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The Finest Line

Page 22

by Catherine Taylor

  Mark was out and she laid on the lounge and wallowed in her gloom. She was beginning to drift off when there was a quiet knock. Sighing, she went to open the door and found herself swept into a crushing hug.

  “Daddy,” Mairead held onto him long after the initial embrace and tears poured down her face. When she was finally able to release him, she saw that he was equally moved.

  “You came early,” she managed to say.

  Sean nodded, his half smile showing concern. “Are you alright, sweetheart?”

  She knew it was time to put her dismal thoughts away and be the excited girl who had just become happily engaged. “I’m wonderful daddy. Actually I’m totally exhausted. There’s been so much to do to get ready for tonight. I’m so glad you came. Mark wanted to be here when you arrived.”

  “I caught an early plane,” His mood had not changed. “I had hoped to see you alone.”

  She led him to the lounge and sat down next to him. “I know it’s been sudden Daddy, and I know that you’re worried but honestly, I’ve never been happier. Mark is so good to me and we’re going to have an incredible life together.”

  “In Australia,” Sean sighed and shook his head, his face becoming even more serious. “Mairead, listen to me. I love you and there is nothing you could ever do that would change that.”

  His words unsettled her and her pretence of happiness was threatening to crumble. Jumping up she headed to the kitchenette. “I love you too Dad, so much so that I bought your favourite coffee and those cookies you love.”

  He would not be swayed. “The only thing I want from you Mairead is your happiness and I’ll do anything to ensure it.”

  She returned his sober expression. “Then let me marry Mark with your blessing.”

  He did not get a chance to answer as Mark came through the door, his face registering surprise to see Sean, who rose from the lounge.

  “Mr. Kavanagh,” Mark smiled and shook hands with him. “We were expecting you a little later.” He shot a look at Mairead and then added, “Very delighted to meet you Sir.”

  Mairead watched nervously as her father looked at Mark and breathed a little easier when he grinned, “I’m full of surprises Mark, and always a little wary of anyone who wants to marry my daughter.”

  “I can understand that Sir,” Mark seemed a little amused. “I trust Mairead has assured you of our happiness.”

  Sean nodded. “She has and you both have my blessing.”

  Mairead watched with relief and a little surprise as they settled into conversation. There was also a little sadness to see her father’s acceptance of the situation. He had been her protector all her life and had only ever trusted James to assist him in this role.

  Now he was surrendering her to Mark and she couldn’t help feel that this was the result of the years of trouble she had caused him. Sean Kavanagh was finally free from his duty to her and probably a little relieved. She didn’t blame him for a moment.

  Her father excused himself late in the afternoon, “I have a little work to do and hopefully I’ll get some rest before your party.”

  He had just shook Mark’s hand and was hugging Mairead when the elevator doors opened and a tall fair-haired man stepped out. He was about the same age as her father but with a much sterner face and his shirt outlined a surprisingly muscled body. He stopped when he saw Sean.

  Mairead felt her father stiffen before holding his hand out. “Richard, it seems we are meeting again under more favourable circumstances.”

  Richard Lewis accepted the handshake and smiled. “Always a pleasure Sean and I’m relieved to see that this lovely young woman has obviously inherited her mother’s features.”

  Sean laughed, “Something that we can agree upon and the son appears a lot more affable than the father.”

  It was Richard’s turn to laugh. “He does have a few flaws, but he’s learning and I certainly can’t fault his choice of wife.”

  Richard took Mairead’s hand as she politely held it out, his eyes studying her face, “Wonderful to meet you Mairead.”

  Mairead managed to smile shyly, though she felt very discomfited by his presence, “You too Sir.”

  She hoped her father would change his mind and stay but Sean was already politely excusing himself.

  She kissed him one more time and watched the elevator doors close on him, leaving her alone with Richard. He was looking at her intently and she was relieved when Mark came out.

  “Dad,” he seemed surprised to see him. “I didn’t think we would see you until later.”

  Richard’s eyes never left her even when he replied. “You never told me what a pretty girl you were taking for a wife.”

  Mark smiled thinly. “I thought I would surprise you.”

  Richard eyed him. “Shall we go inside?”

  Mairead sat close to Mark while he talked to Richard and was uncomfortably aware of the father’s attention, his eyes scanning her from head to foot.

  “I don’t understand why you are going back to Australia,” his disapproval was evident. “This place is ripe for development.”

  Mark even seemed a little uneasy. “I know Dad, but you’ll need efficient management of your properties in Australia and I believe that I am now in a position to achieve that.”

  Richard smirked humorously, “Easy Mark, easy. The ring is not on her finger yet but I might consider your proposal as a wedding gift.”

  His attention switched again to Mairead. “Why is she dressed like that? Surely your use of my wealth can afford a decent wardrobe for your fiancée?”

