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The Holiday Cottage by the Sea: An utterly gorgeous feel-good romantic comedy

Page 26

by Holly Martin


  Tori ran as fast as she could to the village hall, the noise of laughter and merriment ringing out loud and clear above the sound of the storm. She just needed to get a few people to help. But who would leave the warmth and fun of the village hall to go out in the wind and rain and pick some berries?

  She opened the door and the noise got louder. The whole village was here, laughing, chatting, eating and drinking. This was one of the biggest nights in the Sandcastle Bay social calendar and people were enjoying it to the max. The dance floor was heaving, the villagers doing their best moves as the band played some great seventies song that everyone knew the words to. Families, couples, friends, all dancing together.

  Tori looked around desperately for anyone she might recognise, but she didn’t really know anyone from Sandcastle Bay. Leo was probably here somewhere with Isla, but he might be outside getting ready for the big fireworks display later. Jamie and Melody were with the puppies at Blossom Cottage. Emily was here somewhere but she was pregnant, Tori couldn’t ask her to come out in the rain and cold to pick the berries. Who else could she ask?

  But she couldn’t let Aidan down.

  She hurried towards the stage, pushing her way through the throngs, and quickly climbed the steps, waving to the band to stop, which they did. The crowd fell silent and Tori stared out at the sea of faces. Oh god, what was she doing? No one was going to care.

  One of the band handed her a microphone and she put it to her mouth with shaky hands.

  ‘Hello, um, I’m Tori Graham, I’m helping Aidan with the fruit-picking at Heartberry Farm and—’

  ‘We know who you are, love,’ an elderly man said from near the front.

  ‘You’re Aidan’s girlfriend,’ a voice piped up from the back and the crowd giggled slightly.

  ‘What’s wrong, love?’ the first man said.

  ‘The storm has flooded part of the heartberry field and it’s going to get worse in the next few hours, and we haven’t reached high tide yet. We’re going to lose the rest of the heartberry crop tonight.’

  She stared at the faces. No one moved, no one said anything.

  ‘We need your help,’ Tori said.

  They all started talking between themselves and then they all turned away from her. They were just going to carry on with their party and ignore it. No one was going to help, not one person. Emotion clawed at her throat. She had let Aidan down. She had wasted time coming down to get help when she could have stayed to help him pick more berries.

  She watched them and as they moved she realised they were making for the door. Her mouth fell open as everyone, every single person, young and old, walked out. Even the band were quickly putting down their instruments and hurrying out into the rain too. They were all going to help. She nearly wept with relief. She quickly put the microphone down and hurried out the door after the departing crowds.

  * * *

  Aidan threw another handful of berries into his punnet and spotted movement at the gate. He saw a few people walking into the field and sighed with relief that Tori had managed to round up a few stragglers to help. They still wouldn’t be able to save all the fruit but at least they could pick a bit more now.

  He moved back to his jeep to grab a few more boxes but when he turned back he was stunned to see what was clearly the whole village walking into the field. Some were already starting to pick the berries and put them in the boxes or containers they had brought with them. Others were moving towards him to collect a box or punnet from him.

  He couldn’t help but smile. He might have known that the whole village would come out and help. The heartberries were important to them, but it was more than that. He lived in a part of the world where people cared about each other and wanted to help. He loved it here and, try as he might, he could never imagine living anywhere else.

  He handed out baskets and boxes to people, thanking them for coming, and then Tori approached.

  ‘Can you believe this?’ she said, looking around in awe as the villagers moved steadily through the rows, clearing the bushes of fruit.

  ‘Actually, I can,’ Aidan said. ‘Thank you for doing this.’

  ‘We’re not out of the woods yet,’ Tori said, taking a box from him.

  As the wind whipped around them and the rain impossibly seemed to get heavier, Aidan knew she was right. It was going to be a long night.

  * * *

  Tori rested her head against the car window as the jeep bumped along back to the farmhouse after dropping all the berries off in the cold store in one of the barns. She could barely keep her eyes open.

  It had been a race against time as every minute that passed the waves had crept over the westerly corner of the field near Orchard Cove and the water had flooded in from the river in the northern corner too. By the end of the night over half the field had disappeared under the water. But although it had taken several hours they had cleared every single berry from every bush.

  She was soaked through to the skin, her body was aching, and she felt exhausted from the adrenaline that had coursed through her over the urgency of the night. She just wanted to climb into bed and sleep.

  The jeep came to a stop outside the farmhouse and Aidan got out. She tried to summon up enough energy to get out too, but she couldn’t even do that.

  He opened her car door and, to her surprise, he lifted her into his arms and carried her into the farmhouse. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he kicked the farmhouse door closed behind him and carried her upstairs. He sat her down on the bed and then removed her wellies and socks, which were soaked through. He quickly undressed her and then started undressing himself.

  ‘Let’s take a shower,’ he offered out his hand.

  She eyed the bed; it looked so warm and inviting.

  ‘We need to get you warm first,’ Aidan said.

  She nodded. He was right, she was cold.

