The Finest Line

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The Finest Line Page 17

by Catherine Taylor

  Miranda provided her with some pyjamas and suggested that she enjoy a long soak in the bath which sounded wonderful to her. Amiri completely ignored her protests as he changed his bedding and put a pillow and blanket on the couch for himself.

  “Don’t be on the couch when I get home Mairead,” He warned. “Or I will just pick you up and throw you into my bed anyway. So save us both a hassle.”

  After they were gone, Mairead was alone again in an unfamiliar room with just the demons in her head to keep her company. There wasn’t even any housework to do as Amiri was a compulsive cleaner as Miranda had explained to her.

  “He never leaves the building by day and only leaves the apartment to go down to the car park, and so he cleans and cleans and then cleans some more.”

  Mairead was beginning to think he had the right idea. She would have loved to shut herself up in some room and never have to face the world again. It was far too cruel and she didn’t know how to play the game like everyone else.

  She had no career direction, or any real desire to work in some normal job. She had never been financially independent or ever had to make her own way. She had been cared for and pampered and loved and would have been very content to continue that lifestyle.

  Now she didn’t even have James who made her feel safe and loved and gave her the only semblance of power she possessed. In a way, maybe it was better ended. After all the sex and love and punishment had run their course what else did she have to offer him?

  She could never be an equally independent partner in a relationship, contributing to their income. She could probably give him a bunch of kids if he wanted them but she would probably make a lousy mother and she had no desire to find out any time soon. It reminded her that she seriously had to get to the family planning clinic tomorrow and get some contraception.

  That distraction only lasted a moment and her thoughts were back to James. She wondered what he was doing, if he was going out of his mind with worry. How she hated to hurt him but the more she thought about their lives together, the more she realised she was doing him a kindness.

  That still didn’t stop it from hurting and the pain was becoming unbearable. In her despair she cried out for him but no answer came. She shouted to the gods to give her another chance, to give her one more attempt to get it right if they would only let them be together. Even if he was just still in her life as he had always been but how could he stay after this?

  He would be gone and life would hold nothing for her. The scream that had simmered all day found release and continued long and loud until it was lost in her hysterical grief.

  An hour later Mairead still lay on the floor but her crying had become a series of quick inward breaths and long exhales. Her thoughts were dark but she was exhausted from despair. Her life was over. She could probably end it on the pavement four storeys below but the last thing she wanted was to cause anyone else any further pain.

  She had her visit to Mark Lewis to endure yet and maybe that would bring resolution. She had no fear of whatever he had planned for her and no doubt that he meant to get what he had paid for. Maybe he would kill her when he found out that she was no longer a virgin. The thought didn’t bother her. When she tried to feel reviled by whatever he might do to her, she could not feel it. She just didn’t care.

  For the past several minutes she had been aware that her pyjama bottoms were wet and she eventually managed to sit up and investigate. Seeing the dark stain blooming out from the crutch, and the blood on the floor, made Mairead laugh and said, “Hope you’re not squeamish Mark.”

  Reluctantly she got to her feet and went to the bathroom. A quick search unearthed some tampons, a towel and face cloth. She had no enthusiasm to run a bath and was content to stand under the shower and wash away her tears and blood.

  After soaking her underwear and pyjama bottoms in the laundry, she rifled through Amiri’s chest of drawers and found a pair of old tracksuit pants. They looked like they had been folded for a long time and she hoped that weren’t favourites.

  She needed some noise and the television got her full attention though she wasn’t sure what she was watching. She turned the volume up louder when the knocking came at the door, knowing there was no one she wanted to see on the other side. Yet at its insistence Mairead got up and readied herself for whoever might be standing there.

  Kylie had been ready to launch a tirade of anger, but one look at the shell of her friend caused her to change tactics quickly. She followed Mairead into the lounge room and watched as she sank back into her chair.

  “How did you find me... let me guess, Miranda?” Mairead yawned and curled up.

  “It wasn’t that hard,” Kylie sighed and sat down. “You leave a note on my door. Miranda cancels our coffee date. James turns up, looking like an irate zombie.”

  Mairead looked up. “James came round?”

  “What did you expect?” A little anger had entered Kylie’s voice. “You disappear from the city. He goes out of his head. Fuck you Mairead, his eyes were red. He’d been crying and I had to show him that fucking piece of shit that you wrote.”

  Mairead hung her head but there were just no tears left. “I’m sorry.”

  “I don’t want your fucking apology,” Kylie could no longer contain herself. “I just need to know what fucking happened.”

  Mairead shrugged. “I don’t love him. He’s a control freak. Took me a while but when I got back to his place I realised that I just wasn’t in to him.”

  “So you had to do the fucking dramatic disappearing act,” Kylie was livid. “You couldn’t just tell him and put the poor bastard out of his misery.”

