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Billionaire's Surprise Baby: An Mpreg Romance

Page 3

by Harper B. Cole

  “I’d invite you to my place, but I don’t really have one.”

  “I’m sure the motel has beds for two.” He pulled his wallet out and threw down some bills. I went to argue, but he gave me an I-dare-you look, and some things just weren’t worth it.

  “That might not actually be accurate.” And even if they did, they were in no way up to his standards. Heck, they probably weren’t even up to mine, and I had been sleeping on a hundred-dollar futon for years. “It looks like they haven’t touched it in decades.” More accurately, it looked like it belonged in a horror movie, but I wasn’t going to go there.

  “It does look eerily similar to the way it did when I was a kid.” He took his hand from my cheek and intertwined his fingers with mine before indicating the door with his head. “Shall we see if they have a room for us?”

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  I was doing this. Michael, the mapper, planner extraordinaire, was going to a sketchy motel with a stranger with the sole purpose of getting himself some. No part of me could think of anything wrong with the idea, either. There was just something about Porter. It was more than his looks, his intelligence, his success. He came from nothing, and that was an aphrodisiac like no other. Maybe it was because I came from little, although more than him if he was a Ms. Betsy kid. I could think about that later. Now, I just wanted to get naked.

  “In a hurry?” I teased as he scooched out of the booth, taking me with him.

  He stopped dead in his tracks, looked my form up and down slowly before bending to my ear and whispering, “I wanted you the moment I walked in here, seeing you sitting here, all focused. Besides, I have an ulterior motive.”

  “Ulterior motive, do tell.” The lilt of mischief in his voice had me very intrigued, so much that I didn’t even mind that we were no closer to naked-time than we had been only moments earlier.

  “If I get you into my bed, I can prove Jackass Bob wrong.” He tapped my nose for effect and I couldn’t control the belly laugh that poured out of me. “Is that a yes?” He was already leading me through the diminished crowd and to the door.

  “Porter, it was a yes the moment you showed me where to fix my code.”

  I wasn’t even exaggerating. I wanted him like no one before him. Sure, I’d had a man in my bed before, but it was always after dates and wooing. There had never been this instant connection filled with so much want and need. I couldn’t even say it was the alcohol because a quick glance at the table told me we had only actually consumed two apiece over the course of a few hours. No, this drunken feeling wasn’t alcohol. It was Porter, all Porter, and for the next few hours he was all mine, and I planned to take full advantage of said time.

  Chapter Six


  If I had realized that making a job offer and getting turned down would have ended up with a sexy omega practically jumping my bones, then I would have...well, probably done exactly nothing different because I couldn’t think of a single other person I wanted both working for me and working on me other than the man beside me right now.

  My car was safe at Nick’s. Or as safe as it could be in this town. And since the motel was only a few hundred yards away, I couldn’t see the point in chancing the drive when every cop in town was either at Nick’s or on their way there to finish paying their respects to Ms. Betsy. I felt a twinge of conscience, leaving Ms. Betsy’s memorial to get it on with a man I’d just met, but Ms. Betsy would have forgiven me. In fact, she may have walloped me over the head for being a blockhead if I hadn’t pursued the opportunity.

  I slid my hand under Michael’s shirt, resting my hand on the small of his back, enjoying the heat of his smooth skin. He shivered underneath me. I could tell this was out of character for him. Was he regretting the impulsive kiss?

  I stole a glance at him, the moon just barely illuminating his face. No, that was definitely anticipation. A frisson of thrill ran through my body from tip to toe. I wanted to run to the motel, dragging him with me, but I forced myself to keep to a steady pace.

  I held the door open for him—no automatic doors here—and approached the counter. “Can I get a room, please?”

  “Credit card and driver’s license,” the bored receptionist intoned, not even looking at me.

  I slid both across the counter, and he entered the information, printed a receipt, and slid it over for me to sign.

  We had to go outside to access the room, and when the door closed behind us, Michael giggled. “I don’t think he took his eyes off his phone at all. What do you think he was watching?”

