Nothing But a Dare

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Nothing But a Dare Page 19

by Molly O'Hare

  Well, that all went to hell in a handbasket.

  Fuck this and fuck everything.

  Hunter was leaving.

  She didn’t want to believe it, but how could she not? He’d disappeared on her once before, why would this be any different?

  He didn’t even try and deny it.

  Okay, well, she didn’t give him much room to talk. That punch sure felt good though.

  Tears formed in her eyes. How could she have been so stupid to believe him and worst of all open herself to him once again?

  Last time he left he only took a piece of her heart with him. This time he was taking the whole thing and there was no way she’d ever recover.

  “Fuck him!” Her hands clenched at her sides as she fought back her pain.

  Rupert came running from upstairs skidding to a stop once he saw her.

  “Not now.”

  Rupert ignored her, meowing loudly before prancing to the treat area by the window. “Really, do you give zero shits my world is falling apart?”

  Rupert meowed again. “Fine, you pain in my ass.” She grabbed the bag and tossed a few treats onto the floor. “

  Suddenly, Abbie’s front door flung open, hitting the wall with a loud thud. “Abbie!”

  The moment she saw Hunter her heart sank before her anger reared its ugly head again. “Get out!”


  “Get the fuck out, Hunter. I’m not joking.”

  “Neither am I, Abbie.” He stalked toward her with a determined look in his eyes.

  When Abbie saw his angered expression, her blood boiled. How dare he be angry with me? “You played me, Hunter, just like you did all those years ago. I should have known better.”

  “I never played you. You’ve got everything twisted.”

  “I don’t know how I can twist it. You’ve booked your flight and are leaving. I just wish you would have told me sooner, maybe then I wouldn’t have made the worst decision in my life.”

  Hunter brows shot to the ceiling. “Are you kidding me?”

  “I hate you.” She narrowed her eyes on him as her anger skyrocketed.

  “No, you don’t and you never did.” Abbie was flying through the air tackling Hunter to the ground before she knew it.

  “For fuck’s sake!” Before Abbie could comprehend it, Hunter had her under him completely pinned. “Listen here, you insane woman. I’m not leaving. I don’t ever plan on leaving.”

  “Why are you lying to me?”

  “You’re not listening.” He let out a deep growl. “And you fucking punched me!”

  “I would do it again! Let go of me and I’ll kick you in the balls this time.”

  “Why is it so hard for you to comprehend that I’m in love with you?”

  “Because you’re a big, fat, egotistical, lying jerk!”

  Hunter released her arms before jumping to his feet. “You are a pain in my ass, do you know that? I’m not leaving, Abbie. I’m staying right here. I saw your business plan last night and I want in. I want to be your business partner. I sent an email to my old boss asking for advice. I have no fucking clue how Bill knew about that, or why he thought I was going back. That’s what the email was about.”

  As Abbie lied there on the floor she blinked. “What?”

  “You heard me. Last night I saw your notice on your computer, then I found your plan to start your own advertising firm. I don’t know, I thought I could prove to you how serious I was by contacting my old boss to ask for advice. The same boss that threatened to push me off a cliff if I didn’t go after you and stop moping around. Then once I got some insight from him, I was going to do everything I could to convince you we should do this together. No one can deny we make a great team, not even you. My proposal is for us to go fifty-fifty and if you decided you didn’t want that, I’ll be your first employee.”

  “You found my business stuff?” Abbie jumped to her feet.

  “Yes, I found it all last night. And might I add, I’m pissed at you for not telling me. What the hell, do the words I love you mean nothing to you? Why don’t you trust me?”

  Abbie couldn’t answer him. “I can’t—”

  Hunter paced the room but stopped to glare at her. “Fine, we will go over this one more time since your thick head is out of its fucking mind. I love you, Abigail Collins. I am madly in love with you. I am not flying back to the east coast. I’m not leaving this state. Fuck, I’m not leaving this house. You and I are meant to be. You know it, and I know it. And it’s about time you stop being a child. I don’t even know why we are fighting right now.”

