Making a Comeback

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Making a Comeback Page 24

by Kristina Mathews

  “It’s not like I could ask you to come with me.” He sat up, swung his feet over the edge of the bed, and raked his hands through his hair. “I just don’t have any other options.”

  “But Japan?” She shuddered. “I’m sure it’s lovely there, but it’s so far away.”

  “It is. Look, when I told him I’d think about it, your husband had practically moved in with you.” Like that was an excuse. He’d panicked. Afraid of losing baseball and losing Annabelle. He’d done the only thing he knew how to do, he’d picked baseball.

  “You thought that Clayton and I were getting back together? Why would you think that?”

  “Because I’m an idiot.” He stood up, naked and afraid he’d blown it again.

  “Is there any way you can get out of the contract?”

  “I haven’t signed it. Yet.”

  “But you’re considering it?”

  “I don’t know, Annabelle.” He picked up his shorts and pulled them on. “I haven’t had any other offers. What am I supposed to do, try and support you with my rental income? I made seventy dollars in tips last night jamming with a band in Oceanside. Or I could try to put Olivia and Sophie through college with the money I make as an assistant pitching coach at Sanders Baseball Academy?”

  “Why would you be worried about paying for the girls’ college?”

  “Because I love you, Annabelle. I love you, and I love Sophie and Olivia.” He just couldn’t make her understand how he needed to have a job.

  “You love me?” She stood there, a stunned look on her face. “You love us?”

  “Yes. I do. And I want to be able to take care of you. I want to be able to give you everything you’re used to. I need to make as much money as I can for as long as I can. And if it means spending a year in Japan, and then coming back to the States, I’ll do what I have to do.”

  “Even if it means leaving me?” She blinked back tears. “Even if it means leaving us?”

  “Oh, Annabelle.” He couldn’t stop himself, he pulled her into his arms, and held her. Held her as hot tears rolled down his bare chest. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too.” She tried to wipe her tears. “And I’ll try to understand why you feel like your only option is to go to Japan.”

  Chapter 27

  “Hunter, you’ve got to help me.” Annabelle had lain awake most of the night. Cooper had slept next to her, but he’d left at dawn. He didn’t even come back for breakfast. “I need you to find a spot for Cooper on the Goliaths. As soon as possible.”

  “I’m not part of the team, remember?” Hunter said. “I have no say over who they sign.”

  “Then why did you bother scouting him?” Annabelle, like Marco, didn’t believe that Hunter was truly through with baseball as she’d claimed. “Why did you film him with the radar gun to gauge his velocity?”

  “Curiosity?” Hunter sounded like she’d been caught trying to pull a fast one.

  “Please, I’m begging you.” Annabelle had no shame when it came to groveling. Not when it was get down on her knees or watch Cooper board a plane for Japan. “At least get them to take a look. To extend an invitation to camp.”

  “There’s still time,” Hunter tried to hedge.

  “No. There isn’t. He got an offer from a team in Japan.” Annabelle was desperate. “Even if he doesn’t make the Goliaths, if he thinks he’s at least got a shot at making it, he’ll stay. I know he will.”

  “I can make a phone call.” Hunter finally agreed. “But it would be better coming from you.”

  “Yeah, right.”

  “Call Dempsey. He’s always had a soft spot in his heart for you.” Hunter laughed, as if this wasn’t a serious matter. “I think he even had a little bit of a crush on you. But don’t tell him I told you. He thinks it’s a big secret. He thinks Helen doesn’t even know.”

  “Why would he listen to me?”

  “Because, he’ll hear it in your voice that you believe in Nathan Cooper. He’ll realize that if you believe in him, he can trust him, too.”

  “I do believe in him. I know he’d never let the team down. He’ll work harder than anyone else on the team. Even Marco.”

  “I’m sure he will. And be sure to tell Dempsey everything you told me.”

  “Do you think it will convince him?”

