Born to Ride

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Born to Ride Page 5

by Kasey Millstead

  My jaw drops. “Jenn, did you not here me when I said he was an ass? Did you not hear me when I told you that he told me our little bathroom romp was a mistake? You don’t have to worry about me getting attached to Roam, trust me!”

  “I would trust you, Lace, but I know you. I know he’s under your skin. Whether you want to admit it, or not, he’s gotten to you.”

  “That’s not true,” I defend myself.

  “Babe, it is true. Why do you think you all of a sudden you can’t stand him?” She doesn’t give me a chance to answer before she answers for me. “Because he hurt your feelings in that bathroom. If you weren’t getting attached, there’d be no feelings involved to hurt.”

  Damn I hate it when she makes sense.

  “There’s no point in me liking him, Jenn. Up until five seconds ago, I didn’t even know his name, and he made it clear that he had made a mistake. Not to mention the fact that he’s obviously moved on.”

  “Christa’s a club whore, Lace. Most of the guys have had a turn with her,” Jenn tells me gently.

  “Well he didn’t much look like he regretted fucking her, like he did me,” I snap.

  She raises her eyebrows at me. “Sorry,” I mumble.

  “It’s cool. Just be careful. I don’t want to see you get hurt, and I don’t want you to leave again. I like having you here.”

  I wrap my arms around her and we sit like that for a while until Jenn pulls away and sits upright, looking intently towards the gate. That’s when I hear the rumble of the Harley pipes.

  Thirty seconds later the gate swings open and five bikes ride in. Jenn jumps up and races over to one of them, flinging her arms around Switch. I sit and watch as a pang of jealousy shoots though my body.

  I turn away and my eyes flit past the gate. That’s when I see the shiny black SUV crawling down the road. I narrow my eyes and watch as they come to a stop. I can’t see inside the vehicle because the windows are so dark. For a few seconds, nothing happens. Then the windows roll down and the sounds of automatic weapons being discharged fills the air. I hear the tires screech as I jump off the picnic table and run for cover, screaming. Bits of dirt and grass kick up from the ground and my ears are filled with the sound of bullets flying. I run down towards the open land behind the clubhouse and fling myself down on the ground behind a pile of scrap metal. In the near distance, I hear something explode and the air is filled with a thick cloud of smoke. Bits of debris rain down all around me and I curl myself into a ball. I’m shaking so hard, I can barely link my fingers together around my knees to hold myself together. I’ve never been so scared in all my life. Not even when my dad was at his worst, was I ever this petrified. All my instincts urge me to get up and run away as fast as I fucking can, but I know that would be suicide – I can still hear bullets flying.

  Oh my god. I hope Jenn is okay. I don’t know where she is. I didn’t see her when I ran for cover. I hope she’s safe.

  Suddenly, the gunfire stops and everything is eerily quiet for a split second. Then, people start yelling. Someone is barking orders, though I can’t understand what they’re saying. Another is shouting out for someone to call the doctor. I hear Jenn’s voice. “Lacey. Lacey. Lacey.” With each ‘Lacey’ her voice gets more panicked and shrill.

  Very slowly, and even more cautiously, I stand from my hidey place. “I’m here,” I croak. “Jenn, over here.” I say, my voice louder and stronger.

  “Oh, god, Lacey.” She comes running over towards me before colliding into me and wrapping her arms around me. She holds me tight and we both begin to cry. “Are you okay?” She asks when she pulls back.

  “I’m fine. Just shaken up. What about you?”

  “I’m fine. Switch threw me inside so I was safe, but I was worried about you.”

  “I was worried about you, too,” I sob. “Come on; let’s go on inside where it’s safer.”

  She takes my hand and we walk back up toward the clubhouse. The men are moving around quickly and my eyes scan the area. I’m looking at the damage, and I’m looking for Roam.