  Kylie’s words were stinging but somehow they didn’t have the impact that they would have had a day ago. She remained stony faced and asked casually, “So what did he say?”

  “He’d been trying to ring me but my phone was switched off, until I found that note. I couldn’t tell him that shit over the phone and told him to come over.” Kylie seemed that she was on the verge of tears herself. “He had this look on his face, relief I think it was, until I gave him the note. He just nodded then and told me he would send your things over in a few days.”

  Mairead listened, her face unchanged. “Better this way.”

  Kylie stared at her incredulously. “Mairead, I don’t know what is going on in your head but I’m sure going to fucking find out. Get your stuff and let’s go.”

  “No,” Mairead shook her head slowly. “I’m poison Kylie. Whatever I touch turns to misery. I’m leaving here on Thursday and going to try hard not to fuck up Miranda and her friends somehow. Just put my shit outside your door and I’ll pick it up but I’m not going to take a chance of doing anything more hurtful to you.”

  Kylie got up and knelt down in front of Mairead, grasping her hands. “I love you and you are not going to push me away and don’t even think about trying to insult me or any shit like that to get rid of me, because I’m not buying it.”

  Mairead smiled. “If you love me then let me just stay here until Thursday and I’ll come see you then after work. Amiri is teaching me pole dancing and I don’t have to be alone during the day.”

  Kylie sighed and she grinned sadly. “Commonwealth gymnast turned pole dancer. The media is going to have a field day with that one but you couldn’t ask for a better trainer. Damn that boy is fine.”

  Her friend was back to normal and Mairead relished in the small mercy. Kylie didn’t push her for anymore information and was content to talk about everything except James. When she left well after midnight, Mairead was ready to sleep and only too happy to crawl into Amiri’s bed.


  As comfortable as it was, the night brought unpleasant dreams and the terror of waking up not knowing where she was. Her hands searched the bed desperately, looking for James’ body but she was alone and soon she remembered why. The knowledge only fuelled her terror and Mairead curled up and laid very still waiting for the sun to come back.

; When the room became visible in the early light, Mairead quietly headed for the bathroom. She could hear Amiri on the couch snoring softly but all else was silent. The harsh fluorescent revealed her tired face and massive bruises to her neck, and abdomen where she had been slammed against the waste bin. They were a stark reminder of what the next day had in store.

  After she had washed and hidden her battle scars behind plenty of make-up, she pulled on her jeans without underwear, a fragile smile creasing her mouth as she still felt some tenderness in her behind. Her thoughts quickly switched to the list of tasks that had to be completed, with buying underwear and tampons at the top.

  The morning rushed by with a good deal of it spent at the family planning clinic. She was pleased to learn that the contraceptive injection would be effective immediately because of the start of her cycle. Whatever Mark Lewis did to her, at least she would not be invaded by his progeny.

  When Mairead returned to the apartment after lunch she was bombarded by the trio. “We thought you were gone,” Miranda explained, her concerned face mirrored by the others.

  Mairead sighed. “I had some things to do.” She shook her head and looked at her friends. “I don’t want people to worry about me.”

  Amiri smirked. “Sweetie, you have bruises on you. We all saw them yesterday and we’re not going to ask why but don’t tell us not to worry.”

  His remark was reinforced by Diana. “All three of us have had bruises at one time or another and we know how it works Mairead. You don’t have to talk about it and we won’t ask but we will be here for you.”

  Tears spilt over and Mairead hung her head and nodded, instantly receiving a group hug. She looked up at Amiri and before she spoke he interjected.

  “I know, I know, the pole.”

  Mairead enjoyed a long solid workout. Her dismal thoughts were pushed out temporarily and she focussed on Amiri’s instruction.

  He was unlike any trainer she had ever had. Whenever she found herself mentally kicking him in the crotch, Amiri had an equally forceful kick up the arse. He could match any verbal abuse she dished out and she would strive to do everything he asked of her, just to stick it in his face.

  When the night came, Mairead was aching and exhausted. She couldn’t remember having worked out so intensely in all her life. Falling into bed, she groaned as she rolled the covers over herself and closed her eyes. They did not open again until well into the next morning.

  She startled when she saw the time on Amiri’s clock. She had only one hour until she had to be at the hotel where Lewis was staying but it would be enough. She had found out where the hotel was and she had no plans to apply her make up with any great enthusiasm. Her jeans got their third day of wear with a plain t-shirt that she had purchased. Her hair was given a brush and sunglasses and cap were employed.

  She stripped Amiri’s bed and gathered her things before quietly heading out the door. She longed to say goodbye to everyone and thank them but it would have been far too emotional and right now she was drawing on the strange resignation that had settled in her.

  As she walked along the streets Mairead examined what she was feeling. It was as if everything had been dulled down inside. There were no nerves, no fear, only acceptance. Losing James had been the greatest agony of her life. Anything Mark had to dish out would surely pale in comparison.