  “Maybe,” Hunter said. “But I think what will convince him the most is that you’re in love with Nathan Cooper.”

  “Why would that have anything to do with him signing Cooper?”

  “Because, he thinks it’s good luck. That one of the reasons we won the World Series was because of me and Marco. Johnny Scottsdale and Alice. He’s got a romantic side to him, you know.”

  “No. I can’t see that.” Annabelle had always been cordial with Marvin Dempsey. But she’d never really known him all that well.

  “Maybe it’s his age. Or maybe it’s superstition, but he seems to think that love is what brought the title to the Goliaths. And if he thinks it will get us back to the World Series, he’ll do whatever it takes to get us there.”

  “Us?” Annabelle teased. She was feeling more optimistic. “I thought you weren’t part of the Goliaths anymore.”


  “No. You’re a Goliath. You were raised a Goliath, and you’ll always be a Goliath.”

  “Just a Goliath’s wife, now.” Hunter had a wistful tone in her voice.

  “Right, and I’ll be up for an Emmy this year.” Annabelle laughed out loud.

  “I’ll be watching for you on prime time.”

  “Actually, I will be on TV. Sunday night.” Annabelle was still a little nervous about doing the show, but figured if Cooper was willing to move to the ends of the earth to keep his career alive, she could show her face on national television and maybe save a life.

  “Oh, really? You’re not doing Dancing With The Stars are you?”

  “No. Sports Illustrated is hosting a celebration to honor the fiftieth anniversary of the swimsuit issue.” Annabelle was actually more excited than nervous. At least at the moment. “I’m going to be part of it.”

  “That’s wonderful.” Hunter sighed. “You know, if I didn’t love you, I think I’d hate you right now.”

  “Why would you say that?”

  “Because you’re beautiful. And you’re going to dazzle them all, even with…”

  “Even with my face carved up like a cutting board?”

  “No, I was going to say, ‘with all you’ve been through,’ and you still manage to come out on top.”

  “I wouldn’t say that. I could step onstage and make everyone cringe in horror.”

  “I’m sure that won’t happen.”

  “I’m thinking of going onstage and telling people about the accident. You know, kind of like a testimonial. And a plea for people to put their phone down while they’re driving.”

  “Oh, Annabelle, that’s so brave of you.”

  “You think so? You don’t think I’ll sound whiny or self-righteous?”

  “Not at all. I think you’re very courageous to use your misfortune to help others see the light.”

  “It was Cooper’s idea.”

  “It’s a wonderful idea.”

  “I’m not sure if I can do it.”

  “You can. You can do anything, if you want it bad enough,” Hunter assured her. “You can do a public service announcement live on TV and you can convince Marvin Dempsey to bring Cooper to spring training.”

  “You think so?”

  “I know so.” Hunter sounded like she meant it.

  Annabelle and Hunter chatted for a few more minutes before Annabelle hung up the phone. She could call Marvin Dempsey. The worst he could do would be to turn her down. And then she’d be in the same place she was now. Preparing to say goodbye to the love of her life.

  If he said yes, then she’d at least have him in the same state. They’d still have to have a long-distance relationship, but San
Francisco was a hell of a lot closer than Nishinomiya, Japan.

  It took her fifteen minutes to gather up the courage to make the phone call.

  “Well, hello, Annabelle. I had a funny feeling I’d be hearing from you.” Marvin Dempsey sounded almost jolly. “What can I do for you?”

  “Well, I was thinking...” Now that she’d actually dialed, she was about to lose her nerve. “I know you’re always looking for new talent. I mean, after having won the World Series, you probably need to have even more, um, scouts. You know, to help you find players who might otherwise be overlooked, or get snatched up by other teams.”

  “Well, I did lose my number one scout.” He chuckled, as if he found her stammering amusing. “We’re going to miss having Hunter Collins, or I guess I should say Hunter Collins-Santiago as our head of, well, everything.”

