Daddy's Little Camper (Daddy Series Book 5)

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Daddy's Little Camper (Daddy Series Book 5) Page 4

by Lila Fox

  She stared into his eyes for a moment before she fell into his arms and cried.

  Noah held her and let her get her emotions under control. He smiled a bit when she started to hiccup. Then he held up a tissue. “Here, baby, blow.

  She leaned forward and blew into the tissue Noah held up for her.

  He threw the tissue away. “How about we go to my cabin and get a good night’s sleep?”

  She nodded against his chest. “Yes, please.”

  He stood, grabbed her hand, and tugged her out of the office. Then they walked to his cabin.

  Once the door was shut and locked, he watched Riley look around.

  He knew what she saw. It looked like a regular cabin from the outside, but from the inside, it looked like a luxury apartment. The walls were a light-gray color and the floor hardwood with a massive multi-colored area rug in the middle of the living area. In the kitchen, there were maple cupboards with brushed stainless-steel appliances. The counter was marble with the same tones of grays that were in the walls.

  “Wow, this is great.”

  “I figured if I was going to be here for at least two months a year, I’d better make it like home.”

  “Your home looks like this?”

  “It has the same colors, and the wood floors are close, but my house is quite a bit bigger than this.”

  She nodded. “My house is huge. I think five families could live in it and be extremely comfortable.”

  He snorted. “Mine is close to nine thousand square feet. It’s ridiculous. It takes me ten minutes to walk from one end to the other.”

  “My dad says we live there because we have to look the part. Whatever that means.”

  “It means if you want to be successful, you have to look successful, and that means dressing nice, driving expensive cars, and living in large houses.”

  She nodded, but he could tell she still didn’t understand.

  “Come on, baby girl. Let’s get you to bed.”

  She froze when he reached for her. “Are we going to have sex?”

  A moan just about slipped from his mouth. There was nothing he’d like more than to make this woman his. He had a burning desire to fill every hole with his cum and mark her as his. He wanted her to feel him every minute of every day and smell like him, so other guys knew she was taken. “I think you’re too tired for that. How about I just hold you?”

  He showed her the bathroom. “Get undressed and in the shower, and I’ll bring in a shirt for you to wear.”

  “You want me to get naked?” she squeaked as she clutched her shirt in her fists.

  Noah tilted her head up with his fingers. “Yes. You’ll always do exactly what daddy says. Besides, I’m going to know your body better than you before too long, so you better get used to me seeing you naked.”

  Chapter Ten

  Riley bit her lip nervously and nodded. She stared at his back as he left the bathroom.

  “If you’re not naked by the time I get back, you’re going to get a taste of your first punishment,” Noah said casually as he walked away.

  She jumped, tore her clothes off, and waited. Even though she wanted to cover her body with her hands, she knew daddy wouldn’t like it.

  “Good girl.”

  Noah tossed the shirt on the counter and walked to stand in front of her. His gaze slid slowly up and down her, making her feel shaky. He walked around her and turned on the shower.

  “Get in,” he said curtly.

  She glanced at him and then quickly scurried into the shower. Her mouth turned down when he closed the door and walked away. The first thought and the most painful one was he didn’t like her body and was mad she was there.

  She stood in indecision but finally tied her long hair into a loose knot to keep it mostly dry and washed her body quickly.

  Riley flipped off the water, stepped out, and dried off quickly. While she was tempted to put her clothes on, they were dirty from the chaos of the night. Instead, she decided to put his shirt on and her shorts, and then she would change them when she got back to her cabin. She balled up her panties, shirt, and socks and slipped her feet back into her tennis shoes.

  She stopped short when she found him sitting on the side of the bed with his head in his hands. Tears burned her eyelids, and she blinked them back. It broke her heart, but she knew what she had to do.

  “Hey,” she tried saying and then coughed. “I changed my mind. I’m going to head back to my cabin. I’ll get the shirt back to you after I clean it.”

  His head had snapped up, and his scowl grew darker.

  “So, um … thanks.” She turned and ran before she broke down. Two hands pushed the door closed, and then his body caged her in.

  “Where are you going?” he said with a growl.

  She shivered at the rough tone of his voice. “To … to my cabin,” she stammered.



  “Riley,” he gritted out in warning.

  “You don’t want me here.”

  “Where the fuck did you get that?” he barked.

  “You took one look at my body and didn’t like it, so you got mad.”

  He sighed.

  She gasped when he pressed his cock against her lower back.

  “Does this feel like I don’t want you? The problem is I want you too much.”

  Riley’s breath caught in her throat. She knew what was poking her in the back. At least, she was fairly sure. She reached around and touched it, startled when he groaned. Instead of releasing him, she tightened her grip.

  “Can I turn around so I can see it?”

  “You want to play, baby girl?”

  “Yes, daddy. Please.”

  He twirled her around, bent, and threw her over his shoulder. He laughed when she shrieked and grabbed a hold of his belt in the back.

  When he dropped her on the bed, she laughed. First, he stripped her of her shorts and shirt, leaving her naked. Next, he tore off his own clothes. Her gaze roamed over him, taking in his male perfection.

