Showdown (Gridiron Book 2)

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Showdown (Gridiron Book 2) Page 7

by Lea Hart

  Watching him walk away, she knew the next forty-eight hours could change her life. And how she could stop it, she had no idea.


  Ronnie sat on the steps of their private bungalow and watched Chase swim in the ocean as she listened to Ana tell her about New York. “So, you saw his billboard in Union Square?”

  “We did, and it was a glorious sight to behold,” Ana replied. “He was so embarrassed and wouldn’t let me take a picture of him in front of it. Which was kind of funny considering it’s the first thing he’s ever refused me.”

  Ronnie studied Chase’s massive arms as they lifted out of the water and did her best to ignore the warm tingly feeling spreading through her body. “I told Jack when he met you that you would never be interested in a man who had a billboard in Union Square with his junk hanging out. Apparently, I was wrong.” Holding the phone away from her ear, she listened to her best friend shriek with laughter. “I also said you’d never wear a big ring, and you’re currently sporting a small golf ball on your hand, so I was wrong about that as well.”

  “Four months ago, I would’ve said the same thing, but apparently, I’m capable of change. Or that big sexy man in the shower has transformed me. Either way, I’m engaged to an underwear model who happens to play professional sports on the side and seeing this ring on my finger makes him happy. And I need him to be happy, so I’m learning to love this small skating rink.”

  Ronnie waved to the waiter as he walked up with their breakfast. Smiling, she motioned to the table on the veranda and mouthed a thank you to the man. “I’m not going to make any more predictions because I seem to have lost my knack.” She watched Chase emerge from the water and found her pulse speeding up at the sight of his magnificent body dripping in water. He waved and then slowly moved in her direction. “The devil has emerged from the water and has just finished his swim.”

  “And where did Chase the devil take you?”

  “We’re at the Little Palm Resort in the Keys. The place is beyond beautiful, and we have a secluded bungalow with a private beach. Very romantic and picturesque. You should have Jack bring you down here because you’d love it.”

  “That’s where Rory and Max got married. She tells anyone who will listen that it was the most romantic week of her life. Can you get a couple of brochures for me, so I can put it up for consideration of possible wedding locations?”

  Chase stood in front of Ronnie with a grin and a towel draped over his shoulders. “Of course,” she replied as she tried not to stare at the man’s mouth-watering body.” He leaned over and kissed her head before walking up to the veranda, and she wondered if Ana could tell her breathing had sped up. “Have fun in New York, and let’s have lunch next week.”

  “You have fun too, Ronnie. Give the man a chance…worst case, you have some great sex. Maybe it doesn’t have to be more than that.”

  “I don’t need it to be more than that because a physical relationship is all I’m interested in right now.”

  “Then go for it and don’t analyze it from every imaginable angle.”

  “Like you did with Jack?”

  “Be quiet and don’t sass me because you don’t like what I’m saying.”

  “Who are you and what have you done with my friend, Ana?”

  “Right here, Ronnie. I’m a changed woman, though, because I’m having the time of my life with the love of my life and I almost walked away from it because it didn’t make sense. Which love doesn’t, in case you were wondering.”

  “Thank you for your insight. I’m going to hang up now and go eat breakfast.”

  “I’ll call you next week and please think about what I’ve said.”

  “I will.” She heard the call end and stared out at the waves as they lapped against the shore. Letting out a heavy sigh, she took another sip of coffee as she tried to delay the inevitable.

  “Come on and eat,” Chase called out. “You have appointments in the spa and can’t go on an empty stomach.”

  She twisted in his direction and gave him a steady look. “I’m coming.”

  “I see you’ve chosen some sort of spa breakfast, so come and get it over with.”

  “I regret my attempt at making a good choice.” Standing, she brushed the sand off her bottom and mounted the stairs. “I figured that since I was going to suffer, then so were you, so I hope you enjoy your fitness breakfast.” She watched him lift the lid off his plate and smile. How could a person smile at a bunch of egg whites and turkey bacon? Either he was hungry beyond caring, or was faking it.

  “Honey, this is what I used to eat when I was playing. It’s so sweet of you to remind me of those days.”

  Scowling at her plate of fruit and small dish of yogurt, she let out a sigh. “So sad.”

  “We’ll have cheeseburgers for lunch.”

  “Sounds good,” she replied as she sat down and pasted a bright smile on her face. “How was your swim?”

  “Do you really care?”

  “No, but I’m being a hostess and pretending your exercise regimen is fascinating. How am I doing?”

  “Not great,” he replied before attacking his eggs. “But I appreciate the effort.”

  “Thanks.” Spreading butter and jam on his toast, she gave him half the stack and kept the rest for herself and then stole two pieces of bacon, making herself a sandwich.

  “Honey, why don’t we order something you want?”

  “I’m going to the spa and can’t show up with pancakes in my stomach.” Looking at his plate, she frowned and then scooped up half her fruit and put it next to his eggs.

  “Is that a spa rule?”

  “Never mind. Let’s talk about something else…what are you going to do today?”