  “I’d like to offer my services as a scout.” Annabelle stood tall in her kitchen. “I have a player who I think can make an impact. No. I know he will be an asset to the Goliaths.”

  “Oh really? Our roster’s pretty much set.” Was he just humoring her?

  “But you can always use another lefty out of the bullpen.”

  “That’s true. But all the good ones have been snatched up already.”

  “Not all of them. This player is coming off an injury. And some trouble off the field.” She had to stay strong. To be convincing. “But he’s one hundred percent healthy. And I can personally guarantee that his prior indiscretions will not be repeated.”

  “You can personally guarantee it?”

  “Yes. Absolutely.”

  “And you know he’s healthy?”

  “His shoulder is stronger than ever.”

  “I don’t know, shoulder injuries have a way of coming back.”

  “Cooper is in terrific shape. Believe me.”

  “Cooper? Nathan Cooper?”

  “Yes. I know he let you down before, but believe me, he won’t let it happen again.”

  “You’re sure of this?”

  “Yes. Please Mr. Dempsey, you have to at least give him a chance. He knows what he did was wrong, and he bears that burden of guilt every day. He’s a good man. Deep down, he’s a very good man.”

  “You trust him?”

  “Completely. I trust him with my life. With my children.”

  “And with your heart?”

  “Yes. Yes. I do.”

  After a short pause that felt like an eternity, he sighed. “I can’t guarantee a spot on the forty man roster. But I can get him an invite to camp. If he’s as healthy and strong as you say he is, he’ll have a chance to earn a spot with the club.”

  “That’s all I can ask for.”

  “He’s a lucky man,” Marvin Dempsey said. “He’s a very lucky man.”

  * * * *

  Cooper stared at the PDF copy of the contract with the Nishinomiya Hanshin Tigers. He couldn’t turn down the only offer he’d received, yet he couldn’t bring himself to print it out and sign it.

  How could he spend a year away from Annabelle? And that far away? The money was decent, but not enough to justify buying three first-class tickets to see him when the girls got out of school for the summer.

  Would they be able to maintain a long-distance relationship? They’d have nothing but emails, texts, and Skype to keep them connected. With a sixteen hour time difference, even the video chats would be a challenge.

  Still, a man had to have something to give.

  Maybe he could manage more properties. After several years of decline, the market was improving. He could expand from his three rental properties and maybe become a real estate tycoon.

  Was he really ready to trade his uniform for a suit and tie? To put down his glove and pick up a cell phone?

  Maybe a part of him wanted Annabelle to ask him to stay. To try to convince him that she’d rather live a more modest lifestyle than be apart. Or even tell him they could live off her alimony while he continued the life of a beach bum.

  But the fact that she understood his need to earn his living made him love her even more.

  He closed the document. He still had a few more days. And he didn’t want anything to ruin Annabelle’s big night. She had kissed him this morning and gone off to get her hair and makeup done. He was more than happy to pick up the twins from the bus. He would miss that daily ritual most of all. Well, it would be one of the million little things he’d miss about being a part of Annabelle’s life.

  Chapter 28

  Cooper waited for Annabelle to come downstairs. He felt like a kid going to his first prom, all dressed up in a rented tuxedo. Only this time he didn’t have to make small talk with his date’s parents. He wondered why guys rented tuxedos that looked pretty much the same as any other, while women would spend hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on a dress they’d wear once.

  When Annabelle appeared before him, he understood. That dress was once-in-a-lifetime gorgeous. No one else would dare wear it. And no one else would look as stunning as she did.

  It was a red, floor length gown that wrapped around her waist, hugging her breasts and draping over her right shoulder. The skirt had a slit almost to her thigh, but not quite. Just enough to draw his attention to her long legs, but not so much that he had to worry about anyone else seeing anything he didn’t want to share.

  Her hair was carefully arranged so that a cascade of curls fell across her left eyebrow, effectively covering the worst of her scars. It framed the right side of her face, showing off her flawless perfection.

