Born to Ride

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Born to Ride Page 54

by Kasey Millstead

  Soft laughter started behind me.

  Talon smiled. God, he was hot. “There's no thinkin' there, kitten. I'll rock your world.”

  “Maybe so. But not now, because I have to go.” Tears filled my eyes again. “They're gone, Talon.”

  “I know, sweetheart.”

  “I have to go.”

  “You aren't fucking moving,” Deanna shouted.

  I stood, hands on my hips, and faced her as she stood in the same position on the other side of the couch. “I have to. You know this, Deanna. You, of all people, know this.”

  “Blah, fuckin', blah. You ain'tmovin', bitch. If he comes, we'll take care of it. I'm sick of you being scared.” She pointed at me. “I hate seeing you always checkin' your doors, always looking over your shoulder. You will never move on and root hot-pecker-boy there and live your fuckin' life so you can be happy.” She took a deep breath. “I'm sick of our past shit catching up,” she yelled.

  “Screw you.” I screamed back. She jumped the couch and tackled me to the floor.

  “Holy shit,” I heard Mattie say.

  While we rolled around, I kept trying to make my point. “He'll come, muffin head. He'll come and kill everyone I love. He'll take Maya and me away. We'll suffer for the rest of our lives.”

  “Not gonna fuckin' happen,” Deanna hissed.

  “Griz,” Talon growled. Then I was lifted up, and was held against a strong chest, by strong, sexy arms. As was Deanna, only she was struggling against Griz's grip on her. She didn't have a chance; and because she was pissed, she was missing out on the feel of Griz against her. Which would probably piss her off even more.

  “I will not let him hurt you. I'll kill him first,” she said.

  “I can't risk it, Deanna. I'm more worried what he'll do to you, to Maya, Mattie and—” I looked over my shoulder at Talon, who seemed angry about something. “I won't let any harm come to any of you; and if I can stop that by leaving, I will do it.”

  “The fuck you will,” she sneered.

  “Yeah? I get it, Deanna. I get you're some tough bitch. You think you can take him, but I won't let you. I need you around. I care about you too much.”

  “Care on this, loose lips.” She gave me the finger.

  “Screw. You. Again.” I glared.

  “You wish.”

  “Holy fuck, boss! They're both Wildcats,” one guy said from near the door.

  “Enough!” Talon snapped, and something in his tone had Deanna and me pause our argument. “Both of you shut the fuck up.”

  “Eat—” Deanna was about to swear until Griz placed his hand over her mouth and whispered something in her ear. Her eyes widened; he took his hand away and stepped back.

  I turned in Talon's arms and glowered at him. “Don't you dare tell me to shut up.”

  “I will if you're being an idiot.”

  “Idiot this, dick-for-brains.” I went to punch him; he dodged it and grabbed me around the waist, blocking my arms at my sides.

  “Do that again and there will be consequences.”

  “Yeah, like what?”

  He moved his head, his lips at my ear and whispered, “My tongue in your mouth; my hand down your pants in front of everyone, and still, you'll enjoy it.”

  I gulped. Hot damn! I'd gone from terribly upset, scared, angry and annoyed to wet in a second. How did he do that?

  He pulled back and looked down at my face; what he saw made him smile. “Yeah, just what I thought.” He pointed to the couch. “Now sit the fuck down, both of you, and start explaining.”

  My brain—that had been in overdrive with fear—must have shut down, because I sat and listened to him without saying anything back.

  Chapter Three

  Damn him and his hot alpha words. They'd gone and turned me into a horny puddle; right now all I could think about was having his sexy hand down my pants.

  Shit! I'm staring at his hand. Look away, Zara, look away.

  Was he right? Had this—us been a long time coming? All those morning glances, teasing words, and flaming, wild wet dreams.

  Yep, I guess it had. But the thing was—it was too late. Now I had to leave, to stay safe and keep others protected.

  Which could be good in the end for me, it'd also keep my heart in one piece.

  I wanted to hurl, to just chuck my guts up. I wanted to cry, scream, and have sex.

  Could anyone make sense of that? Because I couldn't.

