Nothing But a Dare

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Nothing But a Dare Page 17

by Molly O'Hare

  “Let go, baby.” He whispered as he worked her under the blanket.

  She couldn’t, not while they were surrounded by so many people. However, the second she opened her eyes and looked at Hunter, she was a goner. She couldn’t hold back even if she tried. The moment he found her spot and pressed down, her legs shook.

  Instantly, his mouth was on her lips silencing her cry as her release rocked through her.

  He continued to work her as she rode out her orgasm. When the last shakes subsided, she sat back in a daze.

  Holy crapolie.

  Hunter carefully removed his fingers from her core before bringing them to his mouth. She watched in awe as he took each finger and licked them one by one.


  Abbie’s eyes moved to Hunter’s waist. She could clearly see the evidence of his arousal under the blanket.

  Should she? Is this what you do in relationships, you get each other off a billion miles from the ground?

  “Later,” Hunter answered like he’d read her mind.

  Abbie blinked at him.

  “As soon as we land and get back to your house, I plan on sinking so deep inside of you that you’ll forget what it’s like to not have my dick in you.”

  What? And more importantly why did that send a new wave of wetness to her core. Oh god, Hunter had completely corrupted her.

  And she liked it.

  “Pull your pants up.” A devilish smile appeared on his face as he winked her way.

  Ahhh, that’s right her pants were halfway down her thighs. That snapped her thoughts out of what Hunter could do to her and on every surface of her house.

  Blah! Abbie was sitting on an airplane seat. Then reality hit her. Eww, eww, ewwwww! As quick as she could she pulled up her pants before tossing the blanket at Hunter’s face. “Do you know how unsanitary that was?” She faked a gag. “I’m gonna vom.”

  Hunter shrugged as he laughed. “You’re very dramatic. We kept your panties on so no bare ass touched the seat. Plus…” A wicked smile appeared on his face. “We’re in the air, now aren’t we?”

  Abbie shot her head to the window as she saw the clouds rolling by. Holy shit, they were in the air. She hadn’t even noticed they left the ground.

  Abbie turned back to Hunter, who had a shit-eating grin on his face. Damn, he was good. And if this was how take-offs and landings were going to be from now on, then she for sure could get used to flying.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Hunter watched Abbie’s ass as they walked up the steps to her house. He didn’t even try to hide his groan. Her ass was the homing beacon he would gladly follow anywhere and he didn’t give a shit who knew it.

  Hunter’s mouth watered at Abbie’s curves, her laughter, her feistiness. Every time she threatened to punch him, it was like a fire right to his groin.

  But there was one problem.

  He knew Abbie, and even though she seemed okay with this development between them, she wasn’t. Well, that wasn’t true, she was clearly on board for the sex, but believing he was serious about this?


  He’d known her long enough to realize she’d compartmentalized them in her head and that wasn’t going to do.

  Hunter was in this for the long haul and the sooner Abbie realized that, the better.

  Abbie was it for him.

  Before he agreed to the trial period with WCM; along with the fact his old boss had practically pushed him out the door and told him to go get his girl, he knew this was his end game. Where Abbie was, he was. If only he could make her understand that.

  “Mommy’s home!” Abbie screamed as she threw open the front door.

  Oh shit, how could he have forgotten about the alien creature? Then like out of some bad sci-fi movie Rupert ran full speed around the corner and right into Abbie’s arms. Where she then proceeded to smother it with kisses and cooed at him.

  Fuck, if Abbie would greet him like that, he’d strip down naked and only wear a turtleneck. Actually, now that he thought about it, that was exactly something he would do.

  “Did you miss your mommy?” Abbie made loud smacking kisses on its wrinkly head. “My baby, I missed you so much.”

  Okay, now that was creepy.

  “Were you a good boy for Grandma? Were you? I bet you were the best little man there ever was.”

  “He clawed my leg, bit my arm, and then demanded to wear the pink turtleneck instead of the purple one I put on him.”

  Hunter’s head shot to where he heard the voice. That’s when he saw Abbie’s mother appear from the kitchen.

