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My Melody (Downtown Book 3)

Page 3

by West, TJ

  “Leave? Hell, I am not leavin’ you like this, Melody.” Wayne grips onto my shoulders. He is trying to calm me down, but it’s no use. He may be the source of my problem. “Maybe I can help you,” he says calmly and lovingly.

  I tense up from his affection. I can’t do this, he is too close. “You can’t fucking help me!” I raise my voice, irritated. “Just get out, Wayne.” His hands leave my shoulders. I exhale. I just need to be alone.

  “Here. Got you a bottle of water,” he offers.

  I snap the bottle from his hand and take a long necessary drink. The water feels heavenly going down my dry throat. Why he is being so nice? Why is he still here? “What are you still doing here?”

  “Told ya, I wasn’t leavin’ you.”

  “What is wrong with you?” I whip myself around and glare at him, then pace back inside the room. “I thought I made it pretty clear that I make the rules here. I say when you can come. When you go. When we fuck.” I slam the water bottle down onto the table next to the dresser. I just realize that I am standing stark naked. I tug off the sheet from the bed and wrap it around my body. Wayne is not saying a word to me, yet his dark stare is kinda creeping me out. It’s an uneasy feeling.

  “That’s pretty effed up, Sweetness, even for you,” he responds in a way that is totally unnerving. I said the wrong thing. The tone in his voice and the scowl upon his face shows a side of him that I haven’t experienced yet. He’s angry. It’s a quiet anger though. The scary kind. Yet, I cannot let him see how it affects me. I have to keep the control in this relationship.

  “I am impossible to be with tonight and have a lot on my mind. Just go, Wayne. Please. I’ll be in touch.” Like any superhero would, Wayne moves in a flash and yanks me up onto the table. Once again, I am caught off guard. “What -”

  The palms of his hands go on the back of my head; his thumbs graze against my cheeks. His eyes are intense, they’ve turned a dark blue. He forces me to look up into them. “You are the most gorgeous, exciting woman I have ever been with. I love what we have going on. There is something here between us, whether you want to believe in it or not. But I won’t be some dog on a leash for you.”

  I wince from his confession. “But -”

  “I know I said I’d do anything you tell me, but obviously I thought it was some kind of kinky game. Something fun. But this here, you making up rules for your own selfish reasons…it ain’t fun, Baby,” he painfully admits. He blows out a breath, releases my face, then pulls on his jeans and gathers the rest of his items. I stay silent on the table, holding onto my sheet. I just watch him, speechless. This was fun, it is a game, yet he’s stirring all kinds of feelings inside me that I have never felt before. He’s a magnet and forcing me to become attached to him, which wasn’t my plan. It’s very unsettling. I don’t know how to go about it. Once Wayne has everything gathered he comes back over to me. “I never thought I’d say this…but I want more. I want more with you.” He leans down and lightly kisses me. He takes my breath away with that light, gentle kiss. “I’ll be the one in touch this time,” then leaves me sitting on the table, utterly lost and wondering how the hell I’ll ever be myself again. Rocker Boy has struck a chord in my heart and in my soul.

  I AM FUCKING DRAINED. A week ago we arrived back home from our four month tour, opening for The Convicts. The minute we stepped off the bus in San Diego we were rushed to Los Angeles, two hours away to film our first music video. We were warned by our manager, Lyric, that it was going to be a grueling week. She wasn’t fucking kidding around. I have never been so exhausted. The guys and I barely slept, we were up for all hours getting this video completed. Overall I wouldn’t change a thing. The adrenaline took over for the most part, pushing us through a kickass experience for our first video. Hell, this week fucking rocked my world! I can’t explain how much I have learned in such a short amount of time; what it takes to be a musician, making music, playing for hot women - nothing can beat that. I was always told I was born to entertain the world with my talent. I guess all the years of playing in the garage, practicing my bass guitar for hours on end until I got it right, paid off.

  Among other things we now have ourselves a publicity agent. His name is Ed. We met him in LA while shooting Shattered. He had a total hard-on for Lucky - he’s as gay as they come. Poor Lucky. We had a good time messing with him about Ed's crush.

