A Lassiter's Christmas (The Gems & Gents Series Book 4)

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A Lassiter's Christmas (The Gems & Gents Series Book 4) Page 4

by Iris Bolling

  They met with the mechanic, whose lobby looked more like a showroom, than a body shop. She liked the mechanic immediately, he was funny and straight to the point.

  “Your car is a piece of junk that has seen better days. It’s given you well over 300,000 miles. It’s time to put it out of its misery.”

  “I need a new car,” Pearl conceded.

  “Yes, my queen, you do.” Vinny smiled. “I can fix it, but it will be a waste of your money. You’ll have to come see me again in about three months. Now, as much as I like the idea, it would be unethical.”

  Pearl exhaled. “Alright. What do I owe you for your services?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. How about a good meal for my drooling friend over here.”

  “I don’t drool,” Theo protested. “And I don’t need you begging for food for me. I can beg myself.”

  “I don’t know.” Vinny shook his head. “If I had a woman in my car that looked like that, I wouldn’t be at no mechanic’s shop. No, sir. I’d be at the best steak house in town with candlelight and you.” He pointed to Pearl.

  “Where have you been all my life, Vinny? I’m a girl who loves a good steak.”

  “Is that so?” Theo smiled. “I would have taken you for a vegetarian.”

  Pearl put her hand on her hip. “It takes a lot more than veggies to keep these curves in place.”

  “Amen and pass the biscuits, please.” Vinny laughed.

  “In that case, Ms. Lassiter, will you join me for lunch at the finest steak establishment in Richmond?”

  There was something special about Theodore Prentiss. He’d captured her curiosity with that smoldering stare and that entrancing smile. “You think you can handle lunch with me, Dr. Prentiss?”

  He strolled towards her, with a sense of ownership radiating from him. He gently kissed her lips. “Why don’t you get your things out of your car and put them in mine. Then let’s go to lunch and find out who can handle who.”

  It took every ounce of restraint she had not react to the simple kiss. But damn if he did not have some soft lips. “I’ll comply because I’m hungry.” She turned towards the car. “But don’t be walking around thinking you can just kiss me anytime you feel like it.”

  Theo stood there watching as she pulled items from the trunk and glove compartment of her car as Vinny walked up behind him.

  “I hope you’re ready. She’s a keeper.” He patted Theo on the back. “Please invite me to dinner when you introduce her to Leonora. I don’t want to be a fly on the wall for that one. I want a front row seat.” Vinny laughed as he walked off.

  “Front row seat to what?” Pearl asked as she approached with a box in her hands.

  Chapter 5

  It was now after noon and the restaurant was crowded. It was the type of establishment one did not walk into without a reservation and expect a table. However, as Pearl soon discovered, Theo Prentiss was not an ordinary man.

  “Good afternoon, Dr. Prentiss. Would you like your regular table?” the Maître‘d asked as he removed the red rope divider.

  “Good afternoon, Mr. Quartz. Is the Sky Room available?”

  The Maître’d checked the seating chart. “Yes, it is.” He pushed a button, then turned to them with a smile. “Right this way.”

  Pearl looked behind her to see several people waiting. She whispered, “Theo, there are people waiting to be seated that were here when we arrived.”

  He took her hand and kept walking. “That’s true.”

  They took the elevator up two floors and were escorted to a private dining room. The view of the city appeared before them. In the center of the room was a table set for two. Smooth R&B was playing in the background. Beautiful red poinsettias were strategically placed throughout the room with a magnificent Christmas tree dressed in silver bells and red bows. The fragrance was wonderful.

  “May I take your coats?” A waiter appeared from out of nowhere.

  “Yes, of course.” Pearl took off her coat and handed it to the man as did Theo. “Thank you.”

  “My pleasure.” He disappeared just as quickly as he had appeared with both coats.

  Theo held out a chair for her. She smiled, then took the seat. “I must say, this is a bit much for just lunch.”

  Theo took the seat across from her. “I have a feeling nothing is too much for you, Ms. Lassiter.”

