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Sacrifice Page 17

by Michel, Mayandree

  Damn it. Stop and get a grip!

  “I feel like a complete idiot.” She looked away from me and down at her hands.

  She was shaking, trembling as I was. Perhaps, maybe… she was feeling what I was feeling. How could I be sure? In a flash, an image of Delia – beautiful, powerful, warrior empress – my fiancée, appeared in my mind. Suddenly, Delia faded from my psyche as Lia gazed up at me, fluttering seductively long, jet-black lashes.

  “I want to try again.” She took two steps to the center of my ballroom, and away from me. I nodded and said nothing.

  At this point, I didn’t want her to teleport. I just wanted to be near her, and look at her. She was stunning in a way that caught your breath.

  “Alright, I take a deep breath and…,” Lia’s voice trailed off, and she glanced at me. Oh my gods, those eyes are my weakness. She caught me staring and all I could muster was a terse nod. Her gaze alone left me speechless.

  The bright reddish-yellow flames ignited all over her body and her arms flailed about. She disappeared for a couple seconds and then reappeared again. This time when she landed, the impact was direct heat from her body being pinned against mine. I had a choice here. Either I put her back down on the floor immediately, or I press my lips to hers. Ah, the choice was getting harder to make.

  Delia, the love of my life. Delia, my entire world.

  I placed Lia on her feet.

  Victor was a bastard at heart. His strategy was eating me alive and he knew it would. He knew exactly what I was going through in Lia’s presence. He wanted me to feel what he had been feeling all along in Delia’s presence. Victor knew I’d be able to differentiate what I felt for Lia from what I felt for Delia. The feelings were worlds apart. I loved Delia. I knew that I always would.

  Lia? Dear gods, Evangelia, I sighed.

  I hungered for her. I could no longer breathe or think straight unless I was with her. I thought about her, relentlessly, since first setting eyes on her in the forest and now I never wanted to be away from her, not for a moment.

  “Oh my gods, why can’t I do this?” Lia kept her eyes closed, her arms to her sides, and wriggled her hands nervously.

  “Evangelia, we’re in your bedroom!” I exclaimed.

  “Oh my gods!” She turned toward me and started jumping up and down. “I did it!”

  “I never doubted you, Evangelia.” I couldn’t stop my mouth from breaking into a huge grin.

  Then she stopped jumping, took a step closer, and did the most incredible thing. She took my hand in hers.

  “Please, call me Lia.” She looked deeply into my eyes.

  “Lia.” I whispered.

  “You have the most beautiful blue eyes I’ve ever seen,” Lia said. She parted her lips and smiled, timidly.

  I continued gazing into her eyes, letting them swallow me up, saying nothing. I was powerless in her aura – like being set on fire and not wanting to extinguish it with my tidal wave.

  “Evander, I– I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have… said that.”

  “Don’t be sorry.” I reached up and touched her cheek. Her skin was as soft as a petal.

  “But I am. I mean, I know that you and Delia are engaged and…,” There was a long pause following her words as I fought not to kiss her.

  “I want to kiss you, Lia.” I whispered, lost in her beauty.

  “Yes, please.” She whispered back.

  Suddenly, in my peripheral, I saw a shadow move. I turned and saw that Victor was observing us from the hallway. Our eyes met and a wicked smirk crept over his face. He mouthed the words ‘check mate’, and then he turned and disappeared.

  I let go of Lia’s hand, realizing the enormous mistake I had made. She let go, reluctantly.

  “It’s me who should apologize. I’m sorry. I am engaged and I, well, I shouldn’t have…,”

  “No, it’s my fault.” Lia turned away from me and busied herself with fiddling with the belt at the hip of her dress.

  “Let’s forget all about it and start over fresh tomorrow.”

  “No, I can’t forget this… feeling. I’m so sorry.” Lia said as the tears rolled slowly down her face.”

  Unexpectedly, Lia disappeared before I had a chance to stop her. I was left standing alone in her bedroom.

