Showdown (Gridiron Book 2)

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Showdown (Gridiron Book 2) Page 9

by Lea Hart

  “There’s no way you could’ve known the encounter was related to my predicament, and for all we know, it’s not the same person.” She moved her fingers over his. “I spoke with Joel, and he’s having a system put in today, and they’re looking into the threats the woman has made, and he’ll be stopping by later to give me his plan.”

  “Who the hell is Joel?”

  Patting his leg, she shook her head. “Joel heads up the SAI office in Miami and is a retired SEAL. He works with Max, who’s married to Rory, who is Birdie’s best friend and Ana’s cousin. It’s a family thing.”

  “I have no idea what you just said, except the family part.”

  “That’s all you need to worry about. He’s going to handle security and have one of his guys make sure that Amanda is safe.” She lifted her hand, signaling the waiter for more coffee, and the charm bracelet he’d given her last night slid down and made a little tinkling sound. Smiling, she laid her hand over his. “I’m going to handle this and not ignore it anymore.”

  The waiter came up and refilled Ronnie’s cup and then filled one for him. “We are going to handle it together, and I’m not leaving your side until the woman is put away.”

  “Let’s not go crazy until we hear from Joel.” Shaking her head, she took a sip of coffee. “I put Amanda in danger and feel horrible. I told her to take the next couple of weeks off and promised to make the changes necessary before she came back.”

  The waiter returned and asked if they were ready to eat. Chase gave him their order and watched the man walk away. “What made this woman so mad?”

  “My client, Andre, told her he couldn’t buy her a car because he was on a budget. She lost her mind and grilled him, and he did what I tell all my clients to do: he blamed me. It usually works, and the women back off, knowing the men only have limited funds. I do this specifically so that my clients can learn to live within a reasonable budget and also not succumb to every request that comes their way.”

  “It sounds like a great strategy. Except when you have a person like the one who’s coming after you.”

  “I tell my clients that I’ll stand between them and anyone who wants to separate them from their hard-earned wealth. I work too hard to make their money grow to have it pissed away. A lot of them don’t have very long careers, and it’s important to make the most of it. This is a huge life change for most of the people I work with, and it takes a while before they’re ready to manage it responsibly, and I want to make sure their money works for them for the rest of their lives.”

  “When I signed my first big contract, it felt like winning the lottery. I came from a middle-class family, and all of a sudden, I had an insane amount of money at my disposal. If it hadn’t been for my manager and agent, I probably would’ve pissed a lot of it away.”

  “I saw your portfolio, and it appears you didn’t do that because the only thing you’ve splurged on was your plane.”

  “By the grace of God and my stubborn agent.” The waiter brought their food to the table, and Chase watched Ronnie do her thing. It had been surprising the first time, adorable the next time, and now he expected it. Watching her scoop half of his bacon onto her plate along with some eggs, she then put several pancakes on his and pushed the fruit in front of him. Nodding her head in satisfaction, she then started eating.

  He loved the shit out of the little ritual and knew it was just the beginning of her taking care of him and was going to do everything he could to make sure it never changed. “Your clients are damn lucky to have you.”

  “I have a knack for this money-making thing, and want them to have a shot at not only changing their own lives but doing some good in the process.”

  “How long is your waiting list for new clients?”

  “I’m not sure. The last time I looked, it was over two hundred.” She poured some syrup on her pancakes and then licked her finger. “I was going to expand my office but have decided not to. I know it’s possible to have it all, but it can’t all happen at the same time, and I want babies, so I’m going to keep the business the size it currently is.”

  He covered her hand and gave her a huge grin. “I’m available for baby-making, Ronnie, and I can’t wait to put a baby in you.”

  “It’s good to know. Ana told me we’d make some good-looking kids together, so I’ll move your name to the top of the list.”

  “Who the hell else is on the list?”

  She swirled her pancakes in the puddle of syrup on her plate and shoved a bite into her mouth. After she was done chewing, she wiped her mouth delicately and smiled. “That’s for me to know and you to find out.”

  “Very mature.”

  “That’s what you are but what am I?” Snorting, she slapped her leg. “I love saying that.”

  “I wish your clients could see you now.”

  “You wouldn’t do that, would you?”

  “No, I was joking.”

  “Chase, it’s important they have confidence in me since I’m managing an enormous amount of money. I want them to think of me as a serious professional, not a girl who snorts at her own jokes.”

  Leaning forward, he kissed her head. “Honey, I wouldn’t tell anyone about how we are together.” He captured her mouth and kissed her with the feelings that were starting to fill his heart. “This is real, and it’s between you and me and no one else.”

  Leaning her head against his, she let out a small breath. “I don’t have the luxury of becoming friends with them because then they won’t listen to me.”

  “I know. It’s the same way I behave when coaching and I have to be the example of what I am asking from the players. Lead by actions and not words.”

  “Exactly.” She stole a piece of bacon off his plate and smiled as she ate it.

  “Can we order double bacon next time, so I can have at least a piece or two?”

  “Of course, whatever you want.”

  He lifted his coffee cup and drained it, knowing exactly what he wanted and prayed when the time came, her answer would be the same.


