Showdown (Gridiron Book 2)

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Showdown (Gridiron Book 2) Page 5

by Lea Hart

  Ronnie let out a loud groan. “I’m going to get some ice cream and then I’m going to kill you, Chase, or run you off.”

  “Think she’ll give us any?” Scott asked as he shook Chase’s hand.

  “Hard to say, but leaving her be is not an option, so I’m going in.”

  “I’ll cover you, man.”

  Ronnie slipped off her shoes and left them by the stairs, then moved into the kitchen. Pulling the freezer door open, she saw that Gerald had stocked her favorite flavors and decided she wouldn’t fire him right away.

  Listening to Scott ask Chase question after question, she rolled her eyes and couldn’t believe he was such a big fan of the old quarterback. She pulled out several cartons and placed them on the island, then got out the bowls, deciding Scott was officially off her list, no matter how well he could kiss. He’d clearly picked his side and was now nothing more than a traitor.

  She scooped out large servings for the men and handed them to Chase. “I hope you enjoy it because it’s the last thing you’ll ever get from me.”

  He leaned over and kissed her cheek. “I’m not giving up, Ronnie.”

  Stomping her foot, she opened the drawer with her knives and studied them and then closed it, deciding he wasn’t worth it. She made her own sundae, adding extra chocolate, and debated going upstairs and leaving the boneheads alone.

  Feeling the weight of her mother’s disapproval, she decided to be a good hostess for the next ten minutes because the two of them didn’t deserve more. Hell, they didn’t deserve anything, but she wanted to hear what they had to say.

  Walking over to the table, she made a mental list of all the things that were wrong with the picture before her. By the time she got to twenty, she gave up and slid into a chair, thinking of how she could pay them back.

  A warm hand slid along her leg, and she watched Chase lift her leg into his lap and then rub her tired foot. Tears pricked the back of her eyes because it felt so blessedly wonderful. Schooling her emotions, she was about to pull her leg away when he lifted her other leg and gave it the same treatment.

  Not able to handle it, she pulled herself together and moved her legs out of his lap and rose, taking her bowl to the sink.

  Nothing from the kitchen table.

  Sighing, she walked up the stairs and, when she passed one of her guest bedrooms, she noticed that Chase had his stuff out.

  Gerald was definitely getting fired.


  Chase walked quietly along the hall and noticed that light was spilling out of Ronnie’s room. Checking his watch, he realized he and Scott had really lost track of time and it was a lot later than he thought.

  Knocking lightly, he waited for a response.


  He pushed the door open a little and was greeted with the sweetest picture of his woman asleep with her glasses on and a book in her lap. She wore a college T-shirt and no make-up, and he’d never seen anyone more beautiful.

  Women had seduced him over the years with every glamourous trick, and he’d gladly fallen for almost every one. But none of them had stolen his heart like the one in front of him, and all it had taken was her sass and sway to make it happen.

  Smiling, he knew the next fifty years with her were going to be entertaining as hell.

  Slowly pulling the book out of her hand, he set it next to the lamp, and then gently took her glasses off, which woke her up. “Everything is locked up, and the kitchen is clean.”

  He leaned down and kissed her forehead and turned off the light. “Sweet dreams, honey. See you in the morning.” Rolling over without comment, she closed her eyes. He adjusted her blankets and then walked to the door. Standing for a moment, he stared at Ronnie and knew he would do anything to win her heart, trust, and respect.

  He’d give up his fortune, Super Bowl wins, and anything else asked of him if only she’d promise to be his future. And if they could make it a happy one, it would be all the better.

  Which meant he should probably start by not pissing her off at every turn.


  Chase walked into Ronnie’s room with a cup of coffee and a smile. She was fast asleep, and seeing her sweet innocent expression made him wonder if he’d ever see it when she was conscious and looking his way.

  “Honey, wake up; I brought you coffee.” No movement. “Good morning,” he sang. A small groan escaped as she waved her arm in his direction. “I have your coffee.” More waving and then she pulled the covers over her head.