  My heart and stomach clenched.

  Oh, parents.




  Talon's hand.

  Stuff it...that just popped in there, again.

  I placed my head in my hands and shook it. What was wrong with me? Maybe I was losing my ever-lovin' mind. Yes. It was either that, or I was dreaming; if so, what a stuffed up dream!


  Nope. Not dreaming.

  I peeked out of one eye, which brought me face to face with Talon's jean-clad perfect pecker.


  "You." I sat up straight and pointed at him. "You need to leave; you're a distraction and I need to have a break down."

  Deanna snorted beside me. I'd forgotten she was there and that I had other company of scrum-diddly-umptious bikers.

  How in the hell could there be so many good-looking men in Talon's club?

  Wait, maybe he interviewed them, and when they walked in, he'd snap his fingers and say, 'Nuh- uh, you ain't smokin'; you can't join.'

  See! See where my mind goes when there was too much pressure?

  "Kitten," Talon said again with more of a growl.

  God, I hope I hadn't looked like a zombie, off in a daze, thinking about Talon and his weird ways of men joining his group.

  Deanna sighed loudly and said, "Oh, for fuck’s sake! Leave her alone; she's had some big shocks in such a small amount of time, and her pea brain is trying to handle it. Also it doesn't help you standing there all manly, but whining at her like an old woman."

  I loved Deanna!

  So I told her just that, "I love you, Deanna."

  She smiled. "Yeah, yeah. I'm all roses and chocolates, and vibrators about you too, hun."

  "Fuckin' hell. It's like talking to two deranged children." Talon glared at the both of us, causing laughter from the male stripper group near the front door. Okay, not strippers, but a woman could easily dream up a lap dance from any or all of them.

  "Hey," I snapped a little late.

  "At least they're good looking," one of the strippers commented—bikers, Zara, bikers.

  I really must meet them all one day. Hold up—one day could never come. At least I could be hospitable now.

  I stood from the couch and faced them. "Sorry, guys. I should have asked this ages ago. Would anyone like a drink? Or, oh, what about a cookie? Everyone loves cookies. I can get more chairs too; I hate seeing people standing when I've been sitting my lard-ass down."

  No one said anything; their gazes were fixed on Talon.

  "We're fine."

  I looked to Griz.

  "Thanks," he added.

  "Huh, I wouldn't have minded a cookie," the youngest and closest one uttered.

  Well, at least I could make my brother more comfortable. I felt bad he'd been witness to all this.

  I turned to Mattie, who was sitting in a kitchen chair near the doorway, looking very confused, a little shocked, and a lot worried. "Mattie, what can I get you? You must be hungry? When was the last time you ate? I know; I can go set up the spare room bed."

  Because it seemed I wasn't going to be allowed to leave tonight.

  Right! That was it. I stomped my foot because Mattie hadn't once looked at me; his gaze was also fixed on Talon.

  I spun back around to Talon. “You suck!” With my hands on my hips, I glared at him.

  He looked to the roof and sighed deeply. Probably praying for patience to deal with me. Well, suffer in your tighty-whitey jocks Talon.

  There was a knock a
t the door. A squeak escaped me and I went to dive for the couch, until a hand reached out and pulled me to a rock solid, drool worthy, body. Talon wrapped his arms around me and nodded to...

  “Pick, open it,” Talon ordered.

  Pick? Pick? What kind of name was that?

  Something to think about later.

  Pick, with the shaved head, goatee, and pale blue eyes, nodded and turned to open the door.

  I breathed a sigh of relief and unclenched my hands from Talon's black tee when I spotted Blue, the only other member I knew of Talon's men. He'd been kind enough to help me unload my car one day after I'd been crazy shopping with Deanna. He was the only other one I found it hard to not stare at. Anyone with a humming passage would cream their pants if Blue came at them with his large muscles, skin-tight shirts, black leather pants, and biker boots. To top the look off, he had longish blond hair, light green eyes, and a smile that made my panties want to fall off and follow him everywhere.

  “What’s doing, Blue?” Talon asked.

