Their Secret

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Their Secret Page 4

by Cassandra Dee

  Looking out the tinted window, I see an office building and curiosity floods my mind. Why would Gray want me to meet him at an office? This day can’t get any stranger.

  “Thanks, Elmer.” I force a smile before climbing out the backseat and walking into the brick building.

  A thin blonde woman greets me at reception.

  “Hello! You must be Mona, welcome to Healing Solutions,” she murmurs, clipboard in hand.

  Wait a minute. How did she know my name? Suspicion makes my stomach clench.

  “Healing Solutions?” are my skeptical words. What needs to be healed? What’s going on? This can’t be right – what the heck does Gray have in mind?

  But the blonde woman remains unperturbed.

  “That’s right. Mr. Thorn is already waiting for you in Dr. Channing’s office. You can take the elevator up to the fourth floor and Vanessa will lead you to his office.”

  “This is a doctor’s office?” I ask in disbelief.

  The woman nods with a fake, plasticky smile.

  “That’s right! Dr. Channing is one of the best in the business,” she says, lowering her tone. “There’s no one better than Mason Channing in this town. Or in the nation, for that matter,” she brags proudly.

  But my mind is spinning. Because why would Gray think I need to see a doctor? Oh God, he thinks I’m mentally ill. Are they going to run tests on me to see if I’m unstable? There’s nothing wrong with me, I swear. I just have a crush on my stepdad, and who can blame me? The man is hot. Just because I’m attracted to a gorgeous man doesn’t make me crazy.

  Or does it?

  “This way please,” the woman buzzes, stepping towards an elevator.

  Woodenly, I follow on feet that feel as heavy as concrete.

  “Thanks,” is my mumble, making my way into the lift. The walls are mirrored, and my wild expression stares back. Oh god. I am insane.

  But the doors slide open then, and this time a brunette woman meets me with a smile too big for the solemn occasion.

  “Hi, Mona!” she chirps cheerily. “I’m Vanessa. I’m looking forward to assisting you through this healing journey. Can I show you to your first session?” She holds her arm to me without waiting for me to reply.

  Um no, but does it matter? Tentatively I take her arm.

  “Thanks,” is my mumble. And with that, the woman leads me down the hall before pushing a door open to reveal a room that takes my breath away.

  Because for starters, it looks nothing like a doctor’s office. The room is white and airy, with large windows showcasing a beautiful garden just beyond the glass. My eyes roam quickly, mouth open. Is that natural sunlight? And how much did that topiary cost?

  But then my mouth closes with a snap.

  Because there are two gorgeous alphas seated on the luxurious, low slung couches. One of whom happens to be my stepdad.

  Gray’s massive form is draped on a loveseat, those blue eyes hungrily devouring my body. My pink blush deepens to a bright red then, temperature going up a million degrees.

  But then the other man speaks, and the trance is broken.

  “You must be Mona,” the other man growls. He’s sitting in a matching leather loveseat, and a glass coffee table separates him from Gray.

  My eyes snap towards his, and the air in my lungs evaporates.

  Because this man is gorgeous.

  True alpha material for sure.

  Wavy blonde hair is pushed off from a high, proud forehead. Azure eyes take me in from a classically patrician face complete with a cleft chin and strong, high cheekbones.

  And god, his body. He’s just as big as Gray, six four at a minimum, with broad shoulders encased in a perfectly cut suit. That massive chest narrows into a vee, with long legs currently at rest.

  “Yes,” I breathe the answer, unable to look away. “Yes, I’m Mona.”

  The blonde man continues, completely unaffected.

  “I’m Dr. Channing. Welcome to Healing Solutions,” he speaks in that smooth, deep voice, rising to his feet while extending a hand.

  I force my feet to carry me across the plush carpet, my small fist swallowed by that massive grip. Oh god, he’s huge up close, the scent of musky male hitting my nostrils.

  This is my doctor?

  What doctor looks like a Greek god come to life?

  And unbidden, the words slip from my lips.

  “You’re a doctor?” I blurt.

  Dr. Channing smiles knowingly, like he gets the question a lot.