  Being the gambler that he was, he sat down and put her coffee cup on the nightstand. He peered over her shoulder and decided she was playing possum. “I’m going for a run and wondered if you wanted to come with me.”

  He placed his hand gently on her back and started rubbing circles through the blanket. “Based on your lack of movement, I’m guessing not. I like to get up early and get a jump on my day, but something tells me you don’t, so I’ll see you after I’m done. I can make us breakfast or take you out; just let me know when I get back.” Standing, he gazed down and wondered if she liked pancakes or waffles.

  The covers whipped over her head, and she sat up and gave him a glare that would cut glass. “Good morning, sunshine.”

  “Where is my gun? I’m going to kill you, Chase.”

  “Now, honey, that’s just mean. Drink your coffee, and I’ll see you in a little bit.” He moved out of the room as a pillow was hurled in his direction. “Love you too,” he called out as a loud groan followed his exit.

  Love and hate were two sides of the same coin and he knew the sooner he got her turned around the better. Whistling, he moved down the big staircase and hoped like hell she didn’t find her gun before he got back since the chances of her not being a hell of a shot, were too small to calculate.


  Sitting at the kitchen table with her coffee and toast, Ronnie glanced out the big window and saw Chase walking up the path in his running shorts and no shirt. “I hate you,” she mumbled as she stared at his perfect chest, perfect arms, and perfect legs. Leaning forward, she tried to find something that wasn’t perfect. When he smiled and waved, she knew she’d found it, and it was his attitude and behavior.

  The audacity of worming his way into her life and home was not going to be forgiven, so she turned back to her laptop and concentrated on the spreadsheet before her. Hearing the back door open, she ignored and kicked herself for not taking the time to look for her gun before she sat down to breakfast.

  “Hi, honey. Are you ready for breakfast?” Walking over, he leaned down, kissing the top of her head.

  “Get away from me. You’re sweaty and disgusting.”

  “That’s what happens when you run five miles in the humidity.” He grabbed her napkin and wiped his face. “I’ll go take a shower and then make you breakfast.”

  “I’ve eaten and am going into the office soon.” Staring up, she gave him a tight smile. “When are you leaving?”

  “Not any time soon. Gerald told me about the problems you’ve been having, and I’m not leaving you alone in this big house. From what I understand, the woman has breached the gates before, and I don’t want to take any chances.” He moved out of striking range and went to the fridge, pulling out a bottle of water. “I’m going to stand over here while you blow up.”

  “You do that. But know that I have a gun, and as soon as I find it, I’ll be fully protected and don’t need some old football player in my home, making me crazy.”

  “I’m not trying to make you crazy; I’m trying to get you to fall for me.” He shot her a smile and leaned against the counter. “Is it working yet?”

  “No! It’s not!”

  “I’m taking you on vacation to the Keys, so maybe it will happen there.”

  “I don’t want to walk to the end of the street with you, so what makes you think, I’d want to take a vacation together?”

  “Gerald and I planned it all out and you’re going to love it. Your suitcase it packed and we’re leav
ing in the morning.”

  Rubbing her head, she felt a big headache coming on and wondered why he’d chosen her to inflict his crazy on.

  Was this some kind of karma?

  Had she behaved so horribly in her past life that this was her price to pay? “I think you’ve lost your ever-lovin’ mind. Clearly, you’ve had a brain injury, and your delusional thinking is a permanent condition.” Standing, she cleared her plates and moved to the sink, feeling his stare. “I’m going to work, and don’t expect to see you when I get home tonight.”

  “So, is that no to a vacation?”

  “I’m going on vacation, but not with you. You can leave the details, and I’ll go by myself because Lord knows I need one. The last year has been crazy, and I should probably take a break.”

  “Exactly. Except we can go together and enjoy each other’s company.” He stepped forward and took her hand. “Please, give me a chance. If you decide that you don’t like me after the weekend, then I promise to leave you alone. It’s Valentine’s weekend, and you don’t want to go to a resort and be all alone and surrounded by couples.”

