by Tony Bennett
Hell Gate Bridge, 81, 88–89
Heller, Rob, 242
Hemion, Dwight, 194, 203–02
Henderson, Skitch, 89–90
Hendricks, John, 168
Henry, Sweet Henry (musical), 131
Henry Hudson Hotel (New York), 121
Here’s to the Ladies (album), 251
Herman, Woody, 82, 94, 157, 196
Herzoz Hotel (Bad Schwalbach), 72, 74–75
High School for the Performing Arts, 41, 42, 43
High School of Industrial Arts (now Art and Design), 41, 42, 43–44, 45, 46, 69
Hillside Sound Studio (Englewood, N.J.), 256
Hilton Hotel (Las Vegas), 185, 215
Hines, Earl, “Fatha,” 222
Hinton, Milt, 148
Hiroshima, 68
Hitler, Adolf, 49, 51, 56, 61
Hockney David, 243
Hoffman, Dustin, 85
Holiday, Billie, 86, 88, 250, 252–53
Holland, 225
Hollywood, 35, 177, 217, 232, 235
Homer, Mae, 40–41
Hometown, My Town (album), 157–58, 161
Hope, Bob, 59–60, 73, 88, 97–99, 106, 202
Horn, Paul, 195
Horn, Shirley, 145
Home, Lena, 90, 115, 127, 214–15
Horrible Records (label), 96
Hot Springs, Arkansas, 163
Houston, Texas, 128
“How Do You Keep the Music Playing,” 240
“How Long Blues,” 67
Howe, Buddy, 118
Hughes, Chuck, 215
Hurnperdinck, Engelbert, 98
Hutton, Betty, 74
Hyde Park (London), 138
I Gotta Be Me (album), 215
I Left My Heart in San Francisco (album), 167
“I Left My Heart in San Francisco” (song), 104, 163–66, 169, 172, 195, 246
“I Let a Song Go Out of My Heart,” 203
“I Realize Now,” 85, 118
I Sustain the Wings, 73
I Wanna Be Around (album), 174 “1
Wanna Be Around” (song), 173–74, 246
“I Want My MTV” campaign, 247
“I Won’t Cry Anymore,” 110
“Ida (Sweet As Apple Cider),” 26
lenner, Don, 243–45, 246
“If I Ruled the World,” 187
If I Ruled the World (Songs for the Jet Set) (album), 179
Iglesias, Julio, 246
“I’ll Be Seeing You,” 141
“I’m Gonna Move to the Outskirts of Town,” 67
“I’m Just a Lucky So and So,” 141, 203
Improv (label), 221–22, 223, 224, 233
In Person! (album), 154
“In the Middle of an Island,” 148–49, 150
Innovations Orchestra, 76
IRS, 232, 234
“It Amazes Me,” 172
“It Don’t Mean a Thing (If It Ain’t Got That Swing),” 203
It Might As Well Be Swing (album), 246
It’s a Funny Old World (musical), 212
It’s All Yours (radio show), 72–73
“I’ve Come Home Again,” 242
Jackson, Janet, 247
Jackson, Michael, 247
Jackson, Milt, 145, 195
Jackson, Quentin, 195
Jacobs, Bob, 73
“Jamboree Jones,” 94–95
James, Harry, 44, 101, 104
Japan, 49, 62, 67
Jews, 52
Jobim, Antonio Carlos, 171
Johnny Concho (film), 139
Johnson, Nora, 130
Joker Is Wild, The (film), 127
Jolson, Al, 18, 26, 46
Jones, Jo, 148, 151
Jones, Philly Joe, 225
Jones, Quincy, 186–87, 198, 246
Joplin, Janis, 190–91
Jordan, Helen Hobbs, 86
Jordan, Louis, 67
Judgment at Nuremberg, 89
“Just Because We’re Kids,” 254
“Just In Time,” 125, 168, 195, 246
Kallen, Kitty, 108
Kamuca, Richie, 195
Kansas City, 151
Katz, Abe, 79, 80
Katz, Freddy, 66, 74, 79–80, 89–90, 92, 254
Katz, Mr., 79–80
Katz, Stan, 79
Katz family, 79
Keane, Helen, 224
Keating, Johnny, 192
Keaton, Buster, 96, 146
Kelly Hymie, 185
Kelly, Nancy, 40
Kennedy, John F., 170, 178
Kennedy, Mrs. John F., 117
Kennedy Center (Washington, D.C.), 170
Kenton, Stan, 76, 89
Key Club (Chicago), 156
Kilgallen, Dorothy, 130
King, Martin Luther, 178, 181, 182, 183