  “Porn,” I said, not even half joking.

  Michael looked at me in shock then laughed. “Is that what you do at work?”

  It was my turn to look shocked then laugh. “No, but I enjoy my work.”

  I used the key to unlock the door. An actual key, not even a cheap magnetic card. I flipped on the light and my enthusiasm for the night dimmed slightly. Even the hazy yellow light couldn’t hide the age of the room. Michael ducked under my arm and set his warm hands on either side of my face, pulling my attention to him. “No take-backs,” he teased. “We’re in one of your fancy hotels now. We had to put in a special request for a full-size bed. I just can’t handle getting lost in those giant king-size beds they prefer.”

  I laughed, thinking of the king-size bed I had all to myself at home. He took a step backward and tugged me with him.

  “Come on, now. Play along.”

  “Ah...” It had been forever since I’d played pretend. It had been a survival mechanism when I was a kid, but now, if I wanted or needed something, I bought it. “And we sent away the champagne so it wouldn’t ruin our beer buzz?” That was lame, but it made Michael laugh.

  “The lighting was a nice touch on their part,” he countered. “Setting a romantic scene.”

  He used one hand to find the bed and sat down, his fingers trailing from my cheek as he did. He pulled me to sit next to him on the bed, and I leaned in for a kiss. I had meant to keep it soft, almost an apology that we were in this kind of room, but Michael had no patience for that. He pressed into me, the touch of his skin burning my body everywhere they met. I buried my fingers in his hair and kissed him equally as strong my tongue asking for entrance, which he willingly gave. As I explored his mouth, he melted in my arms. This man was driving me to distraction, soft but fiery, determined but dreamy. I’d known him but a couple hours, and already I was entranced by all the contradictions he teased me with.

  “You’re thinking too much,” he whispered against my lips. “If you don’t stop thinking and start just feeling, you’re going to get me started thinking, and then this night will be over before it’s even begun.”

  “What if I keep thinking, but I change the topic?” I asked, letting my hand run down the front of his shirt, lingering over his taut nipples.

  “Oh?” he gasped. “If that’s the kind of thinking you’re going to be doing, then please, carry on.”

  He was right. I was thinking too much, and we were talking too much. I picked him up and placed him in the middle of the bed, rolling him to his back so that I had more access. His hair was wild from my fingers, his eyes bright with desire. “You’re sexy,” I murmured, reverently.

  He blushed and looked away.

  “Oh no you don’t,” I said. “I’m going to show you just how fucking sexy you are.”

  Chapter Seven


  I was really doing this. We were really doing this. I grabbed onto my own advice not to think so much as he slowly removed my T-shirt. I waited for the panic moment, the one that was bound to come being in a crappy motel with a complete stranger, showing him my scrawny body for the first time.

  But that was just it. He didn’t feel like a stranger. He felt safe. If that didn’t send me running out the door, Porter kissing my abs, undefined as they might be, as he pulled up my shirt and then, using his teeth, lowered the zipper of my rattiest jeans should have.

  Except it didn’
t send me running. It had me clawing at the buttons of his shirt, needing him to be as naked as I was quickly becoming. Removing his teeth from my pants, he stretched up enough to allow me to push his shirt over his shoulders before he returned to work, pushing my jeans down, kissing the path along the way.

  I put get a better look at those abs on my to-do list for the evening. Sue me. I was a mapper in all things. I planned not only to get a better look at his abs, but to taste him, and let him taste me in turn, and beg him to fuck me until morning, filling me with his knot. I wasn’t about to fool myself into believing this was anything more than that, even if the reverence in his voice was compelling evidence to the contrary.

  As he made his way up my thighs, his fingers hooking onto the sides of my extremely tented boxers, I wanted to hide. He was having none of that.

  “You should be draped in silk,” he murmured as he pulled them down. “No, I take it back, I prefer you this way.”

