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by Andrew Roberts

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  Brown, Howard G., ‘From Organic Society to Security State: The War on Brigandage in France 1797–1802’ Journal of Modern History vol. 69 1997

  Bryant, Mark, ‘Graphic Warriors: War Cartoonists 1792–1945’ The London Library Magazine Winter 2011

  Burrows, Simon, ‘Culture and Misperception: The Law and the Press in the Outbreak of War in 1803’ International History Review vol. 18 1996

  Byrd, Melanie, ‘The Napoleonic Institute of Egypt’ Napoleonic Scholarship vol. 1 no. 2 December 1998

  Chandler, David, ‘Napoleon and Death’ Napoleonic Scholarship vol. 1 no. 1 April 1997

  Chaplin, Dr T. H. Arnold, ‘Napoleon’s Funeral: A Lost Record’ Times Literary Supplement 30 September 1915

  Choffat, Thierry, ‘La Bérézina: victoire française’ Centre d’Études et de Recherches sur la Bonapartisme no. 48 Spring 2013

  Cook, John, ‘Bernadotte 1806: Is There a Case for the Defence?’ Napoleon Series website

  Crook, Malcolm, ‘Time for a Hero? Reappraising Napoleon on the Bicentenary of his Rise to Power’ History vol. 87 issue 288 October 2002

  Crouzet, François, ‘The Second Hundred Years War’ French History vol. 10 1997

  Dague, Everett, ‘Henri Clarke, Minister of War, and the Malet Conspiracy’ Napoleonic Scholarship vol. 1 no. 2 December 1998

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  Davies, Peter, ‘Who Killed Napoleon Bonaparte?’ The Waterloo Journal vol. 32 no. 3 Winter 2010

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  Eidahl, Kyle, ‘Marshal Nicolas Charles Oudinot’ Napoleonic Scholarship vol. 1 no. 1 April 1997

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  ‘Recent Writing on Napoleon and His Wars’ The Journal of Military History vol. 73 issue 1 January 2009

  Feinberg, Herb, ‘North to Palestine: Napoleon Marches Against the Turks’ Napoleonic Scholarship vol. 1 no. 2 December 1998

  Field, Andrew, ‘The Famous Words: The Capture of Cambronne at Waterloo’ Waterloo Journal vol. 35 no. 1 Spring 2013

  Fitzsimmons, Michael P., ‘The Debate on Guilds under Napoleon’ Proceedings of the Western Society for French History vol. 36 2008

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  Gallaher, John, ‘Political Considerations and Strategy: The Dresden Phase of the Leipzig Campaign’ Military Affairs vol. 49 issue 2 April 1985

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  Gates, David, ‘The Wars of 1812: A French Perspective’ Mars & Clio no. 34 Summer 2012

  George, Christopher T., ‘The Eroica Riddle: Did Napoleon Remain Beethoven’s “Hero”?’ Napoleonic Scholarship vol. 1 no. 2 December 1998

  Gichon, Mordechai, ‘Jaffa, 1799’ Napoleonic Scholarship vol. 1 no. 2 December 1998

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  Griffin, Miriam, ‘Philosophy, Cato and Roman Suicide’ Greece & Rome vol. 33 no. 1 April 1986

  Groutso, Igor, ‘Le sort des aigles napoléoniennes pendant le campagne de 1812’ Études Napoléoniennes nos. 31–34 1994

  Hartley, Janet, ‘Napoleon in Russia: Saviour or Anti-Christ?’ History Today vol. 41 no. 1 1991

  Harvey, A. D., ‘European Attitudes to Britain during the French Revolutionary and

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  Hayman, Neil M., ‘France Against Prussia: The Jena Campaign of 1806’ Military Affairs vol. 30 issue 4 Winter 1966

  Hazareesingh, Sudhir, ‘Memory and Political Imagination: The Legend of Napoleon Revisited’ French History vol. 18 2004

  ‘God of War’ Times Literary Supplement 3 February 2012

  Hicks, Peter, ‘The Napoleonic “Police” or “Security” State in Context’ Napoleonica La Revue nos. 2–10 2009