  I’m still shaking by the time we get inside. I perch myself up on a stool at the bar and Jenn goes over to Switch. I hear him murmuring words to her, but I can’t focus enough to make them out. She nods and then he disappears behind a heavy wooden door and Jenn walks over to me. She pulls out two shot glasses and a bottle of vodka. Sliding them toward me, she tells me to pour us each a drink. I pour myself one and throw it back. I don’t even feel it burn as it slides down my throat. Then I pour another one for myself and one for Jenn.

  The doctor leaves through the door with a solemn head nod in our direction. One of the guys got grazed by a bullet near his knee and another needed stitches from a flying piece of metal.

  “Where is everyone?” I ask. “Church,” she replies quietly. “Church?” I raise my eyebrows, disbelievingly. “It’s what they call a meeting. We’re not allowed in.”


  “I knew their past would come back to haunt them,” she mutters to herself.


  I sling back another shot and we sit in silence until the heavy door opens and the men file out. Most walk straight out and get on their bikes. Switch walks over to Jenn and wraps an arm around her shoulder. “Lockdown,” he tells her.

  I don’t know what lockdown means, but I’m going to assume it means what it sounds like.

  “Uh, I better be off then.” I say as I stand on jelly-like legs.

  “You’re stayin’,” Roam informs me. I didn’t even see him walk up to us.

  “Why do I need to stay? I’m not attached to the club or anything. I’ll be fine,” I snap.

  “No, but you are attached to Jenn, and Jenn is attached to the club. Now, I don’t know for sure, but I’m thinking those men clocked you sittin’ outside on that table before they opened fire, which means they got a good look at you and they’ll assume you got somethin’ to do with the club. That means, until we resolve the situation, you stay here.”

  “I’m sure they don’t have any business with me.” I cross my hands over my chest and glare at him.

  “Darlin’, I’ll give Mitch a call, tell him you won’t be in for a few days. This’ll be all be over soon and you get back to your regular business, but until then, we gotta make sure you stay safe,” Switch weighs in.

  “Fine,” I grumble. I give Switch and Roam a pointed stare, hopefully conveying just how unhappy I am with the situation, then I stalk over to the couches in the corner.

  Roam follows.

  He grips my elbow and pushes himself flush up behind me. “Got shit to do now, sugar, but when I get back, you and me are gonna have a little chat.”


  Instead of replying, I sit down on the couch and stare out the window contemplating why my life is such a clusterfuck.

  Why can’t my life ever just be easy?

  It’s been two days. I have been cooped up in the clubhouse for two whole fucking days. I think I’m slowly going crazy. There are people everywhere and no one ever shuts up! The noise is deafening. Kids are screaming and running around, adults are talking over each other and no one seems to be bothered about the fact that we’re all stuck here with no indication of when this shit storm will be over.

  I haven’t seen Roam or the rest of the men since they left after Roam told me we’d be having a chat when he got back from doing the shit he had to do.

  I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared. I think a lot of my anger has to do with the fact that I am petrified. Part of me wishes that Roam had my number so he could at least text me and tell me he’s safe.

  How is it even possible that I’ve got feelings for a man that I’ve barely spoken to? I know nothing about him...except how fantastic he is in bed.

  “You alright?” Jenn asks as she sits herself down beside me.

  “Yeah, just thinking,” I don’t elaborate.

  “About?” She probes.

  “Nothing much, really,” I answer before grabbing a s
ucker from my pocket and jamming into my mouth.

  The door opens and in walk a bunch of men. Jenn jumps up and rushes over; launching herself into Switch’s waiting arms. He kisses her passionately and then they walk over to me.

  “Lockdown’s over, darlin’. Free to go,” he grins, clearly knowing how much I am dying to get out of here.

  “Awesome,” I all but shout as I stand up. I don’t even care about finding out the details of who shot up the clubhouse, or what the club did to them. “I’m out. Talk to you later, Jenn,” I give a wave and the high tail it out to my car. I stop off at Starbucks on the way and buy a large iced coffee with whipped cream and caramel drizzle. It tastes like Heaven compared to the instant coffee they have at the clubhouse. Then I drive over to the park and pull up near a large oak tree. I grab a blanket out of my trunk and lie down. The sun shining down on me is bright and the sky is clear – two things that my future isn’t; bright and clear, I think on a long, drawn out sigh.