  “He was an asshole. But for him, he was good.”

  “Hey, Mom,” Abbie said walking to her before kissing her cheek. “Glad to know Rupert likes to put everyone in their place and not just me.”

  Kathleen laughed. “Technically, he should be in timeout right now. He knocked down a plant that was on the windowsill.”

  “Oh no, is Clark dead?” Abbie pushed past her mother and into the kitchen.

  “Who’s Clark?”

  “That’s the name I gave the plant Hunter saved.”

  “Why did you name it when it’s only going to die?”

  Abbie ran back into the living room with the plant in her arms. “Mom!”


  “Don’t say that.”

  Kathleen shrugged. “I don’t know why you get all angry when I’m only speaking the truth.”

  Abbie’s mouth fell open. “My own mother. I never thought I’d see the day.”

  “Sure you did, honey.” She pat Abbie on the shoulder. “As your mother, I have to point out your difficulties.”

  “No, you don’t!”

  “It’s in the mother handbook. You’ll understand one day.” Kathleen turned her attention to Hunter who had been leaning against the front door avidly watching them. “Speaking of which. Well, I’ll be damned. Hunter James in the flesh, right in the front door of my daughter’s home.”

  When she looked him up and down an uneasiness ran through him. “It’s good to see you again, Mrs. Collins.”

  “It’s Daniels now, but it’s nice to see you again too, Hunter.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “When Abbie said it was you she was working with, I have to admit I was a little surprised.”

  “Imagine how surprised I was,” Abbie mumbled as she placed the plant on the coffee table.

  All right, this was a tad awkward. That piercing stare from Kathleen had Hunter clearing his throat.

  “So, Hunter James …”

  “Mom,” Abbie warned.

  “What? I only said his name.”

  “Yeah, but you said it in that weird way. The not good way.”

  “Sure I did, honey.” She turned her stare back on him. “Now, Hunter, can you tell me why you decided it was a good idea to humiliate my daughter?”


  Hunter choked on his spit.

  “It’s a legitimate question. I want to know why he thought it was a good idea to make my baby girl cry?” She shook her head. “It’s because of him you got all angry. Before Hunter you were as sweet as pie. Then you started threatening to punch anyone that pissed you off. Come to think of it.” She tapped her finger on her chin. “You actually did punch someone once or twice.”

  Hunter looked to Abbie who had her arms crossed over her chest the exact same way her mother did. Oh, shit.

  “Yeah, Hunter, I’d like to hear this too.”

  He narrowed his eyes at Abbie. As soon as he could she was gonna regret that.

  “Well, you see, Mrs. Daniels I was an idiot child. If you ask Abbie she will probably say I’m still an idiot. The way I treated her when we were kids was inexcusable. I apologize for that.” He turned to Abbie. “And I will never stop apologizing to you.” He stared at her trying his best to convey his sincerity.

  “Oh, really now?” Kathleen cocked her head slightly to the side. “What an interesting turn of events.” She looked from him to Abbie a few times. Yeah, he didn’t li

ke this.

  “Mom stop giving him the third degree. As much as it pains me to say this, Hunter and I are good now.”

  “Is it because of the sex?”

  “Mom! What the hell?”

  “Don’t mom me. I wasn’t born yesterday, missy. The way that man just looked at you…” The corner of her mouth turned up in a devilish grin. “It was like you could read into his soul.”

  “Oh my god, you did not just say that!”

  “What’s the big deal? Sex is a very natural thing, sweetie. Until that day you came into the house crying I would have bet good money you and Hunter we’re going to get together.” Her smile spread from ear-to-ear.

  “Stop talking.”

  “So, you’re not having sex with him?” Kathleen turned toward Hunter. “I’m disappointed in you.”

  A wicked smile appeared on Hunter’s face. “We’re having sex.”

  “Holy fuck, both of you shut up!” Abbie threw her hands in the air. “How is this happening right now?”

  “Do her random bursts of outrage concern you, as they do me?” Kathleen asked smiling at Hunter.

