Showdown (Gridiron Book 2)

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Showdown (Gridiron Book 2) Page 2

by Lea Hart

  He traced her long fingers and shook his head. “You are anything but simple, and I thought you were older since you’re terrifyingly smart and accomplished. And may be too damn old for you.”

  Moving her thumb over his, she studied the scars on his skin. “How old is too old?”

  “I’m thirty-five.”

  Slipping her hand away, she covered her face. “I can’t believe they let you out of the retirement home for the night.” She let out a giggle and covered her mouth. “You should probably leave before you miss curfew.”

  He moved his chair closer and placed his hand against her cheek. “I’ve got a few more minutes and need to kiss you.”

  Watching his mouth descend, she closed her eyes as their lips met, feeling a sharp jolt of pleasure run over her skin. Heart pounding, she enjoyed the feeling of his warm lips and unique scent and did everything she could not to dive into the desire that pulsed through her veins.

  Not wanting to embarrass herself, she released his mouth and sat back as an unwilling smile lifted the corners of her mouth. “You sure can kiss, even though you’re past your prime.”

  “Let me show you what past your prime feels like.”

  “Okay,” she mumbled against his mouth right before he took possession. Letting go of the desire that had built up over the evening, she allowed him to sweep his tongue against hers. Sparks flew as he devoured her mouth making her want of him burst free.

  Pulling away, she ran her finger over her mouth and took in a much needed breath. “You might be more trouble than I’m ready for.”

  “I already know you are,” he replied as his thumb moved over her cheek slowly.

  Sitting back, she moved her mass of hair away from her neck and wondered why the room felt impossibly hot. “I have profiteroles for dessert.”

  “Or we could just…”

  She stood and shook her head. “Time for dessert.” Clearing their plates, she hoped the next ten minutes was going to be enough to get herself under control. It had been over a year since she’d been intimate with a man, and she didn’t intend to embarrass herself by throwing her body at the first one who showed the slightest interest.

  Carefully stacking the plates, she gave herself a very stern lecture and then started preparing the dessert. “I’ll have these ready in a minute.”

  “Who would’ve eaten all this food if we didn’t stay home to eat?” Chase asked as he cleared the rest of the dishes from the table.

  “Gerald and I would have eaten it, or I would’ve taken it over to Alex’s tomorrow.” She split the pastries and scooped small globes of ice cream into them and then placed them in a bowl. “He cooks all the time, and unfortunately, I don’t always have time to enjoy his efforts.”

  “Who’s Alex?”

  “Alex Rodriguez. He’s the pitcher for the Piranhas and the person responsible for my current career track,” she replied as she carefully pulled the pitcher of chocolate out of the microwave. “Do you want coffee?”

  “Are you dating Alex?”

  After she handed him the bowls, she picked up the spoons and the chocolate, nudging him in the direction of the table. “Whom I’m dating is none of your business, so don’t be rude and spoil this perfect dessert by being obnoxious.”

  “I was just wondering who was going to be angriest when you fall in love with me.”

  She poured the warm chocolate sauce over the pastries filled with ice cream and handed him a bowl. “This is one of the most wonderful things on the planet. So eat and quit talking nonsense.”

  She repeated the process with her own bowl, then dug her spoon into the dessert, enjoying the warm chocolate and cold ice cream as it hit her tongue. Closing her eyes against the perfection, she moaned and felt Chase’s hand on her leg. “Staring at me isn’t going to work.”

  “Are you sure?”

  She finished her dessert and then carefully wiped her mouth. “As sure as sugar.”

  “I want another date, Ronnie, and another one after that.”

  Crossing her arms, she tapped her foot. “You’re a handsome man, charming and interesting. But you live too far away for this to ever become something.”

  “We could try a long-distance thing, for a while.”

  She shook her head and frowned. “I’m busy building an empire, and I imagine your team takes up most of your time.”

  “We could make it work.”

  “How much free time does a head coach for an NFL team have these days?”

  “Why don’t you leave the how up to me?”

  “All right, Chase Bedford. I look forward to your next call and seeing what you come up with.”

  “Get ready, Ronnie, because it’s going to blow your mind.”

  “I hope so,” she replied as he leaned forward and kissed her cheek, hoping he was as good as he seemed. She was ready for man who actually did what he said and hoped Chase Bedford was going to just that.

  Even if he did scare her to pieces.



  NFL Honors Awards

  Ronnie walked with Ana toward the reception and felt the excitement running through the crowd. Everyone was buzzing, and she knew it was a combination of end of the season revelry, the awards, and the Super Bowl happening tomorrow. “Do you think we’ll see Jack again or is he lost to his admirers?”

  Ana glanced over her shoulder and shook her head. “He’s not going to let me get out of his sight since he’s still paranoid after all of the nonsense that happened last year.”

  Making their way through the crowd, Ronnie prayed her luck continued and she didn’t run into the man she most wanted to avoid. “Everyone has the same idea, and we’re like cattle moving toward the food and drink.”

  Ana took Ronnie’s hand as the crowd stopped moving. “Have you run into Chase yet?”

