Their Secret

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Their Secret Page 21

by Cassandra Dee

  I stopped with my beer bottle halfway to my mouth.

  “Naw, baby girl, where’d you hear that?” I drawled. “That’s some fucked up shit.”

  Sara nodded, swallowing hard.

  “I know,” she said softly. “But Martine, my roommate, said you’re known for it. The dumping that is.”

  I pulled a wry grin.

  “Seriously baby girl, you gotta stop trading in rumors. Your roommate’s exaggerating, she’s off the reservation because ‘dumping’ is something that happens in relationships,” I drawled. “We just met last night, sweet thing.”

  Color flooded her cheeks and she bit her lip, unsure. But taking another deep breath, Sara pressed forward.

  “I know, but even if it’s exaggerated, is it true? I mean, do you do that? Do you ‘pump and dump’?” the girl choked a little.

  Shit, the words were so filthy, absolutely disgusting, and yet I wanted to hear them again. I wanted her to say “Pump me Daddy, fill me up” and all sorts of rancid, nasty words. But Sara was looking at me earnestly, and I couldn’t lie. I couldn’t tell her something that didn’t make sense.

  So I tried to go easy, even if I was speaking the truth.

  “Listen,” I ground out. “I’m not who you think I am. I’m a strange dude you met at the bar last night, and yeah, we ended up fucking. But it was good right?”

  She bit her lip again.

  “It was, but that doesn’t answer my question,” she whispered. “Do you pump and dump?” she repeated.

  And I sat back in the booth, spreading my arms out. Aw, shit. There was no way to avoid it. I fixed her with a hard look.

  “Listen baby, I’m a Navy SEAL. A sailor. I get deployed, I’m gone for months at a time. Even a year or more sometimes. So yeah, have I ever fucked a girl and then dropped her, leaving the country? Fuck yeah, it’s happened. Not all the time, but I’m not gonna lie, it’s happened.”

  Sara sat back, silent, just looking at me.

  “But you kept in touch, right?” she said in a soft voice. “There are satellite phones and email, you tried to keep in touch, even if was hard, right?”

  I shook my head. The sweet teen didn’t get it.

  “Naw baby, we don’t keep in touch. War’s not like that,” I ground out. “You think I’m in some green zone with phones and computers? SEALs do the dirtiest shit, I’m in the desert with a sack of water and binoculars, ammo and a gun in my pack. So naw, baby girl, we didn’t keep in touch. Not at all.”

  The words were starkly honest, and Sara took another long breath.

  “Well, I guess it’s different if you’re deployed,” she said quietly. “It’s different, it’s challenging and difficult, but serving in the armed forces is an honor.”

  And that short phrase made me pause. Because that’s what military men look for in our women. The life isn’t easy, either for the sailor or his family. We’re gone for long stretches of time with no way to communicate, and it takes a certain type of woman with a certain type of flexibility and understanding, to make it work. And right now, it looked like Sara had it.

  But before I could say anything, the female surprised me because she took another deep breath and looked me in the eye, big brown pools of caramel that I could drown in.

  “Well, I don't want a relationship either,” she began bravely. “School just started for me and I don't want any guy to distract me from my classes.” The girl took another deep breath and then a sip of the martini.

  “Yeah?” I grunted.

  “Yes.” She nodded vigorously, the thick brown curls around her face bobbing over her shoulders, sliding down to stroke the tops of her tits.

  “I may have been a virgin until last night,” she blushed again, making me smile despite all the warning bells going off at the back of my head. “But I know what good sex feels like. If you want to keep—” She stuttered again and I just wanted to lean across the table and grunt like an animal. “—having sex with me, I'd like that. No attachment, nothing serious. I have a degree to get, then I plan to go to business school so that I can help my mom. No boyfriend is worth sacrificing that goal for.”

  Boyfriend? Who the fuck had said boyfriend? I’m a lone wolf, stalking through the night, boyfriend wasn’t even in my vocabulary. But there was no point saying it because this conversation was fan-fucking-tastic, unbelievable to my brain.

  “All right. That sounds real good,” I ground out, all the while wondering how long she could keep up that attitude.

  And Sara nodded then, taking another deep breath.