  Wait a minute. She knew how to teleport. Had she been faking not knowing how to?

  Then it dawned on me.

  Lia kept landing in my arms each time she had tried to teleport because in my arms is where she wanted to be.

  Twenty-Five - Victor

  Meant To Be

  The moment I saw Evander and Lia, practically in an embrace, I knew that the plan to split Delia and Evander was working. Even while I lay there in the woods bleeding to death, I knew Ares’ idea would work. Right there at that moment, as my life hung in the balance and I choked on my own blood, I knew the stage was set. I called for Lia and she sensed where I was. Of course she came. She thought I was the emperor – just a small tidbit of information I had left out. The plan was too get mauled and rescued in time. The strategy was a major risk since I could have died, but if successful, the plan would guarantee my strengths being restored.

  I was afraid for Lia when she arrived in the woods. The last thing I wanted was for her to get hurt. Arguing with Ares about using her had proved to be futile. He said it was the only way. I doubted him, yet I couldn’t have hoped for a better outcome. At first, I felt ashamed for sacrificing Lia. It had been a wrong and a gamble, but sacrificing her had proved to be successful. I thank the gods for that.

  I could never let Delia know what I had done, not ever. If she were to find out, that would be the end of us. Even though the number one reason I had done it was so that we would be together, finally. Delia was level headed. Maybe she would understand that I did it for us. We deserved to be together, not living in constant pain. The gods saw to it that we were all in constant pain.

  Evander thought he had his emotions in control, but he hadn’t been exposed to his betrothed until now. Now he was imprisoned with the raw desire for Lia and soon he’ll discover that no one, other than Lia, will ever satisfy the insatiable appetite he has for her. Moreover, poor Lia didn’t know what hit her. Now that she’s seen Evander and felt the unbreakable attraction, she will always find a way to be near him to alleviate the pain.

  I just wished that Delia didn’t have to be hurt in the process. I grabbed my chest and rubbed it, brutally. I needed to calm the blaze that imploded within me. I needed to be with her now and only one thing prevented that.

  Delia genuinely loved Evander. She had always believed that she was in love with him – only because she had nothing to compare it to, until now.

  She would grow to love me more. That was a certainty. I could end her anguish with a simple kiss if only she would let me. I’m her cure and she’s mine. She’s my other half. She may love Evander, but I’m the one she’ll spend the rest of her life yearning for.

  When I arrived at her building this morning, my heart heated up and blistered the whole elevator ride up to her apartment. It does that when I’m near her and I can’t touch her. Delia appeared to be waiting for me. She was sitting at her desk when I walked into the library, exactly where I sensed she was. The moment I walked into the large room, she spun around in her swivel chair and jumped up. Her brows were set in a wrinkle, her eyes were narrowed, her lips were taut, and her hands were balled up into fists. If we weren’t on such good terms, I would have braced myself for her bolt. Even though she looked rather pissed off, I couldn’t resist wanting to kiss her.

  “You think you’re so clever, don’t you?” She asked, darkly as she walked around to the front of her desk.

  “Actually, yes. I do believe I am quite clever.”

  “You had to do it, didn’t you?”

  “Are you going to answer all of your own questions? Do what exactly?”

  “You ordered Evan to train Evangelia.”

  “Of course I did. He’s the best teleporter in the empire
. It makes perfect sense.” I said, trying not to smile, but Delia saw right through me. I didn’t think to block my thoughts.

  She knew what my strategy was all along and she knew that the outcome was inevitable. Why couldn’t she just give in?

  Delia stood with her arms crossed over her chest and stared me straight in the eyes. She had no idea how turned on I was by the look she was giving me right now. Those piercing jade green eyes that I could look into forever, and those pouty, succulent lips, made me want her every time I looked at her. Then again, she probably did know since she couldn’t help getting into my head. At this very moment, I wanted nothing more but to pull her close, and kiss her from her lips to her toes. I would take my sweet time kissing every inch of her, lingering in many places…

  “Stop it. I’m not going to kiss you.” She said, nearly breathless. My baby was turned on. “By the way, your little plan isn’t going to work. Evan and I love each other. We are devoted to each other. Our bond is an unbreakable one. Get it?”

