The Demi-Monde: Winter

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The Demi-Monde: Winter Page 48

by Rod Rees


  The semi-mythical Shade witch – adept in the esoteric knowledge of Seidr magic – who corrupted the Demi-Monde and brought down the Pre-Folk. The Dark Temptress who initiated the Fall.


  ForthRight adjective describing the lascivious and sexually corrupting inclination of women.


  The dietary and lifestyle regime of UnFunDa -Mentalism designed to detoxify the body and to render it safe from possession by Dabs and Backers, the evil Spirits and sprites that torment DemiMondians. Living&More also promotes sexual modesty and restraint (especially in women) in order that women do not fall prey to their dormant Lilithian tendencies. Living&More has declared that sexual relations – except for the purposes of procreation and the birthing of Aryan children – are unnatural and an affront to ABBA. A corrupted remembrance of the Real World word Lebensreform.


  The green light emitted by Mantle-ite in darkness and, most notably, when it is struck by moonlight.


  The theory developed by the Quartier Chaudian thinker Mary Wollstonecraft that postulates that war is caused by men but suffered by women. In her Theory of MALEvolence, Wollstonecraft identified that men by their natural and undeniable inclination to obey orders given to them by superiors – no matter how nonsensical or barbaric such orders are – are susceptible to disproportionate influence by their more unbalanced peers and hence are inevitably and inexorably drawn towards violence as a solution to disputes. The muting of MALEvolence is the ambition that led to the creation of ImPuritanism. Consideration of MALEvolence was also instrumental in prompting Professeur Michel de Nostredame to identify the malignant Dark Charismatics lurking within the Quartier Chaudian population. A corrupted remembrance of the Real World word malevolence.


  The practice of NoirVillian men who exchange bodily essences in order to enhance their Machismo.

  Mantle, the:

  The impenetrable crust of the Demi-Monde situated below the topsoil.


  The indestructible and invulnerable material used by the Pre-Folk to construct sewers, water pipes, Blood Banks and the Mantle.

  Medi, the:

  The area of the Quartier Chaud comprising the Districts of Paris, Rome and Barcelona.


  The slang name for mixed-race Demi-Mondians. A corrupted remembrance of the Real World word Mischling.


  The Covenite name for Femme/Femme lovemaking.


  The more extreme HerEtical belief that the utopian state of MostBien – of the achieving by Femmes of political, religious, economic, intellectual and sexual supremacy in the Demi-Monde – will only be secured when the male of the species has been removed from the breeding cycle, or simply removed, full stop.


  The submicroscopic creatures that inhabit the soil layer of the Demi-Monde. In the Hub they occupy all but the top six inches of soil, in the Urban Band all but the top five feet of soil and in the Great Beyond all but the top twenty feet of soil. They consume everything – except Mantle-ite – they come into contact with, converting it to soil. Aka Nibblers.


  The derogatory slang term for NoirVille.


  The official term in the Coven for a eunuch, now adopted Demi-Monde-wide. A corruption/contraction of the phrase he ain’t got none.


  Covenite term for ‘man’.


  The ForthRight term for an individual who has – because of racial, social, political or sexual deviancy – relinquished all rights and protection they enjoyed as a citizen of the ForthRight.

  nuCommandments, the:

  The nine precepts of UnFunDaMentalism.


  The religion of the nuJu diaspora, this is an unrelentingly pessimistic religion that teaches that suffering and hardship is life-affirming, and is endured to prepare the followers for the coming of the Messiah who will lead them through Tribulation to the Promised Land.

  Ordo Templi Aryanis:

  The most zealous and uncompromising of all UnFunDaMentalist sects. Their belief is that the Anglo-Slavic people will not reclaim its oneness with the Spirits – lost after the Fall – until it is racially cleansed and all contaminating racial elements (the UnderMentionables) have been eradicated. The OTA’s military wing, the SS-Ordo Templi Aryanis, is responsible for the protection of the head of the Church of the Doctrine of UnFunDaMentalism, His Holiness Comrade Aleister Crowley.


  A term coined by HerEticals to disparage the ImPure Material produced and distributed in the Quartier Chaud. HerEticals deem all such material to be a violation of Femme rights as it degrades Femmes and encourages violence against them. The HerEtical term for ImPure Material is Pawnography as it is said to lead to Femmes selling (or pawning) their bodies to satisfy the crazed lusts of nonFemmes. Such Pawnography encourages a belief in nonFemme superiority as it celebrates the power of the penis. A corrupted remembrance of the Real World word pornography.


  Places where Daemons can move into and out of the Demi-Monde.

  Preferred Male:

  A Coven term for the nonFemme a Femme allows to accompany her and to provide her with physical services and comforts.


