Nothing But a Dare

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Nothing But a Dare Page 9

by Molly O'Hare

She must not have heard. Especially, since she was still trying to get a better look out the window. Abbie spread her fingers getting a better grip as she pushed more of her weight on his thigh.

  Abbie’s pinky finger was only millimeters from his growing dick now. He snapped his eyes closed. It took everything inside of him not to buck. Fuck me.

  Abbie turned toward him. “How high do you think we are?”

  Hunter’s eyes shot open. Her face was so close to his, he lost all his ability to speak.

  He needed her.

  Fuck waiting. He needed her and he needed her now.

  He started to lean in…

  “Ma’am, I’m going to have to ask you to get back into your own seat,” a voice snapped Hunter out of his trance.

  “The Captain hasn’t turned off the seatbelt sign.”

  Hunter turned to see a perky flight attendant beaming at them.

  Abbie jumped back into her seat with a shout. “Ahh, sorry.”

  The flight attendant smiled at Abbie sending her a knowing wink. “No need to apologize, hon. If my husband looked like him, I would never get out of his lap.”

  Abbie’s face drained of all its color. “Oh, he’s not—”

  “I’ll make sure to keep her in line next time,” Hunter interrupted sending the flight attendant a matching grin.

  “Dominant.” The woman’s face lit. “I like it.” With a wink sent in Hunter’s direction, the flight attendant left.

  Abbie turned to him with a death glare in her eyes. “What the hell? Why did you do that?”

  “Do what?” Hunter shrugged before turning back to the window.

  “Make her think you’re my husband.”

  “It’s not a big deal, Abbie.”

  “Not a big deal? Not a big deal!”

  “If you tackle me this time, she’ll think we’re fucking.” He smirked at her.

  Abbie stared at him astonished. “You’re a pig.”

  A chime came over the intercom. “You are free to move about the cabin.”

  “And, you’re safely in the air.” Hunter smirked. “You’re welcome.”

  He watched as Abbie sat back in her seat a little confused and pissed.

  Score one for him.

  As Abbie sat there plotting his death, which he was sure of, Hunter closed his eyes and worked on calming himself.

  From Abbie being mere millimeters from his dick to the flight attendant assuming they were married…Hunter’s heart raced.

  He turned to look at Abbie who was still plotting; however, his eyes scanned down to her left hand and honed in on her ring finger.


  Chapter Thirteen

  “And that is why, if you don’t go with WCM Advertising, Mr. Jefferson, you’re an idiot.” Abbie squared her shoulders as a bold smile spread across her face.

  For a brief second Hunter was taken aback, but when he looked over at Robert, he had the same smile on his face Abbie had.

  Holy shit! Well done, Abbie! Hunter nodded at her.

  Once again, Abbie never ceased to amaze him. Now, he personally wouldn’t have gone as far as to call Robert an idiot, but Abbie had balls.

  A huge set.

  She’d always had.

  As Hunter watched her, he fully took her in. Abbie was in her element and she knew it. There was a glow around her. Not one hair out of place, her makeup was subtle but accentuated her features. She looked so professional you would have never guessed four hours ago she was crying as the plane landed, nor that she changed in the airport bathroom, and did her makeup and hair in the cab on the way over to Jefferson Exports.

  Abbie was fucking amazing.

  “An idiot?” Robert chuckled. “Strong words there, Ms. Collins.”

  Abbie shrugged. “I will always shoot from the hip, Mr. Jefferson. There is enough bullshit in the world already. If more people put aside the niceties and spoke the truth, we wouldn’t have to constantly be wondering if what we’re doing is the right thing.” She turned to Hunter. “I’ll be the first to admit I didn’t think I needed Mr. James’ assistance on this proposal, but after his help with tightening up the loose ends. No one can deny this is one hundred percent the solution your company is looking for. With all do respect, if you don’t sign on the dotted line today, yes you are an idiot, Mr. Jefferson.”

  Holy shit.

  Hunter didn’t know what to process first. The fact Abbie admitted working together was a good thing or how her absolute bottom line confidence in telling Robert to sign or fuck off, turned him on so fucking bad he was about to come in his pants?