  Holy shit she was awesome. “Sometimes,” he answered.

  “Maybe it’s time for an intervention.”

  Hunter nodded. “It could be arranged.”

  “That’s it, get out.” Abbie pushed her mother toward the door. “You are no longer welcome in this house. Bye.”

  “Pity. Just when we were getting to the good part.” Kathleen laughed as Abbie escorted her to the front door. When they passed Hunter though, she stopped. “If you ever do anything to my daughter again, I will hunt you down and gut you like a pig. We clear?” She poked him in the chest causing Hunter to step back.

  What the hell? A shiver ran down his spine. With the look of determination in Kathleen’s eyes, Hunter now knew where Abbie got it from. “Understood.”

  “Good.” Kathleen opened the door before turning back to them. “Dinner is at six on Saturday. I expect you both to be there. Tootles.” With that, she turned and slammed the door behind her.

  “What the fuck just happened?” Hunter stared at the door.

  “I honestly have no idea.”

  He barked out a deep laugh. “I like her. I don’t remember her being this fun before.”

  “That’s ‘cause you were too busy being a jerk.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

  Hunter smirked as he stalked over to her. When he was toe-to-toe with Abbie he growled. “I have a promise to fulfill.”

  Her breath hitched. “And what’s that?”

  “My dick being so deep inside of you, you’ll never forget I was there.” Before she could say anything, his lips were on her.

  Maybe it was the insanity of the situation or whatnot, but he had to have her. He peppered kisses down her neck. The moment her hand snaked between them to cup his member he grabbed it. “Don’t. I’m about to explode. Making you come twice on the plane was enough to throw me over the edge. If you so much as look at my dick I’m gonna come.”

  “That could be fun.”

  “Not for you.” His lips were back on hers as he devoured her with his kiss.

  Rupert meowed from behind him causing him to jump. “Holy shit that thing scares me.”

  “Ignore him. Less talking more kissing.” Abbie pulled his collar bringing his lips back to hers.

  When Hunter pulled away, he couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle. “I see now that you’ve gotten a taste of me, you don’t want to stop.”

  “Something like that.”

  Hunter reached for her waist tossing her over his shoulder in a move he was now accustomed to.

  “Why do you always carry me this way?”

  “It’s easier.”

  “For who?”

  “Me. Plus, it gives me access to your ass.” He squeezed it as he took a step toward the stairs.


  Hunter ignored her as he ran two steps at a time up the stairs. Sadly, for him, he didn’t realize something else decided to take the journey with him. The moment he got to the landing and turned toward Abbie’s room, Rupert walked in between his legs causing him to trip.

  “Holy shit!” He scrambled through the room before losing his footing. They both ended up on the bed in a huff.

  “What the hell!”

  “You’re fucking giant scrotum just tried to kill us.”

  “Don’t call Rupert a giant scrotum. He doesn’t like that.” Abbie narrowed her eyes. To emphasize her point, the cat jumped onto the pile of clothes on the end of the bed and hissed at Hunter.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake. Is this what it’s going to be like dating you?”

  “If by that you mean, if you make fun of my cat, I’ll tackle you to the ground? Then, yes.” She pursed her lips.

  Well, that didn’t sound bad to him.

  The corner of his mouth turned up in his famous smirk. “Then I’m game. I like it when you tackle me to the ground. Better yet, I like it when you do it naked.”

  With that Hunter pushed some of the clothes out of his way and pinned Abbie beneath him.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  After what Hunter would describe as an interesting event, to say the least. Especially when Rupert decided his ankle was his new scratching post, Abbie fell fast asleep.

  He wasn’t all that surprised, after all, the plane ride was a lot for her.

  He smiled to himself. So was the sex. He was doing something wrong if he didn’t make her pass out of exertion afterward. And he would have been right there with her if his stomach hadn’t demanded otherwise.

  Quietly, he got out of the bed before donning his gym shorts. As stealth-like as he could, he tiptoed out of her room and headed toward the stairs. Once he made it to the bottom, he saw Rupert pop his head up from the arm of the couch.