Kinstler, Everett Raymond, 42–43, 243
Kismet, 124–25
Kiss Me, Kate, 124
“Kiss You,” 106
Kitchings, Irene, 253
Kocher River, 60
Kostelanetz, Andre, 73
Krugman, Jay 246
Krupa, Gene, 101
Kunzelsau, 65
Kyser, Kay, 101
La Cava (New York City), 87
La Guardia, Fiorello, 26, 27–28
La Guardia School of Music and the Performing Arts, 241
LaBarbera, Joe, 197, 235, 246–47
Laico, Frank, 103–04, 142, 154, 167, 170, 175, 216, 223, 245
Laine, Frankie, 89, 123
Lambert, Hendricks, and Ross (singing group), 168, 223
Landsberg, 60–61
Lane, Burton, 189
Lang, Eddie, 128 lang, k.d., 250
Langdon, Dory, 160
Langosch, Paul, 235, 247, 253
Las Vegas, 90, 114, 126–27, 158, 175, 180, 186, 201, 206, 215, 219, 227, 236–37, 254
Latin Casino (Philadelphia), 153–54
“Laughing at Life,” 252
Lawford, Peter, 177
Lawrence, Bob, 74
Lawrence, Elliot, 82 Lech River, 60
Legrand, Michel, 200, 209
Lehavre, France, 54
Leibovitz, Annie, 240 Leigh, Carolyn, 172
Leighton, Bernie, 215
Leon and Eddie’s (New York City), 87
Leonard, Eddie, 26
Leonard, Jack E., 155
Lerner, Alan Jay, 125, 189
Leslie, Sy, 94
Leslie Records, 94, 95, 220
Letkoff, Major, 71
Letterman, David, 238
Levy, Lou, 187
Levy, Morris, 153, 154
Lewis, Joe E., 127–28, 184
Lewis, Ted, 212
Lieberson, Goddard, 102, 107, 125–26, 142, 149, 165, 167, 174
Life Is Beautiful (album), 222–23
Life magazine, 184, 185, 187
Limelight, 96
Lindbergh, Charles, 140
Listen Easy (album), 215
Little Big Man (film), 68
Little Italy, 10, 11, 90, 114
Little Rock, Arkansas, 52
Littlewood, Yvonne, 208, 235
Live at the Sahara (TV special), 236
“Live by Request,” (TV show), 252
Live in Buffalo (album), 222
Liverpool, England, 138, 212
Living Room, The (bistro, Chicago), 168
Loew’s State Theater (Cleveland), 122
Logan, Joshua, 67
London, 138, 147, 178, 192, 193, 198–99, 212, 223, 243
London Philharmonic Orchestra, 208
“Lonely Place, A,” 192
Long Ago and Far Away (album), 152
Long Island City, 15
Long Island Railroad, 95
“Look of Love, The.” 214
Loprete, Chachi, 241
Los Angeles, 175, 194, 217, 218
“Lost in the Stars,” 195
Louis Armstrong and His Friends (album), 193
Lourdes (daughter of Madonna), 254
“Love Look Away,” 159
“Love Scene,” 202, 203
LP (long-playing record), 102, 133, 134
Luden, Irv, 75
“Lullaby of Broadway,” 168
Lundvall, Bruce, 239
Mack, Ted, 92
MacWhinney, James, 38–39
MacWhinney Julie, 38–39
Madonna, 247, 253–54
Main Event (TV special), 227
Major Bowes Amateur Hour, 91
Maksik, Ben, 117
“Mammy,” 176
Manchester, England, 212
Mandel, Johnny, 187, 192
Manhattan, 17, 27, 39, 44, 81, 88, 114, 120, 140, 234
Mann, Abby, 89, 178, 183
Mann, Herbie, 152
Mannheim, Germany, 66, 69, 77
Manning, Marty, 104, 160, 164, 173
Mansfield, Irving, 104–05
Mansfield, Ohio, 119, 122
Many Moods of Tony, The (album), 160, 179
Mar-A-Lago (mansion), 254
“Marching Along Together,” 28
Marsala, Joe, 179
Martin, Dean, 127, 177, 180, 233, 246
Martin, Hugh, 95
Martin, Jane, 220
Martin & Lewis, 145
Marty’s (club, New York), 238
Marx, Harpo, 127
Marx, Karl, 80
M*A*S*H, 55
Masso, George, 72, 76–77
Mathis, Johnny, 179
Matz, Peter, 204, 205
Maugham, Somerset, 18
May, Elaine, 221
“Maybe September,” 186