  His hungry look made my embarrassment at his words flee. All I could think about was getting his lips on me. I grabbed his head with every intention of pulling him up for a kiss, but the lust in his eyes as I made the initial movement had me doing the exact opposite. I pushed his head down where I wanted him to be.

  He didn’t waste a moment, pushing my thighs apart and settling. He started with a lick from the root to the tip of my painfully erect cock. I nearly lost all thought. His lips caused goosebumps along the skin on my thighs as he paid homage to my balls, his fingers dancing around my slick entrance. He feasted upon me, licking me, sucking me, and taking me into his mouth completely. It was all I could do not to explode, the evening ending far before it should. His noises of satisfaction had all sense of self-consciousness fading away into the abyss, and the inner sexy beast I hadn’t even known about before came out in full force. I writhed in pleasure beneath him, trying to get him to pay attention to where I wanted him most and watching him playfully torment me by ignoring it. He would dance around my hole, teasing me with the promise to fill me the way my body cried out to be filled.

  As he finally added a finger to the mix, I nearly came undone. He chuckled, clearly knowing how much it affected me. Payback was going to be fun, once I got him in my mouth. I was so going to—

  I had no idea what because he tsked, mumbled something about me being in my head and then focused on my hole, adding a second finger…finally. He swallowed me down one more time and before I could warn him of my impending climax, I found myself shooting down his throat, Porter swallowing every last drop of cum I offered him. Sexy. As. Fuck.

  If he could have me soaring like this before I even got him undressed, or heck, even had my hands on him, what was he going to do to me by dawn?

  I pulled him up, needing, in some weird primal way, to kiss him, to taste myself on him. He was quick to comply, his lips owning mine. He might pretend I was in charge, allowing me to show my desire with my actions, but there was no fooling me. This man was in control of all things tonight, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

  My lust amped up as he crawled up my body and settled between my thighs, his erection pressing against me through his pants, letting me know exactly what I was doing to him, how I was turning him on. Our kiss was not as desperate as before, but it was no less raw and passionate.

  “You. Are. Amazing,” he spoke between kisses as he made his way down my neck.

  “I think that’s supposed to be my line.” I only half teased. It really should’ve been. I couldn’t wait to see what he was going to be able to do with his cock, which, by the feel of it, was something to be proud of, not that mine was anything to be embarrassed by.

  “Up.” He tapped my shoulder, and I complied. The anticipation over what he was going to do had me buzzing, even if I was unsure where he was going with the sitting-up piece. It turned out it was for a very heated and mind-melting kiss before he stood up from the bed and lowered me down.

  I reached to my side for the button of his slacks, needing him to be as naked as I.

  “Patience, love. Patience.”

  Patience was not something I was feeling.

  Chapter Eight


  I had been torn between drawing Michael’s first orgasm from him with my mouth on his dick or with my fingers plunged into his entrance, but the ecstasy of swallowing his gasps of pleasure, of seeing his eyes glaze over as he rose, crested, and fell under my control, the intimacy of that sight won out.

  I stopped him as he reached to undress me. We had the whole night ahead, and if there was one thing this man was going to learn by morning—well, there were two things he would learn. The first was that I was in charge, always. I might let him play, but when it came to business and the bedroom, I pulled the final strings. The second, but no less important, was that he was the sexiest man in the world.

  But the sight before me was better than that little fantasy. After removing his shirt completely, he lay on the bed, his lips glossy, eyes half-lidded with satisfaction, chest heaving in the aftermath of his ecstasy.

  I took my time arranging him. His stare followed me as I circled the bed. Porter drew his hands above his head which revealed the muscles of his abs more, their lines begging for my attention. I pressed his wrists lightly to the bed and whispered, “Don’t move these. You are chained by my will.”

  He nodded, and I returned to his legs, spreading them as wide as I thought he could comfortably stretch. Then I pressed his ankles apart, whispering the same thing. “You are chained by my will.” How very much I wished I’d brought some ropes to play with for the night. He’d look amazing wearing my knots as he took my knot.