  However, the moment Hunter took a step toward the kitchen, Rupert meowed causing him to turn back toward him. “What do you want?”

  Once he made it back to the living room Rupert popped his head up from the couch and meowed again.

  “What do you want?”

  He meowed a third time. “Stop doing that.”

  Rupert stretched in one of the creepiest displays Hunter had ever seen before he hopped off the couch and strolled over to the window.

  “Let me guess, you want a treat?” Hunter rolled his eyes.

  At the word treat Rupert jumped onto his hind legs pushing his paws in the air. “Fine. But just so you know, this isn’t gonna be a habit.” Hunter walked over and grabbed the bag of treats.


  Rupert did.

  With a creeped out shudder, Hunter tossed him a cat treat he caught in his mouth just like a dog. “When I become your dad, the first thing we’re doing is getting you manly clothes, second I’m going to teach you other tricks. Maybe fetch.”

  Rupert hissed.

  “What you don’t want to play fetch?”

  The cat started spinning around showing off his pink turtleneck. “I see, it’s the clothes. You don’t want me to buy you something with a skull on it?”

  Rupert hissed again.

  “You’ll like it, I promise.” Rupert meowed before lunging at his leg. “Oh, come on you’ve got to be kidding me?” Hunter tossed the treats on the floor causing Rupert to abort his mission and go after them.

  “I can’t believe I just had a full conversation with a naked pussy.” Hunter shook his head as he walked into the kitchen in search of food. He grabbed a bottle of water before he looked through her cabinets.


  After a few minutes of searching Hunter finally found a bag of pretzels. They were better than starving. As he walked out of the kitchen his eyes looked to the stairs. As inviting as it sounded to crawl back into bed with Abbie, he didn’t want to wake her.

  So, the couch it was.

  He plopped onto the sofa and started munching on his snacks. That’s when Hunter saw Abbie’s laptop on the corner of the coffee table. Fig
uring he might as well check his email, he opened it.

  The first thing that popped up when the computer opened was a document. He didn’t mean to, but his eyes couldn’t help but scan it. His heart sank.

  Abbie was putting in her two-weeks notice?

  That couldn’t be right. As he read the words over and over again, he decided he needed to find out more. He opened up the recent folder and saw the document titled Checklist to start your own Advertising company:

  His eyes widened as he sat there staring at Abbie’s computer.

  Holy shit she wanted to start her own advertising agency.

  Hunter looked back to the stairs. Why hadn’t she told him?

  Okay, up until two days ago she still wanted to smother him in his sleep, but now. A pang in his heart ran through him.

  She didn’t trust him.

  He sat back on the couch in his shorts as his mind processed the new information. He wasn’t really sure what to think. After looking over her checklist again, she clearly had a solid plan and was about to implement it.

  Now, it made sense why she was hesitant about Robert signing the contract. She’d been planning this all along.

  He took one last look toward the stairs.

  Rupert jumped on the couch distracting him from his thoughts. The cat sat next to him and rubbed his head on Hunter’s arm begging for attention. Reluctantly he scratched the creature. “Whoa, who knew you were this soft?”

  Rupert began to purr as he stepped into Hunter’s lap. “No claws there, buddy, I got nothing to protect the goods.”

  Rupert looked up at him with soft eyes begging for more attention.

  “Fine.” Hunter rolled his eyes with a sigh before he scratched under the cat’s chin. “What are we going to do about your mother? She’s being sneaky.”

  Rupert dug his claws into Hunter’s thighs. “Hey, what did I just say?”

  And then it hit him. Hunter knew exactly what he needed to do to prove to Abbie he was serious.

  Rupert let out a small meow gaining his attention. “What do you think your mother will say when I tell her I want to go into business with her?”

  Rupert purred louder.

  “That’s what I’m thinking.” Okay, at first he was sure Abbie would throw a fit and say shit like he was trying to be the boss of her. No, he wanted to either go in as partners or he’d be her first employee.


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