MCA, 106
McCartney Paul, 198–99, 249
McGhee, Howard, 148
McGrath, Judy, 250
McKenna, Dave, 238
McPartland, Jimmy, 222
McPartland, Marian, 208, 222
McQuade, Mrs., 27, 28
McRae, Carmen, 147, 183
Medoff, Jack, 112, 121
Meet Me In St. Louis, 95
Melody Maker, The (magazine), 148
Mercer, Johnny, 75, 94, 173, 200, 254
Mercury Records, 102, 108
Merrill, Marlin, 63–64, 65
Merv Griffin Show, 107
Method acting, 85
Metronome (magazine), 94
Metropolitan Apartments, 41, 88
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 41
Metropolitan Opera, 26
Metropolitan Opera
Orchestra, 80
MGM, 175, 176
MGM Grand (Las Vegas), 219
MGM/Verve, 211–12, 215
Miami, 104, 110, 117, 122, 145–46, 181, 201
Miami Beach, 145
Miami Copa, 145
Midwest, 111
Miles, Butch, 235
Miles Davis Sextet, 224
Military, Frank, 245
Miller, Bill, 245
Miller, Glenn, 71–72, 73, 74, 88
Miller, Mitch, 99, 102–03, 104, 106–07, 108, 110, 112, 117, 122–24, 133, 134–35, 148–49, 150, 153, 159, 160–61
Mills Brothers, 23
Mingus, Charles, 148
Miracle Worker, The (film), 68, 167
Mr. Broadway (album), 125, 167
Mitchell, Guy, 123
Mitchell, Red, 66, 77
MOB Records, 96
Modern Times (film), 206
Moe’s Main Street (Cleveland, Ohio), 119
“Moment of Truth, The,” 195
Monro, Matt, 213
Monsieur Verdoux, 96
Monterey Pop Music Festival, 190
Monterose, J. R., 148
Montreal, 152
Mooney, Joe, 145
“Moonglow,” 250
Moore, Phil, 90
Moranis, Rick, 238
Morrow, Anne, 140
Mosbach, 63, 64
Moscow Art Theater, 85
Mother Cabrini Old Age Home, 228
Motley Crue, 244
Mottola, Tommy, 243
Mount Vesuvius, 1–4
Movie Song Album, The, 186, 187
MTV, 247–48, 249–50, 253
MTV Unplugged, 249–50
MTV Video Music Awards, 248
Murray, Jan, 87, 105, 106, 117
Murrow, Edward R., 107
Muscarella, Ray, 90–91, 94, 95–96, 97, 99, 113–14, 121–22, 137
Museum of Modern Art, 42
My Fair Lady, 125–26, 174
My Heart Sings (album), 161, 167
“My Kind of Town,” 227
“My Mom,” 18, 254
“My Mother’s Eyes,” 47–48
“My Reverie,” 134
“My Way,” 228
NAACP, 184
Naples Italy, 1, 9
Naples Bay, 9
Naples Emigrant Aid Society, 9
Nassau, 122
NBC, 138, 208
NBC TV, 97
“Near You,” 108
Nelson, Willie, 246
Neophonic Orchestra, 76
Nestle Inn (Astoria), 81–82
“New Deal, The,” 49
New Musical Express, 199
New Orleans, 114
“New York, New York.” 246
New York City 9–10, 27–28, 41, 77, 79, 80, 104, 112, 115, 118, 120–21, 122, 129, 148, 157, 170, 193, 196, 235, 237–38, 241, 257
New York Philharmonic, 201
New York City Police Department, 178
New York magazine, 238
New York Palace, 35
New York Post, 238
New York Times, The, 106, 166, 238
Newley, Anthony, 179, 200, 212
Newport Jazz Festival, 225
Newsday, 238
Nicholas Brothers, 115
Nichols, Mike, 221
“Night of One Hundred Stars, The” (show), 228
Niles, Duke, 174
Nispel, Marcus, 247
Nola Studios (New York City), 147
“Non-Fraternization Blues, The,” 67
Normandy, 56
Novi, Gene di, 112–13, 128, 134
Oakie, Jack, 95
Odets, Clifford, 68
Of Human Bondage (Maugham), 18
O’Hara, Catherine, 238
“Old Devil Moon,” 248
“On a Clear Day (You Can See Forever),” 189
On the Glory Road (album), 167
“On the Other Side of the Tracks,” 172
“On the Sunny Side of the Street,” 76
On the Town, 68–69, 151
Once in My Life (album), 215