  “I completely forgot about Valentine’s day.” Leaning against the counter, she tried to pull her hand away, but he wouldn’t let her. She looked into his eyes and couldn’t believe the pleading, pitiful look he was giving her. “I’m not sharing a room with you.”

  “I know and booked a bungalow, figuring it’s bound to have two beds. It’s right on the beach, and it’s beautiful. Gerald chose all of your spa treatments, and all you have to do is relax and be pampered.” Lifting her hand to his mouth, he kissed it gently. “I promise; you’re going to love it.”

  “I will if you don’t go.”

  “I want a chance, and us spending a couple of days together will make that possible.”

  “What kind of chance do you want?”

  “The kind that allows me to prove I’m the man for you. I made a mistake and have learned from it.”

  “Big talk, Chase. I’m not real interested in your words but in your actions, so like I said before, let’s see what you’re capable of.”

  Bending down, he kissed her on the cheek and then let out a loud whoop. “Ronnie DuMond, you will not regret this.”

  “Let’s hope I don’t. Because if I do, there’s a bullet with your name on it.” Looking around, she let out a huff. “Well, there will be as soon as I can find my gun.”

  “You are a bloodthirsty woman. Can you even shoot a gun?”

  She patted his shoulder and smiled sweetly. “I’m an excellent shot, and you would do well to remember that.”

  “Absolutely, honey. Whatever you say.”

  Turning, she shook her head. “If only that were possible.”


  Sitting at her conference table, Ronnie studied her two best friends and awaited their feedback. “I’m either going to punch him in the face or have his babies. It could go either way at this point, and I’d appreciate some input. Because if I’m going to end up in prison stripes, I want it to be worth it.”

  Ana studied her carefully and then sighed. “You don’t go to prison for punching someone.”

  “I know that but I would if I shot him, which is what would happen after I punched him.”

  Ella shook her head. “You like him, and it’s making you crazy. I’ve never seen you display this much emotion toward a man, not even Brian. He’s gotten to you, and it’s tipping you over the edge.” Crossing her legs, she stared at the two of them and frowned. “I’ve seen it before, and if you don’t get yourself under control, then you’re going to end up like one of those women on that show; Orange is the New Blue.” Tapping her fingers on the table, she studied Ronnie. “How did he get into your house in the first place?”

  “Orange is the New Black, is the name of the show,” Ronnie responded. “And, Gerald let him in, apparently giving him his blessing, as well as a key to the front door.” Shaking her head, she let out a big breath. “Gerald has the best instincts in the world when it comes to people, and obviously, he sees something in Chase that I don’t. And, the only reason that I’m even considering this ludicrous idea of going away with him is because Gerald planned it. That and my embarrassing curiosity about whether that first kiss was a fluke.”

  Ana patted her hand. “I think Ella may be right and it looks like having his babies is going to be a better option. Chase Bedford is handsome and just think about the beautiful children you two will make. Speaking of, have you tried him out yet?”

  “No! What is wrong with you people?” Shaking her head, she resumed eating her lunch. “Neither of you are turning out to be much help.”

  “We’re helping; you just don’t like hearing the truth,” Ella stated flatly. “I’ve given into my feelings for Clark, so I have a much different perspective and won’t advise running for the hills like I usually do. You can blame that big man who sleeps next to me every night because it’s all his fault.” Patting her curls down, she smiled at both of her friends. “Now that I’ve admitted what’s in my heart, I feel a lot better because all that resisting just made me tired.”

  “Fine,” Ronnie stated flatly as she watched both of her friends beam in approval. “I just hope I don’t regret this because the happy, blissed-out love you two have is not for everyone.”

  “Yes, it is,” Ana replied. “You just have to believe it’s possible.”

  “Maybe,” Ronnie replied, hoping like hell Chase was capable of giving it to her.

  Her assistant, Nelson, called from the other room that Scott Clemins needed to see her. “Tell him I’m not available.”