  “Go and put your dress back on” Mark commanded her quietly.

  Mairead was reluctant. “I’ll be getting ready for the party later anyway. Might as well stay like this for now.”

  His face became as ferocious as his voice, “Change your fucking clothes.”

  Richard laughed and got up, holding his hand out to Mairead who was trembling from Mark’s attack. “He’s always had a temper Mairead and it is best not to incite him.”

  When she did not offer her hand he took it and pulled her up. “Show me where your dress is and I’ll help you get changed.”

  She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Tears spilt over as she looked down at Mark pleadingly but his stony expression told her she could expect no help. Instead he stood up and squared up to his father.

  “I haven’t fucked her yet so you don’t get to either. Remember that.”

  Richard grinned and nodded. “Unlike you Mark, I’m a patient man.” His other hand gripped her bicep tightly and Mairead was pushed towards the bedroom.


  Her feet and calves were burning as Mairead slowly sat down into the steaming bath. The scalding heat bit into her flesh painfully and reluctantly she turned on the cold tap to let it run a little until it was just barely possible to stay in.

  The pain released the tears that had only fallen intermittently up until then. Hopefully it would remove the lingering sensation of Richard’s hands upon her body.

  Thankfully the assault had been limited to his inspection of her body with eyes and fingers. When he had pulled her against him to cup her breasts in his hand and breathe his foul breath into her ear, she had become aware of the bulge in his trousers and prayed desperately that she would not have to relieve him.

  For once the gods had listened but not before he had become acquainted with every contour and crevice of her body. She was unsure what sickened her most, his touch or Mark standing there watching him. Maybe if he hadn’t been there she would have fought back but something, survival maybe, had told her to endure silently. The enormity of his strength was unexpected and frightening.

  The bathroom door opened and Mark stepped inside. She couldn’t look at him even when he spoke her name. He came up to the bath and dipped his fingers into the water, withdrawing them quickly.

  “For fuck’s sake Mairead,” He took her arm and hauled her out before pulling her to the shower and turning the dial to cold
. As he forced her under, Mairead screamed as the icy water touched her burning flesh. When she tried to escape, Mark got in with her fully dressed and held her.

  After several minutes he pulled her out and looked at her skin. The redness had faded to a soft pink. Mark let her go and sat down on the edge of the bath. He hung his head and Mairead realised that he was almost crying.

  “Stop fucking hurting yourself,” He pleaded through gritted teeth.

  Mairead looked down at him, “Why Mark? Is that an exclusive task for you and your father?”

  He breathed deeply and managed to look at her. “I’ll never let that happen again.”

  She imagined herself pushing him back into the bath, holding him down somehow, but the thought quickly disgusted her. She took her robe from the hook and slipped into it. “I need a drink.”

  Mark nodded and got up, “Yeah me too.”

  Curled up on the lounge, she watched Mark emerge from the bathroom in a similar robe to her own. He went straight to the drink cabinet and poured two glasses of scotch with ice.

  “Drink that down and I’ll get us another.” He tipped his own down his throat and Mairead did likewise.

  The second round was put on the table and Mark sat down next to her.

  “I hate the prick,” he said quietly. “My mother did too and had the sense to leave him even though it cost us both the price of seeing each other for many years. I hated her for leaving me, but you begin to understand a lot when you get older.”

  “He’s a fucking monster,” Mairead snatched up her drink and drained the contents. “And you... you did nothing to help me. You let that fucking arsehole put his hands all over me.”

  “Because I couldn’t have stopped him,” Mark yelled his defence. “I tried once years ago and he beat the fucking shit out of me.”

  As if he could read her thoughts, Mark looked at her. “Contrary to what you think, I’m nothing like him. He’s in a whole new sub species of his own.”

  Mairead smiled grimly. “And I get to be the meat between the two of you. Life just keeps getting better.”

  “I have ways to stop him,” Mark said quietly. “I just didn’t want to have to use them yet. He’s a means to an end and I’ve let him treat me like shit all my life because it’s the only way I’m going to be free of him. As soon as he signs over his Australian developments to me, I can put him out of my life forever.”

  She could summon no empathy. “What does that mean for me?”

  “Just stay out of his way,” he was angry again. “I’m going to talk to him, maybe let him know I’m not as powerless as he believes.”

  “Yeah good luck with that,” Mairead held out her glass to him, “A little more anaesthesia please.”

  Mark grinned. “I’ve got something better than that.”

  “Bring it on,” Mairead shrugged. “If it can make me forget your father for a little while, I’ll try anything.”

  Mark got up and disappeared to the bedroom. When he came out he began clearing the presents from the glass top table. Mairead watched fascinated as he used a credit card to scrape some pearly white powder into thin lines.