  “I’m going fishing, and then I’ll wait at the pool until you’re done.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll have to stop by the front desk at some point, so I can get some info for Ana. She’s going to add this to her list of possible locations for the wedding because one of her good friends got married here and raved about the place.”

  Looking around, Chase nodded. “Where are we going to have your special day?”

  Wiping her mouth on the napkin in her lap, she took a sip of coffee and stared at the water. “I’m going to ignore your use of an incorrect pronoun.”

  “Ignoring it, doesn’t make it not true.”

  Rolling her eyes, she took another sip of coffee. "I may not be getting married, but if I ever do, then it will be at the horse farm, in front of the pond in spring.”

  “All right, I like that idea.”

  “So glad you approve,” she replied with a laugh.

  “I can definitely picture you walking toward me in a white dress at a horse farm in the middle of Louisiana, so the wedding planning is done.”

  “You are crazy.”

  “Maybe, but I’m going to make it work for me.” He took her hand and leaned back with a smile. “I’ve had a glance of what my life looks like without you, and I’m not interested in seeing it again, so I’m going to do everything I can to become a permanent fixture in your life.”

  “The fact that you are saying those things without really knowing me is concerning.”

  “I know enough and am confident I’m on the right path.”

  “I have no response because arguing with crazy is never a good idea.”

  Chase moved closer and grinned. “A man doesn’t become a man until he wins the heart and respect of a good woman.”

  “Is that what you’re trying to do?”

  “I believe…I am. A woman like you, if loved correctly, will warm an entire home. If irritated, you’d probably burn it down. I figure since you haven’t brought up your gun in twenty-four hours that we’re moving in the right direction.” Leaning toward her, he took her hand, pressing his mouth to her skin. “Who knows? Love could be just around the corner.”

  Feeling her heart beat against her chest, she swallowed.

  “Now, give me a kiss, and then I’
ll walk you over to the spa.”

  When their mouths fell together, she heard a faint Ka-boom and knew the walls around her heart were slowly beginning to crack.


  Chase glanced up, took off his glasses, and flipped his book over. “Woman, you sure are some kind of beautiful.”

  “Charmer,” Ronnie replied as she sat down next to him. “You know there’s nothing sexier than a man reading and I think you’re trying to seduce me.”

  “Had I known that, I would’ve had a book in my hand every time I dared speak to you.”

  Leaning over, she read the title. “I never would’ve guessed you for a David McCullough fan.”

  “I love history and am no longer embarrassed to admit it. No one cares about me since I’ve retired, so I can do what I want and read without explanation.” Leaning over, he kissed her cheek and let her perfume surround him. “I may be the luckiest man in the world.”

  “For a Northerner, you sure possess some charm.”

  “Honey, I want to tell you something and hope it doesn’t change the relaxed vibe we’ve got going.”

  Sitting up, she frowned. “Well, now you’ve got me worried.”

  ‘Don’t be,” he replied. “I just want you to know the reason I didn’t call after our first date was because you scared the hell out of me.” Leaning back, he ran his hand over his face. “I knew if I started something with you, it was going to be for the rest of my life. So, hiding behind my job seemed easier than admitting to myself that I wondered if I’d be enough for you.” He took her hand and frowned. “I’m sorry, Ronnie.”

  “And now?” she asked quietly.

  “My head is screwed on right, and the fact that you scare the shit out of me makes you the perfect person for me. I wouldn’t want it any other way and plan on removing that wall you have around your heart brick by brick and become the person that protects you.”

  She tilted her head and put her hand on top of his. “Before you get started on all that construction, you better feed me and buy me a drink.”

  He let out a big laugh and stood. “I’d love nothing more and want you to know we have a table on the beach tonight, and then get to listen to Taj Mahal play at the Sandbar session.”

  “Wow. How did they get someone like him to play here?”

  “I’m not sure, but they seem to attract some fairly accomplished artists.” Taking her hand, he led her out of the bungalow and down the path toward the restaurant. “I meant what I said, Ronnie.”

  “I know.”

  “Are you going to fight me on it?”

  “I’m going to do my best not to but can’t make any guarantees since I’m not sure I remember how to have an open heart.”

  “I can’t ask for more than that.” Bending down, he kissed her cheek and knew the field was wide open and all he had to do was carry the ball to the end zone, so he could make the most important touchdown of his life.

  “Chase, how is it that a head coach of an NFL team can take a week off?”

  “You noticed that, did you?” He stopped on the path and looked across her shoulders at the ocean. “Negotiations are not going well, and I asked my agent to look at some other options.”

  Patting his chest, she smiled. “Well, you won’t go hungry. I looked at your portfolio, and you have plenty to keep you and a small country in chips for a very long time.”

  Kissing her head, he let out a laugh. “That’s true.” He moved in the direction of the restaurant and let his arm fall over her shoulder as they walked at a leisurely pace. “I know I’m not as appealing as someone like Scott Clemins with his hundred-million-dollar contract, but I may be a better option.”

  “In what way?” she asked with a laugh.

  “I know an old retired quarterback with no real career direction may not seem like a good option at first glance but think of all the free time I’ll have. I could easily be the one driving the kids to school and running them around to all of their activities.”