  “No strings,” she said firmly. “No attachment, no anything,” she said, holding up her martini glass. I clinked with her, but inside, there was an insistent little voice. Because every girl I've fucked always wanted to do the whole hand-holding and possible future together bullshit.

  And honestly, I doubted Sara would be any different. If I didn't want her so damn much, I'd probably have let her down easy after the steak and beers. But her pussy was so damn sweet, and at this point I was willing to give my left nut to cum inside her again, anywhere she'd let me. Her mouth, her pussy, her ass, fuck, her goddamn belly button would be a-okay. I adjusted the lengthening hardness along the left pant leg of my jeans.

  “Okay,” Sara said, taking another deep breath and looking me straight in the eye. “Okay, I’m glad we got that settled.”

  “You got it, baby girl,” I echoed with a savage smile. I could play it this way as long as she could.

  So what next? Was I supposed to ravage her, to use that sweet pussy and then throw her out the door? That’s what sex with no attachment means right?

  But curiously, the date just kept going, and it was surprisingly nice. When the food came, we ate it, sharing small talk. She told me about she planned to major in English Lit and I told her about me hanging out in town at the pool until orders for my SEAL team's next deployment came down. She giggled a little.

  “Really? Lifeguard? It hardly seems like a good fit for your skills,” the girl laughed.

  I grunted.

  “Why not?” I drawled. “I save lives in my real job, why wouldn’t lifeguard make sense?”

  She blushed.

  “Well you know, you’re a professional,” she said. “Hanging out by the pool with a bunch of teeny boppers hardly seems fun.”

  She was right, it wasn’t fun anymore. The skinny chicks always trying to get with me got on my nerves. But a job’s a job, and I treat everything with professionalism.

  “Naw baby girl, a SEAL’s a good fit. We swim like fish, and I could do CPR in my sleep. Lifeguarding’s easy.”

  Sara’s eyes danced.

  “That’s what I mean,” she said softly. “You’re so much more than a lifeguard, the position’s below you. You could be an executive somewhere, or maybe a CEO. You’ve got so much to offer, Mason.”

  And those words shook me to the core. Because this was a girl who could see beyond the easy. She could see beyond the muscles, the uniform, the “hot sailor” aura that follows us everywhere. Sara knew that SEALs are intelligent operatives, we do the hardest shit that no one can do, and there’s a world of opportunity beyond the Navy.

  So I grunted.

  “CEO huh?” I rasped. “You think I’m CEO material?”

  She smiled at me, those brown eyes wide.

  “I do, Mason. I do. It takes a lot to survive on the battlefield, a lot of wits, brain, intelligence, and flexibility. You could definitely bring that to the business world, companies would die to hire you.”

  And I stared at her again then. Because who was this chick? Who was the sweet teen whose powers of perception were astonishing? I sat back, thoughts whirling. Shit, she was so much more than I bargained for, so much, much more.

  But I didn’t let on that Sara had touched me deep, instead keeping the conversation light. And after dinner, with the paid check sitting on the table between us, Sara sipped on her second martini, smiling that shy smile. Awww fuck, the girl was absolutely delectable, thos
e huge boobies aimed at me the entire meal, and I grunted then.

  There were a lotta ways I could do this. Play coy and ask if she had any plans for the rest of the night. Walk her to her car and wait fifteen minutes before making a move. But suddenly the words burst from my lips.

  “You want to go back to my place?” Alright, not exactly Mr. Romeo, but it got the job done.

  And Sara blushed then before biting her lip.

  “Yeah, sure,” came that sweet murmur. With a grunt, I was on it, no time to lose.

  “Come on baby girl,” came my low voice. “Let’s go.”

  It turned out she didn't have a car so that simplified things. We got into my POS Chevy Malibu, just something for me to get around in, and burned rubber all the way to my place.

  The female was nervous. I could see it in the way she played with the hem of her dress, folding and unfolding it between her fingers. But she was excited too, with those shy, quick glances at my dick, and the slight, breathy pants. And every time her eyes traveled to my cock, it got harder, firming up under my zipper, ready to fuck.