  “I thought we’d sleep tonight, but I think my baby wants to play, and I know I certainly do. We need to cement our relationship so you don’t have any more insecurities.”

  “Yes, daddy.” She held up her arms. The way he was talking to her ramped up her need for him.

  He came down beside her and pressed his hand flat against her stomach. “Give me your hand.”

  She held it up right away and hummed when he lowered it to his cock. She automatically gripped it. “Daddy, it feels like velvet with a metal pipe inside. I want to see more of it.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Noah chuckled but lay back and put his hands behind his head. He knew it was her first time to see a male body up close. Her fingers glided over his chest, lightly touching his nipples before moving down. She gripped his cock with one hand, and the other slipped between his legs to fondle his heavy balls. He closed his eyes and let her examine him for a minute until he couldn’t take anymore.

  “Now it’s my turn.” He pushed her to her back. “Hands over your head and leave them there.”

  She raised her arms and relaxed back into the mattress. “Are you popping the cherry, daddy?”

  “Fuck, baby,” he groaned and set his forehead against hers.

  “You said the bad word again,” she said and snickered.

  He bent and bit at her bottom lip. “I can say it whenever I want. I’m the daddy.”

  She giggled.

  He cupped one of her breasts. “How could you think, for even a moment, that I don’t love this body? It’s perfect.”

  “But even after I’ve lost a few pounds, I’m not skinny like the other girls.” She pouted.

  “I want my baby girl to have a woman’s body. Not a boy’s,” he said.

  She raised one hand, intending to touch his hair.

  He caught it and put it back down on the mattress. “What did I tell you?” he said with a growl.

  “I’m sorry, daddy
. I forgot.”

  “Spread your legs.”

  She immediately moved her legs apart.

  “More,” he demanded.

  She moved until she was open to him.

  He patted her clit. Not hard but enough to get her attention.

  “Ahhh,” she cried out as her back arched off the mattress.

  “That’s what will happen if you disobey me again tonight. Only harder. Do you want your little button spanked?”

  She shook her head. “No, daddy.”

  He grinned and then bent his head to take one of her nipples into his mouth. Back and forth, he went between the two until she was thrashing around. Then he cupped her cunt with his hand in a threatening way to keep her in line.

  “Stay still and let daddy play.”

  She cried out and tried with all her might to stay still, but it was next to impossible.

  “Daddy, please.”

  “I’ll take care of you, but I’m not done yet.”

  “Have you popped the cherry yet?”

  He speared his finger between her pussy lips and then slipped it into her sopping pussy. Then he bumped his finger against her hymen. “This is what is considered your cherry, baby, but I haven’t taken it yet. I will before too long. This cunt will only know one dick, and that’s mine.”

  “Will it hurt?”

  “At first, but you’re going to be a good girl and let daddy have your body. Aren’t you?”

  “Yes, daddy. But I’m afraid.”

  “Don’t be. I will make you feel so good you’ll be begging me to fuck you every day.”


  He bent and took her mouth, thrusting his tongue in at the same that he pushed his finger into her cunt. When he started working two fingers into her tight passage, she made a startled sound, and he smiled. As he moved down, he tasted her as he went. At her belly button, he poked his tongue in, and she squeaked. Nudging her thighs apart with his shoulders, he made a place for himself between her legs. He used both thumbs to spread her tender lips apart, bent, and blew on her clit.

  Her scream almost pierced his eardrums. “Baby, you have to be quieter, or people will come and find us.”

  Riley panted. “It slipped out. How can I not make noises?”

  “Use the pillow to soften them.” He waited until she pulled a pillow over her face before he swiped his tongue up the valley between her legs and then speared it into her cunt.

  He smiled at the rise and fall of sounds she was making. When he felt drops of cum slip out, he pressed his cock against the mattress. Humping helped to relieve some of the pain his arousal was causing.

  Noah kept thrusting his fingers inside her. He finger-fucked her for a minute before he used three fingers to stretch her and sucked on her at the same time. Her body stiffened and he knew she was close.

  “Come for me, baby girl.”

  A shrill scream came from under the pillow. He drove Riley over and slowly let her down until she lay boneless on the mattress.

  “Jesus, baby. You’re so fucking tight. You strangled my fingers. I can’t wait until you squeeze every drop of cum from my cock.”

  He moved up until he covered her and pulled the pillow from her face, smiling down at the satisfied grin on her face. “Are you on birth control?”

  Riley nodded. “Mmmm, yeah. My dad put me on the shots when I was having problems with my periods.”

  “That’s good. I want to wait for children until we’re married, and you’re ready for them.”

  “Children? Married?” She smiled brightly as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “Yes, someday.” Noah widened the space between her thighs and moved in until his cock was at her entrance. “After this, you’re never going to get away from me.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t ever want to leave you.”

  “Good,” he murmured against her lips at the same time thrust forward, impaling her on his cock. He held her steady as she cried and tried to buck him off. “Easy, baby. That’s it, sweetheart. No more pain, ever,” he murmured against her ear.

  He wiped the tears from her cheeks and kissed her sweetly until she relaxed. “You are doing so good, baby girl. I’m so proud of how brave your being.”