  “Yes, Mona,” he says with a chuckle, motioning towards the leather loveseat next to Gray. “I get it. I don’t dress like one most days, but I am, promise.”

  After all, the man’s wearing a dark blue suit and white button-down that sets off the tanned glow of his skin. It’s weird – I’ve never seen a doctor in anything other than a lab coat.

  I sneak a glance at Gray while taking a seat on the settee next to him, but the dark man doesn’t look my way, staring straight ahead.

  And Dr. Channing continues.

  “I’m a psychiatrist, and Gray has contacted me to speak with the two of you. While we haven’t kept in touch, Gray and I have known each other since we were in college,” Dr. Channing says smoothly as Gray nods in agreement.

  “So, why am I here?” I turn to face my stepdad, but he flexes his jaw without turning in my direction. God, he’s sexy even when doing the stoic, silent alpha male.

  But Dr. Channing is unperturbed.

  “Gray told me you’re having a difficult time together. He wanted me to help you work through your issues if you’d be open to having me join the conversation.”

  What issues?

  Oh wait, those issues.

  But is Gray serious? He wants us to talk about them with a stranger? That seems weird. So I nod hesitantly.

  “Okay,” is my slow word, still a little unsure of how Dr. Channing can help the situation. Oh god, how much does he know already?

  But it’s impossible to tell, and the blonde man continues.

  “Great. It’s important for us to be open with each other, because I can’t help you without knowing the truth. If you’re both comfortable breaking down your history, I’m happy to listen to how you both feel you’ve gotten to this point.”

  Very professional. Maybe this Dr. Channing person really is a doctor.

  And Gray begins, that handsome face a mask.

  “I married Mona’s mother a little over two years ago,” the alpha growls, still not looking at me. “Kathy.”

  “Were you comfortable with the marriage between Gray and your mother?” Dr. Channing turns to me.

  Oh god. What to say? I decide to stick with the truth.

  “There was no marriage,” are my slow words. “I mean, it didn’t last.”

  “Kathy left shortly after our wedding, and it’s been two years since we’ve heard from her,” Gray explains, lending a little color.

  Dr. Channing’s brows gather, like Cupid considering another take.

  “So you haven’t spoken to your mother?” he asks smoothly. I scrunch my nose. This is a hard question, but the answer’s clear.

  “No. I haven’t heard from mom since she left,” is my whispered reply.

  “We’ve continued living together,” Gray interrupts bluntly, “and things have gotten a bit out of hand as of late.”

  Dr. Channing turns clear blue eyes my way.

  “Do you feel things have gotten out of hand, Mona?” are his neutral words, giving nothing away.

  “I guess so.” I bite my lip. “I mean, last night…and then this morning…” The words trail off, and I blush hotly looking down at my lap.

  “You guess so?” Gray finally pierces me with those blue eyes, and my stomach twists into nervous knots. He’s so aggressive when he’s angry, and the growl in his voice is more than enough to let me know that he’s still mad.

  “What happened?” Dr. Channing asks Gray smoothly.

  After glancing at me, expression dark, Gray begins.r />
  Oh god, our secret’s out! This is really happening.

  “Mona came to me in a state of undress,” my stepdad says through clenched teeth.

  Dr. Channing looks merely amused, one eyebrow arched. “Oh?”

  Gray glares at me and a hot thrill rushes down my spine. “She showed me her cunt,” is that icy reply.

  “I did,” is my meek agreement, searching Dr. Channing’s face for clues to his thoughts.

  But Mason Channing gives nothing away.

  “Why did you do this, Mona?” comes his smooth voice.

  “Um.” Swallowing nervously, I bite my lip. “I’m...attracted to Gray.”

  There. It was out. Somehow it’s always better to speak the truth, even if it’s embarrassing.

  “In what way?” Dr. Channing shoots back.


  “Use words, Mona,” Dr. Channing encourages. “It’s okay. This is a safe space.”


  The sentence trails off again. Why is this so difficult to admit? After all, it’s not like the feelings are new. I’ve wanted Gray for every minute of the last year.

