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A Changed Man (Altered Book 1)

Page 17

by Unknown

  "Alone at last." Rick said looking at Tess. "Where do you want to examine me doc? The bed okay?" Rick started unbuttoning his jeans.

  "Excuse me?" She said knowing full well what he was trying to do. Making her uncomfortable was his way of getting back at her. "You can leave your pants on for now, I just need to draw some blood."

  Rick took his shirt off again and sat on the side of the bed. "Ready when you are doc."

  "You didn't have to take your shirt off Mr. Davis. I just need an arm." Tess set her case on the bedside table and opened it up. She pulled out a band, a needle, and two small vials.

  "Oh, well I figured I would give you clear access. Which arm would you like doc?" He asked.

  He was being over-accommodating and it was getting annoying. "It's up to you Mr. Davis." She answered with a sigh.

  He was getting to her. Good. If she wanted to think him some perverted asshole then that’s what she'd get. She was standing in front of him waiting for him to hold out an arm. "Wow you smell really good." He leaned in toward her chest and took in a deep breath through his nose.

  Tess had had enough. "I'm sorry okay? I'm sorry. I didn't realize you had a bed on the floor. I saw you with your shirt off and Dillon in the bed behind you and just assumed."

  "Yeah well you know what they say about assuming." Rick cut in, all the flirting gone from his voice. "It makes an ass out of you."

  "And me." She finished for him. "It makes an ass out of you and me."

  "No,” Rick said seething. "Just you."

  Tess took a step back, he was really pissed; it rolled off him in waves. She'd have to be careful with this one. He had a palpable temper. She didn't realize she had offended him so deeply. "You're right." She said softly. "I apologize."

  Rick took a deep breath, calming himself down. He held out his left arm to her. "Lets just get this over with."

  Tess wrapped the band around his arm and inserted the needle into his vein. She attached the vials one at a time and watched them fill up. Rick could see the speckling of light freckles across the bridge of her nose and high on her cheeks. "Why do you give a shit anyway?" Rick asked.

  "What? What do you mean?" She asked surprised.

  "I mean, we are all held prisoner here for you and your fucking buddies to experiment on. Why do you give two shits if I’m sleeping with Dillon?"

  "Because she's just a child!" Tess pulled the needle from his arm and took the band off.

  "Yeah, a child you won't help. A child that’s been altered, beat, and almost raped! Where were you when all that shit was happening? Turning a blind fucking eye, that’s where! Don't act like you give a damn about her or anyone else in this shit hole."

  "I can't help why you're here. You murdered people and instead of going to prison you volunteered for this. You made your choice." Tess answered.

  "Choice? We didn't have any fucking choice! We were kidnapped! I don't know what your fucked up bosses are telling you, but they’re lying to you!"

  Tess has heard this all before. "They said you would say that. It's one of the first things we learn in training. You people will say anything to manipulate us and get your way. Anything to escape."

  "Jesus they brainwashed you." Rick said looking at her like she was the experiment. "They really mind-fucked you."

  "Would you please stop being so belligerent." She asked.

  "Do you really think Dillon could have killed someone?" He asked. "Think about it. You’re a doctor for Christ’s sake. You have to be smarter than that."

  "I have to go." Tess began to pack her case. Carefully and quickly wrapping the vials so they wouldn't break.

  "You think this is some kind of alternative prison, you think that everyone in here did something terrible and it was this or death? That’s what they're telling you?"

  "I'm just doing my job okay?" Tess grabbed her case and headed toward the door.

  Rick stood up and ran to her, stopping in front of her, blocking her exit. "Please listen to me, it's not what they say it is. We're not what they say we are. I can't speak for everyone in here, but I can speak for Dillon and myself. We have military backgrounds. We had military careers. Did you know she had an IQ of one-fifty-five?"

  "No, they said they don't have any previous records on the inmates."

  Rick scoffed. "Inmates. You believe that? That the medical records of everyone in here just disappeared?"

  "They said there was a fire. Please move out of my way."

