Veiled In Darkness

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Veiled In Darkness Page 12

by Valerie Twombly

  She held out her hand. “I trust you, Drakkar. Touch me and see the truth.” He placed large fingers in her small palm, and his brows rose to his hairline as she showed him her family tree.

  He jerked back. “You are both light and dark. You’re not Death. You are Justice.” He dropped to one knee, his armor bending like his own bones and flesh. “You’ll be fair in your judgments. It would be an honor to pledge my loyalty to you.”

  She exhaled. “Oh, thank you.” She hadn’t expected the whole kneeling business, but she’d take it. One down and a few hundred to go.


  Eli! I know what Lucifer is up to. Have you found the reapers yet?

  Not yet, but I know we’re close. What have you learned?

  I’ve gained the trust and loyalty of one of the Sitori. Their mothers are demons and fathers are angels. You know what that means, right?

  Oh, hell yes, he did. It explained why Lucifer wanted them all to fall. So they could father a new race. Shit. I do, but are you certain you can trust this Sitori? He still didn’t like her being so close to Lucifer’s army. Every fiber within him screamed to turn around and go snatch her from harm’s way. Duty, however, was instilled deep within him. He’d never forgive himself if they lost their brethren, and he knew Ashley was capable.

  Yes, I can trust him. I will explain later. Be careful and be safe. I need to convince the rest of the warriors to side with me.

  He smiled. There wasn’t one ounce of doubt in his mind, she would succeed. Suddenly, he spotted a strange building in the distance. A flat roof partially buried in the ground, it could easily be missed from the air. He sent out his senses and scanned for any life forms but detected nothing. Still, his years of experience screamed to take a closer look. He landed several yards away, produced his blade, and kept himself shielded from view. As he crept forward, he reached out to Tegan and let him know he was checking the place out.

  One side of the building was exposed, but everything appeared dark. Not even a pinprick of light to be seen shining through. Using extreme caution, he got closer to see if he could sense anything.

  “Got anything?” Tegan whispered beside him.

  “Not a damn thing, something tells me this is the place we’re looking for though.” Eli cast him a glance out of the corner of his eye. “Just you and me?”

  Tegan flashed a devilish grin, the kind he always used when he was stirring up trouble. “I need the others to continue searching, just in case this is a dead-end. But by the looks of this place, I’d say we might be in luck.”

  The two archangels melted into the darkness as they made their way closer to the door. When they finally reached it, Tegan placed his palm on the weathered wood. “I think we hit pay dirt. I sense a shield around this place now.”

  Eli placed his palm on the side of the structure, and magic zinged through him. “Yeah, I feel it too.”

  “Did you find them?” Lyzander asked from behind.

  “Is everyone in place?” Tegan asked.


  “Good. Remember to be prepared for anything behind the door,” Tegan reminded. Within seconds, he had the barrier down and the door cracked open. Eli sensed them. They were all inside, and they all turned.

  “Fuck!” Eli whispered as he gripped his dagger harder. He didn’t want to have to kill any of them, but if it came down to them or him, he most definitely would choose to live.

  The three angels slipped inside, their backs pressed against the wall as they moved farther into the room. Everything was open. The building was a barn, which his nose told him hadn’t held livestock in several years. He adjusted his vision, so he could see in the pitch black, and spotted movement. A flutter of feathers and then the onslaught began.

  “They’ve turned!” someone shouted.

  Eli spun to face the threat that loomed behind him only to find his friend. “Aww shit, Seph. Eva is going to be sorely pissed at you.” No doubt his friend’s mate already knew what happened. She would have felt his change.

  “Kill me,” Seph growled. Moonlight streaming in the open door glinted off his newly formed fangs.

  Son of a bitch. There was no way in hell he was killing his friend. “Seph, I know how you feel, but you need to fight the urge to feed.” His friend dropped to his knees, clutching his gut.


  Was the dose they’d been given stronger? Maybe it was different for them than it had been for Eli. After all, he’d volunteered to fall and give up his soul.