  She hiccupped and nodded. “No more pain?”

  “No, sweetheart. That was the hard part.”

  She relaxed even more and moved her pelvis around. He knew she was testing the feel of him inside of her. “I feel so stretched. Am I really going to like this?” she asked doubtfully.

  “Oh, yeah. You’re going to love it.” Noah pulled out a bit and then slid back in. He did that slowly for a few minutes. “How’s that feel?”

  “Oh, daddy. I like this,” she hummed and closed her eyes.

  “Let’s go faster and see how you do.”

  She wrapped her legs around his waist as he drove into her. Slowly at first, but gaining speed with every second until he was riding her hard enough to push the headboard against the wall, and she kept begging for more.

  He didn’t think he’d last much longer, so reached between them and pinched her clit. “Come now, baby. Come for daddy.”

  A wail grew from her throat. He cut if off with his mouth pressed to hers to contain some of the sounds and continued to pound into her. As she started strangling his cock as she came, he felt himself let go.

  “That’s it. Give me everything,” he demanded as he started to slow down.

  He collapsed over her, bearing most of his weight on his elbows as he fought to breathe. Finally, he gained enough strength to move them to the side.

  They both moaned as he slipped free.

  She snuggled up against his chest. “Thank you, daddy.” She pressed a kiss to his chest.

  He chuckled and kissed the top of her head. “No, thank you. You gave me a special gift that I will treasure for the rest of my life.”

  She nodded tiredly, yawned, and slid into sleep.

  Long minutes later, Noah listened to her deep breathing as he tried to understand his emotions. His friends had explained the feelings they had for their littles, but he hadn’t understood it until that moment.

  His small group of friends who lived the lifestyle were the closest people to him until Riley. The four other guys, Gage, Kaleb, Patrick, and Darian, all had their own littles, and over the months and years, they’d tried to describe the feeling of contentment they had when they found the one that fit them. He couldn’t wait to introduce Riley to his friend’s littles. The five of them were so similar. They would be best friends before long.

  He was jolted from his thoughts when Riley snuggled closer and murmured something in her sleep. After kissing her one last time, he closed his eyes and slept.

  Chapter Twelve

  The next day, Riley was in her cabin, shoving her things into the suitcases. Noah had told her he’d help her later, but she wanted her stuff out of the women’s cabin, so she planned to take one or two at a time.

  “Where the hell are you going? Are you homesick and want to go home?” Brigit asked with her bottom lip out in a pout. Two girls with her snickered.

  “No, I’m not going home.”

  “Then, where?”

  “It’s none of your business.”

  “Ohhh, look who put her big panties on,” Brigit said and laughed.

  Riley ignored them and continued to pack.

  “Come on, Riley. You can tell us.”

  “She’ll be with me,” Noah said from the doorway. All four women spun around. Riley grinned, and the other three’s mouths dropped open.

  Noah ignored them and walked to Riley. “Here, sweetheart.” He picked up the three larger cases and had her grab the last two.

  “Are you joking right now?” Brigit asked in shock.

  Riley still ignored them and followed Noah out of the cabin.

  “No fucking way he picked her over me,” Brigit screeched.

  Noah stopped and turned. “Actually, I did. Riley is the sweetest, kindest, most
genuine person I know, ladies.” He stared at each one. “Also, you might want to know, most men don’t want a woman that doesn’t respect herself enough to keep her legs closed or let any man that comes along have her. You might think about that. Now, isn’t there somewhere you all have to be?”

  All three women walked off. Their furious whispers could be heard, but Noah and Riley ignored them. “Let’s go. We’ll get these to the cabin, but then we have to get ready for dinner.”

  Riley waited until the girls’ backs were turned and stuck her tongue out. Ha, she thought. Take that, bitches. She saw Noah was several feet in front of her and rushed to catch up to him.

  For the next several weeks, the two got closer. They spent long hours at night in bed, making love and planning their future. Most of the people in the camp hadn’t turned a hair when Riley moved in with Noah. In fact, the majority saw how happy the two were together and liked it.

  He showed Riley all the ways they could please each other. It had taken Riley hours to return to her normal color after some of the things he did to her. But there was nothing he’d done that she hadn’t enjoyed and asked for more.

  She found she liked it a lot when he played with her bottom, and he used every opportunity to do just that.

  Finally, the camp was coming to a close. Most of the kids and some of the adults had already left. The rest, except for the couple that watched over the camp for the rest of the year, stayed to help close the cabins.

  In their cabin, Noah leaned against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest and watched his girl’s steps get more agitated the closer the time came for her dad to show up.

  “Would you stop pacing, baby girl? Everything’s going to be okay.”

  She walked back and forth and played with her bottom lip. “I can’t. What if he gets mad? What if he tries to keep us apart? Oh, God,” she cried out and faced Noah. “Can he get you arrested?”

  He huffed out a laugh and rolled his eyes. “Enough, you’re going to make yourself sick if you keep it up.”

  “I can’t help it, daddy.”

  “We need you to get you calmed down. Come here and bend over the sofa.”


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