Limitless Lands: Book 1

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Limitless Lands: Book 1 Page 16

by Dean Henegar

  From the depths of the sea, to mountains that soar…never will you find a better deal than with Phineas T. Moore.

  I chuckled a bit, remembering from my study of American history that companies used to do something similar on highways to advertise their products. The driver next to me gave a “humph” noise indicating his displeasure. Looking at the driver, the AI listed him as Torgen.

  “Have you seen these before, Torgen? It seems like you’re not a fan of this Phineas character,” I inquired.

  “That charlatan bilked me out of five silver last time I was here. Sold me a pair of boots that he said would allow me to outrun a dragon.” Torgen indicated his boots which did seem to be a quality pair, but I didn’t detect that they were magically enhanced in any way. “They felt comfortable and I fancied myself to be a bit nimbler. Thinkin’ I hit the jackpot I challenged the other drivers to a foot race…I came in last and lost ten copper to each of the four other drivers that I raced.” Looking at Torgen I didn’t think he would outrun a crawling baby, let alone a dragon. The driver was pushing sixty years old and sported a huge pot belly. “I hope that Phineas T. Moore is at the transition point. I’m gonna’ get my coin back or take it out of his hide.” Torgen made the “humph” sound once more and was silent.

  Looking back at the road I saw we were approaching mile marker four and once again another pole was set alongside the mile marker with a banner strung between them.

  Watch the tame goblin chief, Bugtug carefully wrap your order at no extra charge. Remember…extra service isn’t a chore for Phineas T Moore.

  Looking back down the row of wagons I could see the signs had the desired effect. People were crowding to the right side of the wagons to get a look at each sign as we passed. I smiled, happy that everyone had something to occupy their time for this last stretch of our journey. Up ahead, mile marker three came into view.

  Everything we sell has a money back guarantee. Remember with Phineas T. Moore, the “T” stands for Trustworthy.

  I made my way back to the second wagon and rejoined the squad stationed there. One of the soldiers immediately asked a question I was anticipating.

  “Sir, will we have an opportunity to shop a bit once we reach the transition point? I was hoping to find something for my family back home.” The soldier looked at me like a kid asking for a toy at the store.

  “We’ll have to wait and see, Private. I don’t know how long it will be before we need to head to Hayden’s Knoll, but if time allows I’ll get with Sergeant Brooks and see about everyone not on punishment detail getting a short pass to shop and look around,” I answered, shaking my head and knowing how soldiers always seemed to blow their pay as soon as they could get a chance to spend it. The soldiers rushed to the side of the wagon once more as mile marker two came into view.

  Check out the Discount Barrel of Bargains for overstock and “slightly” distressed merchandise that can be purchased at NEVER before seen low, low closeout prices. Remember what Phineas T. Moore always says, “whether the product is magical or mundane, my loss is always your gain.”

  The transition point waystation could now be seen in the distance. The transition point was essentially a small fortress and village guarding the only gap in the solid range of mountains that bordered this zone. A stout, wooden palisade was anchored to the mountainside and ran a quarter mile across, blocking access to the gap. The trail led to a sturdy wooden gate that was open at this time of day for travelers while a squad of soldiers stood ready at the gate to check those coming in from this side. Several guards also walked along the parapet looking for signs of any trouble. The last mile marker came into view as we began the last leg toward the transition point.

  Fear not, you’re almost there. Just look for the merchant with the perfectly coifed hair…Phineas T. Moore’s Emporium awaits!

  Wow, this guy was corny. The incline toward the gate became more and more steep the closer we got. This would serve to slow down any attackers and give the garrison time to react to a raid or monster attack. The Mukok strained at their traces as even their mighty strength was challenged in pulling their loads up the last incline. I jumped off my wagon and jogged up to the first wagon to meet the gate guard with Daegan.

