by JS Taylor
Slowly, we all return our slips to the bag.
Then James shakes it and pulls out the first piece of paper.
He stops short, his eyes widening. Then his gaze rests on Callum.
“I have the first paper here,” he says carefully. “It says: I am the press leak.”
Chapter 35
I feel my mouth drop open in clean amazement. Callum? Callum is leaking to the press. I simply don’t believe it.
But then I see James’s gaze switch to Natalie.
And as we all turn to look, her green eyes fill with tears.
Natalie? Natalie was the leak?
“It was you?” asks Callum in disbelief. “You were leaking to the press, Natalie?”
“I am so sorry,” she whispers. “Truly.” Her gaze switches to me, and I am overwhelmed by the loneliness in her face. “Please forgive me, Issy,” she whispers.
I turn to see Callum is every bit as shocked as I am. James looks stern, yet considered.
“But how could it be you?” I manage, after a long silence. “I was with you when the first leak happened.”
Natalie is shaking her head, and tears fall from her cheeks.
“I had my back to you,” she says. “I was walking away. I had enough time to send a text message. That’s all I needed to do.”
I am reeling from the shock of all this.
“I didn’t think you knew anything,” I say, finally.
Natalie manages a weak smile.
“I’m a good actress.”
She sure is.
“I’m not as dumb as people think,” she adds. “Of course I knew. I saw you both together in your chalet.”
“But, why Natalie?” The anger and betrayal is loading up now. “Why would you do it? You could have ruined things for everyone. Including yourself,” I add.
Natalie looks down at the floor. She begins picking coral coloured varnish from her thumbnail.
“Because I’m sick,” she whispers. “I’m not well. It’s become like an addiction for me. I’ve been working on it. But I lapsed.”
Her expression is pleading.
“I get kind of a thrill,” she says, “when my message goes through, and the press are all desperate to get in touch.” She swallows visibly. “Then it’s over, and I feel awful,” she says with a strange little smile. “Worse than awful. And I realise I’ve hurt people. And ruined things.”
My gaze drifts over to James. What is he making of all this?
“Natalie is getting help, for her addiction,” he says. “Her assistant Carol is an expert therapist. According to her reports, Natalie has made good progress.”
“Carol is Natalie’s therapist?” I can’t keep the amazement from my voice.
James nods. “Natalie is very ashamed of her issues. We agreed that she would need a therapist with her whilst filming, but that her identity could be hidden.”
“But… what was Carol doing, snooping around near my cottage?” I ask.
Callum starts in surprise at this. Natalie starts picking her nail varnish again.
“Carol was making sure it was secure,” answers James. “So your cottage wouldn’t present a temptation for Natalie.”
I am struggling to take this all in.
“You knew about this all along?” I ask James. I can’t keep the accusation from my voice.
James shakes his head. “I didn’t know Natalie was leaking information. Though I always had my suspicions. Since we arrived at Berkeley Hall, I was able to confirm them. With the private phone mast we have here, I was able to keep track of where calls were being made.”
Natalie is biting her lip. I glance at Callum. He looks in total shock.
“And when my computer was accessed, I knew it was time to force the issue,” adds James. “But I hoped that Natalie would do the decent thing,” he adds. “Which I think she has.”
“Natalie was also embarrassed about her need for medication,” adds James. “It helps with her addictive urges. But unfortunately, her need to hide it meant she didn’t always take it regularly.”
“I always have people around me,” says Natalie, looking down. “It’s not always easy to take it without people seeing. I’m doing much better now,” she adds, looking up with sincerity.
“The question is,” says James carefully. “Can you forgive Natalie for what she’s done?”
I look at Callum. This is unexpected.
“What do you mean exactly?” asks Callum.
“I mean,” says James, “Natalie has admitted what she’s done. She’s sorry for it. And she can hardly carry on doing it. Not now we all know.”
He folds his hands and looks at us carefully.
“In my opinion,” says James, “Natalie could be forgiven her mistake. She could be allowed to continue filming with us.”
Natalie visibly flinches at this. It was obviously unexpected.
“But,” says James, looking at Natalie, “if Callum or Isabella would rather I cast someone new, then I will respect those wishes.”
Natalie’s face falls. She looks like a woman condemned. This is her last chance, I remember, to work on a big picture. She’s been so much trouble to directors, she’d have difficulty getting another role. Particularly if she’s thrown out of Berkeley’s movie halfway through filming.
Callum clears his throat to speak. He’s never liked Natalie. I guess this is his chance to get rid of her. I can hardly blame him. Her actions have been appalling.
“I’m happy,” says Callum carefully, “for Natalie to continue acting with us.”
I hear Natalie take a sharp breath.
Callum shrugs and looks at Natalie.
“I’ve been the addiction route myself,” he says, “and I’ve messed up worse than most people can imagine. I certainly wouldn’t be here if people hadn’t taken chances on me.”
He grins at Natalie. “Don’t make me regret it,” he says with a wink.
Natalie’s face is a picture. It’s frozen in a bizarre mix of shock and joy.
“Thank you,” she whispers. “I would never let you down, Callum.”
I realise, suddenly, that they’re all looking at me.
And no matter what Natalie has done, I just couldn’t find it in myself to hold a grudge. She looks bent, broken, and all I want to do is give her a hug.