  Speaking of a crush, walking out on Melody was brutal, especially when we just had the most unreal, amazing night together - I had to walk out. She turned on me in a flash. I wasn’t expecting her to be so cold and heartless. Yet I knew there was a reason for her mood swing. The panic attack she had was caused by something, but I wasn’t going to force her to open up. I want her to learn to trust me. What we started a few months ago has turned into more than just a fling for me. Me submitting to her needs and wants has been a rollercoaster, a fucking dream, but my submission can only go so far. I can play dirty too. If she wants me, she’ll come get me. It’s torture on my dick, but I can withhold from other chicks. For some unknown reason, Melody is circulating inside my blood now. Having sex with her, without a condom, I can’t put into words how mind-blowing that was for me. She felt unlike anything I have ever experienced. Plus, we have a lot in common. It’s not just about the sex, it’s something else entirely new to me. It’s foreign, and I want to explore all the things that have to do with Melody. I want to know her inside and out. She just needs to know I’m not going anywhere, anytime soon.

  Once our filming was finished we were able to head back down to San Diego. I think I slept for like twenty-four hours straight. Slim did the same. We almost didn’t make it to our rooms, we were totally wiped. Slim and I are still roommates. We’ve known each other since we were freshman in high school. We played football and lifted weights together. It wasn’t until our senior year we began focusing more on music, than football. Together we quit the team, putting all our time and energy into music instead. It was meant to be. Slim’s a badass guitarist, but I pushed him to get even better. I taught myself how to play. My parents were amazed I was able to do such a thing. I don’t even know how it happened: One day I was in a music store with my mom, I heard a song over the speakers, picked up some guitar that was on display and started playing. My mom calls me her baby genius. I don’t know about that. I hated school. I struggled a lot in all subjects, yet I kicked ass. Got good grades just so I could stay on the football team. But playing my guitar gave me freedom. I didn’t have to think - I just played. So the year I quit the team, became the best year of my life. Slim and I graduated high school, but didn’t go to college. My parents’ never pushed me to go. They knew the struggles I faced during school; college was not in my cards. Music is what I needed in my life. They understood and allowed me to pursue it. Both Slim and myself joined a small band, which did weekend gigs for birthday parties, weddings, Bar Mitzvahs - anything to make a small wad of cash. We had a lot of fun doing those parties, knowing all the while this was not what we wanted to do forever. We talked a lot about creating our own band, getting an agent to help us out, but we didn’t have the money to hire one yet. So we continued doing those gigs until we met Jason at a concert. He’s the one who encouraged us to form a band with him. He was also a musician; played the drums and guitar. Once Slim and I turned twenty-one we were able to play in bars and small local casino’s with him. Since meeting Jason, he’s been like our big brother. He’s seven years older than us and has always looked after us. It wasn’t until we met Lucky and Danny I was able to move out of my parents’ house and into an apartment with Slim. Of course I had to get some crappy low wage job to help pay my half of the rent, but I was still making music. It’s all that mattered to me.

  When June, a rockin’ babe and owner of an up and coming label BitchTour 2090 discovered us and asked us to sign with her, our lives changed. We were no longer stuck doing small gigs, broke, working odd jobs or worrying what our future held. No, now, we’re traveling around the United States, opening up co
ncerts for the biggest rock bands around, climbing the music charts with our songs and now making music video’s. It’s been a fucking epic ride.

  Two days after we got back home, and had some much needed sleep, I decided to make an unannounced visit to see my parents’, Michael and Sheri. I’m really close with them and wanted to tell them all about this past week. They have always been awesome parents’; their support while I struggled through school or my need for extra rent money, they were always there for me. I owe them a lot. Not only are they amazing parents’, they’re down right cool. I love being around them, they’re easy to talk with and never judge anyone or anything. Slim practically lived with us during high school. My parents’ loved having him around - even if he and I would practically eat everything in the fridge. My older sister, Amber hated us for that. She complained she never could find any food. Can’t help two growing boys from eating. Still can’t. We’re always shoving food in our mouths.