  "Think about it." Rick whispered. "Promise me you will think about it. When you go home tonight, remember what they told you. Think about what makes sense and what doesn't, do a little research. What they are doing here is against the laws of nature. These people don't deserve this."

  Tess stepped around him and pulled open the wooden door. "Guard!" She shouted. The guard stepped in front of the cell door unlocking it. Tess quickly walked out and the guard slammed the door closed.

  "See ya soon doc!" Rick yelled after her.

  Remington and Jordan spent the day going through the logbooks Jordan had brought over. Discussing when they would go, how they would get in, and most importantly, how they would get out. They went outside for a while and showed each other what their powers could do; both equally impressed with the other. Jackie made dinner for all of them and while they ate they decided Jordan would ghost in one of the front entrances during shift change. He was extremely fast when using his new power, and with any luck, the guards wouldn't notice him zip by. Giving him time to take out a couple.

  "What can I do?" Jackie asked. Remington and Jordan looked at each other, both silently hoping for the other to come up with good reasons she should stay home and out of harms way.

  "I think it's best if you stay here." Remington answered.

  Jackie straightened in her chair. Remington knew what was coming and hoped to stop it before it started. "Wait. Let me finish." He pleaded. "It's going to be dangerous. Getting Rick out is going to be hard enough. Jordan can mist himself out of there if all hell breaks loose and I can break the locks and bend the bars, but what if I have to carry Rick out? I can't protect both of you, and no offense to Jordan, but I don't know him enough to trust him with your life."

  "Uh, I'm right here. No offense taken I guess." Jordan rolled his eyes but didn't defend himself. He knew it would be dangerous and didn't want Jackie at risk either.

  Remington put his hand on Jackie’s shoulder and squeezed. "I don't know what I would do if you got hurt. I just found you."

  Jackie understood his feelings; she was feeling them too. She didn't want him going back there but at the same time she understood why he had to. She didn't want to make this harder for him by acting like a petulant child. "Okay." she said. "What can I do from here?" Jackie could see Remington physically relax, his shoulders dropped as he let out a pent up breath.

  "Thank you." He whispered to her.

  Jackie gave him a sweet smile. "I'm serious. I want to help in some way, even if it's from here."

  "You could get the house ready for another guest." Remington said. "I can't take Rick to a hospital. That’s the first place they'll look; we have to bring him back here. Get all of the medical supplies ready; make sure we have enough food and supplies to hold out here for a while. He'll need a place to sleep, maybe make up the couch for him."

  "He can have the guest room, I'll change the sheets and get it cleaned up for him." Jackie said.

  "Yeah, I can make a pallet on the floor or, oh." Remington caught Jackie smiling big at him. It took him a minute to realize what her plan was. She wanted him to stay in her room with her. He was fine with that, more than fine, he was thrilled.

  "Oh jeeze! Maybe I should go so you two can get a room!" Jordan laughed standing up.

  "Maybe you should." Remington answered not taking his eyes off Jackie.

  "Okay, okay, I can take a hint." Jordan started gathering his books from the table.

  "Wait!" Jackie Said. "Let me wrap up some leftovers for you to take hom

  "That would be great, thanks." Jordan followed Jackie into the kitchen. "You know your grandmother made big plans for this place."

  "Plans?" Jackie asked digging in a bottom cabinet for Tupperware.

  "Yeah, we had made a plan that I would go in as soon as I found some help and start getting people out. She wanted to bring them all here, make this place a kind of refuge for them. She wanted small cabins like mine all over her land to house the people we rescue. She had a huge heart your grandmother."

  "Sounds like her." Jackie said scooping spaghetti into a container.

  "What do you think? About continuing with her wishes I mean?" Jordan was young, it showed as he dropped his head and stared at his feet waiting for her answer.

  "Hm. I think I will have to think about it." She smiled at him and handed him the container of food.

  Jackie and Remington walked Jordan out. "We'll see you tomorrow to finalize the details." Remington said.

  "Okay, I'll see you then." Jordan disappeared into the dark woods.