  It was all he could do to place a gentle kiss on her cheek rather than pull her into his arms and kiss her like he wanted to. He wanted to claim her, to keep her for himself. He didn’t want to share her with the world, but that’s what tonight was all about. Showing her off one more time.

  “You look amazing.” He could barely breathe. “Almost as pretty as you did in that hospital room.”

  She gave him a puzzled look.

  “When you first saw Sophie and Olivia.” He wasn’t sure he could explain, but he would try. “Your face lit up. I’ve never seen anyone so beautiful.”

  “Sure, with a bandage covering my face, and my hair all matted with blood.”

  “You were radiant. Shining with love.”

  “That is the corniest thing I’ve ever heard.”

  “Maybe. But it’s true. I was halfway in love with you from the first time I saw your picture.” He took her hand, pressing his lips to her palm. “But seeing you in that hospital room, all banged up, but so happy to see your daughters, I fell all the way.”

  “That’s why you wouldn’t leave us alone.”

  “Yeah.” He laced his fingers through hers. “That and the fact that I’m secretly Prince Charming.”

  “Of course you are.” Annabelle squeezed his hand. “Let’s go get this party over with. Sophie and Olivia are spending the night with a friend from school, and I intend to take full advantage of having the house to ourselves.”

  “Yes. Let’s make the most of tonight.” His chest tightened at the thought of having to make a decision tomorrow.

  He would have to walk away from the game, and always wonder if he still had something left. Or he’d have to leave Annabelle and her daughters. Sure, they’d try to make it work with an ocean between them, but he hated the thought of being so far away with nothing but her picture to keep him company.

  Her picture had once been enough. But now that he’d held her in his arms, now that he’d tasted her and touched her and loved her, he didn’t know how he was going to survive without her.

  * * * *

  The limo pulled up in front of the theater. It was almost like going to the Academy Awards, the red carpet was out, photographers and spectators lined up outside, trying to catch a glimpse of some of the most beautiful women in the world.

  He was proud and in awe of the woman on his arm. She hadn’t wanted to come at first. Ashamed of her disfigurement, and worrie
d her past behavior would come back to haunt her. But here she was, not only in attendance, but wearing a standout, knockout red dress.

  She was here to make an impact.

  “I’m proud of you,” he whispered as they got out of the car. “I just want you to know that.”

  “Thanks, but I might not be able to go through with getting onstage.”

  “Sure you will.” he assured her. “I’ll be right here for you.”

  His cell phone buzzed in his pocket, but he wasn’t going to check it. Tonight was all about Annabelle. Unless… “Did you leave my number as a contact when you left the girls at their sleepover?”

  “Tanya has my number, and don’t worry, I checked a few minutes ago.”

  “If you’re not worried, then I’m not going to.”

  Placing his hand on the small of her back, he guided her into the ballroom. He felt a flat, hard lump just above her right hip.

  “Is that your phone?”

  “You’ll see.”

  * * * *

  Annabelle sat through the host’s welcome speech, the first musical act, and brief montage of the earliest covers. A few more speeches, another musical performance, and a video showing the models spending time together earlier in the week. Finally, Annabelle was called onstage.

  “Wish me luck,” she whispered.

  “You’ll be amazing,” Cooper told her.

  Annabelle made her way onstage. After her introduction, she thanked the host and then turned to face the audience. Taking a deep breath, she smiled, careful to keep her right side prominent.

  “Thank you, thank you so much…” On cue, her phone buzzed. Reaching behind her back, she pulled it out of where she had it tucked in next to the microphone receiver. “Sorry, I’ve got to check this. Single mom, kids with a sitter.”

  Glancing at her phone with a concerned look on her face, she hoped she could pull this off. “Oh, nothing to worry about, it’s just a really cute picture of a baby giraffe.”

  She held it up as if the audience could see the tiny picture. Then she pretended to retweet it.


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