Veiled In Darkness

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Veiled In Darkness Page 3

by Valerie Twombly

  As they breathed heavily and stared at each other, still basking in their ecstasy, he didn’t know how he was going to let her go. Back into the hands of evil. Back to a monster who had her whipped––he could see the internal scars. “I love you.” He slipped into her mind and brushed over the horrific memories. While he couldn’t erase them, he could ease her pain. Taking much of it himself. He hated the fact he couldn’t do more.

  She smiled at him. “I love you too, but you know you’ll have to let me go. There is no choice.”

  “I know.” He pulled free and rolled to his back, tugging her with him. “But you need to give him whatever he wants, so he’ll stop tormenting you.” He brushed her cheek. “I know you don’t want to do his bidding, but you are the Angel of Death. Unless you’re asked to take the soul of an innocent then it’s your duty.”

  She tilted her head. “What did you just do to me?”

  He kissed her fingers. “I eased your memories. Took some of your pain.”

  She stiffened. “I don’t like that you did that.”

  “Too bad. It comes with being my mate.” He brushed a blonde strand from her face. “Now, finish your story.”

  “It frightened me that I had some slight enjoyment at hurting that man.” He saw the pain in her eyes.

  “That’s because you’re a good person. It’s why you can also bring life. It’s a balance that none of the rest of us have.”

  She snuggled into him. “He wants me to bring his dead back to life, so he can grow his army. I’ve been pretending I don’t know how.”

  “How’s he been taking that?” He grew concerned that she was playing with fire. Literally.

  “So far he’s bought my excuse that I don’t know what I’m doing.” She laid her head on his chest and traced circles around his nipple. His cock grew stiff. “I’m not sure how long that will work though.”

  Eli brushed her mind and she lifted her head, a questioning look on her face. “You need to learn how to keep others out of your head. It will help protect you.”

  “Will it keep you out?”

  He couldn’t help grinning. “Maybe someday but for now? No.” He was older, and being her mate, it would be harder to block him. She seemed satisfied with his reply and continued.

  “I’ve been trying to practice, but I’m not sure what I’m doing.” She sighed.

  “Don’t fret, baby. You’ve had Lucifer to guide you, and he’s only going to give you what he wants. I can––”


  Ashley gasped and Eli cursed his luck. “Your father’s timing sucks.” He threw the covers off and hopped out of bed as she pulled the sheet to her chin.

  “I don’t have any clothes,” she whispered.

  He pulled on his jeans and jerked his head toward the dresser. “I moved your things. Check the top couple of drawers while I go talk to Tegan.” He pulled on his jeans and headed out the door, meeting his commander in the kitchen.

  “What the hell are you up to?” Tegan shot him a lethal glare.

  “Kicking your ass. Ashley is here and she only has…” He looked at the time. “Less than three hours left to spend with me.”

  “What? She’s here?”

  “I am,” Ashley stated, walking toward her father. Tegan hesitated for a moment then opened his arms. Ashley stepped into them, and he pulled her into a hug.

  “How?” he whispered.

  “I was given leave, so to speak.”

  “Right, and you got ten minutes,” Eli growled, not caring he was being selfish, but he also realized Ashley needed her father. They hadn’t gotten a chance to really get to know each other before shit had hit the fan.

  Tegan eyed him again then pushed his daughter back so he could look at her. “I don’t need long. May I have permission to enter your mind? It will save time.”

  She nodded and silence followed before Tegan spoke.

  “I see.” He ground his jaw, apparently as pissed at the way she’d been treated as Eli was. “Tell me. Does Lucifer have a mistress?”

  “Several. Why?” she asked.

  “Any of them named Sherease? Black hair and…” He sucked in a breath. “Green eyes like yours?”

  “Son of a bitch,” Eli grumbled. Sherease was Tegan’s mother. Many years ago, Tegan’s father had fallen into the darkness and as usual taken his mate with him. Sherease had been so distraught she’d given up her own soul. When Tegan had hunted down his father, he’d killed the man but let his mother go.

  “I’ve not heard that name. Who is she?”

