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Monster Inside Me: Volume II (A Dark Mafia Romance Book 2)

Page 12

by Faye Byrd

  I swallow the hurt and nod, knowing my actions are the cause of her hesitance, but also knowing I shouldn’t expect things I can’t give myself. “What a pair we are, huh?” I ask, attempting to make light of our situation.

  She shrugs and wrinkles her nose. “We are a little pathetic, aren’t we?”

  I brush my hand along her hair. “Nope, just two incredibly thoughtful people who’re trying to be honest with the person we may or may not love.”

  Her giggle fills my ears, and that goddamn swell collects back in the center of my chest. Yeah, I’m such a fucking pussy. “Gesù Cristo,” I mumble, shaking my head.

  “Hey.” Piper pokes me in the rib cage. “Pretty sure I’ve warned you about that.”

  It takes me a second, but I freeze as her words hit me. My Italian. More specifically, me speaking Italian and what that does to her. The same creepy vibe from earlier races across my skin, making me want to bolt from any mention of the subject.

  I chuckle, but it sounds uneasy to my own fucking ears. “Yeah, I remember.”

  I may have brushed it aside earlier, but as I force myself to delve deeper into the idea, I realize just the thought of sex with Piper is unsettling. My stomach does a little flip even as I stare at her gorgeous smiling face.

  What the fuck?

  “Boss, we’re here,” Angelo says, snapping me from the unease of my thoughts.

  I look around and recognize my garage, my heart giving a little thump when I see another man posted in Lorenzo’s usual spot. “I can fucking see,” I snap to cover for my little freak-out.

  “Whoa, man. Chill,” Angelo says, getting out of the SUV and moving to open Piper’s door.

  As I get out behind her, I stand to my full height. “Haven’t we discussed this man shit before?”

  “Yes, Boss. Sorry, Boss. It won’t happen again.”

  “See that it doesn’t,” I growl as I move past him and take Piper’s hand. Even with all the weirdness going on inside my mind, the need to be near her is overwhelming.

  I jab the elevator button harshly, still irked at Angelo, until Piper grabs my abused finger and places a small kiss on the tip. Instead of finding the image hot, as I fucking should, my stomach does another goddamn flip—this one almost makes me nauseated.

  Playing that shit off like a pro, I take my hand back and toss it around her shoulder as I guide her through the open doors. After giving my thumbprint, I turn to face Piper—who’s standing there in what I can only classify as a predatory stance. When my stomach flips this time, I use it as ammunition and back her against the wall like a fucking pro—which I am, of course—just not usually with this queasy feeling attached.

  For the first time ever, I pray this elevator ride with Piper goes quickly. There’s the obvious reason. I’m fucking more than ready to see my home again, but there’s another, more sinister reason. I’m not sure I can pretend I’d fuck her right here for very long.

  I take my time as I position myself between her spread legs, discreetly watching the digital numbers as they climb higher. My lips drop to her exposed neck and caress across her skin as my hands roam down to grip her hips tightly.

  This isn’t so bad.

  She moans as she cranes her head to give me better access, but instead of going straight to my cock, it makes my fucking stomach roll. I pause and breathe deeply, centering myself with her scent before continuing to her ear and teasing her lobe with my teeth.

  The ding of the elevator is the most welcoming sound I’ve ever heard, and I can’t stop myself from pulling away as soon as I hear it.

  But she grabs my shirt before I can exit the elevator. “What’s wrong?” Her brows are pursed, and the way she’s looking at me makes it clear. This is a test of my honesty, and I better pass it with flying colors.

  “It’s complicated and fucked up,” I admit, all the fight leaving me. I can’t keep this from her, no matter how much I wish I could lock it away and pretend it isn’t happening. I turn back and take her in my arms—nausea-free, I might add. “Look, let’s go inside, and I’ll cook us a nice breakfast. We can talk while we eat.”

  “Is it something I said?” she asks, and my heart breaks just a tiny bit.

  I brush her hair from her face. “Not at all. You’ll probably laugh and tell me to quit being a fucking pansy. I swear, I don’t even know where it came from.”

  She studies me, and I must pass muster because she smiles. “We can do that.”

  “Good.” I peck her lips and take her hand, leading her from the elevator. Only I stop dead in my tracks not two feet from the door. Because my fucking stupid brother and his stupid girlfriend have the nerve to be standing in my living room, him looking anxious as hell.

  I thought I was the master of tense muscles, but I have nothing on the woman at my side. Her whole frame goes rigid as her eyes narrow on his lanky frame with the precision of lasers.

  Looks like Ivan’s in more trouble than I realized.

  To Be Continued

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  You can find Volume III here: MIM Volume III

  Volume IV: MIM Volume IV

  You can find my other books here: Faye Byrd Amazon




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