  But this is different. And as much as I hate to admit it, it’s hard. But no pain, no gain. No risk, no reward, right? So I take a deep breath and go for it.

  “I…I want him to take my virginity,” I say softly.

  Both men stare at me then. But Gray knows exactly what I’m talking about.

  “She’s been offering herself,” he adds sharply. “Every which way.”

  A moment of pause.

  “Do you think that’s appropriate?” Dr. Channing says neutrally. Wow, this guy is really a pro. The admission should have been shocking, the man jumping out of his skin. But he’s sitting here calmly like it’s no big deal.

  “Um…I…don’t think so.” I lick my dry lips.

  Dr. Channing turns to my stepdad next.

  “And Gray, how do you feel about this?”

  The alpha looks ready to rip me to pieces, tearing my body apart with his bare hands.

  “Well, I made this appointment immediately afterwards, so I think that’s an indication,” the man grunts, shaking his head with agony.

  Dr. Channing tries again.

  “Let me re-phrase. Do you have those type of thoughts towards Mona as well?”

  But my stepdad won’t answer the hard questions, even as my big brown eyes turn towards him, wide and pleading.

  “Don’t go there, Mason,” Gray says sternly, eyeing the doctor with fierce anger.

  Mason raises his hand in a placating manner.

  “I know how you feel, but this is part of the process,” the psychiatrist says calmly. “Otherwise, I’m afraid I won’t be able to help you.”

  Mason shakes his head angrily, like an animal caught in a cage.

  “You can see her, Mason. Of course she’s sexy as hell, but that’s inappropriate. I’m married to her mother, I can’t have a sexual relationship with Mona,” Gray growls, still not meeting my eyes.

  Silence for a moment as the admission sinks in.

  Gray wants me! Oh my god, oh my god!

  Happiness flows like sunshine through my veins, my head practically levitating from my shoulders.

  But Dr. Channing is all about being professional.

  “So, you want Mona, but you just don’t want her to do what she did. Is that right?” he asks slowly.

  The question has my head spinning. Man, this guy is great with words.

  But Gray’s on it.

  “What do you think, Mason?” The dark man’s head tilts viciously as he stares across the coffee table, frustration evident in his eyes.

  I flush. “Yeah, um, what do you think?” is my quick refrain. “Mason,” I add belatedly.

  The blonde man turns to me, running long fingers through the golden strands. I can see him debating whether to mention that I’ve just called him by his given name, but when he finally lets his lips curl into a subtle smile, it’s amusement that rules.

  “I think that you two need to discuss your wants openly, that’s all,” he says in a neutral voice. “As with any therapy, the parties need to be open and accepting for change to happen.”

  Mason’s voice is preternaturally calm and I blink at him, wondering what exactly all that shrink-speak actually means.

  “I don’t know what we’re supposed to discuss,” is my slow reply. “What else can we say?”

  But instead of answering me, Mason turns to Gray. “I think we’ve made good progress for today. Now, we all know what happened and just need to consider what we want to happen next.”

  My stepdad sighs, his broad form slumping a bit in the chair. I wonder if he’s thinking this is pointless. After all, our secret is devastating. We’re attracted to one another, stepdad and stepdaughter. We want the taboo, the illicit drawing us like moths to a flame.

  So what is there to talk about really?

  This is one hundred percent wrong, no two buts about it.

  And when I look over, the dark man’s already rising to his feet, extending his hand to Mason.

  “That’s it?” I wonder aloud. “We’re done for today?”

  Dr. Channing chuckles slightly.

  “Yes, Mona. Each session is fifty minutes, and we’ve hit our limit. There’s a long ways to go, but together, I’m sure we can ascend this hill.”

  And then the blonde man gets up, extending his hand towards me.

  “It was nice to meet you,” he drawls, looking right into my eyes. My heart starts beating fast, unable to withstand the pure power of that look. “I look forward to our next session,” Mason concludes.

  But as his hand reaches for mine, that blue blazer gapes a bit, and I see it then.

  His cock.

  That monster erection is a massive bulge in his jeans, wrapped around his waist like a firehose.

  Oh my god, he wants me!