  “It would be faster to show you,” Tegan replied, and Ashley nodded in agreement again. Seconds later, her eyes widened on a gasp then filled with tears. Eli could only imagine what her father had shown her. Part of him wanted to kick Tegan’s ass for making her sad.

  Tears stung Ashley’s eyes as she saw first the visions of Tegan killing his own father then allowing his mother to walk free. Sherease was her name, and that was who her father wanted her to seek out. He was sure she would help Ashley in any way she could. In his heart, he still believed his mother had some good left in her.

  The visions fast-forwarded to Tegan with a young, blonde woman she recognized to be her mother. The two sat on a blanket in a wooded area, and she saw her mother laughing. Fast forward to a vision of her mother making a snow angel, the two sipping hot cocoa and both of them lying in bed, her father rubbing her mother’s swollen belly. She witnessed him before the Seven, begging to mate with the woman he loved and their denial. Then later…

  She covered her mouth with her hand to keep from yelling out as the tears streaked her cheeks. She barely knew Eli had come up beside her and put his arm around her.

  “You were there. I saw you, but I was so tiny.” Her father had been there, hiding at her mother’s funeral. He’d approached Ashley, who was wrapped up in her aunt Viv’s arms, and had touched her cheek; proclaimed his love for her and his apology for her life. The vividness of the event from so many years ago unfolded in her mind as if it had happened only yesterday. His pain sliced through her.

  She reached up and touched his cheek. “I’m so sorry.” She finally understood why he’d left her mother.

  “Ashley?” Eli’s soft voice broke through.

  She turned to face him. “Did you know the Seven threatened to cause my mother to miscarry if he went back to her?”

  “No. I had no idea.” Eli scrubbed his face. “Shit, I’m sorry.”

  Tegan stepped away and pulled his shoulders back. “I wanted you to have memories of your mother. It’s the only thing I can give you. I’m just sorry my pain had to come with them.”

  She shook her head. “No. I’m glad I know what really happened. How much you loved her…” She choked up. “And me. Thank you.” It had taken a lot for him to share, to open old wounds, but it had strengthened the bond between them. She was determined to do whatever it took to come back to the two men in this room. The men she loved more than anything else.

  He nodded. “Find your grandmother, and in the meantime, I’ll try to locate her myself as well. Now, I’ve taken up too much of your time. Eli, contact me later.” Then he vanished.

  Eli wrapped both of his arms around her. “What can I do for you?” he whispered in her ear.

  She cried into his chest. “I need to fix all of this. My god, he lost both his parents then my mother.” She lifted her head and looked at him. “Twice he lost her. The pain in his eyes at the funeral…” She swallowed. “It was suffocating. You find that child, and I’ll search for my grandmother. We need to outsmart Lucifer.” She kissed his jaw. “Now, take me back to bed.”

  “Anything you want, baby.” He scooped her off her feet.


  Eli watched as Ashley vanished, going back to Lucifer. Filled with anger and desperation for his mate, he picked up a kitchen chair and smashed it against the wall. It did little to stem his emotional outrage. Guilt also filled him because time had gotten away from them, and he hadn’t trained her in min
d blocking. She was a strong woman though, and he had to remember that. Hopefully, she’d find her grandmother, and the woman would still have some sense of duty, slim as it may be.

  He quickly dressed then opened up communication with Tegan, Lyzander, Seph, and Evangeline.

  I need you to meet me at our spot. It’s important.

  They all responded promptly, so he pulled on his boots and flashed to the heart of Bourbon Street. Hell’s Gate, a small bar owned and run by humans, was often frequented by demons. Some on the side of good, and others? Well not so much. It was usually a wealth of Intel for the right incentive. Namely, not getting your head lopped off by an angel.

  He jerked open the door and stepped inside. Heads turned to see who entered. Some went back to drinking whatever concoction they had in front of them, while others fidgeted in their seat as if it were on fire and cast their gazes the other way. Eli headed to the pool tables where he found the others already waiting for him.

  “We heard Ashley came to see you. How’s she doing?” Evangeline asked.