  She took his hand and he led her into the bathroom, turning the shower on. When it was hot enough, he tugged her under the spray with him, wrapping his arms around her and holding her tightly against his chest, leaning his head on top of hers as the hot water poured over them.

  He held her there in his arms for the longest time. God, she was going to miss him so much.

  As she had been picking the berries that night, she had decided she had to bring this to a close now before she fell even further in love with him. But hell, if it was going to come to an end, she was damned well going to enjoy being with him one more time.

  Aidan leaned round her and turned the water off. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it round her, quickly towelled himself dry and then sweetly scooped her up and carried her back to the bed.

  ‘I’m going to go home tomorrow,’ Tori said, quietly. ‘All the berries are picked now, there’s no reason for me to stay.’

  He stared at her for a moment then leaned over and kissed her.

  She closed her eyes and kissed him back. He rolled her onto her back, kissing her softly and gently. His hands stroked across her body, caressing her, adoring her. She couldn’t help tears escaping her eyes. He leaned back slightly and kissed the tears from her cheeks.

  He leaned over to the drawers and grabbed a condom and a few moments later he was inside her. He lay down on top of her, his arms either side of her head, trapping her in that wonderful moment, so it was just the two of them, the world fading away. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, holding him close. He was moving slowly, staring down at her.

  She moved her hand to his face. ‘I love you.’

  He paused for a moment, his eyes clouding with concern.

  She ran her fingers over his lips and he kissed the tips. ‘I know you don’t feel the same way and it’s OK, but I do love you.’

  He kissed her hard, and they found their high together.

  He collapsed on top of her, his head buried against her neck as he tried to catch his breath. She stroked the back of his neck and closed her eyes, safe in his arms, at least for now, then drif
ted off to sleep.


  Tori looked down at a sleeping Aidan as she buttoned up her shirt. It was still early but she wanted to be out of there before he woke. They’d had fun and she would never regret that. She couldn’t be angry at him just because he didn’t feel the same way. But it was better to walk away now, there was no point in prolonging the agony. Although she didn’t think this pain in her chest could get any worse.

  She noticed the sheets of coloured paper on top of the drawers that he had obviously been using to make the paper flowers for her.

  She picked up a red sheet and quickly folded it to make a paper heart, she laid it on the pillow next to him, then placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. He smiled in his sleep and her heart ached.

  She looked around the room to make sure she had everything and then, giving one last look at Aidan, she left the room. She’d only made it to the front door before the tears spilled over her cheeks.

  Tori walked back down the drive and into Blossom Cottage. Melody and Jamie were sitting together on the sofa, feeding the puppies and laughing and chatting. She really didn’t want to talk to anyone right now, but she needed to pack and leave, and she would need to explain to Melody why she was leaving early.

  Melody looked up at her as she walked in, a huge smile on her face, which quickly fell from her lips.

  ‘Oh god, what’s wrong?’ she said.

  Tori gestured helplessly over her shoulder, trying to find the words. ‘It’s over between me and Aidan.’

  The words made her choke and tears filled her eyes again.

  Melody leapt up, handing her puppy to Jamie and quickly enveloping Tori in a giant hug.

  Tori wrapped her arms around her and cried into her shoulder.

  Melody brought her to the sofa and sat Tori down between her and Jamie.

  ‘What happened?’ Jamie said.

  ‘He’s scared of getting hurt again,’ Tori said, wiping the tears away only for them to be replaced with more. ‘He cares about me, but he’s not willing to take a risk.’

  They were silent for a moment and Jamie, clearly not knowing what to do or say to make the situation better, handed her a puppy which in some small way helped. Tori snuggled it against her chest, burying her face into its warm fur.

  ‘Was this to do with what I said?’ Jamie said.

  ‘No, we are totally capable of screwing this up on our own, we don’t need any help,’ Tori said.

  ‘He’s crazy about you, anyone can see that. I was wrong about that. There is nothing casual about the way he looks at you,’ Jamie said.

  ‘It’s not enough though.’

  ‘Do you like him?’ Melody asked.

  Tori nodded. ‘I’ve fallen in love with him.’

  Melody took a little intake of breath, and despite everything let out a tiny squeal of excitement. She really couldn’t help herself.

  ‘And did you tell him that?’

  ‘Yes, he didn’t say it back.’

  ‘Perhaps he just needs more time, you guys haven’t known each other long,’ Jamie said.

  ‘I’m not expecting marriage and happy ever afters. I thought I might rent a house here for a few months, see if we actually have something. He didn’t even want to do that.’

  God, saying it out loud was completely heartbreaking. Aidan didn’t want anything more from her than sex. That’s what it had been all along.

  They fell into silence. There really wasn’t anything to say.

  ‘The man’s an idiot,’ Jamie said, and Tori smiled despite everything. ‘You have made him happier over the last few days than I’ve ever seen him. I can’t believe he would throw that away.’

  ‘I get it, he’s scared. I’ve been there. Love hurts and he’s trying to protect himself. I’m not worth the risk.’

  ‘Idiot,’ Jamie muttered, loyally.

  Tori sighed and turned to Melody. ‘I need to go, I’m sorry. I know I was due to stay for another week, but I just can’t stay here and see him every day, it hurts too much.’

