et l’Avènement 1798–1799 2005

  III ed. Lentz, Thierry, Pacifications 1800–1802 2006

  IV ed. Houdecek, François, Ruptures et fondation 1803–1804 2006

  V eds. Kerautret, Michel and Madec, Gabriel, Boulogne, Trafalgar, Austerlitz 1805 2008

  VI ed. Kerautret, Michel, Vers le Grand Empire 1806 2009

  VII eds. Kerautret, Michel and Madec, Gabriel, Tilsit, l’Apogée de l’Empire 1807 2010

  VIII ed. Madec, Gabriel, Expansions méridonales et résistances 1808–Janvier 1809 2011

  IX ed. Gueniffey, Patrice, Wagram Février 1809–Février 1810 2013

  XII ed. Lentz, Thierry, La Campagne de Russie 1812 2012

  The edition of Napoleon’s letters, published in 32 volumes in 1858 and edited by Henri Plon, Correspondance de Napoléon Ier, is cited as ‘CN’.

  Adams, Henry, History of the United States during the Administrations of Jefferson and Madison 1967

  Adams, Michael, Napoleon and Russia 2006

  Adkin, Mark, The Waterloo Companion 2001

  Adlerfeld, Gustavus, The Military History of King Charles VII of Sweden 3 vols. 1740

  ed. Ainé, Desgranges, Histoire de l’expédition des français en Égypte 1839

  Albermarle, Earl of, Fifty Years of My Life 2 vols. 1876

  Albion, Robert Greenhalgh, Forests and Sea Power 1927

  Aldington, Richard, Wellington 1946

  Alexander, Robert S., Bonapartism and Revolutionary Tradition in France 1991

  Napoleon 2001

  Alison, Sir Archibald, The History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution to the Restoration of the Bourbons vol. 1 1843

  Allison, Charles W., Ney (Charlotte, NC) 1946

  eds. Ambrose, Douglas and Martin, Robert W. T., The Many Faces of Alexander Hamilton (New York) 2006

  Anonymous, Copies of Original Letters from the Army of General Bonaparte in Egypt, Intercepted by the Fleet under the Command of Admiral Lord Nelson 3 vols. 1798, 1799 and 1800

  The Concordat Between His Holiness Pope Pius VII and Bonaparte Chief Consul to the French Republic (Dublin) 1802

  A Short View of the Causes Which Led to and Justified the War with France 1803

  The Atrocities of the Corsican Daemon, or, a Glance at Buonaparte 1803

  Description des c
érémonies deset des fêtes qui ont eu lieu pour le coronnement de leurs majestés 1807

  An Exact and Impartial Account of the Most Important Events Which have Occurred in Aranjuez, Madrid and Bayonne 1808

  Relation de la bataille de Mont St Jean par un Temoin Occulaire 1815

  Napoleon’s Appeal to the British Nation on His Treatment at St Helena 1817

  A Review of Warden’s Letters from St Helena Containing Remarks on Bonaparte’s Massacres at Jaffa and El Arish (Boston) 1817

  The Battle of Waterloo (New York) 1819

  Memoirs of the Public and Private Life of Napoleon Bonaparte 1827

  Life of Napoleon Bonaparte (Philadelphia) 1845

  Antommarchi, Francesco, The Last Days of Napoleon 2 vols. 1826

  ed. Appleton, D., The Confidential Correspondence of Napoleon Bonaparte With His Brother Joseph 2 vols. 1855

  Arnault, A. V., Memoirs of the Public and Private Life of Napoleon Bonaparte 2 vols. (Boston) 1833

  ed. Arnold, Eric, A Documentary Survey of Napoleonic France (Maryland) 1994


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