  “As well as can be expected.” He looked to Tegan, who gave him a knowing glance. They’d both been inside her head, and he was sure Tegan saw the same thing he had. It had been rough on her, but she’d left him with a renewed faith. An agenda, and it seemed to lift her spirits.

  “What did you learn?” Tegan asked.

  Eli leaned against the pool table. “Ashley was told by a Hellhound named Wraith––who apparently has a bone to pick with the demon king––that he has a favored son. Fredrick is his name and seems he’s being hidden.” He grabbed a beer from the tray of a passing waitress. “The hound seems to think if we find the child, we’ve got leverage.” He took a swig, desiring to wash the bitterness of his emotions down. It was useless. He wanted to be excited about this Fredrick, but his gut told him this wasn’t the answer they were looking for. Being a hunter, his gut was rarely wrong.

  Tegan stood silent and stared into the distant crowd. No emotion showed on his face, but Eli knew his commander’s mind was processing the little nugget he’d delivered. Everyone waited for him to respond. Finally, a smile curled his lips upward. “Let’s have us a little fun.”

  He sauntered to the bar with everyone close on his heels. Eli wondered what the archangel was up to, when his question was soon answered. Tegan rolled his shoulders. His wings released in a flash of golden feathers. The others, including Eli, followed suit. Now there would be no question as to what they were. Any humans in the bar would have their memories replaced so there would be nothing to tell. The demons, however…

  Several jumped from their stools, leaving the wooden chairs to spin on one leg while they scurried for the door. Tegan swung his arms in front of him and brought his palms together in a loud clap. Power shredded the air and restrained those who tried to flee in their spot.

  “Hunter. Warrior. Bring their sorry asses to me,” he commanded. Eli and Lyzander moved swiftly and rounded up the few demons who had tried to flee and presented them to Tegan. The rest stayed quaking in their places.

  “We didn’t do anything,” one shouted from across the room.

  “I’m not accusing you of anything. I want information,” Tegan growled, and the demons visibly relaxed. “Where do I find Lucifer’s son, Fredrick?”

  Eli scanned the room. No one breathed. They didn’t even dare swallow.

  “I’m not sure they heard you, boss.” Eli had always liked to poke the bear. Tegan was usually pretty levelheaded, but when shit hit the fan, it was best to step out of the way. He was old, he was tired, and he was powerful. When he got pissed, it was like pouring water over a grease fire. Shit blew up.

  “Seems you’re right.” Tegan’s brows pinched down tighter. “I’m pretty sure I fucking spoke English, but if you failed to understand, I can repeat it in your forked fucking tongue.”

  Eli rubbed his hands together. Oh yeah, shit was about to get fun.

  “Geez, even if we knew about this son, you know what would happen if we told?” came a weak reply from the bar.

  “I’d die before I’d tell you shit, angel.” The demon Eli had fetched spat on Tegan’s boot. Tegan looked down at the green glob that currently slid over the black leather.

  “So not nice,” Tegan whispered.

  Lyzander leaned in to Eli. “Oh, goody. We get to mop this place up with demon ass.”

  Before Eli could reply, Tegan grabbed the demon by the neck and twisted his head clean off, tossing the remains aside like a used piece of trash. He met their gazes. “Free for all,” he shouted and that was their cue.

  Eva moved off to the door. She wasn’t a fighter but was damn good with a blade and would make sure no one tried to escape. Lyzander, being the showoff, somersaulted into the air and landed between two demons. With a circular sweep, he beheaded both of them. Eli snatched the one closest to him, shoved his fist into the beast’s chest, and pulled out his beating heart. Squeezing it until there was nothing left.

  Blood pooled on the floor, making for a slick mess. Body parts flew in every direction, and Eli chuckled, wondering what humanity would think of their style of bar brawl. As he reached for another demon, a cry rang out.

  “Enough! I’ll talk.”

  Everything stopped and disappointment slid through Eli. He really wanted to gut a few more of these bastards. He cast his gaze toward the man at the bar who had called out. Tegan’s stride ate up the floor, and he was in front of the humanoid-looking evil, poking him in the chest.