  To her surprise, Melody nodded with understanding. ‘I know, it’s OK.’

  ‘Why don’t we arrange for a week’s holiday somewhere soon? We could get a cottage, maybe in the Cotswolds, just me, you, Isla and Elliot.’

  ‘I’d really like that.’

  Tori hugged her and then went upstairs to pack.

  She had just lifted the suitcase onto the bed when there was a big crash downstairs, which sounded like the front door had been slammed open.

  There were raised voices and feet thundering on the stairs and then suddenly Aidan was standing in her bedroom, staring at her.

  His eyes fell on the suitcase.

  ‘You’re really leaving?’


  He looked pained. ‘Why?’

  She looked at him incredulously. ‘You know why.’

  ‘You said you loved me.’

  ‘Yes, you never said it back,’ Tori said, tears choking her voice.

  ‘I did. I told you I loved you, straight after we made love, I said I loved you and that I had never felt this way about anyone before which was what made it so scary, because I knew if I lost you it would hurt even more.’

  She stared at him, her heart thundering in her chest. ‘Wait, what? You never said those things.’

  ‘I did. You fell asleep. I didn’t realise when I was giving my big speech, I was too busy kissing you all over. I was hopeful you had heard some of it, you went to sleep with this big smile on your face. And then I wake up this morning and you’d gone, leaving only your heart behind.’ He had the paper heart in his hand.

  ‘I…’ Tori had no words, tears filling her eyes again. ‘You love me?’

  He sighed and moved closer, cupping her face with his large gentle hands.

  ‘I love you. I’ve fallen head over heels in love with you, your kindness, your passion, the way you make me laugh. I love all those things. I want to make a future with you.’

  ‘Oh,’ Tori said lamely, tears coursing down her cheeks.

  ‘I’m sorry I was an ass, I was scared, and I know how hard it was for you to put your heart out there like that and even harder that it was rejected.’ He handed her the paper heart and as she took it she realised it had plasters over it. She laughed. ‘I want to take care of your heart from now on, I want to heal it of all its cuts and bruises.’

  ‘And I want to help heal yours,’ Tori said, leaning forward and placing a kiss over his heart. ‘And we’ll go slowly. I can get a cottage down here. We don’t have to rush anything.’

  He smiled. ‘I love you, I want you with me at Heartberry Farm, that’s where you belong. I realised that last night, watching you work so damned hard to save the berries in the pouring rain, running backwards and forwards, taking the full baskets from people, replacing them with empty ones, working so well with the people of the village. You belong here, and I was an idiot to doubt that.’

  Her heart soared. ‘I belong with you, I love you. Wherever you are, that’s where I belong.’

  He kissed her, wrapping his arms around her and lifting her against him. She couldn’t help but smile as she kissed him back.

  He lowered her to the bed, the kiss continuing.

  ‘Um, Aidan, Tori. We’re going to go,’ Jamie called up the stairs, awkwardly. Tori laughed against Aidan’s lips as Aidan sighed. They’d both forgotten that Jamie and Melody were there.

  ‘OK,’ Aidan said.

  He kissed her again.

  ‘We’ve fed the puppies,’ Jamie said, and Tori heard Melody giggle.

  ‘OK, thanks,’ Aidan said, kissing her again.

  ‘And, umm, they’ll need feeding again in two hours, so, um, don’t be too long, umm… doing what you’re doing,’ Jamie said, and Melody’s giggles got louder.

  ‘OK!’ Aidan said, his voice getting louder, laced with irritation.

  ‘And Beauty and Beast have already been fed too,’ Jamie said, and Tori got the impression he was now doing this deliberately.
r />   ‘Get out,’ Aidan said, and Tori laughed.

  They heard the door close below them and Aidan sighed with relief.

  ‘I hate my brother.’

  ‘I love him. I love all your crazy family.’

  ‘Good job too, because they’ll be your family soon enough.’

  She smiled at that thought. ‘When we get married, we can have Dobby as the ring bearer.’

  He laughed. ‘Agatha got it right for once, she saw our fate even before we saw it.’

  ‘I might have to thank her for the nudge,’ Tori said.

  ‘Oh, don’t do that, she’ll be smug enough when we tell her we’re together.’

  Tori laughed, and he kissed her. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back.

  As he moved his mouth to her neck, she glanced out the window at the glittering sea of Sandcastle Bay.

  It was funny how fate worked. It might look like it was against her sometimes but also it had a canny knack of giving her exactly what she needed. Fate had given her Matthew, who had gifted her strength and courage to give love a chance after her heart had been bruised so badly. It had led her to Leo who had encouraged her to take the fun path, to take a risk. And those roads had led her to Aidan, the man she loved with everything she had. Right then, she couldn’t be happier with fate. Following the fun path was definitely the way forward from now on and it looked like she would have some gorgeous company on her journey.

  * * *

  Discover Melody and Jamie’s story and return to the beautiful Sandcastle Bay in The Cottage at Sunshine Beach by Holly Martin! Step into summer with this gorgeous, feel-good romance.

  * * *

  Get it here!

  The Cottage on Sunshine Beach


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