  “Must feed. Can’t stand the hunger.” Seph sounded like he’d swallowed a dozen razor blades, and in a flash, he jumped to his feet. Lashing out, he managed to sink his fangs into Eli’s arm.

  “Ow, fucker.” Eli had no choice but to kick out and plant a booted foot into his gut, pushing him backwards. He looked down at his right arm, thankful that the reaper had only managed to graze him. He sent healing cells to the area to stem the blood.

  Everyone out of the building! Tegan’s command shot into his head. Before Seph was able to come at him again, he summoned his wings and teleported himself outside. Several others appeared next to him, one being Lyzander.

  “They’re not normal.” He held up a hand. “And before you say something smart, I meant for the fallen.” He ran his fingers through his bloody hair. “They’re like rabid fucking zombies or something.”

  Tegan appeared. “We need to leave. It’s not safe here for us.”

  “And what? Let them run loose?” Eli fisted his dagger harder.

  Tegan faced him. “Yes. We have no choice. They are like no fallen I’ve ever encountered. They’ve already taken three of my men down.”

  “Any ideas why they’re so different?” Eli asked.

  Tegan looked around, certainly on edge. “Maybe it has something to do with how Lucifer delivered it. Or maybe it’s a more toxic brew. Shit, we don’t have time to stand around and chitchat about what we think is different. Whatever he’s done, we need to get the hell out of here and go into hiding, or we’ll be next.”

  “Son of a bitch,” Lyzander growled. “All we do lately is fucking flee.”

  “You guys go on ahead. I can’t leave my mate.” Panic tightened his chest until he could barely breathe.

  Tegan nodded. “I’ll make sure everyone gets settled, and then I will come find you.” He spread his wings. “I hope my daughter is closer to ending this thing. We could use a damn miracle about now.” He took off to the sky with the rest of the angels behind him. Eli shot up in the other direction just in time to see several pissed off and hungry reapers exit the building.

  “Tell me, Drakkar, how likely do you think it is the others will follow me as well?” Ashley asked as the demon rose to his feet.

  “The others won’t be a problem. It’s our leader you’ll have to convince.”

  She recalled the demon who had been sitting at the head of the table earlier. “And exactly how would I convince him?”

  Drakkar shifted his footing, which she’d learned already was an indication he was uneasy.

  “You’ll have to show him how powerful you are. I suspect he’ll issue you a challenge of some sort.”

  “Challenge? What kind of challenge?” She wasn’t entirely sure she liked where this conversation was moving.

  He lifted a heavy shoulder. “I think you’re about to find out.”

  It was then she sensed someone coming up behind her. How the hell had she missed that? She’d allowed herself to become so preoccupied that someone was able to sneak up behind her. This was definitely a rookie move on her part, and one she’d be sure to never repeat. She whirled around. Her wings fluffed up, so if this demon was as smart as the one behind her, he would know exactly who she was.

  She crossed her arms and gave him a lethal stare.

  “Death.” He stopped in front of her. Being a good couple of feet taller than her, he stared down. Well, she assumed he was staring, considering his helmet had no visible eyeholes but only slits on each side to allow him to

  “Yes, I’m Death. Got a problem with it?” She figured it was better to be all sass and attitude. Maybe it would give her waning confidence a bit of a boost because the one standing in front of her was intimidating as hell.


  “On what.”

  “On what you’re doing here, and,”—he jerked his head to the demon standing behind her—“what you’re doing with my soldier.”

  Now was the time to muster every ounce of courage she had and let her power flair to the surface. “Your soldier?” She cocked a brow. “He’s not really your soldier. I mean after all, you all belong to Lucifer.” Was that a chuckle she heard coming from him?

  “As do you, Death.”

  It seemed this one was going to pose more of a challenge. However, she wouldn’t let it stop her. “You mean you haven’t heard? Surely, I would have thought the rumors would have spread around Hell by now. Lucifer tries to keep me in line, but it’s proving difficult for him.” She moved her hands to her hips and leaned slightly forward. “And take that damn mask off so I can see who I’m talking to.”