  Remington and Jackie went back into the house. Jackie walked to the kitchen and started cleaning up. Remington followed.

  "I can get it." She said

  "I can help." He started rinsing dishes and handed them to Jackie so she could load them into the dishwasher. He put away the leftovers as she wiped down the counter tops. Jackie stood at the sink rinsing out her rag when two huge muscular arms came around her waist. Remington leaned his head down, his lips barely brushing her ear. "So, you sure you want me in your room all night? What if I snore?"

  His warm breath tickled her ear and sent a shiver through her. "Then I'll just have my way with you and send you to the couch."

  "Oh yeah?" Remington bit down gently on Jackie’s earlobe and tightened his arms emitting a squeal from her. He turned her around to face him, dipping his head down so his lips were lined up with hers and crushed his mouth to hers. She immediately opened for him, their tongues entwined in a seductive dance. Remington slid his arm under Jackie’s knees, and without breaking the kiss, scooped her up into his arms.

  Jackie felt gravity leave her. She was wrapped up in warm skin over thick muscle that held her as gently as if she were glass. She let herself get lost in the kiss until she realized he was laying her down on the bed, her bed.

  Remington broke the kiss. "I thought we'd go ahead and start tonight with the whole room switch thing, you know, so you could see what you’re getting yourself into." He smiled at her wickedly.

  Jackie watched as Remington straightened and started to get undressed. Taking off his shirt, revealing his tanned muscled chest, then sliding his jeans down huge powerful legs. She was heating up just looking at him. "No time like the present."

  Chapter 16

  Tess Morgan was a bundle of nerves the entire day thanks to her first meeting with Rick Davis. She had gotten so upset that she'd forgotten to get his vitals. Now she would have to go back tomorrow and she wasn't looking forward to that. She had made it home around six in the evening. She ate a microwave dinner and was on her third glass of wine. She couldn't seem to get what he told her out of her head. Sure, all the patients say they're not supposed to be there; they were railroaded, innocent, nothing she hadn't heard before. It was the way he said it though, she never had anyone tell her to question everything she knows about her job, to dig.

  When she was offered the position six months ago, she was told these were military criminals that had either committed a murder or some other horrendous crime. That instead of going to federal prison for the rest of their lives, they agreed to having experiments performed on them in hopes of some day being able to have some sort of freedom and rejoin the military as a super weapon. Every thing was top secret; she assumed that’s why it paid so well.

  Tess figured they were all the same; they all wanted their freedom. She was sitting in her recliner with her legs up watching old “I Love Lucy” reruns when a big black cat jumped into her lap. "Hey Sam." She said and scratched the cat behind his ears. The cat purred loudly. "How was your day huh?" The cat looked at her with emerald green eyes then plopped down on his back. Tess giggled. "Another belly rub?" She said running her fingers through the black silky hair. "You're spoiled rotten you know that?" The cat answered her by purring louder. Tess couldn't understand why what Rick said stuck with her more than anyone else being held there had. Maybe because he said it with such conviction, maybe it was something in those stormy gray eyes. He had said, go over everything and figure out what makes sense and what doesn't. She couldn't shake the feeling he may be telling the truth. If she started questioning though, she could lose her job, her very well paying job. She had never made this kind of money before and all her employers had asked for was her silence. Don’t tell any outsiders where she works; don’t discuss her job with anyone outside of the institution. Easy enough, she had her cat, that was it. The nagging instinct to investigate was going to drive her crazy if she did nothing.

  "Tomorrow Sam. I'll look in to it tomorrow."

  Slade Thompson had a plan today. He would give Rick Davis one more chance to tell him where Remington Cross was before he subjected him to the same horrors as everyone else in The Den. At least that’s what he was going to tell Rick; let him think he had a chance at freedom if he would just lead them to Remington, but that wasn't going to be the case. Ricks fate was sealed.

  Slade moved swiftly through the checkpoints at the main gate, everyone knew his face. He was never stopped for identification unless the guard was new and it never happened twice; if it did, the guard would be quickly replaced and his fate would be at the mercy of Slade’s mood that day. Slade parked his car and went to the main entrance punching the code in to the security pad.