  God damn.

  Robert looked over at Hunter. “Do you agree I’d be a moron not to sign?”

  “Without a doubt.” Hunter didn’t hesitate as he looked back at Abbie. “She’s right. You won’t get what you’re looking for anywhere else. You and I both know that.”

  Robert sat back in his chair as he placed his hand on his chin. “I don’t think anyone has ever dared to call me an idiot outside of my wife.”

  Abbie smiled as she winked at him. “Women know these things, and a few select men.”

  Robert threw his head back with a laugh. “Sold.”

  Abbie pushed the contract across the table toward Robert. “Once you sign, Mr. James and I will head back and gather a team to start producing what we discussed.”

  Robert dropped his pen before looking at her. “I want you in charge of that team.” His face hardened. “If you can’t guarantee me that right now. No deal.”

  A moment of brief panic washed over Abbie’s face before her walls shot up. No one would have noticed, but Hunter knew her. He could read her like none other.

  “I’m not an Account Executive, Mr. Jefferson. Mr. James over here is, but I can reassure you I will play a huge roll in your portfolio. I can promise you that.”

  Robert didn't look pleased with her words. Actually, he looked pissed. He sat back in his chair and narrowed his eyes at both of them. “I want to make this clear right now,” he said. “I am not signing on with WCM Advertising. I am signing on with you. Whatever you have to do to make that happen, I’m fine with. But keep that in mind. I will always have enough money and enough resources to break any contract I bind myself into. You got that?”

  “Understood.” Abbie walked around the conference table and stood next to Robert holding out her hand. “I won’t bullshit you. It’s what I pride myself on. If anything happens, I will personally call you. Until then, I can assure you, I’ve got your back. Same with Mr. James.” She looked at Hunter.

  “I second that.”

  “Good.” Mr. Jefferson flipped over the contract one more time and signed on the dotted line. “I’m looking forward to working with you both.”

  “Likewise,” Abbie remarked walking back to the other side of the table.

  Hunter watched as Abbie gracefully collected her belongings.

  “Now, you too better hurry,” Robert chuckled. “I’m surprised Bill sent you out here with the threat of the hurricane. He knew I was fine with waiting until the storm had passed.”

  Hunter snapped his head back to Robert. “What? What did you say?”

  Before Robert could answer, Abbie’s bag flipped over as she stood there shaking. Instantly, Hunter was at her side picking everything up. When he looked into her eyes, he saw the pure terror staring back at him.

  Mr. Jefferson bent over picking up some of the scattered papers. “Yeah, we have a Category One Hurricane right off the coast. It’s projected to hit in a few hours.”

  “Is that why it’s so dark out?” Abbie yelled as the papers in her hand started to shake. “I know it rains here all the time so I didn’t think much of it. Oh my god. A hurricane! Like a full-on blow your house down hurricane?”

  “We get them all the time here,” Mr. Jefferson announced. “No need to be worried as long as your flight leaves before the storm, you’ll be fine. I’m sure you won’t even hit turbulence.”

  Shut up. Shut up! Hunter screamed in
his head looking at Robert. Shut the fuck up. His attention moved back to Abbie. Holy shit, she’d gone completely white. Fuck.

  Hunter scooped up the remainder of their stuff. “Thanks, Robert. We’ll be in contact.” He grabbed Abbie’s arm and pulled her out of the room.

  “I’m looking forward to it,” Mr. Jefferson called from behind them.

  “Breathe, Abbie, breathe.” She was in a complete daze. “A little weather never stopped anyone. Our bags are already packed. We didn’t even book a hotel.”

  Anger coursed through Hunter as he clenched his teeth. “Now I know why Robert was surprised we called telling him we landed.”

  “Why in hell did Bill send us here in a fucking hurricane?”

  Hunter wanted to know the answer to that too.

  “Technically, he didn't send us in a hurricane. He sent us before a hurricane hit.” As soon as he could, he was going to call Bill and rip him a new asshole.