  Chapter 9

  Two nights later, I’m back on shift at Two Two Oh Eight bar. I’m on with Candy and it’s busy as all get out.

  “Hey, girl, how you been? Mitch said you had an issue. Hope it’s all sorted?” Candy asks me during a lull in service.

  “Yeah, all sorted,” I mutter unconvincingly as I scan my tables, making sure everyone has a full glass.

  “Well, I’m here, you know, girl. You ever need to talk; I’m always ‘round somewhere.”


  I can feel his eyes on me as I work, but as I subtly try to find him, I have no success. I know he’s here somewhere though, because I sense his nearness in my veins.

  I wipe down my last table and collect my bag from behind the counter. After waving goodbye to Mitch and Candy, I make my way out into the parking lot.

  I see Roam, relaxing against the hood of my car. My eyes move over his body and my mouth waters. Heavy black boots encase his feet, well-worn jeans hang from his hips, a black shirt and his leather cut sits on his shoulders. My heart thuds loudly in my chest and my core unconsciously clenches.

  To cover my body’s reaction to him, I roll my eyes at him.

  “Time for our chat, sugar. Been waitin’ long enough. We can do it here or in private. I’d prefer in private, but I’m gettin’ the picture that you’re a stubborn ass, so I’ll let you choose,” he grins through the last part.

  “Whatever,” I mutter.

  “Public or private, sugar. Make your choice.”

  “Private,” I huff. He reaches out and grabs my hand. Giving a tug, he pulls me off my seat and I follow him to wherever he deems private enough for our chat. I try to pull my hand from his but he just employs a tighter grip, so I eventually just give up trying.

  He walks us over to a Harley motorcycle and then releases my hand. He swings his leg over the beast and gestures with a flick of his head that I should get on behind. I tentatively mount the bike. Unsure of where to put my hands, I sit them on my knees.

  He hands me a helmet, which I promptly secure tightly to my head. “Gonna need you to hold on, sugar,” he rumbles. “Where?” I stupidly ask.

  His answer is to grab my hands and wrap my arms tight around his waist. I feel his breathing quicken as a result of my nearness. His stomach is tense and I feel each ridge of his muscles against my palms. The front of my body is flush up against the back of his. When he starts the bike, the vibrations cause a violent tremble to move through my body. I know he feels it, because there’s no way he couldn’t feel it.

  “Hold on, sugar,” he warns before the bike lurches forward and we’re tearing down the road.

  I close my eyes and duck my head into his back as the wind rushes by us. Roam slows the bike and we veer left onto a dirt road. He guns the throttle again and we travel for a ways before he slows again to take right turn. Finally he pulls to a stop and cuts the engine. I remove my helmet and slide off the bike. My legs feel like jelly but adrenalin is racing through my blood. I feel fucking awesome!

  Roam takes my hand and leads me toward a beautiful country-style home. It looks old and worn and even though it’s only illuminated by the glowing outdoor lights, I can feel its charm.

  We walk up the stairs and he unlocks the door before walking us inside. I look around at the sparsely decorated house. Despite the lack of furnishing, the house’s natural character shines through. It really is a beautiful home.

  “Be right back.” Roam leaves me standing there as he goes just down the hall and through a door. I walk over to a wall with a few photos hanging on it. There are a few of a younger Roam with some of the other bikers, including Switch. They must be around eighteen or twenty.

  There’s an old fashioned wedding portrait of a young couple in love and one next to that of the same style picture, just a different couple. But, it’s the picture of a handsome little boy sitting in the lap of a beautiful woman who is sitting in between Roam’s legs that captures my attention.

  All are wearing wide, happy smiles. Roam’s arm drapes across the shoulders of the woman and his other hand rests on the little boy’s leg.

  It’s a family photo.

  What the fuck?

  “You want a drink or somethin’?” I turn when I hear Roam’s voice.

  “Uh,” my hesitation hangs heavy within the sound. My eyes dart around just waiting for his partner to come out of the shadows wielding a knife or a gun...I know, I know, I have an overactive imagination.