  “Spill and quickly.”

  Eli released the demon he’d been holding, letting him fall to the floor, and made his way closer. He needed to hear how to save his mate.

  “I’ve heard rumors that the child is living with a human family someplace in Florida,” the demon replied.

  “You got a name, asshole?” Eli questioned.

  The demon scrunched his dark brows together. “Do you want what I know or not?”

  Eli grabbed him by his shirt and jerked him forward so they were face to face. “I want to know who I’m dealing with.”

  “Michael,” the demon spat.

  Eli fixed his gaze on the chain around the demon’s neck. Long canines hung in a clump. “Those your latest quest?” He nodded toward the teeth.

  “Vloryc fangs.”

  Eli should be impressed. Vloryc were nasty demons, but something was off about this guy; he just couldn’t place it. “How do we know you’re not feeding us bullshit?”

  Michael shoved Eli’s hand away and stood. “I don’t give a fuck what you think. Lucifer killed my mate, so there’s no love lost between us.”

  Seems the demon king has several enemies among his own. Tegan slipped into Eli’s mind.

  Good for us. Do we trust him?

  Let’s see if he agrees to let me have a look around, Tegan came back, and Eli knew he meant fishing in the guy’s mind.

  “Let me see your memories,” Tegan stated. Michael gave them both a suspicious glare then appeared to relax.

  “Fine, but no fucking around in there.” He downed the rest of his beer then wiped his hand across his mouth. “I like my brain the way it is, thank you very much.”

  Tegan touched the demon on the shoulders and stared into his eyes. Eli shifted his weight from one foot to the other for what felt like an eternity, waiting for Tegan to share what he saw. Finally, he broke free then looked to Eli.

  “He speaks the truth, and he’s willing to help us.”

  Ashley lay on her bed and stared at the black ceiling above. She’d left Eli hours ago, and her heart hurt as if it had been sliced in half. There was a scratch at her door, and she knew who it was.

  “Come in.”

  The door pushed open and in came Wraith. I heard you were looking for me?

  “I was.” She pushed herself to a sitting position. “What do you know about a fallen angel named Sherease?”

  Wraith nosed his way around the room. You should have better quarters––being the Angel of Death and all.
  She rolled her eyes. “The fallen angel?”

  He came over and sat in front of her, and his massive red eyes met her stare. “She lives in the outer regions of Lulerain.”

  “You talk!”

  He snorted. “Of course I talk. I only enter your mind when I don’t want anyone to hear.”

  “Oh.” Boy, she had so much to learn. “So how do I get to Lulerain?” She’d heard about Hell’s purgatory where demons were sent for punishment. The rumors that filtered back from there made Hell look like an amusement park.

  “Why do you want this particular fallen?”

  She debated how much to tell him and decided only what was necessary. “I was told she might be able to help me. Though I’m not sure how.”

  Wraith seemed to contemplate that for a moment. “How do you propose to reach her? You can’t simply pop into Lulerain. One must trek through all kinds of nastiness to get there.”

  But of course. Nothing was easy in Hell. “Then I’ll trek. Tell me how to get there.” Wraith scratched his ear then shook his head sending slobber flying.

  “Eww. Do you mind?”

  He looked at her as if offended then stood. “You’ll never get there on your own. I’ll take you, but I believe there’s something you’re not telling me.”

  “Fine.” She shoved hair from her face. “She happens to be my grandmother. Happy?”

  His forehead wrinkled. “I see. Interesting.”

  “Really? What the hell does that mean?” His tone rubbed her the wrong way.

  “The angel––I’m told––is batshit crazy and meaner than a cat in heat. You’d better hope she’s always wanted a granddaughter.” He sauntered toward the door. “We leave tomorrow.” He jerked his head toward Talina, who sat in the corner. “You’d best bring her along to keep her safe.” Then he was gone, and she was left to wonder who was the crazy one. She checked her mental list of the things she needed to accomplish. One of which was to save the souls that Lucifer held prisoner. She’d promised them and intended to keep that promise, but it would have to wait. Hopefully, her grandmother would help her.


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