  The waiter recited the menu to them. After they placed their order, Theo shook out the linen napkin and placed it across his lap. “Tell me about yourself, Ms. Lassiter.”

  “Why do you insist on calling me Ms. Lassiter?” Pearl popped the napkin open, then placed it on her lap.

  “I don’t recall you giving me permission to call you by your given name.”

  “Are you serious? You are waiting for me to say you can call me Pearl?”


  “And if I don’t?”

  “Manners 101. When first introduced to a person they should be addressed as Ms., Miss, Mrs., or Mr. followed by their surname, unless it is a child. To do differently is considered a sign of disrespect.”

  “You’ve kissed me twice in less than twenty-four hours. I think we can drop the formalities.”

  “Be careful, Ms. Lassiter. I think you are beginning to like me. Could trust be next?”

  “I stopped trusting boys when I was sixteen years old, Dr. Prentiss.”

  “Then it’s a good thing I’m not a boy.”

  The waiter appeared with the wine. He poured a small amount in a glass and waited for Theo to give his approval. He nodded. The waiter filled both glasses then walked away.

  “Did I offend you a moment ago?”

  “No. I simply stated a fact. I am not a boy. I’m a man who recognizes a gem when I see one.”


  “Yes. I rarely let a treasure slip away and, Pearl Lassiter, you are indeed a treasure to behold.”

  “You can tell that in the short day you’ve known of my existence?” she asked sarcastically.

  “Your smart words are a facade, a barrier you put up to hide what’s inside.”

  “I’m not that transparent, Doctor Prentiss.”

  “To the average man you are not.” He sat forward. “You will soon learn there is nothing average about me.”

  Pearl met him halfway across the table as she leaned in. “Let’s be clear. I am as attracted to you as you are to me. We will have sex.” She put up a finger. “Great sex, but don’t expect to get inside my head, Dr. Prentiss. When I’ve had my fill, we will say our thank yous and go our separate ways.”

  Theo sat back and stared at her for a long moment.

  “Did I render you speechless?” Pearl boasted with a chuckle.

  “No. You gave me the reason for your shield. I’m thinking through my next move.”

  “Since you are so insightful, please share my reasons.”

  “Thank you. Here’s what I see. Somewhere in your past you were hurt. I’m thinking by the boy you lost trust in when you were sixteen. That’s the reason for your harsh judgment on all mankind.”

  The waiter placed their food on the table. “Will there be anything else, Dr. Prentiss?”

  “No, thank you.”

  “I’m not judgmental.”

  Theo laughed at that. “You are cruelly judgmental when it comes to me. Within hours of knowing me you called me a snob, an elitist and a liar.”

  “You are an elitist. Look at what took place when we arrived here. There are at least ten people waiting to be seated and yet, they took you within a minute of our arrival. And you expected to be placed before others. That’s being an elitist.”

  “When I own the place I do expect to be treated a little differently by my staff. The reason there are always people waiting to be seated is because of the way my staff treats every person who walks in the door. Patrons return because they know their wait will be less than ten minutes of their arrival or their meal is free. It’s called good business. You called it being an elitist because you are jud

  “How was I supposed to know you owned the place?”

  “Try asking. Take a moment to get to know who I am before whirling accusations around.” He cut into his steak and took a bite, then put his fork down. “I’ve helped you when you were stranded, took you home, came to your place of employment to take you to your vehicle and now I’ve taken you to lunch. Not once have you said thank you. You call me an elitist, but you are the one acting like you are entitled.” He stood and dropped his napkin on the table. “Enjoy your meal,” he said as he walked away.

  Pearl watched as he spoke with the waiter. She had to have told him thank you at some point, didn’t she? Had she been that rude to him? Her parents would be so disappointed in the way she had treated someone who had done nothing but help her from the moment they met. She should go to him and apologize. But wouldn’t that show weakness? She saw the waiter hand Theo his coat.