  “I’m not going to become some drug addict, am I?” Mairead was feeling a little apprehensive.

  Mark laughed. “Not at the price of this shit. This is a special occasion.” With that he leaned down and put a thin tube into one nostril whilst he held the other and sniffed a line into his nose.

  Mairead giggled as she watched him sit up and pull a few faces. “Is this going to hurt?”

  “Might feel a little burn but it won’t last long,” He held the tube out for her.

  She took it and stared at it, smiling to herself as she imagined how angry James would be if he saw her now and even what he might do to her. It was a far better thought than the memory of how he had last looked at her when he had walked away in the car park.

  Just another stinking memory to wipe away and she leaned down and imitated what Mark had done. For several seconds her nose burnt savagely and she wiped at it furiously to ease the pain. It soon settled and she began to feel surprisingly calm.

  Grinning she looked at Mark, “Wow that really does the job doesn’t it?”

  He was also grinning. “Oh yes.” He reached out slowly and this time she reluctantly allowed him to take her hand. “Can we start again? I promise you I have the means to stop my father from ever touching you again.”

  Mairead shrugged, “Yeah whatever and besides, I have a thousand dollar dress sitting in your wardrobe which I’m quite looking forward to wearing.”

  “You’re going to look beautiful,” Mark moved closer to her and inclined his head to kiss her but she drew back.

  She laughed. “Not nearly enough drugs in this system yet Mark. You’re going to have to work fucking hard to help me forget that you’re nearly as big an arsehole as your old man.”

  She was surprised by her own brazen attitude and was a little relieved when Mark laughed. “Fair enough, hopefully this will be a good start.”

  From the large pocket of his robe he drew out a flat box and handed it to her. Still grinning, she took it and looked at it before looking back to Mark. “Is this going to be disgustingly expensive and exquisitely perfect?”

  Mark nodded and she laughed, “It better be.”

  Opening the box, she gasped as she looked upon the fine silver chain, set with small pearls every couple of inches and with diamond encrusted leaves in between. Above it was a pair of matching pearl and diamond earrings.

  “Yeah not bad,” Mairead shut the box and got up. “I might let you put it on me when I’m dressed but for now I need a shower, a warm one and all on my own.”

  Whatever Mark had given her seemed to work. She felt energetic and motivated enough to give herself a thorough regime of cleansing, moisturising and toning. Her make-up was laid out for application like the instruments of a surgical tray. She worked on her make-up slowly and methodically.

  Her concentration and the quiet of the bathroom soon had her mind wandering. Images of so many terrible events kept flashing into her thoughts. The worst of them was James walking away after his look of disgust had wounded her so badly. He had seen past her beauty into her soul, the very nature of the beast.

  She worked to cover the ugliness she felt inside. When she was done she stared at the stunning result but felt no better. It didn’t matter now. Soon she would be far away from all the decent people in her life and could harm them no longer.

  On her way to the bedroom she stopped when she saw Mark standing in the lounge doing up the cufflink on his shirt. He was dressed in a black tuxedo with a grey tie. His hair was neatly styled and he had shaved the stubble from his chin, though the thin line of fair hair remained above his lip.

  He looked up and saw her staring at him and grinned. “Will I do?”

  Mairead smirked, “Not that I have a choice but yes, you look really... tidy.”

  “You’re a hard woman to please Mairead,” He laughed. “But I’ll certainly give it my best effort, especially tonight.”

  His innuendo made her groan and hurried her onto the bedroom where she could give her attention to her dress. Taking it from the wardrobe she draped it upon the bed where she could love it all over again.

  The baby blue organza and taffeta was decorated on the sweetheart neckline by silver embroidery and pearls which swirled across the strapless bodice and snaked down to the waist. With a layer of tulle, the skirt was full and short.

  Stripping her robe off, she carefully stepped into it and pulled the bodice up and over, swelling her breasts as it cupped them tightly. Strapping on a pair of high heeled silver shoes, Mairead inspected herself in the mirror and liked what she saw. Her legs looked long and were well displayed with the skirt barely reaching mid thigh.

  For the night, straight hair was out and she used a curling iron and volumes of hairspray to achieve a fullness of shiny spirals. She was disturbed by a knock on the bedroom door.

  “What?” Ma
iread tousled her hair into place as Mark entered. He stood and looked at her reflection until she turned and faced him. His expression told her that she had obviously done well.

  “You like?” Mairead grinned.

  Mark nodded. “Enough to lock this bedroom door and forget there even is a party.”

  “Like hell,” Mairead scoffed. “I didn’t spend three hours on this so you could rip it off. And you’re certainly not getting out of giving me that jewellery so close your mouth and open the box.”

  Laughing, Mark took the chain from its cushion and Mairead gathered her hair up so he could put it around her neck. She took the earrings and put them in.


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