
Home > Romance > Captivated > Page 14
Captivated Page 14

by Lauren Dane

  She paused and then nodded her head, her hands over her mouth as she continued to laugh.

  That moment seemed to have relaxed the three of them and Vincenz made sure she stayed distracted on the three-hour trip to Asphodel. So many people around made him heighten all his attention.

  “When I … the last time I traveled things were different,” she murmured as they finally reached the ground once they’d disembarked.

  “What do you mean, beautiful Hannah?” Vincenz tried not to flinch when he noted the station just ahead. They’d all be scanned and while he and Julian carried no weapons at the moment, they’d all have to submit to a scan and physical pat down. He could use his security clearance to get them all past the scans, but that defeated the purpose of stealth. No, their cover was that of two ex-soldiers and Vincenz’s fiancée, and they didn’t go around security checkpoints. They went through them like everyone else.

  “There are many more soldiers on the streets. They watch differently. Everyone is very tense.”

  “The war has changed things.” Julian paused and tipped her chin up. “Do you remember when we talked about the enhanced security stations?”

  Her eyes widened and Vincenz wished there was a way around it. She nodded and looked around until she caught sight of the station just up the lane.

  “It will be quick. All right? Vin and I will be with you at all times. I won’t ask if you can do this because I know you can. I promise to make you come extra hard when this is all over and we’re settled into the private transport.” Julian held her gaze as Vincenz caught the effort it took her to get herself together and nod.

  “Can I help?” Vincenz brushed a kiss over her lips and watched her brighten a little.

  “Pat me down or make me come?”

  He laughed, hugging her. “Both. Later.”

  He knew the effort it took her to appear natural at the checkpoint. But she did. He knew her heart was pounding. Knew she trembled. Luckily there was no physical pat down so at least she didn’t have to go through that part.

  Vincenz put an arm around her and once they’d gotten away from the portal station he paused and pulled her into his embrace, but she pushed him back, shaking her head. “No. I can’t right now. Just leave me be for a bit.” Her voice wobbled just a little, and Vincenz had to stifle his need to comfort.

  Instead, he nodded and took her hand, Julian the other, and they walked again until they caught sight of Liora Falk, another Phantom Corps operative, just up ahead.

  Hannah took in the diminutive, pixie-faced operative and smiled hesitantly.

  “You’re Hannah.” Liora pumped her hand up and down a few times. “I’m Liora. You two don’t forget to check in before you pass through. I trust you know how to get out of the city and to the portal?”

  She handed a package to Julian.

  “Got it. Are you off in another direction?” Julian asked as he tossed their things into the back of the transport Liora had procured for them.


  When she didn’t elaborate, Julian simply nodded. “Be safe, Liora.”

  “And you. Hannah keep these two out of trouble.”

  She melted into the crowd on the walk across the way and Julian ushered them into the transport before getting them away.

  Chapter 13

  Once they’d gotten everything loaded into the small private transport, Julian left them both in their small berth and went out to help pilot. The private portal was now under the control of the Federated Military Corps and would take them past the Waystation and directly into Imperial territory without any detection.

  It was a slow trip because of the back-channel portals they had to use, but it was worth it to be sure no one saw them. Though the Waystation was now under Federation control after having arrested the Stationmaster and his nephew for treason, Wilhem didn’t trust everyone there completely. So they’d sacrifice speed for stealth.

  Hannah sighed heavily and burrowed under the blankets.

  “Baby, tell me how I can make it better.” He knelt at the side of the bed, laying his head near hers. He stroked a hand up and down her body, over the blankets, using the kind of pressure she preferred.

  “I’ll be all right,” she muttered from the center of her nest.

  “We’re safe now. It’s just you, me, Julian and a few other military people.”

  “I know. I’ll. Be. All. Right.”

  He smiled though he knew she couldn’t see him. “Prickly.”

  She hmpfed.

  “Shall I help you past your bad mood, pet? Hm?” He nuzzled her, pulling the blankets back to reveal her face. “I think I have a few ideas on how to take your mind off things.”

  She fought a smile and lost. “You’re incorrigible.”

  “I am. But you’re prickly because it’s been a challenging day.”

  “Not for you.” Her mouth set and he kissed it.

  “I have my own challenges. Everyone has their own things to overcome. You think you’re so special you get to not have something you have to recover from?” It was a teasing challenge, but one he knew she needed. Feeling sorry for her wasn’t what she wanted, or what she needed.

  Hannah narrowed her eyes at him. But he was implacable. The cad.

  He pulled the blankets back and got in, resting his body atop hers, pulling her arms above her head and holding her wrists. She sucked in a breath, aroused to a full-body flush.

  He was hard and heavy between her legs, the solid length of his cock against her pussy.

  “Well, here you are, beautiful Hannah.” He kissed her, gently at first and then he nipped her bottom lip and moved down, across her jaw and down her neck until he found the hollow of her throat and licked, bringing her skin to gooseflesh in the wake of his touch.

  She writhed against him, knowing he’d let go if she truly wanted it.

  But she didn’t.