  And now I had full access to his slick entrance so very much waiting for me. His scent, cinnamon and clove, had me harder than I’d ever been. Dare I dream he felt the same pull? The first frenzied stage of the evening had passed, and although my cock was growing ever harder, uncomfortably so, it would be beyond worth it. There was something about this man.

  “You’re used to knowing what is going to happen next,” I told him, and if I’d thought he needed to know and wasn’t all-in, I’d have told him my itinerary without hesitation. But he didn’t want to know. Not really. “You make plans. You follow them. You rarely deviate, unless some immovable force makes you.” I picked my tie up from where it had fallen on the floor and circled the side of the bed to blindfold him. I bound it firmly, to shut out light. The merest tug would remove it. It was only an aid. The thing that bound my sexy Michael tonight wasn’t chains or ties, it was my desire—both his and mine.

  “Tonight, I am the immovable force, and you may have had a plan, but I promise, what I have in store for you is infinitely better.”

  He trembled at my words, and I saw his ass clench, his hips thrust upward. But he was amazing—his hands and ankles stayed as firmly as if I had locked them down.

  I couldn’t stand it anymore. I had to taste his nipples, wishing we had time to explore their sensitivity, to see how much pressure was enough to have his cock bouncing and if he preferred nibbles to pinches or possibly even sucking. But first, I licked a finger and drew a line across each nipple. Michael’s trembles intensified, his nipples hardening into tight nubs, and I wondered if I could make him come with just a few light touches and my words. I wasn’t patient enough for that, though. Not tonight. Why did he have to live here? I wondered briefly if I could convince him to accept my job offer, but that was ridiculous. Pressing him after sex would make it seem like I was offering to make him my paid booty call. No, that window had closed, and I needed to focus on the moments we had together, however brief they might be.

  I slid off my pants and boxers, noticing his head turn toward the sound. Then I crawled over his body, pressing my burning erection against his soft skin, and I did what I’d been wanting to do since he first lay down shirtless; I traced the planes of his chest with my tongue. Michael gasped, and his hips bucked.

  “I need you in me.” He whispered his plea.

tience, love,” I reminded him. “I want to hear your words, but I will not be rushed. Tell me how you feel, and I will give you what you need. It may not be what you want, however.”

  “I feel...dizzy. And...desired. Your cock is so hard and hot, I can scarcely think of anything else.”

  “You’ll have it where you want it soon enough.” I thrust my hips back and forth a few times, the friction sending tiny shocks of lighting to my toes and fingers. “You are absolutely perfect,” I told him. “I could spend a lifetime trying to design the perfect man, and he would still fall short of you.”

  I tilted my hips so that I could rub my cock against his tight ring of muscle. How I longed to thrust inside him, filling him completely, but I needed this to last, this night to last.

  “Porter! Oh, Porter! Don’t stop.”

  “There’s nothing in the world that could stop me from pleasing you right now,” I promised.

  He was so slick and so ready. I kept one hand on his wrists and used the other to support my weight as I drew my tongue down his body, drawing circles and zigzags, nibbling where his body called to be nibbled, my earlier taste far from enough. It was like his body spoke a sensuous language I had known all my life and only now had found someone to communicate with. I finally drew all the way down, my body sliding off of him, kneeling before him once more.

  I took my time exploring him, teasing and fingering so I could see all of him. I felt his legs tense, too, under my scrutiny, and I placed my hands on his thighs, reminding him who was in charge as I whispered, “You are so beautiful, like a rose. Your scent is absolutely intoxicating, and your taste…” I leaned forward to take him in deeply once more, savoring him. “You taste of dewy summer mornings and wild strawberries.” Having committed the sight to memory, I licked a circle around the base of his shaft but didn’t pull him in. I teased his balls with my lips, sucking and grazing with my teeth, circling within his entrance, delving my tongue as deep as it would go. I licked long stripes from the edge of his entrance over his balls and then down again.


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