  Something’s gotten to him. Maybe it’s the whole thing. The dirty revelations. The knowledge that a man and his stepdaughter desire one another. The fact that the ultimate taboo is a fire blazing bright right now

  And Mason doesn’t care that I’ve seen his arousal. In fact, he wants me to see it because the smirk on his face deepens.

  “Until next time,” he says smoothly, shaking my hand before turning away. “Next week, same time?”

  And the goodbyes are a blur. Because I stumble out the door, senses on fire, unable to see or hear anything. My brain was filled with images of the two alphas, one dark, one light, both sinfully compelling.

  Oh god. Two men want me?

  Two men want to sample my curves, dipping into the untouched pink?

  Two men want to taste my nectar, driving their sticks into the soft, welcoming flesh?

  Oh god, yes. Yes, this is the answer … because suddenly therapy has never seemed so good.

  Chapter 5


  “You sure about this?” I ask, glancing over at Mason, eyeing the amber whiskey on the bar in front of me.

  It’s my third drink, and my mind is beginning to alter. Thoughts blur as my shoulders grow light, concern slipping from my consciousness. The hotel bar is swank and dimly lit, creating an alluring vibe.

  “I mean, is there some type of ethical line we’re crossing?” I narrow my eyes. “If this goes against ethics, I’m out – there’s no way I’d tell another shrink about Mona.”

  Mason laughs casually.

  “We were friends before any of this, so we can still have drinks together,” he assures me. “Chill out Gray.”

  Mason is right. This thing with Mona is stressing me out like crazy, so a drink with an old friend is necessary. I haven’t been on any dates since Kathy left, so it’s nice to relax without any pressure. Sure, I’ve fucked a few girls. I’m not a saint, and my wife left with the goddamned pool boy for Christ’s sake. A man has needs, and Kathy’s absence wasn’t going to stop me from finding my satisfaction.

  But while sex is easy for me to come by, a relationsh
ip is not. I’ve found it hard to trust women since Kathy left. Usually, I’d lose interest the moment she walked out the door, face and name forgotten immediately.

  But with Mona, it’s different. The little chickadee has a grip on me. Plus, she’s right. I take care of her with a private chef for meals. I make sure a driver is at her beck and call. I send her to the best school in the state, and make sure she has a hefty weekly allowance.

  But now the craving is unbearable. Hearing her admit to being attracted to me was one of the hottest fucking things I’ve ever heard in my life. My cock is twitching and stiff just thinking about how I make her pussy drip with sweet, virginal nectar.

  Watching her walk in that office, I wanted to kiss her. I wanted to pull her on my lap and reach right beneath that dress, to stroke her pussy lips roughly as she squirms on my cock.

  Fuck! Where the hell is this coming from? This is wrong!

  I’ve just left family counseling and already my mind is back in a lustful space. Wow.

  “What’s going on?” Mason asks smoothly, blue eyes calm.

  “Nothing,” I lie.

  But the blonde man knows me better.

  “She’s a hot piece of ass, that Mona,” is his chuckle. The alpha’s response shocks me, and I can’t stop my eyes from shooting up to meet his.

  Why the hell is he saying that?

  Isn’t it against ethical rules for a psychiatrist to comment on the personal appearance of his patient?

  But something makes me stop.

  Because I never noticed the pure azure of his eyes. Sure, I get it. Mason is a good-looking guy. But I never really noticed until now, in the hotel bar. The way his lip twitches before he smiles makes me chuckle. It’s like he’s unsuccessfully trying to fight the same fight that rages through my veins.

  For a moment, I think about lying and saying that I wasn’t thinking of Mona at all. But that’s when I notice Mason eyeing the bulge at my crotch.


  “Yeah, she is,” I grunt. “She really is.”

  Mason’s brows lift.

  “I can’t blame you for wanting to fuck her, Gray. I’d feel the same,” he says, looking straight into my eyes.

  There’s a long pause between us as we look at one another in a strange stare down. A shiver runs down my spine. Mason has always been so alpha, his jaw tense as his stare grows more intense. There’s no other word for it, he’s … sexy.


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