  “No, and I’m hoping I don’t.” Glancing around, she made sure he wasn’t near. “And if we do, I’m praying we can just pretend like the date several months ago never happened.” Straightening her dress, she plastered a big smile on her face and couldn’t wait until stupid, handsome men were no longer the bane of her existence.

  Ana tugged on Ronnie’s arm and moved them out of traffic. “Is he still leaving messages for you?”

  Leaning against the wall, she waved to a client as he walked past. “I have no idea since I gave strict instructions to Gerald and Nelson not to put his calls through. I also blocked his number on my cell phone.”

  “I thought you might consider giving him another chance after he put so much effort in trying to reconnect.”

  “Giving a man a second chance is like giving him an extra bullet for his gun because he missed you the first time. I learned my lesson with Brian, and do not feel the need to have that particular piano fall on my head again.”

  Ana dug into her purse and pulled out her lip gloss and nodded in agreement. “The fact that it took him two months to call after your first date tells you everything you need to know.”

  “Exactly.” Looking over at her friend, she smiled. “Love agrees with you, and I’ve never seen you happier or more beautiful. I’m so happy it’s worked out with you and Jack.”

  “Me, too. I never would’ve guessed that we’d be as perfectly suited as we are, but it turns out he’s just as boring as me.”

  Ronnie looked over and saw the big defensive end move in their direction. “A match made in heaven.”

  “I can’t imagine my life without him and have so much fun when we’re together. Do you know what we did last night?”

  Ronnie shook her head and put up her hands. “No, and I don’t want to.”

  Ana giggled and then looked around. “We jumped on the bed in our underwear and sang our favorite songs. Who else would be willing to act like an idiot and enjoy it?” She looked down and frowned. “I still can’t believe he likes me.”

  Ronnie pulled up her friend’s hand and stared at the big ring. “I think the hardware on your finger tells you he does, and
if you’re not convinced, then look at the smile he’s giving you right now.”

  Jack finally made it over and stepped up to them. “Hi, ladies. Thanks for waiting, it’s a little crazy tonight.”

  Ronnie patted his arm and winked. “That’s what happens when you’re named Defensive Player of the Year.”

  Jack held up the award and stared at it. “It’s nice to get the recognition, but the best reward is standing right next to me.” He slipped his arm around Ana, leaned down, and kissed her. “This woman right here is the only award I’m ever going to need.”

  Ronnie put up her hands and stepped back. “Please stop, because I don’t want to drown in the mushy love that’s flowing all around me.” Gazing down at the ground, she made sure none of it was getting on her shoes.

  Ana laughed and patted Jack’s chest. “Don’t listen to her and just keep saying sweet things.”

  “I need a drink and some food, so I’ll leave you two to kiss here in the hall.”

  “We’ll find you later,” Ana called out.

  Ronnie moved away from the love-birds and headed to the bar, taking her place in line. Hearing her name, she spun and stared at an enormous chest that she unfortunately recognized. “Hello, Brian.”

  “Hi, Ronnie.”

  “Congratulations on your award.” Looking up, she stared into the eyes of the man who’d broken her heart and let out a breath of relief when she felt nothing. Not mad, sad, or embarrassed. All the emotions had finally seeped away, and she was left with nothing but light and space.

  A minor miracle, if ever there was one.

  “Are you looking forward to the off-season?” she asked as she pasted on a happy debutante smile, wishing Gerald was around to see her behaving so well. She was the very picture of civility and good manners, and it was a shame there were so few witnesses.

  “I sure am.”

  “That’s nice.” Turning, she placed an order with the bartender and felt Brian move behind her to place his as well. Seemed the quick escape was too much to ask, so she inhaled a breath and busied herself with opening her wallet.

  “Ronnie, allow me.”

  Turning, she nodded and watched Brian pay for their drinks and knew he wanted to talk.

  “Can I take five minutes of your time?”

  “I suppose so.” She took a sip of her drink and then followed him over to a tall table. Smiling, she studied his face and wondered why she’d ever fallen for him.

  “I never meant to hurt you, and I’m sorry for what happened between us.” Taking a gulp of his drink, he then frowned. “I never told you in person, and I’ve always wanted the opportunity to look you in the eye and say I’m sorry.”

  She took a sip of her drink and heard a door slam shut and knew it was the one that closed the chapter on one of her more haunting relationships. “I accept your apology, but wonder what you’re sorry for? Do you regret lying to me or that you got caught? If you can’t keep your pants zipped up, then you should warn the women you’re with.” Setting her drink down, she then picked up her purse. “Have a nice life, Brian.”

  Twirling toward the party, she felt lighter than she had in a long time and was relieved that’d she’d finally had her say. “Free at last,” she mumbled as she walked into the large room where dinner was being served. “Free at last.”


  Chase stood next to a table with his best friend and wondered if Ronnie was going to acknowledge his existence. He’d been tracking her since the end of the award show and hoped to have a moment alone with her.

  Glancing over at the doors, he spotted her walking in and felt his heart beat against his ribcage in a hard rhythm. He’d never seen a more beautiful woman in his life and knew it would take a miracle for her to give him another chance.