  “Theo, wait.” She walked over and exhaled. The waiter disappeared. Pearl looked up into expectant eyes. Beautiful, blazing eyes with a tad bit of impatience. “Thank you for your help with my car. I have a tendency to forget my manners at times. It’s not an excuse, but a fact. Please forgive me. I would really like to finish our lunch, together.”

  Theo saw the uncertainty in her eyes. He didn’t like seeing it there. She was such a feisty woman and he liked her that way.

  “I did more than help you with your car. If I remember correctly, I gave you one hell of a kiss, twice.” Pearl gave him that full dimpled smile and his world melted.

  She stepped to him and whispered against his lips, “Dr. Prentiss, believe me, any kiss I give, you will remember.” She kissed the corner of his lips, put her arms around his neck, then proceeded to prove her statement.

  The coat fell to the floor as his arm circled her waist, their bodies merged and their tongues explored the sweet taste of a new love on the horizon.

  Theo broke the kiss, but held her to him. “I love a challenge, Pearl. I don’t scare easily.”

  Pearl touched his lips with her finger, then slowly walked back to the table. “Good, because I love a good chase.”

  He could not help but to notice the movement of her body in that dress. But it was the legs that seemed to go on forever that did him in. “How great is the sex?” he asked as he retook his seat to finish lunch.

  They talked for hours about her family, his family, college days, their careers and their future expectations. By the time they left the restaurant it was close to three.

  “I enjoyed lunch, but I really need to get back to the office,” Pearl explained as she buttoned her coat.

  Theo opened the car door for her. “My place is five minutes away. You can drop me off on the way.”

  “Drop you off?” Pearl questioned.

  Theo walked around and climbed into the driver seat. “Yes. Your things are already in here. You can drive this until you get a new car.”

  “Theo,” a shocked Pearl exclaimed. “I can’t drive your car.”

  “Of course you can, it’s an automatic.”

  “It’s also a Mercedes. I can’t afford to pay for it if something happens.”

  “Are you planning on crashing it?”

  “No, but…”

  “There are no buts.” He pulled away from the curb. “You need transportation to do all those important things you do for Harrison. I have several vehicles. Loaning you this one will not hamper me in any way.”

  “That’s not the point. You don’t know me. I might be a drug dealer and use your vehicle for a drop or something.”

  Theo laughed. “You said your brother is an ex-Navy Seal, your other brother works for the CIA, you work for Harrison. I don’t think you are into anything illegal. Besides, I met your parents. I know you better than you think.”

  “Theo, I can’t take your car.”

  “Good because I’m not giving it to you,” he said as he pulled into a residential complex with a parking garage. He parked next to his SUV and stopped. “I’m loaning it to you. Tomorrow is Saturday. Do you have any appearances with Harrison?”

  “Attorney General Harrison, and no, I don’t.”

  “Good we’ll go looking for a car tomorrow.”

  “You don’t have to do that. My father and/or brothers can take me.”

  He turned to face her in the car. “Pearl, I want to spend time with you. Looking for a car is just a ruse.”

  “Are you good at making deals?”

  “Terrible. I just buy what I like. However, for you I will relinquish my elitist attitude and bargain for you.” He kissed her gently on the lips. “I like doing that.”

  “Do you?”

  “I do,” he said then got out of the vehicle. “Now, bring your fine self around here and make my driver’s seat look good.”

  Pearl hesitated as she stepped out of the vehicle.

  “It’s only for a few days. Unless you really don’t ever want to see me again, in which case, I can understand you turning my offer down.” He hit her with that enticing smile again.

  “You are just too damn good looking for your own good,” she huffed as she circled the vehicle. She took off her coat and placed it in the backseat, before getting in.

  He closed the door as she looked around, then rolled down the window. “You have my number. Call me later and we’ll make plans for tomorrow.”

  “What are you doing this evening?” she asked.

  Theo smiled. “Ahh, I have your interest. That’s good. I’m going to bed. I’m working off four hours of sleep in the last three days.” He bent down. “We’ll talk in the morning.” He kissed her then hit the top of the car. “Go to work.”