  “Mom, Pop, anyone home?” I shout, as I enter the front door.

  I hear little feet pounding through the house, and a tiny pipsqueak voice shouting, “Uncle Wayne, Uncle Wayne!”

  My niece, Raquel has her arms straight out, with a big, happy smile upon her face as she comes barreling into my arms. “Hey, my little Princess!” I scoop her up and give her a kiss on the cheek. She is the cutest five year old; she’s got long blonde, wavy hair, blue eyes and pronounced dimples on each chubby cheek. My sister has those same dimples, as well as my dad.

  “Make me fly, Uncle Wayne!”

  “You got it.” I fly her above my head, making plane sounds as I speed walk through the house and into the kitchen. Raquel keeps her arms spread out and giggles as we zoom around the kitchen table. My mom is in there. She smiles as she prepares lunch. She’s gorgeous with short light brown hair, a petite figure and big, dark blue eyes. My dad seriously hit the jackpot when he married her. I look like my dad, but without the dimples and the gray hair, with sky blue eyes; though my blues eyes are more dark, like my moms. We’re the same height - 6’2. I’m bulkier than he is, I workout as much as I can. It’s a stress killer. Plus I fucking love how it makes me look. The bigger the better.

  I slowly place Raquel down into the chair at the table. “I want mo! Mo mo, mo!” She holds her arms up. I laugh and kiss her forehead.

  “Raquel, it’s time for lunch,” my mom explains.

  “You want lunch wit me?”

  “Yeah, Baby Girl, I’m starving.”

  “Before you sit down, Mister you better give me a hug,” my mom warns me. I bring her into my arms and swing her around. She laughs like a teenager. I love making my mom smile. “Oh, it’s so good to have you home!” She grabs both sides of my face. “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.”

  “It was a long tour.”

  “Yes it was,” she pats my cheek.

  “Plus, we did our first music video right when we got home which was intense, but it was so worth it,” I explain, as I take a seat at the table. “Such a good time.”

  “A music video?” My mom gasps. “My goodness, how amazing! You must be exhausted.” She goes to the counter and begins making me a sandwich. I’m famished.

  “Sure am. Where’s Pop?”

  “Gamps is getting ice cweam fo me! Stwabewy, my favowite!” Raquel exclaims.

  “You lucky girl, you! Chocolate is my favorite.”

  “I know that silly! Mommy told me,” she takes a bite of her peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

  I lean in closer to Raquel. “Mommy knows too much about me.”

  “Yeah,” she giggles with her mouth full. “She said you a wockstar! You famous!”

  I chuckle. “Well in a way I guess I am, kiddo.”

  After she swallows her bite she asks, “Will I get to see you on TV?”

  “You sure will.”


  I love this kid. My mom takes care of Raquel while my sister and her husband, Robbie work full-time. Their both lawyers. Mom insisted on taking care of her granddaughter, since she has always been a stay at home mom. My dad works as a computer engineer, and has one more year before he retires. He’s worked his ass off my entire life and deserves to finally take time for himself.

  My mom brought me a big turkey and cheese sub sandwich. Damn, the thing melted in my mouth. We were able to catch up, talk more about the tour, how life was treating me and the band. I told her about the big summer tour we’ll be doing in July. We’ll be traveling around the U.S., once again, with the best bands out there. I can’t wait!

  Once I finished lunch, my dad walks in. “Well look what the cat dragged in!” He places a bag with the ice cream in it, onto the counter.

  “Ice cweam, Ice cweam!” Raquel claps her hands with excitement. My mom takes her into the bathroom to help wash her up; she was sticky from the PB&J.

  I get up from the chair, then allow my dad to pull me in for a hug. “Hey, Pop.”

  He slaps me on the back. “Good to have you home, Son. Let's go outside, have a beer,” he suggests. My dad grabs a couple beers and pops them open. We go out back, make ourselves comfortable on the patio chairs and take a long, first guzzle of our brew. “The tour seemed to go well, huh? Saw a lot videos and pictures. Looked as though you had a great time.”