  “Somethin’ wrong?”

  “The picture,” I say, gesturing behind me.

  “What pict – oh, that one. Yeah, Jasper gave it to me last Christmas. Promised him I’d hang it, so I did,” he says by way of explaining.


  “My kid.”


  “That a problem for you?”

  “Um, well, no. I don’t think so,” I stutter.

  “Good. Now, you want a drink?”

  “What about Jasper’s mom?”

  “We’re not together, if that’s what you’re askin’.”


  He stalks off and comes back a few seconds later with a can of coke. I take a sip and then ask, “Why did you bring me here, Roam?”

  “Straight to point. I like that,” he laughs. I don’t laugh though. I just look at him, waiting for him to tell me that I’m not good enough for him. That I’m not good enough for anybody. Just like my father used to tell me. I mean, that’s why I’m here, right? He said that us fucking would never happen again. That it should never have happened in the first place. Though, why he had to bring me here to rub it in my face, is beyond me.

  “About the other night,” he starts.

  “Look, we don’t have to do this, you know? You made yourself perfectly clear and I accept that. Let’s not drag this out and make things even more awkward than they already are,” I launch in, interrupting him.

  “No, you need to shut up and listen to what I gotta say,” he growls at me.

  “Pardon?” I glare at him.

  His jaw clenches so hard that his cheek tics. Damn, why does he have to be so gorgeous? Why do I want to lick him all over when he gets that pissed off look about him? God, I am so fucked up.

  “Fuck you’re even hotter when you’re pissed,” he whispers, his eyes scanning my face.

  I’m not going to lie; his words make my happy place do a little dance. I ignore it and mentally tell my privates to get their act together.

  “The other night, what I said, it came out all kinds of wrong. I didn’t mean it shouldn’t have happened. What I meant was, you deserve better than to be fucked up against a wall in a restroom at a fuckin’ bar. I saw that dickhead with his hands all over you and I had to step in, then I watched you all night and the more I watched you, the more I had to have you. I lost control and took you. What I should have done was taken you home and fucked you there. Shoulda never let you leave. I feel like, even if I fucked you every night for the rest of my life, it wouldn’t be enough.” />
  I stare at him, completely blown away. You could knock me down with a feather, I’m sure. But, he’s not finished.

  “I’m not real into sharin’ much about my feelin’s, so that’s about all you’re gonna hear from me. The rest of the time, I’ll show you. Now, it’s up to you. You wanna take this ride with me or not, sugar?”

  My body is screaming Hell yes! But my mind is a lot more wary. “What exactly does taking the ride with you entail?” I ask cautiously.

  “Not gonna make any promises to you that I can’t keep. But, I wanna see where things go with you.”

  “Okay,” I find myself agreeing. I think I just shocked myself.

  “Good. Now come over here. I need a taste of your sweetness, sugar.”

  My knees tremble, but my legs still make their way toward him of their own accord.

  I stop in front of him and look up into his blue eyes. He smiles down at me and two dimples pop out. His eyes twinkle and I am lost in their depths.

  He leans down and his lips blend with mine. My mouth opens, granting his seeking tongue entrance. A sigh escapes me and he pulls me flush against him. Walking backwards, we find ourselves in his bedroom.

  He slowly removes my clothing as I return the favor. Soon, we are naked before each other. I sit on the bed and then lay back. He climbs over me, resting his weight on his forearm. He uses his free hand to stroke down the side of my body. I shudder as his calloused finger tips gently graze the underside of my breast.

  “Fuckin’ amazing,” he whispers before leaning down and taking my nipple into his mouth. My hands thread through his hair and hold him to me as he continues to gently lave my hardened bud.

  His fingers travel down and brush through my lips. “Fuck,” Roam growls when he finds my wetness.

  “It was the ride over here,” I half lie.

  His fingers penetrate me at the same time as he calls me out on my lie. “So, it’s got nothin’ to do with me?”

  “No,” I pant, as his fingers piston in and out of me. “I think you’re lying, sugar,” he muses.


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