  Leaning into him, she snorted. “Those are seducin’ words, Chase Bedford. Some women dream of diamonds and furs. Me? I dream of a man willing to do the morning school run.”

  “Then look no further, honey, because I’m your dream man through and through.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

  “But pretty soon, you won’t be,” he replied as they walked into the restaurant. Once he gave the hostess his name, they were led to their beachside table, and he knew he couldn’t have asked for a more perfect setting.

  Sitting steps away from the ocean enjoying an amazing meal was more than he ever expected to have with Ronnie. “Thanks for spending the weekend with me.”

  She gave him a smile and then sat back. “Why is something happening between us so important?”

  Staring out over the water, he studied the moonlight as it reflected on the surface of the ocean, making it appear black. “Because you speak to the king in me and not the fool. Something about you inspires me to become a better man.”

  “That’s a lovely sentiment, but my instincts are telling me it’s just the challenge. I have a feeling that if I had turned in your direction, then you would’ve run in the opposite one.”

  “Honey, I’m a man and not a boy, and don’t need a challenge. Truth is, you intrigued me during our first telephone conversation when you gave me clear instructions where I could put my questions and concerns about how you were managing my players’ money. I started falling for you before I knew what you looked like and think we have a hell of a chance at something life-changing.”

  “I don’t feel like shooting you anymore, so I guess anything’s possible.”

  It was his turn to laugh out loud. There was never going to be a dull moment with Ronnie DuMond in his life, and he wouldn’t want it any other way. “It’s as good a foundation as any. Hell, all that mad you’ve had for me could turn into love and if that happens then I’ll be one lucky son of a bitch.”

  “My thoughts are turning more toward kissing and less toward bodily harm, so you could be right.”

  “Well, I hope by the end of the evening, the only thoughts you have about harming my body will be confined to how you can torture me with that mouth of yours.”

  “We’ll see,” she replied with a sassy grin.

  “Yes, we will,” he whispered against her mouth before pressing a kiss to her lips.


  Chase cupped the side of Ronnie’s face with his hand and dragged his thumb across her bottom lip as they stood under the moonlight in front of their bungalow. “I want to tangle myself up with you, so you can never get away.”

  “What would you do to me when I was in your web and at your mercy?”

  “Get you addicted to what I could give you and make you want to stay by my side.”

  “I wanted to kill you a week ago, and I don’t feel like that anymore. What have you done to me, Chase?”

  “Not sure,” he replied with a low rumble as he bent down and took her sweet, hungry mouth in a kiss. She parted her lips, and he deepened the kiss, plunging inside and claiming her.

  It was heaven and hell and the only way to satisfy his hunger was make them one.

  Not breaking the connection, he lifted her in his arms and walked into the bungalow and straight to their petal-covered bed. Collapsing, the flowers flew around them, and he made sure she was astride him when they settled. He threaded his hand into her thick hair and pulled her closer, kissing her with a desire he could barely control.

  And the way her hips undulated against him, told him he might not be the only one on edge. Her hands grabbed his shoulders and she rubbed her damp heat against his rock-hard cock, making desire whiz through him.

  He broke the kiss, trailing his lips across her jaw until he found the soft spot behind her ear, discovering that it made her tremble. “You like that?”

  “Yes,” she purred as she angled her head, giving him better access.

  Raking his tongue across her sensitive skin, he
pulled her dress up and grabbed her panty-covered ass in his hands and held her tightly. “Fuck me, that feels good when you rock against me.”

  “Like this?” she asked as she did it again.

  Gritting his teeth, he held on to his control and dragged his hands up to her waist and flipped her on her back and then stood up. Knocked completely away by the sight before him, he stared at her kiss-swollen lips and curves beautifully available for his pleasure.

  “You see something you like?”

  “Damn right, I do.” Bending down, he lifted her up and whipped her dress over her head, throwing it over his shoulder. “Better.”

  “Now, it’s your turn.”

  “Gladly,” he replied as he got rid of his clothes in record time. Standing before her, he let his eyes travel over her bits of lace and silk and couldn’t decide what he wanted to get rid of first.



  “What are you doing?”

  “Whatever I want,” he replied as he knelt before her, pushing her legs apart. “Which means I’m going to feast on you.” Sliding the thin pink slip of silk down her legs, he groaned. “So pretty,” he murmured as he kissed, nipped, and licked his way down the inside of her leg.

  Holding her in a vise-like grip, he wanted to make sure she didn’t get away. “All mine, now.” He touched his tongue to her slick folds and moaned as her sweet flavor overwhelmed him. Giving her unhurried licks, he knew he wouldn’t be happy until she couldn’t remember her name and was coming against his tongue.

  He opened her legs further and felt her tense. “I got you, Ronnie.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Very,” he replied before lapping at her clit and plunging one finger in and curling it until he hit her G-spot. “So tight,” he said against her mound. Licking and stroking, he added another finger, twisting and stroking in and out in a steady rhythm. Vibrations started in her thighs, and he knew she was close. “So perfect.”


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