“Once Upon a Time,” 164–65, 195
“One,” 227
O’Neill, Eugene, 46
Ornadel, Cyril, 179
Oscar, 89, 185, 187, 192
Oscar, The (film), 185–86, 194
Osser, Glenn, 159
“Our Lady of Fatima,” 108
“Over the Rainbow,” 175
Paar, Jack, 92, 107
Paley, William S., 101–02, 107, 126
Palladium, 206, 214
Palmer House (Chicago), 179, 185
Pan, Hermes, 218–19
“Paper Doll,” 23
“Paper Moon,” 118
Paramount Pictures, 185, 186
Paramount Theater, 44, 89, 97, 98, 113, 114, 117, 120, 121, 139, 142
Paramus, New Jersey, 48
Parker, Charlie, 86, 113, 134
Parker, Dorothy, 67
Parker, Eleanor, 185
Parker, Ross, 41
Parnell, Jack, 214
“Party’s Over, The,” 158
Pastor, Tony 92, 123
Patton, Gen George, 57
Paul Revere (band), 179
“Pawnbroker, The,” 187
Pawnbroker, The, 187
Payne, Don, 150, 171, 174
Payne, Sonny, 233
PBS, 93, 238
Peak, Bob, 174, 199
Pearl Harbor, 49, 51
Penn, Arthur, 68–69, 74, 167–68
“Pennies from Heaven,” 31
sp; “Penthouse Serenade,” 73
Perfectly Frank (album), 245–46
Perry Como Presents, 139
Pettiford, Oscar, 148
Pheasant Tavern (Astoria), 81
Philadelphia, 154
Philips label, 211
Piaf, Edith, 250
Piccadilly (club, Paramus, N.J.).48
Pied Pipers, 44
Pigalle (nightclub, London), 212
“Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,” 123
Pizzarelli, Bucky, 216
Plato, 80
Playboy, 156
Playboy After Hours (TV show), 156
Playboy Club (Los Angeles), 194
Playboy’s Penthouse (TV show), 152, 156, 172
“Playboy’s Theme,” 172
Playground, The (album), 254
Podargoni, Italy 7
Poland, 49
Police Athletic League, 238
Polygram Records, 211
Porgy and Bess, 206
Porter, Cote, 46, 95, 124, 142, 151, 236
Pratt, Bobby, 82
Presley, Elvis, 37, 161, 179
Previn, Andre, 160
Prima, Louis, 113, 114, 115, 127, 201
PS, 143, 38, 42
Pyrites, N.Y., 12, 30–31, 32
Queen Mother of England, 187, 192
Queens, 27, 47, 81, 83
Queensboro Bridge, 88
“Quiet Nights of Quiet Stars,” 195
Radio City Music Hall, 228, 241
Raffles, Paul, 155–56
“Rags to Riches,” 124, 150
Raiders (band), 179
Rainbow and Stars (New York), 255
Rainbow Bar and Grill (Far Rockaway), 95
“Rambling Rose,” 180
Ramone, Phil, 246
Rappaport, Paul, 252
Rat Pack, 177
Raye, Martha, 95–96
RCA Records, 101, 108
Red Door (Astoria), 81
Red Hot Chili Peppers, 247–48
“Reflections,” 203
Rehak, Frank, 169
Reinhardt, Django, 147
Republican party, 26, 27
Reverie, 134
Rhine River, 56, 58
Ricardo’s Restaurant (Astoria), 48
Rich, Buddy, 44, 115, 195, 196
Richeson, Doug, 247, 253
Rickles, Don, 129
Rio de Janeiro, 171
River Edge, New Jersey, 116, 198
Riverdale, New York, 131
Riviera (Las Vegas), 126, 186
Rizzoli, 256
Robeson, Paul, 18
Robinson, Hubbell, 106, 107
Rockefeller Center, 255
Rodgers, Richard, 159, 194, 200
Rodgers and Hart, 46, 216
Rogers, Will, 46
Rolling Stone, 240
Rollins, Jack, 220–21, 222, 232
Ronnie Scott’s (London), 224
Ronstadt, Linda, 239
Rooney, Mickey, 67, 69, 175, 176
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 49
Rose, David, 73
Rosengarden, Bobby, 169
Ross, Annie, 213, 223
Roulette Records, 153, 154
Rouse, Russell, 185
Rowles, Jimmy, 187
Roxy, 129
Royal Albert Hall, 206, 208
Royal Festival Hall, 206
Russell, jane, 59, 98
Russo, Charlie, 77
Sabu, 152, 169