  Pearl adjusted the seat, then pulled off. Theo started to walk away when she stopped and called out, “Do you have any plans for Sunday?”

  “No.” He smiled.

  “Would you like to join my family for dinner? It will probably only be my parents, little sister and a few brothers.”

  “I would love to.”

  “Okay.” She smiled. “Get some rest. We’ll talk more about it tomorrow. Now, let’s see if I can get some wheelies in this ride.”

  Theo smiled as she pulled out of the garage. He liked her…a lot.

  Chapter 6

  “Why in the hell is everybody home?”

  “You are bringing a man home for Sunday dinner.” Ruby laughed. “Everybody wants to witness this miracle.”

  “It’s not a miracle, it’s just dinner.”

  “You’re driving the man’s Mercedes for goodness sake.” Jade smirked. “I’d say that’s more than just dinner.”

  Diamond, her roommate and middle sister, hugged her. “We just want to give you some support.”

  “According to Phire, you may need a little help with this one.” Opal smiled with a raised eyebrow.

  “All I said was, he was hot and knew how to tongue you down.” She snapped her fingers as her sisters laughed.

  “You had no right to tell them anything.” Pearl scowled at her youngest sister. “That was my business.”

  “You made it my business when you decided to make out in the hallway instead of getting a hotel room somewhere.”

  “Phire.” Pearl raised her hand to snatch her little sister, when Ruby, the oldest interceded.

  “No, no, no. You can’t do that when she is right.” Ruby sat Pearl down. “Now listen. It’s time for you to spill it.” She sat on the bed while the other sisters gathered around.

  “Yes, I want dirt.” Jade nodded.

  “Phire said he’s a yum-yum with money.” Opal asked, “Is that true?”

  “We don’t really care about things like that,” Diamond stated. “Is he a nice person?”

  “The heck with that,” Phire laughed. “I want to know if he can lick it up, and rub it down?” All her sisters turned to her with frowns. “Well, he looks like he can,” Phire responded to their stares.

  “Pearl,” her mother’s voice penetrated the stairs. “Dr. Prentiss is here.”
  All of Pearl’s sisters jumped up to run to the door. Ruby stopped everyone.

  “Mommy said Pearl. Everyone else move back.”

  Pearl walked over to the door. “Thank you,” she said to Ruby. “What is wrong with y’all?” She frowned at her sisters.

  “We can’t believe you have a man and we don’t,” Jade stated.

  “What?” Pearl questioned.

  “Pearl, you treat men like dirt,” Opal added.

  “It’s not that.” Diamond moved between her younger sisters and Pearl. “It’s just we’re all curious about Dr. Prentiss.” She turned Pearl by the shoulder. “Let’s go downstairs so we can start decorating the outside.” Diamond gave her other sisters a warning look. They made a face back at her as they followed Pearl downstairs.

  Theo stood in the family room with five giants and Joe. At six-two, Theo never felt intimidated. Today was different. The men were menacing and that, Theo thought, was being nice.

  “You’re here to see Pearl?” Adam questioned with a curious look. “Why?”

  “I happen to like her.”

  “Pearl?” Mathew asked.

  “Yes, Pearl,” Theo replied, standing with his coat on and gloves in his hands.

  “Pearl?” Timothy asked. “Not Ruby or Diamond?”

  “I don’t know Ruby or Diamond.”

  “And Pearl invited you here?” Joshua asked as he circled Theo looking him up and down. “You like torture?”

  “Not one of my favorite things,” Theo replied following Joshua’s motions.

  “Then why in the hell are you interested in Pearl?” Joshua stopped in front of him. “If you have spent any time with her you already know her opinion of men.”

  “She has shared that with me several times.”

  “Yet, you are here.”

  Theo looked the threatening man in the eyes. “I am and plan to be around for a while.”

  “If it’s okay with me,” Joshua added to Theo’s statement.

  “No, if it’s okay with Pearl. I’m not trying to get with you or your brothers. I’m trying to get with her.”

  “Oh, you’re a cocky one,” Mathew stated.


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