  ‘Late 18th Century and very early 19th Century British writings on Napoleon: Myth and History’ Fondation Napoléon website

  Hochel, Marian, ‘Dominique-Vivant Denon: Napoleon’s Chief Arts Adviser’ Napoleonic Scholarship vol. 1 no. 4 November 2011

  Hollins, Dave, ‘The Hidden Hand: Espionage and Napoleon’ Osprey Military Journal vol. 2 no. 2 25 March 2000

  Holmes-Wilson, Captain C., ‘Nelson and Napoleon: A Criticism of Sea Power’ Minutes of Proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institution vol. 30 1903–4

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  Innocenti, Claudio, ‘Souls Not Wanting: The Marshalate’s Betrayal of Napoleon’ Napoleonic Scholarship vol. 1 no. 3 May 2010

  Jourdan, Annie, ‘Napoleon and History’ French Hist
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  Keene, Edward, ‘The Treaty-making Revolution of the Nineteenth Century’ International History Review vol. 34 no. 3 September 2012

  Lamy, Gautier, ‘La cavalerie française de 1813’ La Revue Napoléon no. 9 June 2013

  Lewin, Peter K., Hancock, Ronald G.V. and Voynovich, Paul, ‘Napoleon Bonaparte: No Evidence of Arsenic Poisoning’ Nature vol. 299 14 October 1982

  Lochet, Jean, ‘The Destruction of the Grande Armée and its Cavalry in Russia 1812’

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  Maamar, Sayah, ‘Propos critiques sur l’Université Impériale vers 1810’ Études Napoléoniennes nos. 31–34 1994

  McErlean, J. M. P., ‘Governor Raffles’ Fifteen Minutes with Napoleon’ The Waterloo Journal vol. 27 no. 1 Spring 2005

  Markham, Felix, ‘The Emperor at Work’ History Today September 1963

  Markham, J. David, ‘Napoleon’s Last Hours in France’ Napoleonic Scholarship vol. 1 no. 3 May 2010

  ‘Was Napoleon an Anti-Semite? Napoleon, the Jews and Religious Freedom’ Speech to the Symposium on the Bicentenary of the Sanhedrin, Tel Aviv, Israel 31 May 2007

  Mikaberidze, Alexander, ‘“The Russian Eagles over the Seine”: Russian Occupation of Paris in 1814’ Napoleonic Scholarship vol. 1 no. 4 November 2011

  Murphy, Orville T., ‘Napoleon’s International Politics: How Much Did He Owe to the Past?’ Journal of Military History vol. 54 April 1990

  Nester, William, ‘Napoleon, Family Values and the Fate of Europe’ Napoleonic Scholarship vol. 1 no. 4 November 2011

  Norris, A. H. and Bremner, R. W., ‘The Lines of Torres Vedras’ The British Historical Society of Portugal 1986

  O’Brien, David, ‘Antonio Canova’s Napoleon as Mars the Peacemaker and the

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  Ocampo, Emilio, ‘Rescuing Napoleon from St Helena’ Napoleonic Scholarship vol. 1 no. 4 November 2011

  Packwood, Allen, ‘A Tale of Two Statesmen: Churchill and Napoleon’ Finest Hour no. 157 Winter 2012–13

  Parker, Harold T., ‘Why Did Napoleon Invade Russia?’ Journal of Military History vol. 54 April 1990

  Paz, Ignacio, ‘1808, the Point of Implosion for the Napoleonic Empire’ Napoleonic Series website

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  Pratt, Fletcher, ‘Vignettes of Napoleon in Italy 1796’ Journal of American Military History vol. 2 issue 2 Summer 1938

  Price, Munro, ‘Napoleon and Metternich in 1813’ French History vol. 26 no. 4 December 2012

  Promyslov, Nikolay, ‘The Grande Armée’s Retreat as Seen from the Intercepted Soldiers’ Correspondence’ Napoleonic Scholarship vol. 1 no. 4 November 2011

  Reid, Loren, ‘The Last Speech of William Pitt’ Quarterly Journal of Speech vol. 49 issue 2 1963

  Riaud, Xavier, ‘Napoleon and His Teeth’ Napoleonic Scholarship vol. 1 no. 3 May 2010