  “Now, Ronnie, why are you trying to avoid me?”

  Looking up, she frowned. “You are a traitor and not welcome.”

  Sitting in the only empty seat available, he beamed at the women. “Hi.”

  “They’re not interested, Scott, so don’t waste your time. Ana is engaged to Jack Ellis, and Ella is dating Clark Mason.”

  “Oh, that explains it.” He ran his hand through his hair and let out a laugh. “I thought I was losing my touch.” Leaning back, he grinned. “Guess we’ll become friends.”

  “Why would we do that?” Ella asked before she picked up her drink.

  “Because I’m friends with Chase, who’s in love with Ronnie, and you two are her best friends.”

  “Doesn’t mean a thing,” Ana replied as she picked up her fork and began eating her salad.

  Ella looked him up and down. “If you’re nice to me, then I’ll tell my boyfriend to protect you, but if not…” She motioned her hand across her throat. “All bets are off.”

  “Didn’t think Clark Mason listened to anyone.”

  “Apparently, I’m really good in bed, so he pretty much does what I want,” Ella replied with a smile.

  Seeing Scott’s confused expression, she let out a sigh. “What are you doing here?” Ronnie asked. “I would think you’d have enough sense to stay away since you crossed to the enemy camp last night.”

  “I didn’t cross to anything. In fact, you used to me to make the man you’re in love with jealous and I’m feeling used.”

  Leaning over, she hit him in the arm and then snorted. “You spent the whole night chatting up your idol, so I’m not real interested in your whining. And…you said you liked the kiss.”

  “I did, but don’t need to take what isn’t mine. Chase thinks you’re his and I’m not getting in the middle of whatever is happening between the two of you.”

  “I’m not sure what’s happening but should probably find out before I kiss anyone else.”

  “I think you need to take me on as a client because I risked bodily injury last night.”

  “That’s cheap and underhanded.” Ronnie looked between her two friends to see if they were going to back her up, and all they did was smile and eat their lunch. “Fine. But you’re the last one. I’m going to be having some children soon and won’t have time for any more clients.”

  “When are the babies coming?”
  “Soon. Right now, I’m searching for a baby daddy, and as soon as I find one, it’s all systems go.”

  Scott sat up and frowned. “So, no marriage, just a baby daddy?”

  “Yes.” Sitting back, she crossed her arms. “I have more money than God, Gerald, and good friends. A husband is completely superfluous, and I have no desire to wash a man’s clothes, make his dinner, and tend to his needs when I don’t have to.” Smiling, she returned to her lunch.

  “I feel like I should call Chase and warn him.”

  “Please do because he’s on my last nerve.”

  “But, you’re crazy for the guy. I could see it in your face last night.”

  “I may find him entertaining, but that doesn’t mean he’s worth my time. He couldn’t call me back after one date, so my hopes are not real high for him.”

  “But, he wants to take you on and make an investment so you two can have a future,” Scott sputtered.

  Calmly, she wiped her mouth and then rested her hands in her lap. “Before a man loves you forever and ever—‘til death do you part—and brags to his friends about how smart you are and becomes the father of your children, he has to call you back. So far, Chase hasn’t been able to do that. So, I’m reserving judgment.”

  “Lord have mercy on the soul of the men who dare to come in contact with you,” Scott stammered.

  “From your mouth to God’s ears,” Ronnie replied with a smile.

  “I’d like to change the subject and put a question forth,” Ana said.

  “Go ahead because I’m ready to move on,” Ella replied.

  “Do you think that I’m insatiable?”

  “In what context?” Ronnie asked.

  “Well, Jack said that he needed to add another fifteen hundred calories to his daily intake to keep up with me. And that seems like a lot. I explained to him that it would be irresponsible of me not to take advantage of the fact that I’m engaged to an underwear model and anyone who was in my position would be doing the same thing. We’re not always going to have this much free time and I would be remiss in ignoring that fact.”


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