  “Cody.” That one word had Talon stiffen and suck in a breath.

  A child around twelve with black scruffy hair and deep blue eyes popped his head around Blue and gave a wave. “Dad.”

  What. The. Heck?

  “What's goin' on, Cody?”

  “Mum's busy, so I came here. Not here, but to your house, and Blue brought me here,” he said on a whisper. He seemed really shy, averting his eyes from Talon to the floor and back again.

  “Shit!” Talon spat.

  “Hey.” I slapped him on the stomach. “No swearing around kids. Hi, Cody.” I waved, smiled, and stepped around Talon. “I'm Zara; I live here with my six-year-old daughter, Maya. Only she's not home at the moment, but at her school for a sleepover.”

  Blue gently guided him further into the house by a hand around his neck, and then shut the door.

  “Can I get you anything, sweetheart? Would you like a cookie? A drink—”

  “A chair,” Talon muttered. I glared over my shoulder at him as he smirked back. “We've been through this, kitten. No one wants anything.”

  I watched Cody's expression change from puzzled to shock in a second when Talon called me kitten.

  “Shush, Talon. Stop being so dang bossy.”

  He laughed, wrapped his hand around my neck, and brought me nose-to-nose with him. “You know you like it,” he growled.

  I pushed at his chest. “Whatever.” I sighed and rolled my eyes. Yeah, alright. I kinda liked it.

  “We have shit to talk about, kitten—”

  “Damn, I mean dang it, Talon. Stop swearing.”

  “I've heard worse,” That whisper came from Cody. It was then I realized Talon and I were having our conversation still with our noses touching. I whacked his hands away and turned back to Cody.

  But then quickly spun back to Talon, and on my own growl I said, “Yeah, Mister. We do have things to talk about, and one would be why the frig I'm just finding out now you have a son.”

  Talon laughed and then whispered, “There are a lot of things we don't know about each other, kitten. I look forward to finding out each detail.” He scanned my body from top to bottom.

  I shook my head, and felt the need to shake my soaking panties, but resisted and faced Cody once again.

  “Now, where was I? Oh, yes. You may have heard worse, Cody, and if you hang out with Deanna for five seconds I'm sure you'll learn way more than any child should.” Laughter filled the room. “But the point is, sweetheart, in this house there is no swearing from anyone!”

  Well, when children were around, that was.

  “Okay, ma'am.”

  Deanna burst out laughing.

  “Cody, you can call me Zee. All my friends do.”

  He gave me a half smile, and then stared at the floor.

  Talon came to my side, one arm placed around my shoulder, and he leaned in and kissed my temple. “That'll do,” he whispered, which sent shivers down my spine. And with the hand that left my shoulders, he patted my behind and walked to his son, replacing Blue's hand with his own.

  “Kitten, I'll be back. Griz, stay here. Boys, with me, now.” And with so many wonderful words–not–he walked to the front door, opened it, and left with all the boys, but Griz.

  “Bye, Cody. It was nice meeting you,” I yelled before Blue winked at me and closed the door after him.

  “Well, I'll be damned. What a fucked up night,” Deanna said as she stood from the couch and stretched. I caught Griz taking it all in, but when he saw me looking, he went into the kitchen.

  “Come on, Mattie,” Deanna said. “We'll sort out your bed in the spare room. And, Zee,” she came at me. I tensed, but she hugged me instead. “Get the fuck into bed, hun. You look awful, I'll be in soon.”

  I nodded into her shoulder. She knew me, she knew I wanted to just crash and burn. I needed my breakdown and she was giving me the opportunity for it. Before I did though, I walked over to a quiet Mattie and pulled him against me.

  “I'm sorry. So, so sorry that it took this to bring us together again. I love you, Mattie, and I'm glad you're here.”

  “So am I, sis, and they would be too. They’d be happy, darl’, to know you're being taken care of. Even if they are a bit full on.”

  I laughed on a sob, kissed his cheek, and walked off to my room.

  With the door closed, and without undressing, I fell to my bed and cried my soul out.