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  Schneid, Frederick C., ‘The Dynamics of Defeat: French Army Leadership, December 1812–March 1813’ Journal of Military History vol. 63 issue 1 January 1999

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  Sibalis, Michael, ‘Conspiracy on St Helena? (Mis)remembering Napoleon’s Exile’ French History and Civilization vol. 4 2011

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  Stark, Nicholas, ‘Society: Friend or Enemy of the Blacks’ Napoleonic Scholarship vol. 1 no. 4 November 2011

  Uffindell, Andrew, ‘Napoleon Fights for Paris’ Military Illustrated no. 251 April 2009

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  Fondation Napoléon

  Musée de l’Armée

  Napoleonic Alliance www.napoleonic–

  Napoleonic Guide

  Napoleon Internet Guide

  Napoleonic Literature

  Napoleonic Series

  La Souvenir Napoléonien

  War Times Journal


  Prince Piotr Bagration, Russian State Military Historical Archive, Moscow

  Antoine-Alexandre Barbier, Bibliothèque National de France, Paris

  Hortense de Beauharnais, Archives Nationales, Paris

  Marshal Alexandre Berthier, Bibliothèque National de France, Paris, and Service Historique de la Défense, Vincennes

  General Henri Bertrand, Bibliothèque National de France, Paris

  Sir Charles Blagden, Beinecke Library, Yale

  Caroline Bonaparte, Archives Nationales, Paris

  Elisa Bonaparte, Archives Nationales, Paris

  Jérome Bonaparte, Archives Nationales, Paris

  Joseph Bonaparte, Archives Nationales, Paris, and Service Historique de la Défense, Vincennes

  Josephine Bonaparte, Archives Nationales, Paris

  Letizia Bonaparte (Madame Mèr
e), Archives Nationales, Paris

  Louis Bonaparte, Archives Nationales, Paris

  Lucien Bonaparte, Archives Nationales, Paris

  Emperor Napoleon I, Archives Nationales, Paris

  Pauline Bonaparte, Archives Nationales, Paris

  Theodore D. Buhl, Sterling Memorial Library, Yale

  Cabinet du Ministre de l’Intérieur, Archives Nationales, Paris

  Jean-Jacques Cambacérès, Archives Nationales, Paris

  Vicomte de Charrier-Moissard, Bibliothèque National de France, Paris

  Thomas Cholmondeley (Lord Delamore), Beinecke Library, Yale

  Conseil d’Administration de la Justice, Archives Nationales, Paris

  Conseils d’Administration de la Légion d’Honneur, Archives Nationales, Paris

  Conseils d’Administration de la Maison de l’Empereur, Archives Nationales, Paris, and Bibliothèque National de France, Paris

  Conseil d’Administration des Relations Extérieurs, Archives Nationales, Paris

  Conseil d’État, Archives Nationales, Paris

  Lord Curzon, Bodleian Library, Oxford

  Comte Pierre-Antoine Daru, Service Historique de la Défense, Vincennes

  Louis-Nicolas Davout, Service Historique de la Défense, Vincennes

  Sir William Fellowes, Beinecke Library, Yale

  French Foreign Ministry, Centre des Archives Diplomatiques, La Courneuve

  Sir William Gell, Beinecke Library, Yale

  Sir John Harper, Beinecke Library, Yale

  Keith Hearl, Rhodes House Library, Oxford

  General Lazare Hoche, Archives Nationales, Paris

  Marshal François-Christophe Kellermann, Archives Nationales, Paris

  General Jean-Baptiste Kléber, Archives Nationales, Paris

  Stanley Kubrick, London College of Communication, London

  La Grande Armée, Service Historiques de la Défense, Vincennes

  Jean Lannes, Service Historiques de la Défense, Vincennes

  General Bernard Lauriston, Archives Nationales, Paris

  Sir Hudson Lowe, British Library, London

  Susan Marie Mackenzie, Beinecke Library, Yale

  Hugues Maret, Service Historique de la Défense, Vincennes

  Marshal Joachim Murat, Service Historique de la Défense, Vincennes


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