  “Is that how it is between you two?” I asked and plopped down on the sofa as Delia let out an exasperated sigh. “Right now I think you want to kiss me so badly that it hurts.” I said as I put my feet up on the leather ottoman.

  She just stared through me.

  “Dear Gods, you are incredibly beautiful.” I let my eyes travel over every part of her, starting from her eyes, over her gorgeous body, and back up to those intense emerald eyes.

  She continued to stare at me.

  “It doesn’t even matter how upset you get, baby. You want me just as bad as I want you and sooner than later you’ll take me.”

  Delia erupted with a high-pitched laugh that seemed to ricochet around the room, but the joy didn’t reach her eyes. She understood all too well how right I was. Maybe she rather hated me for being right, but she loved me, deeply, nonetheless. I would wait forever if that were how long it would take to hear her say that she loved me, although she and I both knew that she’d say it soon.

  “I know what you’re thinking.” I said. “How could you be so lucky to have the gods choose you to reign over this powerful empire and be the apple of this handsome stud’s eye.”

  “Actually I was thinking that it’s time for you to go. Evan will be here any minute.” She walked to the double doors leading back to the main hall.

  “I want to get ready.” She said, tapping her foot, but all the while, she was trembling. I felt her and she knew that I did. That’s probably the real reason why she wanted me to leave.

  “Business meeting?” I remained seated and pretended not to get her blunt hint.

  “Victor, Evan, and I are engaged. What we do is our personal business.”

  “Ouch. That stings, but seriously, you’re not going to fill me in on the details, if there are any pertaining to the disappearance of your parent’s hearts. I thought that since I am the second ranking Ischero that I had the divine right to know any developments in this empire.”

  “Of course you do. I was going to tell you, but you wasted time playing mind games, and undressing me with your eyes.” She was blushing. “How did you know about the hearts?”

  “I overheard Evander whispering your personal business in my baby sister’s ear this morning.”

  If looks could kill… I’d be eulogized by this afternoon.

  “Baby, I want to help.” I got up and walked toward her.

  Every smooth angle of her slim body called me. The curves of her shoulders, full bosom, slender hips, and long legs whispered my name. She wanted and needed my lips against her skin and I wanted to oblige. Dear gods, this was taking too long. I loved Delia. I don’t know how much longer I could go without being close to her.

  “Really? You want to help. You certainly fooled me,” she said stepping forward so that we were just a few inches apart. “It seems like you’re allowing your emotions to get in the way of helping me rule over this empire. It’s always about what you want. Every word out of your selfish mouth is about how you will get me, have me, or take me away from Evan. If you really wanted to help, then I would have thought you would have started with the subject of my parents first.”

  Delia challenged me and she was right about one thing. Perhaps I should have asked her about her parents first. I am truly devoted when it concerns them, but I won’t rest until she is mine. When will she realize that nothing will be, as it should, with us and within this empire, until we are a union, as Zeus intended.

  “Alright, you win.” I said, as I offered my hand for her to shake it.

  “This isn’t a contest Victor,” Delia snapped and left my hand floating in the air. I felt bad, immediately. I didn’t want her to be upset.

  “As I said, I want to help, so please fill me in.”

  “I want and need your help. I want to include you, but I want you to stop playing this game. My choice has been made and I want you to respect that.”

  “The choice was never yours Delia, but if you wish for me to stop pursuing you, then the answer is no. I can’t. I won’t.”

  “Even if I order you to stop?” I stared back at her and said nothing. She had caught me off guard. The fact was that if Delia did order me to stop, I’d have no choice but to honor her decree.

  “Don’t… do that.” I said, finally.

  “Victor, please stop. I can’t deal with you right now.”