  His metal fingers curled into fists. “You want anything from me, you’ll address me as Sir.”

  She tipped her head back and let out a hysterical laugh. “I will do no such fucking thing.”

  “Well, seems we’re at a standstill then so I’d suggest you move along and go play in someone else’s backyard. My men and I have work to do.”

  Oh, he hadn’t? Drakkar, did he just dismiss me?

  I’m afraid so, and unless you convince him to follow you, the rest of us have no choice. We must obey Lucifer’s bidding.

  Well that sucked a big one since she wasn’t sure how to proceed. What would impress this big lug? What would Eli or Tegan do in a situation like this? Likely try and take him out.


  Ohh, Eli this isn’t a good time. I’m going toe to toe with the Sitori leader.

  How’s that going?

  Not well. He dismissed me like some school girl. And it pissed her off. She had grown used to demons fearing her, which made things far easier.

  Then kill him. We are in some deep shit. All the reapers have been turned, and they are more crazed than any I’ve ever seen. Your father has sent everyone into hiding for their own safety.

  Oh no. This wasn’t the news she’d hoped for. In order to save the reapers, she’d have to free all the souls in Lucifer’s possession. But to take the life of the demon before her? Granted, he was the one who carried out Lucifer’s commands, but it felt wrong. She sighed. Time to put her big girl panties on. There was too much at stake now for her to falter. She caught a glimpse of a bright light out of the corner of her eye.


  What was the Seven doing here? Didn’t she realize it was unsafe?

  There’s more at stake than you realize, Ashley. You must do whatever needs to be done to win this war and quickly. I will perish soon if you allow Lucifer to win this battle.

  Panic rose in her throat, and her heart rate increased. I don’t understand.

  I am the Maker, and Lucifer is my brother. If he wins, then he wins for eternity. I will cease to exist and so will humanity. It’s in you, Ashley. You have the power to stop him. Unleash the darkness and allow it to do your bidding. Ambriel faded away.

  She had a million questions, but those would have to wait.

  “Why are you still here?” the commander asked.

  She found the darkness and allowed it to consume her. Fangs pricked her bottom lip and power welled inside her. She allowed it to spill out, sent it crawling along the ground in a sleek black mist until it curled around the demon’s ankles and squeezed.

  He fought back. Flared out his own demonic power and hurled it in a ball of blue flame straight at her.

  She tossed up a shield. The fire ricocheted off and hit him square in the shoulder, leaving singe marks on his armor. From the corner of her eye, she saw a crowd begin to gather.

  Good. Let them see what I can do.

  Ash, baby I’m right here with you. Kick his fucking ass! Pride rang in Eli’s voice and spurred her on.

  Sparks snapped from her fingertips as she tipped her chin down and planted her gaze on his helmet. With a flick of her wrist, she ripped it from his head.

  “Finally,” she snarled as blond hair spilled around his shoulders, and green eyes full of anger bore down on her. “Next time I give you a command, I expect you to obey.”

  “Is that all you’ve got?” He was grinning and it fueled her even more.

  “Careful what you ask for.” She was done playing games, grabbed the black thread, and followed it straight to his soul. Her invisible fingers dug in and got a firm hold, giving it a small tug to let him know she was there. His smile widened. Was he sadistic or did he really want to die? She entered his mind as she held him firm and searched for remorse, any feelings that he regretted his actions.

  There was none. He was a cold-blooded killer.

  “You don’t have the balls to pull the trigger, Death.”

  She glanced at his men who’d now removed their helmets. Their watchful gazes on her. She allowed a slight smile and felt the prick of fangs against her lip.

  “My fucking name is Justice, and I don’t need balls to do my job.” She tore his soul free. His screams permeated the air, and she opened a vortex straight to Lulerain, tossing him to the demonic wolves. Purgatory for demons. He’d suffer for an eternity.

  Winds whipped and the sky blackened. A storm threatened. Her storm.