  Ronnie stood next to the car as Chase loaded their bags into the back. “I hate to go home and face reality. This was one of the best weekends of my life, and I’d love to come back soon.”

  “Let’s check our calendars and figure out when we can return.” He enveloped her in his arms, glanced over her head at the ocean and let out a sigh, wishing they could stay for a month.

  “I think that coin has flipped, because what I’m feeling for you definitely has nothing to do with hate.”


  “Yes, it’s something else entirely.”

  He leaned over and smiled into her eyes. “It’s just the beginning.” Opening the car door, he helped her in and buckled her seat belt. “Let’s go and meet Joel and see what we can do to make sure that you and Amanda are safe.”

  “Time to face the music.” She leaned her head back and frowned. “Sometimes, I don’t enjoy being an adult.”

  Chase navigated them off the resort and made his way to the highway. “I never would have guessed because you seem to excel at it.” Glancing over, he noticed her smile had faded. “I thought you were a fearsome thing when I spoke to you on the phone that first time and you gave me the what for and never backed down, even though I gave you everything I had.”

  “I’m great in business. That’s my sweet spot of achievement; it’s just the rest of life that sometimes poses a challenge.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “My brain and reasoning power fail me completely in relationships. The same thing was true of Ana and Ella before they met their mates and they’ve both said it was the men that made it work, and if it were up to them, they would still be single. My theory is that we’re great at big ideas, but have trouble navigating the intricacies of human relationships.”

  “Love ain’t easy and letting someone in is a risk that doesn’t always pay off.” Pulling her hand over, he linked their fingers. “But it’s worth it b
ecause having a team makes all the difference. Two is one, one is none, and a team is everything.”

  “You’ve been on a team your whole life, so what was it like when you retired and were no longer part of one?”

  “Devastating. I wanted to go out on top, and that’s why I retired at thirty-three. We’d won our third Super Bowl, and I knew making it to another one would be almost impossible. I didn’t want to be the guy holding on to something when it was time to pass on the torch, and since I didn’t need the money, and the fame never meant that much, it was time for me to step back.”

  “It was the right thing to do, Chase.”

  “I know but adjusting to life without a team was difficult, and that’s why I decided to go into coaching. I wanted to remain in the environment, and it was the best way of doing it.”

  “Do you think you’ll stay with the team?”

  “I don’t think so. I ended up with the head coaching job when my former coach passed away suddenly from a heart attack. They needed someone to jump in and save as much of the season as they could, and that’s what I did. The owner is not a football guy but a billionaire who bought the team as a vanity project. I don’t enjoy the politics of the head coach position and would prefer to be on the field with the players. Which is not necessarily what a head coach does in the NFL. My agent is looking for a small college job for my next move.”

  “Where would you like to end up?”

  He knew that it was a loaded question and decided to lay it on the line. “Up until Friday, it didn’t much matter, but I want something with you, so I’ve instructed him to find me something in South Florida.” Watching her face for a reaction, he continued. “After all, I promised to do the morning school run, and I can’t do that if I’m living in another state for six months out of the year.” He noticed that her hand had moved to her throat, and she was staring out the window like the answer to everything lay outside on the Overseas Highway.

  She gave the window a faint smile and patted his arm. “I think I’ll take a nap.”

  “Is your big brain failing you?”

  “Absolutely. I’m calculating returns on Apple shares in my head to calm myself down.”

  Patting her leg, he nodded. “That’s a good idea, honey because when we get married, you’re going to have a lot of money to manage.” Chancing a glance in her direction, he noticed her face was scrunched up, and her eyes were firmly closed. Maybe he should’ve saved that part until later.


  “It’s Tuesday morning, and I should be in my office, not at home,” Ronnie complained.

  “You can’t go back to your office until Joel installs the new system and works out a schedule for your bodyguard,” he replied as he grabbed the coffee pot and refilled both of their cups. “I thought what we did this morning would put you in a better mood.”

  Watching her face flush and a small smile form on her lips, he nodded. “It put me in a great mood, and I expect it will last for the rest of the day.” Leaning over, he pressed his lips against hers and waited until she kissed him back. “I plan on kissing you a lot because I don’t want you to go back to your wicked ways and kiss any man who crosses your path. Hell, I’m not going to let any man get within ten feet of you.”

  Propping her face in her hands, she stared at him. “Last week, I was searching for my gun. This week I’m rolling around in bed with you. I wonder what next week has in store for me.”

  “Maybe we’ll get engaged and start on those babies you want.” Her hand came out and hit his arm, and then she left it there.

  “Don’t be ridiculous; it’ll take at least a month for that to happen. And who knows, you might start irritating me again, and I’ll have to start looking for my gun.”

  “I’m not going to let that happen because I plan on keeping you satisfied enough so you never have another thought of killing me again.”

  The doorbell rang, and Ronnie got up. “That’s a whole lot of satisfying and I hope you’re up for the job.” Letting out a giggle, she walked out of the room.