  He collared her throat and held her still to return to her mouth. A sound tore from her, from somewhere low and warm, a sound of need and longing. Giving a sound to what she felt every time she looked at one of them.

  “What do you need? Tell me.”

  He wanted her to say.

  She wanted to say.

  “Ah, are you going to be stubborn?”

  Yes. Oh, yes, she was. Because of what it brought from them.

  He rolled off and she watched him through a narrowed gaze as he rustled through his bag. He turned and held out two long leather sheaths with buckles. Curious and titillated, she sat up to lean forward to get a closer look.

  He held them out. “Do you know what these are?”

  Already wet, nipples hard, she shook her head.

  “They’re gloves. For your hands and arms. But first, take your clothes off.”

  She stood on legs that were shaky and not from anxiety. Her hair had already been down, but she made equally quick work of her boots, pants, shirt and underthings. He liked to see all of her, so she gave it to him. The scars from the beatings had bothered her, still did to some extent, but the light in his eyes didn’t dim when he saw them and so that was enough.

  “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?”

  The transport’s engines began to rumble and then hum and she closed her eyes just a moment.

  “You’re the beautiful one.” She opened her eyes to stare at him. At that handsome face with his piercing eyes. Eyes that saw right through her.

  He shook his head. “Turn around and kneel on the edge of the bed. Hands clasped at your lower back.”

  She did, not bothering to hide her eagerness.

  The cool texture of the leather brushed against her hand. “I’m going to need this arm.” She let him take her arm and he slid the leather up to nearly her shoulder. And the same on the other arm.

  The sensation brought her breath out in hard pants. She had to close her eyes it felt so good, that squeezing leather over the whole of her arms. She was held, caressed, her skin totally surrounded.

  And then
it got better.

  He leaned in and spoke to her, his lips against her ear. “I’m going to bind your arms together now.”

  She heard the clink of metal and then felt the tug at her upper arms as he must have fastened the metal clasp, joining her arms together.

  She hung her head, unable to not give in to the languorous pleasure of being bound like that. The sensation of it washed through her, calming, soothing, pushing her distress so far away it wasn’t even in her thoughts anymore.

  Instead she floated in that warm, safe place as her muscles relaxed.

  “Yes, I thought you’d like that.”

  He tipped her forward, keeping a grip on the gloves. Having learned the first time they’d all three been together, she let him take her weight, trusted him to hold her up.

  “I’m going to fuck you, Hannah. So hard, so deep and so fast you won’t have any time to worry about anything but my cock deep inside your cunt.”

  She tried to speak, but only managed to get a muffled groan of assent out. But it was enough because he was pushing in. “So wet. You have no idea what it does to me to know you’re wet and ready for me at all times.”

  His cock continued that long push into her pussy until at long last he was buried to his balls.

  He fucked into her as hard and deep as he’d claimed. And she loved it. Loved the way he held her up, loved the way he petted over her skin with his free hand, loved the soft croons and raw compliments. Loved that he trusted her enough to not always be so gentle with her.

  He made her feel … ravished. And she craved more.

  Craved that way he and Julian broke through her defenses and took what they wanted. Loved that they both seemed to need it as much as she did.

  So she didn’t think about whether or not it was normal, or right, only that it made her feel so good and cherished.

  “When you go limp and pliant it brings the fine hairs on my arms up. Electric. You’re electric, Hannah.”

  Her nipples brushed against the blankets beneath her body as she breathed in the scent of their sex on the air.

  He reached around then, with his free hand, and found her clit, squeezing it between slippery fingers and bringing a rough burst of pleasure barreling through her system.

  “I like it this way. When you come and your cunt hugs me so tight I see stars. Come all around my cock.”

  As if there was anything else she could do but come when his hands were on her. She still wasn’t able to make herself come, but they had no such problems and she had no hesitation in letting them do it for her.

  She writhed, pushing back against his thrusts as he brought her closer and closer. Her inner muscles flexed, fluttered around the invasion of his cock. Need crawled through her like fire until she burst with it. Arching her back, a long ragged groan of his name from her lips as he snarled and fucked into her body even harder.

  Hannah loved that she could bring him to this. Loved that a complicated, strong man like Vincenz could need her this much.

  As if he heard that inner dialog, he leaned down, bit the muscles of her left shoulder and pushed in so deep it snagged the long moan she’d been making.

  He brought her to the bed then, surrounding her with his body as they both got their breath back. She remained bound, her arms at her back. It soothed nearly as much as his scent and the feel of the way he sheltered her, protected her. His body against hers did exactly what he’d claimed. All she could think about was him and what he’d done to her, with her.

  She smiled.

  Julian had come back to a cabin scented of sex and had promptly launched himself into the fray until everyone had ended up a sweaty, satisfied heap. He’d needed that reconnection with both of them. Had needed to touch Hannah, know she was safe, to touch Vincenz the way he’d grown used to in the time they’d had at home over the last months.

  But he found himself awake in the late hours, always sleeping deeply after sex. Hannah wasn’t in the room so he pulled on clothes to look for her, worried. Not about the other people on the transport. They were sneaking over along with a three-person special team who’d go their own way once they got over to the other side. But he didn’t like her scared or lonely.

