The Finest Line

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The Finest Line Page 24

by Catherine Taylor

  The air became sweet and dark and cold. She breathed in deeply and giggled as cool air caressed her buttocks. How silly to forget your knickers. Hopefully the ogre wasn’t peeking. He did seem preoccupied with trying to sit her down into an annoying bright light.

  Mairead said goodbye to the ogre as she shut the door. He ignored her. But at least the light was gone.

  Someone was talking to her and Mairead groaned loudly when she looked at Richard Lewis sitting next to her. “You are not a nice man... In fact I would almost have to say that you’re a fucking wanker.”

  Richard grinned, “Well just for you, I’m going to make a very special effort to be nice.” He ran his hand softly along her thigh.

  She giggled at first but then felt a little upset. Something wasn’t right. “I’m having a party and I want to go back.”

  He continued to stroke her. “We’re going to have a little party of our own first and then I’ll return you safe and sound.”

  She wasn’t convinced but another party sounded kind of fun and maybe she could have a nap on the way, “Alright but not too long.” The limousine was certainly comfortable and roomy and she was content to shut her eyes and lean against the horrible man.

  She giggled just before she shut her eyes. The ogre was driving the car.


  Several times during the night, Mairead dreamt of James, of being in his arms and subject to his touch. They were dreams that retained their clarity with her fleeting periods of wakefulness and lulled her back into deep peaceful sleep. As the waking moments became more frequent and lasted longer, darker thoughts were invading her mind.

  One nightmare was persistent and frightening. Her body was held captive under the weight of Richard Lewis. His fingers were kneading her breast while his mouth was trying to assault her own. She was void of any power to rid herself of him and then suddenly they were both being thrown about violently.

  She was being hauled into a cold night by some black faceless creature. Only its dark eyes could be seen as they stared down at her. Gazing into them, she didn’t feel afraid.

  It seemed that everyone she knew was all around her, laughing and dancing. She had been at a party, her engagement to Mark.

  Mairead bolted upright. Where the hell was she? Her panicked survey quickly revealed a small unfamiliar room dimly lit by a small lamp on a bedside cabinet. There was a chest of drawers on one wall, a recliner chair in a corner and the strange bed that she sat naked in. The faint smell of some flowery odour lingered in the air.

  There was a window behind her and she knelt, leaning on the headboard to look out, drawing a heavy velvet curtain aside. Daylight flooded in, temporarily blinding her and she took a few moments to focus.

  There was a paved courtyard bordered with flowers growing in white stone pots but beyond that in the distance the base of a green rolling hill was being assaulted by the swell of the ocean.

  She wanted to leap from the bed but she forced herself to stay still and focus. The window could not be opened but there was a closed door.

  Whatever was on the other side could wait. For now she was safe, with no apparent injuries except a splitting headache.

  She wondered what the room itself could tell her. Pulling the top sheet from her bed, she made a toga for herself and quietly began to investigate. Her clothes were nowhere to be seen and she hoped her pretty dress was not lost forever.

  Every drawer was searched but they were all empty. There was nothing in the low gap under the bed and there was no where else to look. Although she was hesitant to approach the door, she knew it was her last option to get some idea of what this nightmare was about.

  Maybe if she just listened some voice might be heard that might be recognisable but even with her ear to the door she could hear nothing. Slowly her hand turned the handle but it suddenly rotated faster than she was turning.

  As it swung open, Mairead scrambled desperately to escape, tripping over the sheet and still clutching it to her while she crawled and slid behind the recliner.

  She had never known such fear. Trembling and unable to see, she waited to be dragged from her refuge but for a moment nothing happened.

  “Mairead, it’s alright, it’s just me.”

  Mairead began to weep, as she recognised the calm deep tone of ‘just me’ to be the voice of James. She couldn’t move and sat trembling as he gently moved the chair and knelt down next to her.

  She couldn’t look at him for fear that he may just vanish if she did. Only when she felt his hand upon hers could she begin to believe that he was real.

  His face was full of concern. “Let me get you back into bed.”

  He waited until she nodded her consent before gathering her up in his arms.

  With her head still bowed she buried it into his shoulder, still not being able to look at his face, her arms clutching his neck. She reluctantly let go as he set her down. She kept her eyes averted as she lay down on her side and let James cover her up.

  Only when he crouched down to face level did she feel unable to avoid his gaze.

  He smiled softly. “Are you alright?”

  She nodded and started to cry again.

  “You don’t look alright,” James reached out and felt her head. “Just lie still. I’m going to get you some water and some more medication.”