  Sometime later, I was still in pieces when I heard the door open. I didn't bother looking up; I knew it would be Deanna. I heard shoes hit the floor, harder than Deanna would treat her precious pumps, but thought nothing of it until a solid, hard warmth hit my back. And not unless Deanna had morphed into a male, this definitely wasn't her.

  “Jesus, kitten. I'm sorry, Zara. I should have been back sooner.” Talon's breath ran across my neck and then he kissed it.

  His sweetness made me want to cry harder. “Don't. Be an ass. I can't handle you being nice.”

  He laughed and pulled my back flush against his front. “Alright, kitten. Wanna fuck?”



  I giggled and snuggled in closer. “I'm scared, Talon.” So very scared and hurt.

  “I know. But, as words spoken from Deanna, you ain't fuckin' leavin',” he growled. “We'll get through this.”

  And that was what also scared me—the ‘we'll’ part. He’d placed himself in there with me. Was I ready for that? Hell no.

  But as sleep started to take me, I felt protected.

  “Keep your perfect pecker to yourself.”

  I heard another rumble of laughter before I drifted off.

  Chapter Four

  I really, really did not want to get up and face the day. Could it be possible that no one would notice my absence? Doubtful. I still had to get to work, pick Maya up, and fly the coop without any problems. Just the thought made me groan. I knew it wasn't going to be easy. Problems were bound to come my way.

  Problem one: whenever I closed my eyes, all I pictured was Talon in my bed. I turned my head to see that spot now empty. It was probably for the best. I wouldn't have been able to control myself like I had through the night. When I woke and he was holding me tightly against him, other than feeling like I was being smothered, it felt nice. Then I realized where one of his hands was. Cupping my sex. Of course, I had to wriggle a little, only I shouldn't have, because it sent a pulse of lust throughout my body and I so wanted to do it again. My first thought was maybe he wouldn't notice if I accidentally got off from his hand. I wiggled again, holding back my moan, and that was when his shiver-worthy voice rumbled at the back of my neck.

  “If you do that again, you'll see how perfect my pecker is.”

  I froze, and damned him into a coma so I could continue with his hand. Unfortunately, it didn't work; so then I contemplated the thought of just using him for the night—to forget, because I wouldn't be around much longer.

  “Stop fucking thinkin'; the noise your
brain makes is keeping me awake.”

  I settled back with a loud sigh, just to annoy him. Fine, if he was going to be an ass, I was going to keep my wet tunnel away from him.

  Double fine, if he wasn't going to be an ass about it and not move his hand, I was going to ignore it and sleep.

  And I did.


  Problem two: I was hearing her voice rise down the end of the hall in the kitchen. Who Deanna was yelling at, I had yet to figure out. I could only hope it wasn't my brother. I was sure Deanna's foul-mouth could just about scare Satan himself.

  Problem three: the most important - my bladder was screaming at me to get out of bed and deal with it.

  I got up, peed, had a shower, and dressed in jeans, a red sweater, socks, and with my hair still damp, I walked out of my room.

  On the way down the hall, I paused to listen in on the conversation being held in the kitchen.

  “You fuckin' mean she doesn't work for that law firm anymore?” Talon asked.

  Deanna snorted and said, “Turn up your hearin' aid, old man, and listen carefully. No, she don't work there no more.”

  “Where she at now?”

  “At some PI place not far from here.”

  “Hell. Please don't tell me 'We put the P in PI'?” he asked with disgust in his voice.

  “Yeah, I think that's it; like I said, she ain't been there long, two weeks tops.”


  I heard a bark of laughter that didn't sound anything like Talon or Deanna. So I guessed Griz was still here.

  What was the big problem with where I worked? I found Violet, Chuck, and Warden great people to work with. It wasn't like I was doing any of the PI work. I was their secretary and that was it.

  “Griz,” Talon barked. Ha, I'm right, Griz's laughter died.

  “Come on, boss. It'd have to be a co-winky-dink.”

  “I doubt it.”

  “A fuckin' what?” Deanna asked with a smile. I could hear it in her voice.

  I peeked around the corner to see Griz stiffen and glare at her, and then he said, “A coincidence.”


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