  When we got to my apartment door, I had a moment of nerves. Not about performing because I was already hard for her and had about dozen fantasies of what I wanted to do to her juicy body as soon as I got her alone. But I remembered the unfriendly white of my apartment. Nothing personal in it except my clothes, and even those were mostly recycled military shit among the occasional Old Navy jeans and T-shirts. But fuck it. We were there to fuck not exchange decorating tips.

  I opened the door and held it open for her.

  “Go on in,” I growled, and watched her sexy ass twitch across my threshold and into the apartment.

  Closing the door, I immediately started getting naked. No need to waste time. We were here to fuck and both of us had waited long enough.

  Sara's eyes were big and wide as she watched me. “You don't want do it in your room?”

  “I don't have any roommates, sweetheart. I can fuck anywhere in this whole apartment, even in the kitchen if you like tabletops.” By the time I finished talking, my shirt was off and I was working on the button of my jeans.

  She stared at my heavily muscled chest, and I swear I could see any worries about the living room versus the bedroom fall out of her head. Oh yeah, my body does that to chicks. Bronzed and toned, I’ve got an eight pack with heavy, broad shoulders. Sara was under my spell for sure, and now, she just looked hungry for dick.

  “You want to help me with this?” I asked, trailing a rough finger along the huge ridge at my crotch. “You wanna help?”

  Sara nodded.

  “Yes,” came that soft whisper. “Yes, please.”

  “Then come get it, baby girl.”

  She came closer, eyes flitting between my naked chest, the tattoos I had on display and the serious tent I was sporting in my jeans. The smell of her came closer too, flowery and delicate, all woman.

  Once again, she swiped her tongue across those deep pink lips of hers.

  “Come closer, baby,” I rasped. “You wanna put your mouth on my dick?”

  She was licking her lips so much I hoped that was the case. And suggesting a blow job to a recent non-virgin probably wasn't the best idea but I had the feeling Sara was a quick study.

  Because I didn't wait for her to tell me ‘yes’ again. Instead, I took her hand and placed it firmly on the zipper.

  “Pull,” I commanded.

  She hesitated for a moment, but then the sound of the zip was loud and dirty in the room. Sara watched with entranced eyes, unable to look away, and gasped when my dick popped out. Because most days I don’t bother with underwear, and tonight was no exception. I was commando, hard and long all the way.

  But there was something different because fuck, I was so fucking aroused, and my dick had left wet spots on the denim. Oh yeah, I was leaking all over myself, my cock salivating to get at her.

  And with her eyes wide and breathing heavy, Sara touched my hard rod, a reverse grip that made my pulse speed up. A tingling heat sizzled through my body and pooled low in my balls. My chest expanded, the air in my lungs hot and still as my cock visibly enlarged in her hand. Aw, fuck, she had the sweetest grip, those fingers barely circling around my length.

  And with wonder in her eyes, the stroke began. Aw, fuck fuck fuck! It was so fucking good and right on time, pre-cum spurted from my slit.

  “Touch the head, baby,” I rasped. “Spread that wet around.”

  Her eyes flicked up at my face then back to my dick. She used her thumb by instinct, stroking the tip in a smooth but firm motion that made my eyes damn near roll back in my head.

  “Yeah, that's right.” My voice had gone all gravely. I was surprised I could even talk. But fuck, I wanted to feel good, and I wanted her to feel good too. “Now spread it around, get my dick wet with that.”

  And she moved her hand up and down my ten inch pole, her sweet mouth parted with amazement and pleasure as her hand made disgusting wet noises going up and down my fuckrod.

  Awww fuck, it’s fun teaching virgins. And I had more in store for her.

  “Get on your knees, baby. I want you to suck me.”

  Her tongue did its licking thing again and I almost lost it, lust slamming through me in a rolling wave. With any other woman, I would’ve shoved her to her knees, nudging her mouth with my cock until she opened up to take me. But I forced myself to be patient, to let Sara take her own time.

  And with a soft sigh, she sank to her knees in front of me. The brunette held my hard shaft like she was holding a microphone. I took her hand and adjusted her grip so that it slid against me smoothly.

  “Like this baby,” I growled. “Hold the base, loose, yeah. Like that.”