  Not that he deserved one after not getting in touch with her for two months. And, yes, she had made that abundantly clear when he’d finally spoken with her. She’d been polite in her refusal for a second date, but firm and never accepted one of the several dozen calls he’d made.

  The ballroom was packed with players and their invited guests, and the noise level was starting to match that of a stadium on game day, which made his head pound. He studied Ronnie as she moved into the room and watched her hips sway with each step.

  The woman wasn’t dressed, she was fucking gift wrapped, and he almost choked on the scotch. Feeling Reese pound him on the back as he cleared his throat, he groaned. “She’s here.”

  Reese laughed and gave him one last slap on the back. “Yeah, the choking gave me a clue.”

  “Think she’ll talk to me tonight?”

  “Not a chance in hell, buddy.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought too.”

  “I can’t believe you broke Ronnie DuMond’s heart.”

  “I didn’t break it; we only had one date.”

  “But you nicked it,” he replied as he sipped his drink. “And broke your own in the process.”

  “That obvious?”

  “Yeah, the sad puppy dog eyes are pretty hard to miss.”

  Turning, he slapped his friend on the back. “Since you’re one of her clients, maybe you can put in a good word for me next time you talk.”

  “No way, man. I don’t want to piss her off because she makes too damn much money for me.”

  “Where’s your loyalty? We’ve been friends for ten years and have had each other’s back more often than not.”

  “I like Ronnie too much to give her bad advice, and I don’t think you’re mature enough to take on a woman like that.”

  “Thanks for the loyalty, man.”

  “You’re an idiot and deserve whatever she’s dished out.”

  “I had the team and got caught up in trying to come out of the season with a decent standing, and before I knew it, too much time had passed.”

  Reese snorted and then drained his drink. “That’s bullshit. You met a woman who scared the crap out of you and instead of nutting up, you avoided her until there was no way she would take you on.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “I’m right, though.”

  He watched Ronnie moving around the room and watched a hot young quarterback follow her and try and get her attention. Thankfully, it didn’t seem to be working since she barely glanced at the kid, not that it was discouraging him though.

  Reese tipped his head in the direction of Ronnie and grinned. “That’s the type of man she should date. Scott Clemins just signed a deal worth over one hundred million dollars, with fifty of it in the first two years. He’s looking at her like she’s the answer to his dreams, and she just might be because he’s closer to her age and doesn’t have a lot of baggage.

  Glancing over, he wondered how they’d managed not to kill one another. “I appreciate that you’ve just told me I’m too old and not rich enough to date her.”

  “You put her on a shelf and expected her to still be there when you got back. You, my friend, are exactly where you deserve to be. I like Ronnie, and she’s proven herself to me and my family a hundred times over, and I want her to find happiness.”

  “What about me?” he choked out.

  “You wouldn’t recognize it if it bit you in the ass. You’ve had women throwing themselves at you for far too long to be able to distinguish when a good one comes along.”

  He threw his friend a dirty look and noticed he paid little attention. “You are loose with the advice tonight and being married doesn’t make you an expert.”

  “I am an expert because I have an amazing wife who loves my ass on good days and bad. She would stand between me and a speeding train and has given me two amazing kids with a third baking away. There’s no one more loyal than her, and that, my friend, makes me pretty much invincible.” Punching Chase in the arm, he grinned. “I just want you to have a little bit of the happiness Ginny and I have, and you’re not going to get it by behaving the way you do.”

  He watched the young quarterback capture Ronnie’s attention and felt sick to his st
omach because the smile she’d bestowed on him was similar to one she’d given him several months ago. Knowing there was a ton of truth in his friend’s words, he let out a sigh.

  She had cut him off, but he’d handed her the scissors, so the blame was all his. Seeing the kid rest his hand against Ronnie’s back made him want to kill the son of a bitch. Which was stupid because Ronnie deserved to be happy, and clearly, it wasn’t going to be with him. “Let’s get something to eat. The evening is already a loss, so I better not add getting drunk in public to it.”

  “Always a good idea because Ginny will not be happy if we show up shit-faced. And in case you were wondering, there’s nothing worse than a pissed off pregnant woman. Especially if you’re married to her.”

  “Wise words, my friend,” he replied as they moved toward the buffet, knowing he wouldn’t be happy until he and Ronnie had one more conversation. It wasn’t going to happen tonight, but eventually, it would, even if it meant planting his ass at her front door.


  San Francisco International Airport

  Ronnie sat in her favorite little restaurant and waited for her meal to arrive and knew it was only in the San Francisco airport that you could you get a great bowl of chowder and yummy bread. Pulling out her glasses, she checked her Kindle to see if the book she was interested in had completed downloading and saw it was almost finished.

  The waitress delivered her meal along with a glass of wine, and she was pretty much in pig heaven as she tried the soup and found it delicious as usual. Her book popped up on the screen, and she was about to start reading when she felt someone looming over her. Looking up, she stared into stupid Chase Bedford’s handsome face and watched her heaven turn into hell.


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