  “Daegan! It’s good to see you made it. I’ve been hearing rumors of trouble with the goblin tribes. Didn’t know if they were true, but Captain Reynolds has had us send out extra patrols just in case.” The guard was obviously familiar with the caravan master Daegan, giving the wagons only a cursory inspection as he waved us inside the walls. Daegan handed over his caravan authorizations as he answered the guard.

  “Howdy, Bilkins! How’s the army treating you these days? I’m sorry to say we had a rough time of it this trip. Over 300 goblins decided to make a run at us. Thankfully, Lieutenant Raytak and his soldiers fought them off, nearly killing them to the last goblin. I’d be surprised if a dozen made it out alive. There was also some kind of evil dryad trying to grow a corrupted forest over the road, but some adventurers, with the Lieutenant’s help, were able to put things right. Where do you want our wagons? I was hoping there was enough room at the fields to spend a night or two here to rest the beasts before we transition to Hayden’s Knoll,” Daegan stated.

  “You can stay for the night, but I’ll have to ask you to move on before tomorrow afternoon. We’re expecting one hundred wagons heading toward Amerville to arrive tomorrow evening, and they have priority. Your wagons can take fields 3 and 4. 1 and 2 are already full of a load of trade goods and tools heading to Amerville,” the guard answered.

  “That will work. Hopefully the inn has some beds open. I could use a good night’s sleep on a soft bed indoors. Not to mention, I’ve been craving a bowl of that pork stew the tavernkeeper makes.” Daegan waved toward his drivers, showing them where to park the wagons. The guard turned toward me, saluting as I approached.

  “Sir! Captain Louis has been expecting you, he told me to have you report to his office when you arrive. He said to let you know he expects a complete report and I was to see that your men are housed in the barracks and given some chow. The headquarters building is located just inside the keep, ask any of the guards for directions if you get turned around, sir,” Private Bilkins said. I returned his salute and at the same time cringed inside at the mention of having to present a report. Writing reports was one of my least favorite aspects of command. I usually had a junior officer write the framework of a report for me and I would finish it off. Unfortunately, I was now the junior officer.

  As the wagons pulled into the gate, Sergeant Brooks approached and I let him know Private Bilkins would help him see that the men were fed and housed. I let the sergeant know he had my permission to let the men each have a two-hour pass to explore the compound and shop with the merchants. With the housekeeping finished, I marched my way into the gate to try and find the headquarters, all the while worrying about how I would find time to write an after-action report for Captain Louis.

  Entering the gates, I was impressed with the transition point setup. In front of me were a series of four, roped-off sections of open field set up to house the caravans that traveled through. To my left a good-sized inn, a large tavern, and series of merchant stalls were found. A bustle of people were seen at all the businesses and I suspected quite a bit of trade was done here with the constant flow of caravans. To my right a small wooden fort was situated as an additional defense should the walls be breached by foes. Organized rows of tents for the soldiers were set up around the fort to house the garrison. Across the open field a second wall was situated, and a guarded gate was open there as well. Just outside the gate, the trail led into what appeared to be a large swirling cloud. When I focused on the swirling cloud a prompt appeared telling me this was the transition point. A notification popped.

  You have gained access to the transition point for the Amerville Zone. You can now use any other transition point to fast travel back to this zone.

  Chapter 21

  A very welc
ome notification popped up as I made my way to the captain’s office.

  Item Received: After action report. This is a summary of your actions while on the road from Amerville.

  Thankfully, it seemed I didn’t have to write the report myself. “Thank you, Clio,” I whispered while making my way to the headquarters. A soldier immediately showed me in to Captain Louis’ office. I knocked on the door and heard a gruff voice say, “Enter”. The captain’s office was a near carbon copy of the Lieutenant Colonel’s office from Amerville. Perhaps the AI was cutting corners, or this was some kind of military standard. Seeing Captain Lewis standing behind the small desk, I snapped to attention and saluted my superior.