  The foyer of the Grand Vista Hotel was impressive with its marbled floors, brass trimmings and chandeliers. Mairead felt slightly under dressed as she approached reception but she was greeted warmly by the concierge.

  “Welcome to the Grand Vista, Miss Kavanagh. Mr. Lewis is waiting for you in the cocktail bar.” He smiled and indicated her destination.

  Mairead was surprised that he was expecting her and further intrigued when she received a similar greeting from the front of house host. The bar was sparsely populated but she was cursing her choice of clothing as she attracted some stares.

  Mark was sitting in a half circle booth and he rose as she approached with the host. His thin smile was as sharp as his eyes as he gazed at her. “Mairead, I am glad that you could come. You look positively... homely.”

  Mairead sat down and smirked. “I would have dressed up but I didn’t think my clothes were staying on for long.”

  The host shifted uncomfortably and quickly asked. “Could I get you a drink Miss Kavanagh?”

  “Double scotch on the rocks,” she replied curtly.

  When the host was gone, Lewis grinned. “I am pleased to see you are in a celebratory mood Mairead.”

  “Nothing excites me more than getting fucked by a scumbag.” Mairead smiled. “Oh and I got my period last night so I’m bleeding like a stuck pig. I hope that’s a turn on for you.”

  Lewis’s face darkened. “You really are a dirty little slut aren’t you? But it doesn’t matter. I plan to have all the time in the world to fuck you.”

  Mairead frowned. “I’m going home in a few days so this disgusting business will be concluded by then and...”

  “This business will be concluded when I say so.” Lewis leaned towards her. “Have you forgotten that you owe me more than just your body? My silence has been added to your list of debts.”

  Mairead met his glare. “Do I want you to tell the world that I caused Josh’s death?” She shook her head. “But I can’t stop you from telling anyone. Am I supposed to be at your beck and call for the rest of my life?”

  “You won’t have a life if I tell and I’ve got more than one story to share.” He was grinning broadly, loving his power over her. “If they see my little video, the media will destroy you and I dare say that your father will be a casualty too. Who wants to vote for the man whose daughter auctions her virginity and causes a man to die?”

  Up until then, Mairead had not even thought of her father. All her despair had been for James but the weight of her crimes was far heavier than she had imagined. Mark was right and Mairead knew it. Whatever she felt about her own life, she had her father’s to consider as well.

  Mark had all the control and she was beginning to feel her vulnerability. “What do you want?”

  He smiled. “What would any man want near you Mairead? Despite your revolting mouth, you are still a feast for the eyes and probably the most exciting woman I’ve ever met. I imagine you would fuck like a whore once your cunt was fired up. You actually would make the perfect wife.”

  Mairead laughed bitterly. “Maybe you should marry me.”

  His smile grew wider. “I am going to marry you Mairead. In fact we’re going to announce our engagement today.”

  “You’re fucking insane.” Mairead was waiting for the punch line.

  “You are quite within your rights to refuse me,” Mark nodded. “But let me explain something. In two hours there are going to be reporters coming up to my penthouse with the expectation of an exciting development.”

  Mairead felt cold. “You can’t be serious.”

  His hand went to his coat’s inner pocket and brought out a small box. “They’ll either hear of our whirlwind romance in Australia or something a lot more vile and sad, and don’t worry Mairead you won’t have to love and honour me but you will have to fucking obey.”

  The nightmare just kept getting worse.

  “Why the fuck would you want to marry me? This is fucking madness.”

  Mark glared at her, his mouth turned up in a cruel smile. “Call it anything you like, but make your choice.”

  He opened the box and she was sadly amused by how pretty the ring was. One large sparkling diamond was nestled between two smaller ones in a band of white gold.

  “Why can’t you just fuck me like any other psychopath would?”

  Mark smiled, “Because I have a feeling that once with you will never be enough.” The smile was replaced with his cruel glare. “Choose Mairead, me or the media.”

  Never had two choices been so terrible. Either way her life was over, but only one way meant that others did not have to suffer. Slowly she stretched out her ha


  Mairead was staring at the sparkling stone on her finger as she rode up in the elevator with Mark.

  He watched her study it, “It’s real if that’s what you’re wondering.”

  “Wouldn’t a fake one have suited our relationship a little better?” Mairead asked dryly.

  Mark turned and looked at her inquisitively. “What happened to the sweet little virgin, wide eyed with terror as I ripped her panties off?”

  “She sobered up.” Mairead glared at him.

  The elevator doors opened to a small lobby with a large door across from them. Mark opened it and stepped aside to allow Mairead to enter. She stepped into a massive white room with polished parquetry floor. The windows gave extensive views of the city and the furnishings screamed with expense.


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