  He found her curled up in a chair reading through the logs and making notes.

  She looked up as he came in and smiled. The warmth of it swept over him, softening everything. But his cock, that was another story.

  “Are you well?” She got up and moved into his arms where he received her gratefully.

  “I woke up and you weren’t there. Funny how fast I’ve grown used to you in my bed.” He found so much solace in her. Depending on someone wasn’t his strong point. He wasn’t sure he should get used to either of them. Not that he had much of a choice; he couldn’t seem to do without them. Was that weakness, as he’d been taught by his childhood? Each day he had them both, he disagreed more.

  She blushed. “I woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep so I figured I’d get work done. I didn’t want to disturb either of you.”

  He sat and brought her with him, and she snuggled into his body with a contented sigh.

  “I was proud of you today.”

  She startled. “Really? I’m sure I made things harder than if it had been just you and Vincenz.”

  He snorted. “You know what part of me you make harder. Otherwise, you made it easier. Thinking about you kept me focused on getting through without any problems. Would you like to watch a vid? There’s a screen just across the room.” He indicated the small set up for viewing.

  “I used to love movies. So much I’d sneak away from work at midday to see whatever was playing at the cinema house on the edge of campus. When I went to the institute originally, the first thing I did was find the vid zones.”

  “Used to?”

  “Oh, well, I’m sure I still do. I just …”

  Tended to think in terms of how she was before and what she was now. He got that.

  “Sometimes it felt like my thoughts had gone slippery and hard to hold. So I’d sort of re-watch the vids in my head. I had all my favorites memorized, but the last two I saw weren’t very good. So I improved on them, re-wrote them as I went. Maybe I should have watched more of those soldier, assassin vids.”

  She very rarely spoke of her time in the lab, especially from this perspective. Each little bit she gave them only made him fall harder. She was so much more than she thought.

  “That was pretty clever.”

  “It was the only way I could think of to hold on to myself sometimes.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “I’m glad you did.”

  “When do we arrive?” She changed the subject and for the time being, he let her.

  “By midday tomorrow we should be making the first stop to drop Ash, Brandt and Sera off. And then we’ll continue for another half day until we get to Silesia.”

  She nodded. “I’ve been to Silesia before. Only in the inner circle near the portal. Stayed at a hotel with my mother. My grandparents were still alive then and we visited them in Monteh and stopped in Silesia before we came home.”

  “What was it like? Having that foothold in two worlds?”

  “I didn’t know any differently really. My mother met my father and fell in love. I never thought of it as unusual, probably because in my father’s life the academics and researchers also knew people from the Imperium who were colleagues. I had no real idea how hated we were until I was in my mid-teen years. By then it didn’t matter as much because I had that connection and who were these strangers to me? It meant I got to eat fun foods no one heard of, or that my mother wore a different sort of clothing than others did. It wasn’t anything to me but who I was and how I grew up. Until.”

  She and Vincenz were alike in many ways, Julian realized. They’d both had a world filled with juxtapositions. A foot in the past and one in the future. Dual loyalties and allegiances. It made them both stronger than either of them ever saw.

  He’d carried her back to th
eir bed some hours later after they’d watched a few vids. Vincenz had woken up long enough to encircle them both with his arms and he’d fallen asleep.

  Chapter 14

  Julian snapped her shirt up over the body armor beneath. She wisely held back her complaints, but it was clear she wasn’t comfortable or happy.

  “You get used to it.” He kept his tone gruff, training her still, even as he protected her.

  One of her brows went up and he stifled a laugh. “Even if you don’t, it’ll keep you alive if you take a plas-blast or explosive projectile to the chest so you’re wearing it.”

  Vincenz snorted in the background but continued to get all his gear in order.

  She waited patiently, keeping out of the way until they needed her and Julian went into operative mode, checking his weapons and ammo, making sure all his tech was working and synched.

  He’d checked in with Daniel before they’d slipped past the Waystation and they were a go to hit the processing plant. Andrei and Piper would meet them at a site near the plant, they’d handle the munitions and takedown of the physical site while Vincenz and Hannah would hit all the comm stations to grab data. Julian would be back up for them as they moved through the plant itself.

  “We’ll head east and hug that ridge.” He pointed on the map he’d spread out. “We’ve got to get moving and keep moving to stay in the shadow as the sun moves.”

  Away from the Portal city, Silesia was a wild zone. Not always safe with roving bands of workers who’d broken away form their nearly indentured existence at the mines and processing plants ringing the craters. Not that this was such a worry. They’d keep a good pace and would be high enough that it was real work to get up there.

  Hannah had been through the workout he’d custom designed for her. Her upper body strength was above average. Over the months she not only regained her stamina but built on it. Still, the hike would be a challenge. He’d looked at other routes, but this one involved the least risk. She’d flat out refused to go any other way once she’d heard that.

  Stubborn woman.

  He pulled a hat from his bag. “Here. This will help with the heat. I’ve got a camera you’ll clip into the bill when we’re ready. But for now just use the hat.”


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