  The minutes that he was gone seemed to last forever and Mairead feared he would not return. The sound of his stride back in the room was wonderful to her ears.

  She watched as a bottle of water and some foil packets were placed on the bedside cabinet. Her head was hurting as she tried to sit up, holding the sheet to cover herself.

  James handed her the bottle of water. “Sip it slowly.”

  She was tempted to guzzle it back as the cool water refreshed her dry mouth. She waited for him to hand her the pills.

  James grinned awkwardly when he saw her look at them. “Not that kind of medication. They don’t go in your mouth.”

  As she grasped what he meant, Mairead’s face filled with horror but James spoke up quickly.

  “Before you start complaining, I’ve already administered several doses during the night.” He continued explaining as she opened her mouth. “I could barely get water into you. If I hadn’t had Vanessa with me, I would have taken you to the hospital. You threw up everywhere, you were burning up and I had to spoon feed you water...”

  He paused and she could see that he was trying to compose himself. She was humbled deeply and reached out to touch his arm.

  “It’s alright. Just do it”

  James sighed and took the foils removing two large oval tablets.

  Mairead winced inwardly. “They look too big to swallow anyway.”

  James grinned. “This was easier when you were half asleep.”

  He got her to lie on her side and curl up. Her embarrassment was quickly overcome as she felt his hands upon her body. Her arousal was instant and only grew stronger as he performed the very intimate procedure. As humiliating and uncomfortable as it was, she was almost sorry when he had finished and was covering her up again.

  “I’m just going to wash my hands,” James looked awkward again. “Not that I’m bothered... it’s just handling things... hygiene...”

  “Just wash your fucking hands James,” Mairead shook her head.

  He leant down to bring his face close to hers. “Don’t use profanity. In spite of what has occurred between us over the last several days, I will still quite happily tan your backside.”

  Mairead grinned when he had gone, comforted by his threat. He didn’t hate her and he still cared enough to discipline her. Maybe their friendship could be restored, even if their intimate relationship was beyond repair.

  During his absence a thousand questions flooded her mind and she was quite sure he had questions of his own but how did she want to answer them? Nothing had really changed as far as she was aware and yet everything had changed.

  He had held her and she never wante
d to be torn from his arms again, but if he knew what she had done to Josh, he might despise her and that would be even worse. That and with what she had done with Mark, some of it willingly, how could he ever feel the same about her? He might stay with her for pity’s sake but he would never love her as he once did.

  He had spoken so cruelly to her at the party. What had changed between then and now? The questions were piling up, as was the reality of her future.

  Here with James, her happiness knew no measure, but the very real prospect of being separated from him again was terrifying. It was torturous and her heart was overwrought with grief.

  James returned carrying a bowl of water, towel and facecloth and placed them on the cabinet. Mairead tried to calm herself as she sat up and took the facecloth from him.

  “Thank you,” Mairead pressed it against her face trying to force back the tears. Her face was still hidden when the first question tumbled out.

  “Why am I here?”

  She heard him sigh deeply as James sat down on the bed. “I brought you here... after I got you out of the car that you were in with Richard Lewis.”

  Her tortured mind snapped at the mention of that monster. What had he done to her? Mairead broke down in gasping sobs. James went to hold her but she fought to push him away, overcome with shame.

  “Mairead,” he was shouting at her above her struggles. “He didn’t touch you. I got you out five minutes after you got in the car.”

  He had to repeat his words until she was finally listening to him, and no longer fighting. When her body slumped against him, he relaxed his hold on her and stroked her hair. In time she stopped crying and sat staring down, seeing nothing but ugliness.

  “You’re wrong James,” she told him quietly, her heart beginning to steel itself for his rejection. “He did touch me. They both did in every part of my body. Short of fucking me, Mark has used me in everyway imaginable and I let him. I even managed to find some perverse enjoyment of what he was doing to me and once I actually instigated it myself.”

  James did not let go of her but she felt his grip tighten on her.

  He responded calmly. “I had no illusions of what would be happening Mairead, though I can’t help be a little relieved that you didn’t fuck him. Not that it would have changed anything. Contrary to what you believe, my feelings towards you remain completely unchanged”

  It was hard to hear and Mairead breathed tremulously with a fresh onslaught of tears.

  “That’s not even possible,” she shook her head incredulously. “You can’t be unaffected by what I did. I saw your face that night in the car park and then again last night. You hated me.”

  “What you saw was what you had to see, to keep you safe,” James turned her to look at him. “I didn’t believe for one minute that you loved that bastard, but you were with him for some fucked up reason. He had something on you and I couldn’t get you out until I knew what it was.”