  “That’s what we do!” she screamed. “We fight. We’re always fighting and that’s not a healthy relationship!”

  “We’re always fighting because you won’t let your goddamn walls down and let me in. We fight because you think I’m gonna walk out on you like your dead-beat father. Newsflash, Abbie, I’m not him and will never be him. And, you pick fights because you can’t admit to yourself, or me, that you love me just as much as I love you. And that’s fucking bullshit, Abbie.”

  “Of course, I love you!” she yelled at the top of her lungs as tears ran down her face. “I’ve always loved you. I’ve loved you since that first fucking dare and I didn’t know it. That’s why when you left it devastated me! You took a part of my soul with you and I hated you for that. I hated you for all of it.” Tears fell from her eyes. “I love you so much it hurts. I’ve been fighting it and I’m losing. I’m losing every step of the way. I hate you for making me love you.”

  At the weight of her confession Abbie crumbled to the floor as her sobs filled the room. Hearing herself say it out loud for the first time broke every last thing inside of her. She was never supposed to let Hunter back into her life.

  She was never supposed to love him.

  “Say it again.”

  Through her cries, Abbie managed to look at him. His gorgeous face had become a watery mess through her tears. “What, that I hate you?”

  Hunter dropped to his knees in front of her cupping her face in his hands. “Say that you love me.”

  Abbie stared into his eyes, while she analyzed everything she could. And for the first time, she saw how sincere his words were.

  There was no pity, no anger, just love staring back at her.

  A small smile formed on her lips. “Why, so it can go to your big head and inflate your ego even more?” she tried to joke.


  “Fine,” she sat back on her legs and looked him in the eyes, praying that her heart would finally heal saying the words. “I love you, Hunter. I am in love with Hunter fucking James. I loved you back then, and somewhere throughout the course of me walking into that damn board room with my tits out and you being there I’ve fallen so deeply in love with you it hurts. That scares me. I’m scared you’re going to leave just like you did before. Just like my dad did.” Tears streamed down her face as every wall she ever had up came crashing down.

  “Abbie,” Hunter spoke softly as his eyes pierced into her. “I dare you.”

  You have got to be kidding me! Right now, wasn’t the time for their stupid dare off. “You dare me to what?”

  “I dare you to marry me.”


  Four Months Later

  “Stop touching it,” Abbie growled at Hunter as they sorted through their documents.

  “I put it there, so I’m not gonna stop touching it,” Hunter said as the corner of his mouth turned up into that smirk she hated to admit she now loved.

  “If you want to keep your hand intact, I would remove it from my stomach.” Abbie pushed his hand away, finally succeeding.

  Hunter let out a chuckle as he pulled his hand back. “When do you think you’ll start to really show? I want everyone we come across to know you’re spoken for.”

  Abbie rolled her eyes at his remark. She knew he only said it to get a rise out of her. “It doesn’t matter. If you keep touching my stomach, you won’t live to see it.”

bsp; Hunter sat back on the couch ignoring her idle threat as he always did. “I wonder if it’s gonna be a boy or girl.”

  “I wonder if they’re going to be as annoying as you are?” she growled in his direction.

  “Let’s hope they don’t end up with your anger issues.”

  Abbie put her hand over her chest as her mouth fell open. “I do not have anger issues!”

  “You punched me in the face.” Hunter eyes widened.

  “Are you ever gonna let me live that down?” She quirked her brow at him. “Besides, you deserved it,” she huffed out sitting back onto the couch.

  “Just so you’re aware, you’ve gotten a lot meaner since you can’t have tea anymore.”

  Why did he have to remind her of that? Abbie missed tea and the stupid decaffeinated herbal teas did nothing for her. How was she going to survive the next billion and a half months with this alien creature inside her without her precious tea?

  “Glad, I can still have some.” Hunter took a sip from his mug causing Abbie to send an evil glare his way.

  “Stop talking.” She pointed to the document on the coffee table. “Rupert stop eating that. That’s the contract with Jefferson Exports.”

  Hunter pushed Rupert down causing him to meow in betrayal.