  Flicking her gaze between my face and my dick, those lips parted, pink and plush, oh so tempting. My fuckrod literally spurted then, a small splash jetting out to splatter on the floor.

  “Oh!” the girl cried out, eyes wide, staring at the messy white. “Oh god!”

  I growled.

  “That’s right, pretty baby,” I rasped. “That’s what you do to Daddy, you make him so fucking horny. Now put it in your mouth,” I commanded. “Now.”

  And this time, the girl didn’t hesitate. Opening her mouth wide, she leaned down and covered the head of my dick with her plush pout.

  Jesus, I was gonna fucking explode.

  As she sucked, those teeth scraped my sensitive skin, making me rumble, abs tightening.

  “Awww fuck,” came my grunt. “Aw fuck fuck fuck, your mouth is so fucking good.”

  But the little girl was a novice, and needed direction. So I ground out, “Lick in the slit baby. Push your tongue into Daddy’s slit. Fuck! Yeah, just like that.” And my whole world boiled down to the sweet suction of her mouth, those big brown eyes looking up at me as she sucked, pink lips stretched obscenely wide by my cock.

  It was so fucking good...

  I clenched my big fist in her hair and moved her a little on my dick, a tiny experiment. She moaned, causing me to buck, unable to help myself. And fuck, but I shoved my dick deep into her mouth then, all the way down her throat. The brunette gagged and pulled off, coughing.

  “I’m sorry Daddy,” she panted, hacking still, bent over a little. “I’m sorry.”

  Did I feel bad? Did I feel bad about stuffing those cheeks full until Sara was a chipmunk? Did I feel bad about the fact that she’d had a case of the dry heaves, choking on my dick? Hell no! I just waited, fisting my shaft while staring at her expectantly.

  And Sara looked up again. There was a smear of lipstick on her cheek, the pink gloss so tantalizing, and when I looked down, oh yeah, that same smear formed a circle at the base of my cock. Fuck yeah, the girlie was getting the lesson of her life, she was gonna be a champion dicksucker by the time we were over.

  But first things first.

  “You okay?” I asked casually, big body still vibrating.

  She nodded, eyes wide.

  “I liked it,” s
he admitted. “I’m sorry I didn’t get it down all the way, I could try again if you want.”

  I seriously thought about taking her up on the offer. After all, what could be better than teaching a girl to suck cock, tutoring her in the finer points of oral sex? But the sight of the curvy brunette kneeling at my feet, big gazongas practically leaking out, made me ache like a mofo. I needed to get into that pussy stat.

  Shoving my pants all the way down and off, I grunted. Enough playing, my dick was throbbing and granite hard, leaking like a fucking faucet now. And when she made to get up, I pushed her rudely onto her back, gasping and eyes wide.

  “Down,” I rasped. “Did Daddy say you could get up?”

  And with one strong rip of my fists, those panties were gone. Oh yeah, I trashed that little piece of nothing, ripping her dress to shreds until only that sweet body was before me, pulsing and ripe.

  “Daddy?” came the chickadee’s shocked gasp. “Daddy?”

  I grunted. This is how a SEAL rolls, we like it dirty and hot, our girls taking commands.

  “Show me that slit,” I ground out. “Show Daddy that dirty slit.”

  Sara stared at me, unmoving at first, breasts heaving. But the female’s a smart one, she knows when she’s outmatched and outgunned. And slipping two fingers down, the pretty brunette spread her thighs before holding her labia apart, showing me those glistening insides.

  “Is this what you want to see, Daddy?” she breathed, breasts heaving hotly. “Is this it?”

  Aw fuck, that pink pussy was so beautiful. Her inner channel was a darker pink, a ruby rose almost, wet and hot. And as I watched, a drop of cream gathered at her hole before sliding wetly down her ass.

  “Aww fuck,” I ground out, fisting my dick roughly. “This is exactly what Daddy needs. Just the thing.”

  But the girl deserved a good time too, so I reached down to stroke those fat nether lips, trailing my finger through the wetness.

  “Do you want this dick, baby?” I ground out, fucking her with one finger, testing her tightness to see how ready she was for me. Aww fuck, she was so tiny, barely able to accommodate even my index.


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