  “Anyone else wish to test me?” Her wings flapped, adding fuel to the brewing storm. “The gate is still open, and I’m happy to accommodate any who desire an eternity of suffering.” She looked from one end to the other, daring them, but she only received a clamoring of armor as men dropped to their knees.

  “Though I think you’re sexy as hell when you’re being all bad-ass, it’s time to rein it in, baby,” Eli spoke softly beside her.

  She slowed her wings and closed the vortex. Lucifer would have sensed the soul she’d sent through, so they would need to act fast before he could retaliate.

  Her father appeared. “I couldn’t be more proud, but it’s time for us to free the souls Lucifer is holding hostage.”

  Ambriel shimmered in front of her. “Lead the way. Ashley and I will confine my brother for his crimes.”


  Ashley stood outside Lucifer’s palace, Drakkar to her right who now acted as her new commanding officer. To her left was Eli and her father. Behind her stood several hundred Sitori warriors who had all pledged loyalty to her. Her nerves were stretched tight although she had to wonder why, considering she’d just taken over Lucifer’s entire army. However, taking on the demon king himself was a different matter.

  I am Justice. She much preferred the new name Drakkar had bestowed upon her, and it made her job easier.

  Ambriel stood protected among the warriors. Although she didn’t have the complete story, she had learned Lucifer had somehow been able to dampen his sister’s powers. That was why she had gone into hiding. Her fear had been he would manage to find a way to completely destroy her. Now, she was tasked with the duty of confining her brother for his crimes. He had become far too greedy with his desire to rule.

  Michael stepped in front of her, Wraith at his side. “Ashley, both Wraith and I have come with our people to show our support and back you up.”

  “Thank you, I appreciate that.”

  Sherease also moved forward and pulled her into an embrace. “It’s time. He must know we are here by now. He’ll either fight or try to flee.”

  Ashley gave a nod then summoned her power, allowing her dark side to surface. She realized she may have to dig deeper than ever before if she were to confront Lucifer. “Let’s do this,” she commanded.

  She used her power to transport everyone inside. Damn, she was getting stronger and with everyone supporting her, her confidence grew.

  Once inside she sense
d him in his usual place. “This way.” She marched down the corridor. Hundreds of footsteps echoed on the marble floor behind her, reminding her she wasn’t alone. She threw up her hands, sending a burst of power forward to bust open the double doors that led to the main hall. As she suspected, Lucifer sat on his throne wearing his best black suit and a smug look.

  He tapped a finger on a golden skull. “Well, you seem to have quite the following.”

  She encased herself with power, an invisible shield to help protect her from any of his surprises. “You have committed crimes against humanity and broken the treaty with the angels, to name just a few. You are to be sentenced to confinement for whatever time the Maker deems adequate.” She held her breath. This was it. Would he fight or flee?

  “And you expect me to surrender peacefully?” He unfolded himself from his seat and stepped off the dais. With a flash of power, he stood in front of her. “I sense something… Something very familiar yet I can’t quite place it.”

  “That’s because she’s our great-granddaughter.” Ambriel flashed before them.

  Lucifer raised a brow. “I have done many things in my life, but fucking my sister was never one of them.”

  She crossed her arms and lifted her chin. “We didn’t create a child together, you idiot. Our children did.” She let out a heavy sigh. “Of course you’re so busy fucking anything that will spread its legs, you have no idea who your children are. I used that to my advantage, knowing one day you’d pull this trick.”

  Lucifer curled his fingers into fists then looked over at Sherease. His lids dropped, masking part of his dark eyes that bore into the woman. “You are her daughter.” He then cast his gaze to Tegan. “That would make your father, my son.”

  Clapping ensued. “Your observations are a little bit late. Now be a good little brother, and take your medicine like a man,” Ambriel stated.

  Ashley was proud to be the descendent of this woman. She was all spit and fire.

  Dead silence rolled across the room while everyone waited for Lucifer to make his next move. He cast a death glare from one to the next until Ashley felt as if he had burned everyone in the room into his memory. No doubt, retribution would be his one day, but not today.


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