  “It’s not my fault you’re trying to make a meal out of our first account.” Hunter shook the papers out. “I get it, bros before hoes, but if you eat another document, your mother will kill us both. You’ve seen the garden. The sunflowers we got last month didn’t stand a chance.”

  Rupert meowed in agreement before trotting over to his princess bed in all his turquoise turtlenecked glory.

  “I didn’t kill them!”

  “Yes, you did.” Hunter sat back as he watched her with that godforsaken smirk.

  “This is your fault.”

  Hunter cocked his brow. “Why is it always my fault?”

  “It’s easier that way.”

  “I don’t agree.” He leaned over, kissing Abbie on the cheek. “I saved Clark might I remind you.”

  “I’m gonna shove Clark up your ass if you drink another cup of tea in front of me again.”

  “Noted.” Hunter laughed, dismissing her as he turned his attention to Rupert who as now on his back batting the air like a lunatic. “The next animal we get is gonna be a dog and I’m picking it out. We need normal around here.”

  Abbie crossed her arms. “Rupert is normal.”

  “No, Rupert is a hairless ballsack.”

  “He’s going to bite you.”

  “My bad.” Hunter held up his hands as he smiled. “He’s a naked pussy.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I want a Chihuahua so I can dress it up,” Abbie stated matter-of-factly.

  “We’re not getting a yapping dog, Abs. Besides, you’ll dress up any animal we get.”

  “Fine, a Corgi then.”

  Hunter shook his head. “Oh, hell no. I already have to deal with your over the top dramatics. No fucking way are we getting one of those judgmental assholes.”

  “I’m gonna go to the shelter and bring home a dog.” She poked his chest. “And you’re going to just deal with it.”

  Hunter sat back with a dramatic sigh. “I’m not going to win this one am I?”

  “No.” Abbie moved in kissing his cheek. “And, I’m hungry.”

  “You’re always hungry now.”

  “That’s ‘cause I’m eating for two.”

  Hunter beamed at her with pride which sent a warm feeling through her. “That’s right you are, Abbie James.”

  “It’s Abbie Collins-James. Get it right, bub.”

  Hunter rolled his eyes. “I don’t know why you had to tack it on. Couldn’t you’ve just taken my last name?”

  “A Collins never surrenders. A Collins never backs down—”

  “And a Collins never turns down a dare,” he finished mocking her. “Yes, baby, I know. Why do you think we started this dare off to begin with?” He winked at her. “Nothing but a dare, right?”

  Abbie’s mouth fell open. “What are you saying?”

  “With a dare, I can get you to do anything I want. You’re like putty in my hands.”

  “No, I’m not! Take that back!” Abbie stood, lunging at Hunter pinning him to the back of the couch.

  “And, I know exactly how to piss you off to get you to tackle me.” Hunter smirked before he pushed his hips up into her core causing a small moan to escape her lips.

  Abbie straddled his waist as she sat back. “Wait a second, did you just play me?”

  “Maybe.” Hunter shrugged.

  “I love you.” Abbie laughed as she shook her head.

  “I love you, too, Abigail…” he mumbled the word ‘Collins.’ “James.”

  Abbie rolled her eyes at her insane husband. “Now that our advertising business has officially launched, we have a client, Bill got his comeuppance when you’re old boss found out what he’d done. Who knew he had so much pull? We’re married and are about to be parents what are we gonna do next? Fly to the moon?”

  Hunter sat back before rolling his hips into hers again. “I can think of a few things.”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  “But first,” He kissed her. “I dare you.”

  Abbie’s brows knitted together as she watched him. “You dare me to what?”

  “Love me for the rest of our lives.”

  As Hunter’s famous smirk appeared a warm smile spread across Abbie’s face. “Done.”

  Thank you for reading Nothing But a Dare. I hope you enjoyed it! Was your intrigue button pushed when Abbie talked about the book she bought to read on the plane? Maybe the cat the size of a child? If so, Quinn sparks is the alter ego pen name of one Olive Quinn. Read all about Olive and Hank her best friend’s older brother in Teased by Fire. Oh, and find out about the cat the size of a child too. Check out a sneak peek on the next page.