  “Lieutenant Raytak reporting as ordered sir!” I said as the captain returned my salute while taking the after-action report from me. The captain then indicated for me to take a seat in the chair in front of his desk while he sat behind the desk and stared at me intently for a moment before scanning the report quickly.

  “Very impressive, Lieutenant. You managed to get your force here mostly intact while protecting the caravan from two very different, but potentially deadly threats. I see you also recruited some of the mercenaries into your forces...a little unorthodox, but I can’t complain about an officer being resourceful in the field. That resourcefulness is something you’ll need at Hayden’s Knoll. The reports there haven’t been good. It appears there is a group called the Bloody Blades that has made it their mission to attack the town relentlessly. I have confidence you can handle the mission, though, based on your most recent accomplishments. Command has authorized me to allocate you reinforcements from my forces here to replace your losses and bring you up to full platoon strength. It looks like Daegan’s caravan will leave at noon tomorrow heading to Hayden’s Knoll and I’d like to have you join them and provide them protection until they reach the town. It’s the least we can do given you’ve recruited all his mercenary guards into your unit. The town could use those supplies and the replacement villagers will be a welcome addition if the town is to survive. Take this to help upgrade your troop’s equipment. They are woefully underequipped.” With that, the captain handed me a small pouch of coins and several prompts began to flow into my log as I saluted and left the office. I paused just outside the keep and found a log to sit down on while I reviewed the flood of game notifications.

  Congratulations! You have completed the quest, Securing Hayden’s Knoll Part 1.


  5 gold

  Experience: 250

  Replacements allocated to reinforce up to platoon strength.

  The Imperium will pay your troops for an additional 60 days.

  Bonus rewards: For permanently eliminating 2 threats to the area, you have been awarded the following bonus rewards.

  Armor voucher for your forces.

  1 minor action medal (health).

  Congratulations: You have completed your class introductory quest; character sheet options are now viewable.

  New quest available: Securing Hayden’s Knoll part 2. Escort Daegan’s caravan to the town of Hayden’s Knoll and assume command of the garrison there.

  Reward: variable.

  Accept Y/Y (this is a mandatory quest based on your unique class. Failure to complete it will invalidate your class and you will be forced to select a new basic class).

  Wow, I would have accepted the quest anyway, but it seems the AI is pushing hard for me to follow this quest line. I had to think maybe it had limited quest lines developed for me since this was a unique class. While I have a few minutes free, it’s time to review the now unlocked character sheet and level up my character.

  *Note: This is the first time you have accessed your character sheet. More detailed explanations are given the first time it is reviewed. To see the additional information again later please use the help feature.

  Player: Raytak

  Class: Commander (Imperium) Rank: Lieutenant

  Level: 2 (630/1000)

  Stats: (Note this unique class does not have individual stats. Items that increase stats will have no effect on a commander.)

  Attack: 2 (1 gained per level) The attack ability helps to determine whether a blow hits and, in conjunction with a weapon’s item level, modifies the damage done to the target.)

  Defense: 8. The commander class starts with 1 point in defense and gains 1 point every 5 levels. The defense skill has many variables and is based on armor/level/agility (for certain classes).

  Health: 250: The commander class gains 100 health per level.


  Crude Imperial light leather armor set +5 defense.

  Simple Large Wooden Imperial Shield: +2 defense.

  Crude Bronze Short Sword: Item level 15 (Item level is a representation of the overall power of a weapon. Weapons of the same item level will still vary in their damage based on the nature of the weapon. A dagger of the same item level of a great axe will do less damage.

  Crude Bronze Dagger: Item level 15

  Crude Bronze Tipped Javelin: Item level 10

  Minor Action Medal (Health): +50 health

  Simple Leather Bracer (unidentified)

  The Foul Spore (unidentified)

  65 gold, 18 silver, 90 copper

  Feats/Abilities/Class Skills: The commander class unlocks skills as it levels. You will be able to choose different paths to develop your character every 10 levels, with one additional path determination at level 5.