  “Totally! It was a badass tour. I thrive on that shit.”

  “The women love you, no doubt,” he winks, then takes another drink.

  “And I love the women,” I agree, following with a soft laugh.

  “Like father like son.”

  We fall into our old pattern of discussing football. Pop played the sport all throughout high school and college, yet chose computer engineering for his career. It’s been a great career for him, but he’s getting tired of the bullshit company he works for. He took today off to spend time with Raquel. She’s the apple in his eye and spoils her to death. After sports talk, Pop tells me all the home improvement shit he’ll be getting around to once he retires. He wants to redo the bathrooms, and upgrade the backyard. He’s never been one that gets anything done too quickly. I’ll be surprised if he actually gets the bathrooms done in the next couple years. He’d rather be brewing beer than home improvements. The backyard, in my opinion, looks pretty cleaned up, comfortable. I agree it needs a little landscaping, but at least we can come out here and not see piles of old wood and tools lying around anymore, not like when we were kids. Took my dad years to clean it up. With the money that I’m making now, maybe my parents will accept some help from me? My dad is a proud man. I’m not sure if he’ll accept anything from me.

  We get talking about women, once again. Our conversations always lead to them. I don’t hide any facts that I fucking love women. I know I have always been a player in the past, but…now there’s Melody. Every time I think of her my dick stiffens.

  I lean against my knees, and ask, “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Shit, Son, you can ask me anything.”

  We have always talked about stuff like this. However…this right here…it’s all so new to me. I’m not quite sure how to go about it. “How did you know Mom was the one?”

  My dad takes a drink first. “Hell, I’ll never forget it. She knocked me off my rocker like no other. Blew me the fuck away. We had an instant connection, I guess you could say. She had this fire in her that I never experienced.” Fuck me. Sounds exactly like me and Melody. “On top of that, she was, and still is the most beautiful woman in my eyes,” he ends on a grin; he’s remembering like it was yesterday. I can tell he’s still so in love with her. “You going through something similar? I know that look, Son.” He points the tip of his bottle toward me. “You’ve fallen for someone.”

  Pop knows me too well. I swipe a hand through my hair. “Damn, it’s complicated.”

  “Nothing complicated about love,” he’s says matter of factly.

  I pause on that last word he mentioned - Love. It scares the shit outta me. “This woman, though…she’s holding back on me. I haven’t seen her sin
ce the middle of the tour. She’s got me by my balls, but…” I stall, slowly shaking my head.

  “She must be scared about something.”

  “Yeah, that’s it. I want her though. More than anyone,” I admit. “I never thought I’d ever be this pussy whipped. I love being single - “

  “Love happens to those that aren’t looking.”

  There’s that word again. “I’m not even sure it’s love I have for her, though, Pop.”

  He puts his empty bottle on the table. “Wayne, I have never seen you this choked up for a woman. It’s love,” he bluntly states.

  “I barely know her.”

  “But your heart doesn’t lie. It knows the difference between love and lust.”

  “I definitely lust for her,” I mumble to myself.

  “Have you seen her since you got back?”

  “No. I’ve been so fucking busy. The second we hit San Diego, we went up to LA to make the music video. I’m wiped.” I finish off my beer and put it aside.

  “Go see her today.”

  “Yeah, was thinking about it.”

  “No thinking, just do it.” My dad doesn’t know when to give up. He has his heart set on me having a love like he has with my mom. The problem is, I’ve never seen myself tied to one person for the rest of my life. Yet at the same time I haven’t wanted anyone else since I’ve met Melody. She’s taken control over my dick - and yeah…my heart.

  “What are my boys up to?” My mom joins us and takes a seat on my dad’s lap.

  “Talking women of course, my love!” He kisses her on the cheek.

  She laughs. “Oh boy, some things never change.”

  I stayed for a little longer and played a board game of Chutes and Ladders with Raquel. I’ve missed my sweet princess. It’s been awhile since I’ve spent any time with her.


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