  “He lied to us! Bill said Robert had to have this presentation now. He said I had no choice but to get on a fucking airplane. A plane, Hunter. A freaking plane. Bill knows how terrified I am of flying and to find out we flew into a hurricane and he knew!” Abbie started shaking. He didn’t know if it was from fear or anger, but he was right there with her.

  “Trust me. I’m just as pissed as you are.”

  “Are you, though? Are you? You’re not deathly afraid of dying, Hunter, I am. We could have driven! Fuck. I bet at this point Robert would have been fine with a fucking video conference. Why the hell would Bill do this?” Her face hardened as she shook.

  “I don’t know, Abbie, but as soon as I can I’m calling him.”

  “Fuck you calling him, I’m gonna fly back there right now, rip off his balls and make him eat them!”

  There was the Abbie he knew. If she was spouting violence, she would be fine. “Let’s worry about it later. Right now, we’ve gotta get to the airport.” Hunter pulled out his phone. “I’m booking us the next flight back.”


  Once they made it out of the building Hunter glanced around. The sky looked angry and now that he realized it, the wind had also picked up.

  He hadn’t even thought to look at the weather when they left. It all happened so fast and with Abbie freaking out, she became his only priority.

  Shit, Hunter cursed himself. If he had only taken a second to check the news he would have realized what was going on and put a stop to it.

  As Hunter made arrangements on his phone for a car to pick them up, he heard Abbie sigh. “It’s not Bill’s fault.”

  “Yes, it is.”

  “I get it,” she said. “He probably only saw Robert signing on. Even though it’s completely fucked up, with Robert pushing back he needed to make sure to secure him. He probably didn't think of anything else.”

  Hunter stared at Abbie in shock. “That’s very insightful, Abbie.”

  Her mouth curved into a smile. “I’m still gonna throat punch him, though.”

  Which caused Hunter to let out a laugh. “I’ll hold him down.”


  Abbie did her best not to freak the fuck out. Deep breath in, deep breath out. There was no use in losing her shit, anyway.

  It was already decided. Whether Hunter was signing on to WCM or not, she was putting in her notice. Screw trying to be the new Account Executive.

  Everyone could eat a bag of dicks for all she cared.

  This was her sign from the Universe. Abbie was meant to branch out on her own. Especially, after what Robert said. He was only signing on to work with her. Not the company.

  That was all the proof Abbie needed that she could do this. It was her philosophy that had clients trust her, not just because they could put together some state-of-the-art advertising and make some silly apps for them.

  No. It was what she brought to the table.

  Regardless, none of that mattered right now. Abbie’s only thought was getting the fuck out of the east coast.

  A hurricane? Holy freaking shit.

  Yep, she was going to throat punch Bill. That was one hundred percent for sure.

  However, before Abbie could plot Bill’s death the car Hunter called pulled up. As it stopped next to the curb, Hunter ran to the back tossing their bags in the trunk. He then walked to the back door opening it. “Can you get us to the airport?”

  “That’s why I’m here,” the driver said with an amused smile.

  Hunter pushed Abbie’s back guiding her into the back of the car.

  As she scooted herself to the opposite door, she looked out of the window. It didn't look good. Actually, it looked horrible. The sky kept getting darker and darker and the wind was now blowing consistently.

  “Are you sure you all want to head to the airport?” the driver asked catching Abbie’s attention once they were on the road.

  “Yes,” Hunter answered. “Our flight leaves in an hour.”

  The driver shook his head as he looked at them through the rearview mirror. “Are you sure about that? Last I heard, about five minutes ago the Governor declared a state of emergency. All flights are grounded.”

  A state of emergency? Abbie’s heart dropped. Oh god, we’re gonna die. This is it.

  “That can’t be right.” Hunter pulled out his phone. “I just bought these tickets. They wouldn’t have sold them to me if the flight was grounded.”

  “Hey, I’m just relaying the info. I’ll still take you there.” The driver shrugged, but Abbie saw his smile in the mirror.

  She turned her gaze to Hunter as panic filled her. He must have sensed it since he reached out and squeezed her hand. “It’ll be fine, Abbie.”