“Of course, I forgive you,” I hear myself saying.
“Really?” Natalie’s eyes snap towards me in shock.
I smile. “Yes.”
Suddenly, Natalie is smiling back.
“Are you serious?”
“Yes, I am totally serious,” I say. “Besides, I like acting with you.”
“I also forgive you, Natalie,” James says. “But it is on several provisos.”
Natalie sits upright, like a school girl paying attention in class.
“Firstly, I want you to continue therapy with Carol,” says James. “And secondly, I want Carol to take charge of your medication. See that you take it for as long as you need it.”
Natalie is nodding slowly.
James smiles. “If you can agree to that,” he says mildly, “then I think we have a movie to make.”
Chapter 36
Sunlight is streaming down on the Berkeley Estate as the final cameras are wheeled into position.
Lighting rigs are already in place, and the scattering of crew are striding around purposefully, making the final adjustments.
Callum and I have emerged from hair and make-up and are awaiting the call to action.
Natalie is already waiting on set. Our forgiveness seems to have brought out the best in her. She’s been punctual, professional, and personable since we arrived back on set.
“Hi.” She waves at us shyly, and then looks away. I guess it will take some time before she’s no longer embarrassed with us. But I feel certain she’ll come around.
The word on set is that the press leak confessed and was given a second chance by James.
“And that,”
observes Callum as we discuss what the crew have been told, “was a genius move.”
“Why?” I ask.
“Because James is letting the crew know that he not only values loyalty,” says Callum, “but that he commands it. They’ll love him all the more now.”
Watching the crew perform their duties, I have to agree with him. If the staff were determined and efficient before, they’re even more so today.
Callum leaves my side to go talk with Natalie. Since neither of them is due to act in this first scene.
This scene. I feel the script in my hand tremble. I’ve read it so many times. And my nerves are finally starting to be replaced with excitement.
There’s a ripple in the atmosphere on set, and without even turning, I know James has arrived.
“Hello, Issy.” I hear him behind me and turn. His green eyes rest gently on mine.
“Hello,” I reply.
“Ready for our first scene?” he asks softly.
I have crazy butterflies in my stomach. But I realise I’ve been waiting for this moment since we started filming. Perhaps since we first met.
“Yes,” I reply.
He’s looking at me more intently now.
“Do you remember your first audition with me?” he asks. “When we performed Shakespeare?”
I smile. “Of course I do.”
“I wanted you so badly at that audition, Issy.”
“And now you’ve got me.”
We’re both staring into each other’s eyes, smiling.
“Time to take our places then,” says James.
A garden scene has been set up, with the cameras surrounding an enormous oak tree. James and I will be standing in front. Our characters are due an impassioned conversation.
The idea is that my character Grace will find out more about his character Tom in this scene.
As I drift to my spot, next to the ancient tree, I find myself wondering whether the same will hold true for James and I.
Will I find out more about him as we act together? Something tells me I will.
“Lights!” calls the cameraman.
A circle of subdued lights flash on, and I turn to James, who has taken his place opposite me. He doesn’t seem to mind that he’s not calling the shots today.
“Cameras!” comes the call.
From my position, directly in front of the cameras, I see various red lights blink into life.
James is staring at me, and I feel my love for him leap high in my heart. This is going to be fun, maybe. Fun and challenging. Which just about sums up life with Mr Berkeley.
I smile to myself, and I see a little look of puzzlement on his face. As though he’s wondering what the joke is. Maybe I’ll tell him later. For now, I just want to see him act.
“And action!”
The clapperboard snaps, and James and I launch into our roles.
Wait! It ends there? I need more Spotlight!
If you’re dying to know what happens to James and Issy, don’t worry. It’s not long to wait until the next book.
The final novel in the series, The Final Act, will launch in August 2013.
Shhh! Want details of a SECRET PRE-LAUNCH where you can bag The Final Act for only $0.99?
Click here. You’ll be sent the date for the release AND a secret scene from Natalie’s past that not even James or Issy know!
You’ll also be given access to reader resources, which include pictures of the underwear and toys given to Isabella in this book.
Looking for a hot read to enjoy whilst you’re waiting for the sequel? Pageturners recommends The Ivy Lessons. Click here to read a sample.
A personal word from JS Taylor:
“Thanks so much for reading my book. Fun books can make a bad day better. So if you enjoyed my writing, it would mean the world to me if you post your thoughts on Amazon review. Many Kindles give the option to do this on the next page. If you really want to make my day, you can even share what you’re reading with friends on Facebook and Twitter.
I read every review, and often test free copies of future books on readers who like my work.”
“I also take every kind of reader feedback very seriously, so if you have a critique, or something you didn’t like, please let me know. This means I can become a better writer for my readers. Contact me at: [email protected].”
Jennifer Sarah Taylor won her first story-writing competition aged eight and has never looked back. In adult life she discovered it was much easier to make men do what she wanted in fiction than in the real-world.
So she’s been forcing her male characters to make romantic gestures ever since. As an avid Fifty Shades fan, she was delighted to discover the world was ready for hotter love-scenes. She humbly hopes her readers enjoy reading the Spotlight Series as much as she loved writing it.
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