  Command Presence: Creates an aura in a 15-yard radius that inspires troops and allies under your command. +1 to attack, +1 to defense, and improved morale. The commander must concentrate on inspiring his forces, and takes a penalty to attack and defense while the aura is active. Toggled passive ability/30 sec toggle cooldown.

  Shield Bash/Active Ability (requires equipped shield): Orders your troops to bash the opponent closest to them with their shield, automatically hitting and dealing minor damage and forcing them back. 1-minute cooldown.

  Choose an initial personal skill path.

  Combat Veteran path: This path will have your character develop toward being a more powerful individual fighter, increasing your personal damage and durability on the battlefield.

  War Leader path: This path focuses on the soldiers under your command, increasing their damage and durability at the expense of your own.

  Looking at the paths available, I knew I wanted to go with the war leader path. My strength was in leading soldiers in combat, not in 1 v 1 fights. I chose war leader, and then more prompts revealed.

  War Leader Path Skill Unlocked: Honor Guard

  Honor Guard (active): Once every 24 hours summon 2 soldiers that will defend you for 1 minute. The honor guard will mirror your standard troops in gear and combat ability. They also possess the “defend the commander” ability which forces all nearby opponents attacking you to attack the honor guard soldiers instead.

  Choose a skill path for the units under your command:

  Melee Specialists (passive): Increase troop’s attack, defense, and health. Your soldiers will suffer a penalty to attack when using ranged weapons (note that advanced and elite troops gain the benefits of skill path choices, but do not suffer skill path penalties.)

  Ranged Specialist (passive): Increase troop’s ranged attack, weapon maximum range, and ranged defense. Soldiers suffer a penalty when in melee combat.

  If I was going to be squishy, I needed my soldiers to be as tanky as possible, so I chose the melee specialist path. The ranged specialist would be optimal if I was going the combat veteran route.


  Maximum Standard Soldiers: 50/50

  Maximum Advanced Soldiers: 0/10

  Maximum Elite Soldiers: 1/1

  Standard Soldiers Level 2

  Health:30 (standard soldiers gain 15 health per level)

  Attack:0 (standard soldiers gain an increase in attack every 5 levels).



  Simple Large Wooden Imperial Shiel
d: +2 defense, additional +1 vs ranged.

  Crude Bronze Short Sword: Item level 15

  Crude Bronze Dagger: Item level 15

  Crude Bronze Tipped Javelin: Item Level 10

  Advanced Soldiers: N/A none recruited.

  Elite Soldiers: Senior NCO Class

  Health:100 (elite soldiers gain 50 health per level)

  Attack: 2

  Defense: 7


  Crude Imperial light leather armor set: +5 defense

  Simple Large Wooden Imperial Shield: +2 defense.

  Crude Bronze Short Sword: Item level 15.

  Crude Bronze Dagger: Item level 15.

  Crude Bronze Tipped Javelin: item level 10.


  Command Presence:

  Command Presence/Passive: Creates an aura in a 10-yard radius that inspires troops and allies under your command. +1 to attack, +1 to defense, and +1 to morale. Toggled passive ability/30 sec toggle cooldown.

  While the commander class was powerful, I was the weak link in a fight as I was easy to kill. I hoped the new ability Honor Guard would help with that. Not getting specific ability points would severely lower my power compared to regular player classes and would make most drops and magic items unusable for me since their bonuses were generally based on increasing individual stats. I had to hope there was gear out there giving just a set amount of + health/defense/damage. Finishing up with my character sheet, I scrolled through the last notification in my log.

  *Note: Losses to your forces will slowly be replaced by headquarters and sent automatically to your garrison location. You do not currently have a garrison location. Report to or secure your garrison location to begin receiving reinforcements. Standard soldiers will replace at a rate of 2 per day, advanced soldiers at a rate of 2 per week, and elite soldiers at a rate of 1 per week. Improve your garrison, or unlock abilities to increase the reinforcement rate.


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