  A Venetian school of philosophy dedicated to the study of (and the making of) prophecies and 4Tellings, especially in the areas of economics and finance. The greatest of all PreScientists are Professeur Michel de Nostredame and Docteur Nikolai Dmitriyevich Kondratieff of the Future History Foundation, Venice. A corrupted remembrance of the Real World word prescience.


  A female assistant to a medium or other psychic.


  An avowedly and uncompromisingly atheistic creed developed by the renegade Rodina thinker and ardent Royalist Karl Marx, which strives by a process of Dialectic ImMaterialism to secure logical explanations regarding the Three Great Dilemmas. RaTionalism denies all supernatural interpretations with respect to the Three Great Dilemmas and does not acknowledge any input that cannot be verified by the five senses.


  The slang name for RaTionalists.


  The argot prevalent within NoirVille, most widely used by enthusiasts of jad music.

  Red Gold:

  A slang name for blood.


  The youth wing of the ForthRight.


  The belief that leaders of Sectors are chosen/anointed by ABBA through the principle of the Divine Right of Kings.


  The ancient magick of the Vanir and of Lilith.


  The slang term for NoirVillians.


  The women who dedicate themselves body and soul to the creed of UnFunDaMentalism.

  Solidified Astral Ether:

  The substance which makes up the soft tissue of all Demi-Mondians.


  A cocktail of vodka and soda with one or more shots of blood. Usually available in 5%, 10% and 20% strengths of blood.


  Soldiers of Spiritualism, the military wing of the Church of the Doctrine of UnFunDaMentalism.


  Steam-powered vehicles popular in the Demi-Monde.


  A contraction of Make-Men-Suffer-O-Gettism. The militant/terrorist wing of the HerEticalism movement, Suffer-O-Gettism is dedicated to the use of violence and intimidation to achieve Femme supremacy and the subjugation/extermination of nonFemmes and the ushering in of MostBien. The leader of the Suffer-O-Gette movement is Jeanne Dark.

  Terror Incognita:

  The area extending in a radius of 4 miles around

  Mare Incognitum and bounded by the Whee
l River. A totally unexplored region of the Demi-Monde. No explorer venturing into Terror Incognita has ever returned. A corrupted remembrance of the Real World phrase terra incognita.


  The 60th day of Spring when the nanoBites wake from their Winter hibernation. After ThawsDay only the most desperate or the most stupid of DemiMondians venture into the Hub.

  Three Great Dilemmas, the:

  The philosophical and religious arguments relating to the Creation, the Confinement and the Purpose of the Demi-Monde.

  Troubles, the:

  The two-year-long civil war in Rodina and the Rookeries during which Reinhard Heydrich (aided and abetted by Lavrentii Beria) overthrew Henry Tudor and Ivan Grozny. Heydrich subsequently merged the two Sectors as the ForthRight, uniting them under the single religion of UnFunDaMentalism.


  A catch-all term for all those considered by

  UnFunDaMentalism to be racially inferior and hence subhuman (including, inter alia, nuJus, Poles, Shades, HerEticals, Suffer-O-Gettes, HimPerialists, RaTionalists, those of a sexually deviant disposition and those deemed to be genetically flawed). A corrupted remembrance of the Real World word Untermensch.


  UnFunDaMentalism is an array of political, racial, metaPhysical, sexual and social ideas and philosophies relating to the purification of the Demi-Mondian race, the triumph of the Aryan people and the rehabilitation of the semi-mythological Pre-Folk. Adopted as the state religion of the ForthRight, the ultimate aim of UnFunDaMentalism is, by a process of selective breeding and measured culling, to eliminate the contamination of the UnderMentionable races from the Demi-Monde’s Aryan stock (Aryans are generally considered to be the Anglo-Slavic races) and by doing so to return the Aryan people to the racial perfection they possessed before their ancestors – the Pre-Folk – fell from ABBA’s Grace. UnFunDaMentalism preaches that its followers espouse Living&More or life reform which involves clean living, vegetarianism and homeopathy and an abstention from alcohol, excessive blood consumption, tobacco and recreational sex.


  The slang name for UnFunDaMentalists.


  The semi-mythical race of godlings who ruled over the Demi-Monde before the Confinement and who were brought low by the sexual connivings of the Seidr-witch Lilith. The demise of the Pre-Folk is known in Demi-Mondian mythology as ‘the Fall’. UnFunDaMentalism teaches that the Pre-Folk were the purest expression of the Aryan race.


  The emblem of the ForthRight, comprising three interlocking triangles.


  The WhooDoo name for the Pre-Folk.


  The terrorist wing of the WhoDoo sect dedicated to the use of violence and intimidation to achieve the chaos and anarchy necessary for the WhoDoo devils – the baka – to thrive in the Demi-Monde.


  The cult religion of NoirVille based on a distorted remembrance of Seidr.


  The NoirVillian term for women.


  Demi-Mondian slang for a male homosexual and, more generally, for a NoirVillian male. The word is derived from the Russian zad meaning arse.




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