  “Deal with me? What am I? Just some issue you need to resolve. I’m your betrothed and I love you. There, I said it. Don’t you get that? ” I was practically yelling. I had to control myself so I lowered my voice to a whisper. “I love you. I love you with very bit of my heart even if you are a ball buster at times. Doesn’t that mean anything to you?” I asked.

  I don’t know how or why but I suddenly felt vulnerable. I wanted and needed to hear her tell me that she couldn’t live without me. It was a long moment before anyone said anything.

  “I hear you and I understand how you feel.”

  “You’re not being honest with me or yourself, Delia. You love me and wanting to be loyal to Evander is tearing you apart.” I took a step closer to where she stood.

  “I can’t… I just can’t.” Delia stormed out of the library, leaving me to stare at her as she glided up the stairs.

  I wondered how long it would take before she finally realized that there was one thing she would always be powerless to… her own heart.

  Twenty- Six - Cordelia


  I had to walk out on Victor. I couldn’t tell him what he wanted to hear, so desperately. He was right about how I felt for him. I wanted him in ways that I couldn’t allow myself to ponder. Just the thought of him touching me and kissing him overwhelmed me and the heat within me rose to an immeasurable level within me that I didn’t know possible. Victor wouldn’t accept that I couldn’t act on what I was feeling, even if it was the will of the gods.

  What about my will?

  Don’t my feelings for Evan count to anyone other than Evan and I? It just wouldn’t be fair to Evan.

  I paid close attention to him today. Something about his aura was unusual and couldn’t be ignored. It had always burned with a unique crimson glow that has now deepened to violet. The heat radiating from Victor blazed about a hundred degrees hotter. I couldn’t fathom the change in him. It was somewhat hypnotic. I fought the incessant urge to kiss him the entire time we were alone in my library. It was all I wanted to do and he was certain of my longing.

  The rest of my morning was spent requesting Hermes’ presence to no avail. He had ignored my request to speak with him. I believed even more now that he was the culprit. I decided to have one of his descendants make contact. I asked Evan to accompany me to the Napulis twin’s home this afternoon.

  When Evan arrived, I listened to him as he spoke briefly of his first lesson with Evangelia. I acted interested and pleased that she was making progress. I pretended to be the concerned Empress and expressed my approval of him taking on the role of teacher. I lied through my teeth so th
at I could get through it. I was ecstatic when Evan was finished with gushing over Evangelia, or shall I call her Lia as he so fondly does, and we left my home, finally.

  Ariadne and her brother, Arius we’re descendants of Hermes, the thieving God and messenger, as he’s known. The twins lived in a spacious apartment in the building that housed Victor’s top story duplex apartment, on Fifty-Fifth Street and Park Avenue. Although there was a frothy layer of fog hanging over the city like a canopy and a light mist had just begun to fall, we decided to walk.

  The avenue was bustling. The horns of the automobiles blared from all directions as the vehicles zigzagged and merged into the chaotic traffic as if the motorists were all blind. I gazed up at the towering architecture of the buildings that tore through the cloudy sky.

  The shock had hit us both the moment we saw the men, who believed that they controlled the financial growth of this city, tip their hats as they passed us by. They boarded their expensive, glimmering automobiles. They were probably on their way to their prestigious offices. Both Evan and I made eye contact with many of them, and they reacted to us the same way they did the night before – oblivious to what we were.

  It wasn’t their exquisitely tailored suits, the air of arrogance they all seemed to manufacture, or the civility of their demeanors, which astonished Evan and I. It was the reality of seeing them out in the daylight, although their ghostly-white complexions would have one believing that they never ventured out into the sun. Then again, the sun was nowhere in sight this afternoon.

  “It’s as if they have no idea who and what we are.” Evan concluded.

  “Luckily, we’re not as naïve.”

  “It’s odd how they’ve evolved in such a human manner. I almost miss their primitive approach.” Evan said just as I noticed that the opaque shadows, which hovered on the walls of the buildings, were as lifeless as the beasts that have been woven into this society.


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