  “They say it’s a bad one. The stores have been cleaned out for days,” the driver announced. “Hell, I tried to get some extra water this morning and the shelves were so empty, I had to walk right back out of the store.”

  “If it’s gonna be so bad why are you working?” Hunter snapped.

  The driver looked back at him in the mirror. “For numb-nuts like you. There is always a few that think the storm is nothing.” He pointed at the meter. “Plus, it’s prime money for me.”

  “Are you kidding me?” Abbie’s eyes widened.

  “Bill’s paying for it, so who cares?” Hunter squeezed her hand tighter.

  Abbie sat back on her seat. “Fine.” Make that two punches to Bill’s throat.

  “On that bit of knowledge, let me jack up the cost per mile now,” the driver laughed.

  “Double it,” Abbie scoffed.

  “As you wish, my lady.” The driver readjusted some stuff on the screen. Once he was done, he put the front window down and whistled.

  A few minutes later they pulled into the airport and they all got out. As Hunter turned to pay the driver, he held out his hand. “I’ll wait right here for you.”

  “What do you mean you’ll wait?” Hunter cocked his brow.

  “Chances are you’re gonna go up to the check-in desk and they’re gonna tell you all flights are grounded. I can take your money and go if you’d like, but seeing how deserted this place is, I doubt you’ll get another ride to a hotel. The closest one is about a thirty-minute walk.” The driver shrugged. “Up to you.”

  “Fuck.” Abbie heard Hunter say under his breath. He turned to her. “Stay right here. I’m gonna run inside and check.”

  A massive gust of wind hit.

  “Some of those outer bands are already making their presence heard,” the driver remarked.

  At this point, Abbie was seconds from either peeing herself or crying. She turned to Hunter. “Hurry.” He looked at her for a moment making her heart did that weird flip thing again.

  He placed his hand on her cheek. “I’ll be right back.”

  She couldn’t stop herself from leaning into his embrace.

  Then he was gone. He was through the sliding glass doors and out of sight.

  “So, first time in a hurricane?”

  Abbie turned her glare to the driver. �
�You annoy me.”

  He shrugged. “I annoy a lot of people.”

  Abbie closed her eyes. How in the hell had she gotten herself into this mess? How was it she was halfway across the country, flew in a plane, was about to die, and her last few moments on earth were going to be with a pompous driver and Hunter fucking James.


  The driver looked at her sideways. “Name’s Doug, but you can call me Rupert if it’ll make you feel better.”

  “No dumb-dumb. Rupert’s my cat. If I die out here, who’s gonna take care of him?” Her heart raced. People die in hurricanes. More than plane crashes, right? Oh god, she was for sure going to die.

  “Who’s watching the feline now?”

  “My mom,” she answered checking her pulse to see if she was already dead.

  “There’s your answer. If you die, I’m sure your mom will keep it.”

  Abbie darted her eyes to him. “Ever the optimist,” she scoffed.

  “Am I wrong?”

  “Probably not. She’d make sure he got the nicest turtlenecks and sweaters.”

  The driver turned to her with his brows scrunched. “What?”

  With a sigh she pulled out her phone shoving it in the driver’s face. “He’s a hairless cat. He needs warmth.”

  The driver recoiled. “What the fuck is that?”

  “I just told you. It’s a hairless cat.”

  “Kill it.”

  Abbie shoved the phone back in her pocket. “Why do men always say that? Just so you know when men take off their pants and there is a pair of nasty hairy balls looking back at us, we don’t say kill it.”

  “That’s your first problem. You’re looking at the wrong pair of balls.” The driver winked at her.

  “What the hell is going on here?” Hunter growled pulling Abbie to his side. “Nobody is looking at anyone’s balls.”

  “Is he the one that has nasty hairy balls?” The driver nodded his head toward Hunter.

  “Probably.” She shrugged. “But I don’t have first-hand knowledge, thank god.”

  “Abbie,” Hunter growled low in his throat. And for the first time since Hunter had walked back into her life, she saw something in his eyes that made her breath hitch.


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