  "Good morning Mr. Smith."

  "Peter." Slade nodded to the guard as he entered the building. "How were the subjects last night?"

  Peter cleared his throat. "Mostly quiet, we had a few acting out as the guards brought them their dinner, but they all calmed down except for a male in corridor B, The Sleeper. We had to turn the gas on in his cell because we can't get too close to him."

  "Ah Ronan Quinn. He is a spitfire!" Slade said. "Keep an eye on him and let me know if he causes anymore trouble."

  "Yes sir."

  Slade made his way down corridor D, heading for the cell occupied by Rick Davis and one of his favorite creations, Dillon Porter. Each corridor had one guard stationed at the head. Slade nodded to the guard to follow him to Ricks cell.

  "Open the door." Slade ordered. The guard did as he was told and unlocked the cell door.

  "Stay close." Slade told the guard. He opened the heavy wooden door that led to the room on his own; they had no locks and were there strictly for the privacy of the subjects. It was a little something to give them the illusion of safety.

  Dillon was propped up in her bed reading a cooking magazine when she heard the cell door being unlocked from behind the wooden one. One of the few things they were allowed from the outside world. No television, only books and magazines that were pre-approved. They would tell the guard in their section what they would like once a week and if approved they were delivered. Some were new, some were so old the pictures were faded; it was the luck of the draw. She was so used to being by herself, Dillon learned every sound out in the hallway. She could hear a lock two doors down from hers being opened followed by muffled voices. She threw her magazine toward the floor hitting Rick in the head with it.

  "What the?" Rick quickly sat up looking around and catching Dillon smirking at him.

  "Get up, we have company."

  "Jesus, next time just say "Rick, wake up." I'm a pretty light sleeper." Rick stood up and put his shirt on.

  "I'll try and remember that next time." Dillon giggled.

  Rick couldn't help but laugh with her. He hadn't seen this side of her yet and was happy she was smiling, even if it was at his expense. The door opened and the man that called himself Mr. Smith took one step across the threshold. Rick�
�s smile quickly disappeared. "Oh, what do we owe the displeasure?" He asked taking a step toward the man. Rick watched as Mr. Smith took a step back. He was afraid of him, smart. He watched the man look behind him to make sure the armed guard had his back.

  Rick snorted. "Don't worry, your ogre is still back there."

  Slade stood up straight, stuck his chin out, and started rubbing imaginary wrinkles out of his suit coat. "Mr. Davis, so nice to see you're making yourself at home. It seems you and Miss Porter are getting along wonderfully. No one is dead yet." He smirked.

  "She’s a pain in the ass." Rick answered not wanting the bastard to know how much he had grown to care for this kid in the short time he had been here. He knew the fucker would use it against him at some point. "Now what do you want?" Rick heard the bathroom door click shut and he glanced behind him to see Dillon was gone. Shit, He'd have to explain that later.

  "I'm here to give you another chance to tell me where Mr. Cross is. You do want your freedom don't you?"

  Rick looked at him like he was an idiot. "I told you, I don't know where he his." Even if he knew how to find him, Rick would never betray Remington. They had been best friends since they met at boot camp at age eighteen. Hell, friendship wasn't a strong enough word to describe their bond. They were brothers and Rick would die for his brother.

  "Why don't I believe you?" Asked Slade narrowing his beady eyes. "You're going to cooperate one way or another Mr. Davis and since you refuse to tell me where Mr. Cross is, I guess it will be you who takes his place."

  "Fuck you." It took everything Rick had not to charge the weasel and pulverize his smirk-y face. He had to remain in control if he had any chance of getting Dillon and himself out of there.

  "You military types have such colorful language." Slade could see the hate in Rick’s eyes. Nervous inside, but trying not to show it, he started slowly backing toward the door. "You have until tonight to come to your senses and let me know where your friend is. Think of your freedom Mr. Davis." Rick flipped Slade the bird.


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