  Teased by Fire Sneak Peek

  Chapter One

  Olive Quinn glared daggers at her traitorous best friend, Miranda Parker, as the bane of her existence moved yet another piece of his furniture into her apartment. This was all Miranda’s fault.

  “Stop trying to murder me with your eyes, Olive.” Miranda sighed in annoyance as she pushed the hair out of her face.

  That only caused Olive to glare harder in her friend’s direction. “I will not stop trying to murder you with my eyes,” Olive whisper shouted. “It’s your fault he is moving into my apartment.”

  “What the hell did you want me to do, Olive? I knew I couldn’t leave you stranded to pay the rent on your own. You’re just pissed I’m moving.”

  “Damn right, I’m pissed. If I were you I’d check every box you packed for surprises.” Olive squinted her eyes harder in Miranda’s direction trying to intimidate her.

  Miranda shook her head. “How many times are we going to go through this? If I thought I had a chance of getting the job, I would have told you. I would have thought hell would’ve frozen over first.”

  “And yet here we are. Hell must be mighty cold right now.”

  “I’m sorry, okay. I’m freaking sorry.”

  At Miranda’s defeated posture Olive softened. “No, I’m the one that’s sorry. You’ve got your dream job now. I need to stop being angry and just be happy for you.”

  “It’s a lot changing all at once.”

  Olive looked at Miranda, her eyes filling with tears. “I’m going to miss you. We’ve been stuck together since the first grade.”

  “Nothing’s changing,” Miranda tried reassuring her.

  “Everything is changing. You’re moving clear across the country and I only found out two days ago. I haven’t had time to accept the fact my only friend is leaving me.” Her eyes narrowed. “And, to top it all off, you went behind my back and gave your brother your room.”

  Miranda sighed before crossing her arms over her chest. “I don't understand why you are freaking out so much? Yeah, Hank is an ass, but if you both stay out of each othe
r’s way, you’ll be fine. Plus, I’ve brought you the best research tool a romance writer could ever ask for. You’ll be able to get a up close and personal experience on how he operates. I brought you a gift.”

  “If you mean the gift of an STD infested man-whore? You can keep it.” Olive’s eyes widened as everything clicked into place. This wasn’t her best friend. There was no way in hell her best friend who she’d known for years would actually be doing this. That settles it. She’d somehow been abducted by aliens and the person standing in front of her was an imposter. This is it. This is the zombie apocalypse we’ve all been waiting for. Olive quickly grabbed Miranda’s arms examining them for any sign of an implant.

  Miranda snatched her hands back. “Jesus, Olive, what are you doing?”

  “Checking to see if you have a tracking device somewhere,” she said as a matter of fact.

  Miranda rolled her eyes. “Do you ever live anywhere other than your fantasy world?”

  Offended, Olive crossed her arms over her chest. “Hey, my weird brain is a masterpiece. How else do you think I come up with my stories?”

  “I don’t know how you function when all you think about is the zombie apocalypse or some strange alien race invading the earth.”

  Olive pointed at her head. “This imagination makes me money.”

  “How? Your brain makes zero sense. You don’t even write the shit that goes on in your mind.” Miranda shook her head. “Olive, you write contemporary erotic romance. Please explain to me how a brain so involved in aliens and zombies writes hardcore romance with alpha males that make all women drool?”

  Olive shrugged. “I don’t know. I think it’s a weird yin and yang thing, you know, balance to the Force and what not.”

  “Fuck!” They heard from the other room as a loud bang echoed throughout the space.

  Olive’s eyes narrowed back at her friend as her lips thinned. “He’s a big oaf, and he’s gonna use his big oaf muscles to make holes in my walls.”

  Miranda crossed her arms over her chest. “All right, Olive, I get it. You’re fucking pissed. Okay. If I were you I’d be pissed too, but there is nothing we can do about it now. Hank is moving in. Right now, as we speak. He needed a place and you need someone that can pay half the rent. End. Of. Story.”


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