  Hearing her laughter gave him a warm, full feeling that he was starting to anticipate when they were together. “You know I am, woman, and there’s no use pretending otherwise.” When a deep voice greeted Ronnie’s, he quickened his step and wondered which man had the guts to show his face when he was in residence.

  As he stepped into the foyer, he caught a glimpse of a big man with his arm slung over his woman’s shoulder.

  Damn ballsy move.

  Clearing his throat, he stood at his full height, crossing his arms over his chest. “Let the pissing contest begin,” he muttered.

  “Trevor, it seems like Chase is about to start something with you, so I’m going to head him off at the pass. I don’t want you to kill him because I’ve just begun to enjoy his company and he’s promised to keep me real satisfied, and I need a chance to see what that looks like.” She threw Chase a wink and then turned back to Trevor. “No one’s ever said that to me, and I have a feeling I’m going to like it.”

  A booming snort came out of the man who looked like Captain America, and he wondered what the hell was going on. Stepping forward, he extended his hand and introduced himself. “I’m Chase Bedford, Ronnie’s boyfriend and future husband.”

  Trevor grinned and extended his hand. “Nice to meet you. I’m Trevor Baines. I work with Joel, and I’m going to keep an eye on Ronnie until we figure out the threat and neutralize it.”

  A high-pitched sound came out of Ronnie, and he knew it was aimed at him since he’d claimed her in front of a stranger. The fit she was about to pitch was going to be a good one, so he stepped back and waited for the show to begin.

  “I’m not yours, Chase.”

  “Oh, yes, you are. You would never have slept with me if you weren’t serious.”

  “I’m going to get serious about finding my gun again if you start saying things like that.” Turning to Trevor, she put her hand out. “Give me your gun. I can’t find mine, and don’t want to take the time to search for it now.”

  “I thought Jack and Ana were entertaining, but I can see the two of you are going to be the real show,” Trevor replied as he took Ronnie’s hand and squeezed it. “Quit fussing and give the man a chance.”

  Slipping her hand out of his, she tapped her shoe again. “You’re just saying that because you’re in love, and it’s affecting your judgment.”

  Chase stepped next to the woman of his dreams and slipped his arm around her waist and kissed the top of her head. “Honey, I’ve been your boyfriend since I first laid eyes on you. You just didn’t know it.” Her face turned up to his in surprise. “It’s you, Ronnie.”

  Trevor cleared his throat and stared down at his boots. “I’ll go get some coffee and wait for you two in the kitchen.”

  Ronnie rolled into Chase’s arms and pressed her face into his chest. “This is a lot to take in so early in the morning.”

  Rubbing big circles on her back, he nodded. “I know.”

  “You need to slow yourself down and let me take my time. I don’t have great instincts when it comes to matters of the heart, and I’ll not be rushed.” Glancing up, she smiled. “And I promise not to kiss anyone else while I’m thinking about it.”

  “I appreciate you not making me kill someone because they get the idea that they can touch you.”

  Shaking her head, she let out a sigh. “We sure are a bloodthirsty pair.”

  “That’s what passion does to a person…makes them lose their mind.” He held her face with both of his hands and captured her mouth. Tilting her head slightly, he kissed her with everything he had and felt her respond in the way he craved. “Let’s go talk to Trevor and see what his plans are for your protection.”

  “All right. After we’re done, I’m calling Ella and having lunch with her because I have a lot to discuss.”

  “Yes, dear.”

  “That’s a good response and one you should keep handy.”

  “Don’t worr
y; I plan on it.”


  Ronnie sat with Ella on the patio with a pitcher of martinis and stared at the fading sun. “What am I going to do, Ella?”

  Sitting up, she glanced over and let out a sigh. “I think you should give him a chance but make it a small one because there’s no need to give it all away in the beginning.” Refilling their glasses, she sat back and stared at the sunset. “I think falling for Clark has affected my judgment and don’t know that I can be trusted with matters of the heart since I’ve given mine to a man who’s better looking with prettier hair. Which suggests, I lack the good sense that God promised a waffle.”

  Swirling her olives around in her glass, Ronnie studied her friend’s wild curls and knew it was representative of a major change. “You never told me what happened when you showed up on his doorstep with Mama’s fruitcake.”

  “I shocked him; that’s what happened. He thought we were done for sure, and when I stood on his front porch with a bottle of wine and cake, he about lost his ever-lovin’ mind. He was so happy that you’d have thought I was personally delivering another Super Bowl ring. Anyway, I met his sweet mama, and she welcomed me with open arms, so that was the beginning.”

  “The beginning of what?”

  “Of everything. I figured if a good woman raised him, then he must be worthy of a real chance. I’ve always thought this thing between us was a short fling, but she told me different, and I believed her. Apparently. I’m the first woman Clark’s invited home, and she had the impression that we were moments away from being engaged.”

  “The only place she could’ve gotten that idea was from her son, so you better get your mind right.”

  “It is right, and he promised me he had no immediate plans of asking me anything.”

  Sitting back, she tapped her nails against the table. “Are you going to keep him?”

  “Probably. He has a lot of crazy people in his family, so I fit right in. In fact, they make me look normal.”


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