  Mairead trembled as her heart grew icy. “You know what I did?”

  James looked at her, sighed and shook his head. “I know more than you think but no, I don’t know what could have been so bloody terrible that you could walk away from what we had shared into the arms of that arsehole.”

  She buckled under the pain she could see in his face. “But you got me out anyway.”

  “I had to,” James wiped his eye with the back of his hand. “The night in the car park, I saw those bruises on your back. If I hadn’t been so outnumbered I would have taken you there and then. Instead I had to wait for the first available opportunity.”

  Now was not the time to tell him that bruises on her back were self inflicted. “How did you know that Richard had taken me?”

  “Kylie rang me. When Miranda informed her of the state you were in, she ran to find you and saw Richard’s henchman carrying you out.”

  “And you magically appeared to rescue me?’

  James grinned. “I haven’t been any further than my car away from you since you announced your engagement. Vanessa has used all her feminine skills to extract information from anyone who had contact with you or Mark. Your father and your friends have been my eyes and ears, but you never left the building without me right behind you. I even bought a tie to match your dress.”

  Mairead stared at him in disbelief. It hadn’t even occurred to her that she could possibly love him more but at that moment she knew that she had barely discovered how much he meant to her. As emotion threatened to overwhelm her, she drew on her humour to calm her heart.

  “Wow James, you bring a whole new level to stalking. In case you didn’t know, it’s usually a solitary pursuit.”

  His frown made its first appearance. “Keeping an eye on you is more trouble than one man can handle alone. I’d already lost you once and I had no intention of losing you again.”

  She knew he was referring to the day at the Buckets. “I’m sorry for what I put you through that day.”

  Still frowning he shook his head. “I don’t want your apology. What I want is the reason why.”

  There was no conceivable reason to keep the truth from him any longer. If there was even the slightest chance that he could forgive her for all the evil she had done, then she was going to take it.

  She told him everything about her binge on the Gold Coast. She faltered a little through her revelation of the auction and the price she had nearly paid. James remained silent and revealed nothing of how he was feeling. It was only as she started to talk about Josh that she couldn’t look at him, for fear of what she might see.

  “Josh punched Mark and knocked him out and then took me out on the balcony.” At that point her courage failed. She couldn’t tell him. It was hard enough believing it herself.

  James waited and when she said nothing he prompted her. “And what happened on the balcony?”

  Mairead shrugged. “It’s like I told Ray Sanders, I don’t remember anything after that.”

  James shook his head. “No. There is more to it than that Mairead, You don’t go off and get engaged to Mark Lewis because you’re embarrassed over some party antics, as bad as they are.”

  “He would have told you that day at the Buckets,” Mairead tried to persuade him, “I didn’t want you to have to hear that, especially after I told you that I had waited for you to be my first. I was ashamed.”

  She could see he wasn’t buying it and she went on. “Daddy had already been through enough with the media. He would never have forgiven me.”

  He got up and began to pace about and Mairead shifted nervously as she saw the agitation and his battle to calm himself. When he loomed over her, his eyes were furious and for the first time since knowing him, she felt quite afraid.

  The voice that had always brought her peace now terrified her.

  “You don’t get to tell me that you put me through hell that day when I couldn’t find you, because of that. Or the next day after seeing you on the news and hearing from your father that you were engaged to some fucking prick after all that we had done together only two days before.” His eyes were becoming shiny with his rage. “I want the fucking truth Mairead. Tell me.”

  She broke into tears and through her sobs she confessed, “I killed Joshua Mason.”

  Her words had immediate effect. James backed off and walked a few steps away as Mairead succumbed to her grief. For a while he seemed indifferent to her misery, but on returning to her, he crouched down and caressed her arm.

  “It’s alright Mairead, I am so sorry that I yelled at you but I had to know.”

  Trembling, she managed to look at him through her tears. “Well now you know. I’m a piece of shit that ruins people lives to the point of death and having to marry Mark Lewis seemed like a pretty fair price to pay.”

  James was quite calm as he said, “I need you to explain a little more to me Mairead. How did you kill him?”

  “I did another grandiose stupid walk on the balcony rail of that apartment building. Joshua must have tried to do the same and fell.”r />
  “And you remember doing that?”

  Mairead shook her head.

  James was breathing deeply, “So Mark Lewis told you that was how it happened. Did he have any evidence of that?”

  “He said that other people had seen what happened but he paid them off to stay quiet. That’s why the police couldn’t get any information.”

  She panicked a little as he scooped her up from the bed and sat back down, sitting her on his lap and holding her tightly against him. She tried and failed to extract herself from his embrace, unsure of what he was doing.


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